'public', self::PROTECTED => 'protected', self::PRIVATE => 'private', self::STATIC => 'static', self::ABSTRACT => 'abstract', self::FINAL => 'final', self::READONLY => 'readonly', self::PUBLIC_SET => 'public(set)', self::PROTECTED_SET => 'protected(set)', self::PRIVATE_SET => 'private(set)', ]; public static function toString(int $modifier): string { if (!isset(self::TO_STRING_MAP[$modifier])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown modifier $modifier"); } return self::TO_STRING_MAP[$modifier]; } private static function isValidModifier(int $modifier): bool { $isPow2 = ($modifier & ($modifier - 1)) == 0 && $modifier != 0; return $isPow2 && $modifier <= self::PRIVATE_SET; } /** * @internal */ public static function verifyClassModifier(int $a, int $b): void { assert(self::isValidModifier($b)); if (($a & $b) != 0) { throw new Error( 'Multiple ' . self::toString($b) . ' modifiers are not allowed'); } if ($a & 48 && $b & 48) { throw new Error('Cannot use the final modifier on an abstract class'); } } /** * @internal */ public static function verifyModifier(int $a, int $b): void { assert(self::isValidModifier($b)); if (($a & Modifiers::VISIBILITY_MASK && $b & Modifiers::VISIBILITY_MASK) || ($a & Modifiers::VISIBILITY_SET_MASK && $b & Modifiers::VISIBILITY_SET_MASK) ) { throw new Error('Multiple access type modifiers are not allowed'); } if (($a & $b) != 0) { throw new Error( 'Multiple ' . self::toString($b) . ' modifiers are not allowed'); } if ($a & 48 && $b & 48) { throw new Error('Cannot use the final modifier on an abstract class member'); } } }