--TEST-- Asymmetric visibility nested variations --FILE-- prop = new Inner(); } } function r($test) { echo $test->prop->prop; } function w($test) { $test->prop->prop = 0; echo 'done'; } function rw($test) { $test->prop->prop += 1; echo 'done'; } function im($test) { $test->prop->array[] = 1; echo 'done'; } function is($test) { echo (int) isset($test->prop->prop); } function us($test) { unset($test->prop->prop); echo 'done'; } function us_dim($test) { unset($test->prop->array[0]); echo 'done'; } foreach ([true, false] as $init) { foreach (['r', 'w', 'rw', 'im', 'is', 'us', 'us_dim'] as $op) { $test = new Test(); if ($init) { $test->init(); } echo 'Init: ' . ((int) $init) . ', op: ' . $op . ": "; try { $op($test); } catch (Error $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } echo "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECT-- Init: 1, op: r: 1 Init: 1, op: w: done Init: 1, op: rw: done Init: 1, op: im: done Init: 1, op: is: 1 Init: 1, op: us: done Init: 1, op: us_dim: done Init: 0, op: r: Typed property Test::$prop must not be accessed before initialization Init: 0, op: w: Cannot indirectly modify private(set) property Test::$prop from global scope Init: 0, op: rw: Typed property Test::$prop must not be accessed before initialization Init: 0, op: im: Cannot indirectly modify private(set) property Test::$prop from global scope Init: 0, op: is: 0 Init: 0, op: us: done Init: 0, op: us_dim: done