--TEST-- Test Tutorial, psychedelicFontGif --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setFormat("gif"); $maxFrames = 11; $scale = 0.25; for ($frame = 0; $frame < $maxFrames; $frame++) { $draw = new \ImagickDraw(); setFontForImagickDraw($draw); $draw->setStrokeOpacity(1); $draw->setfontsize(150 * $scale); for ($strokeWidth = 25; $strokeWidth > 0; $strokeWidth--) { $hue = intval(fmod(($frame * 360 / $maxFrames) + 170 + $strokeWidth * 360 / 25, 360)); $color = "hsl($hue, 255, 128)"; $draw->setStrokeColor($color); $draw->setFillColor($color); $draw->setStrokeWidth($strokeWidth * 3 * $scale); $draw->annotation((int)(60 * $scale), (int)(165 * $scale), $name); } $draw->setStrokeColor('none'); $draw->setFillColor('black'); $draw->setStrokeWidth(0); $draw->annotation(60 * $scale, 165 * $scale, $name); //Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into $imagick = new \Imagick(); $imagick->newImage((int)(650 * $scale), (int)(230 * $scale), "#eee"); $imagick->setImageFormat("png"); //Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object //into the image. $imagick->drawImage($draw); $imagick->setImageDelay(5); $aniGif->addImage($imagick); $imagick->destroy(); } $aniGif->setImageIterations(0); //loop forever $aniGif->deconstructImages(); $bytes = $aniGif->getImagesBlob(); if (strlen($bytes) <= 0) { echo "Failed to generate image.";} } psychedelicFontGif($name = 'Danack') ; echo "Ok"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Ok