[cmp] # mock server configuration port = 0 # 0 means that the server should choose a random available port srv_cert = server.crt srv_key = server.key srv_secret = pass:test # not needed: accept_unprotected = 1 no_check_time = 1 srv_trusted = signer_root.crt no_cache_extracerts = 1 ref_cert = signer_only.crt rsp_cert = signer_only.crt rsp_crl = newcrl.pem rsp_capubs = trusted.crt rsp_extracerts = signer_issuing.crt rsp_newwithnew = newWithNew.pem rsp_newwithold = newWithOld.pem rsp_oldwithnew = oldWithNew.pem verbosity = 7