/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: George Wang | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php.h" #include "SAPI.h" #include "php_main.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "php_variables.h" #include "zend_highlight.h" #include "zend_portability.h" #include "zend.h" #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "ext/standard/head.h" #include "lsapilib.h" #include "lsapi_main_arginfo.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) #include "lscriu.c" #endif #define SAPI_LSAPI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH LSAPI_RESP_HTTP_HEADER_MAX /* Key for each cache entry is dirname(PATH_TRANSLATED). * * NOTE: Each cache entry config_hash contains the combination from all user ini files found in * the path starting from doc_root through to dirname(PATH_TRANSLATED). There is no point * storing per-file entries as it would not be possible to detect added / deleted entries * between separate files. */ typedef struct _user_config_cache_entry { time_t expires; HashTable user_config; } user_config_cache_entry; static HashTable user_config_cache; static int lsapi_mode = 0; static char *php_self = ""; static char *script_filename = ""; static int source_highlight = 0; static int ignore_php_ini = 0; static char * argv0 = NULL; static int engine = 1; static int parse_user_ini = 0; #ifdef ZTS zend_compiler_globals *compiler_globals; zend_executor_globals *executor_globals; php_core_globals *core_globals; sapi_globals_struct *sapi_globals; #endif zend_module_entry litespeed_module_entry; static void init_sapi_from_env(sapi_module_struct *sapi_module) { char *p; p = getenv("LSPHPRC"); if (p) sapi_module->php_ini_path_override = p; } /* {{{ php_lsapi_startup */ static int php_lsapi_startup(sapi_module_struct *sapi_module) { if (php_module_startup(sapi_module, NULL)==FAILURE) { return FAILURE; } argv0 = sapi_module->executable_location; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_ini_defaults */ /* overwritable ini defaults must be set in sapi_cli_ini_defaults() */ #define INI_DEFAULT(name,value)\ ZVAL_STRING(tmp, value, 0);\ zend_hash_update(configuration_hash, name, sizeof(name), tmp, sizeof(zval), (void**)&entry);\ Z_STRVAL_P(entry) = zend_strndup(Z_STRVAL_P(entry), Z_STRLEN_P(entry)) static void sapi_lsapi_ini_defaults(HashTable *configuration_hash) { #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 4 /* zval *tmp, *entry; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); INI_DEFAULT("register_long_arrays", "0"); FREE_ZVAL(tmp); */ #endif } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_ub_write */ static size_t sapi_lsapi_ub_write(const char *str, size_t str_length) { int ret; int remain; if ( lsapi_mode ) { ret = LSAPI_Write( str, str_length ); if ( ret < str_length ) { php_handle_aborted_connection(); return str_length - ret; } } else { remain = str_length; while( remain > 0 ) { ret = write( 1, str, remain ); if ( ret <= 0 ) { php_handle_aborted_connection(); return str_length - remain; } str += ret; remain -= ret; } } return str_length; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_flush */ static void sapi_lsapi_flush(void * server_context) { if ( lsapi_mode ) { if ( LSAPI_Flush() == -1) { php_handle_aborted_connection(); } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_deactivate */ static int sapi_lsapi_deactivate(void) { if ( SG(request_info).path_translated ) { efree( SG(request_info).path_translated ); SG(request_info).path_translated = NULL; } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_getenv */ static char *sapi_lsapi_getenv(const char * name, size_t name_len ) { if ( lsapi_mode ) { return LSAPI_GetEnv( name ); } else { return getenv( name ); } } /* }}} */ static int add_variable( const char * pKey, int keyLen, const char * pValue, int valLen, void * arg ) { int filter_arg = (Z_ARR_P((zval *)arg) == Z_ARR(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV])) ? PARSE_ENV : PARSE_SERVER; char * new_val = (char *) pValue; size_t new_val_len; if (sapi_module.input_filter(filter_arg, (char *)pKey, &new_val, valLen, &new_val_len)) { php_register_variable_safe((char *)pKey, new_val, new_val_len, (zval *)arg ); } return 1; } static void litespeed_php_import_environment_variables(zval *array_ptr) { char buf[128]; char **env, *p, *t = buf; size_t alloc_size = sizeof(buf); unsigned long nlen; /* ptrdiff_t is not portable */ if (Z_TYPE(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV]) == IS_ARRAY && Z_ARR_P(array_ptr) != Z_ARR(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV]) && zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV])) > 0 ) { zval_ptr_dtor_nogc(array_ptr); ZVAL_DUP(array_ptr, &PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_ENV]); return; } else if (Z_TYPE(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER]) == IS_ARRAY && Z_ARR_P(array_ptr) != Z_ARR(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER]) && zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL(PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER])) > 0 ) { zval_ptr_dtor_nogc(array_ptr); ZVAL_DUP(array_ptr, &PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_SERVER]); return; } tsrm_env_lock(); for (env = environ; env != NULL && *env != NULL; env++) { p = strchr(*env, '='); if (!p) { /* malformed entry? */ continue; } nlen = p - *env; if (nlen >= alloc_size) { alloc_size = nlen + 64; t = (t == buf ? emalloc(alloc_size): erealloc(t, alloc_size)); } memcpy(t, *env, nlen); t[nlen] = '\0'; add_variable(t, nlen, p + 1, strlen( p + 1 ), array_ptr); } tsrm_env_unlock(); if (t != buf && t != NULL) { efree(t); } } /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_register_variables */ static void sapi_lsapi_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array) { char * php_self = ""; if ( lsapi_mode ) { if ( (SG(request_info).request_uri ) ) php_self = (SG(request_info).request_uri ); litespeed_php_import_environment_variables(track_vars_array); LSAPI_ForeachHeader( add_variable, track_vars_array ); LSAPI_ForeachEnv( add_variable, track_vars_array ); add_variable("PHP_SELF", 8, php_self, strlen( php_self ), track_vars_array ); } else { php_import_environment_variables(track_vars_array); php_register_variable("PHP_SELF", php_self, track_vars_array); php_register_variable("SCRIPT_NAME", php_self, track_vars_array); php_register_variable("SCRIPT_FILENAME", script_filename, track_vars_array); php_register_variable("PATH_TRANSLATED", script_filename, track_vars_array); php_register_variable("DOCUMENT_ROOT", "", track_vars_array); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_read_post */ static size_t sapi_lsapi_read_post(char *buffer, size_t count_bytes) { if ( lsapi_mode ) { ssize_t rv = LSAPI_ReadReqBody(buffer, (unsigned long long)count_bytes); return (rv >= 0) ? (size_t)rv : 0; } else { return 0; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_read_cookies */ static char *sapi_lsapi_read_cookies(void) { if ( lsapi_mode ) { return LSAPI_GetHeader( H_COOKIE ); } else { return NULL; } } /* }}} */ typedef struct _http_error { int code; const char* msg; } http_error; static const http_error http_error_codes[] = { {100, "Continue"}, {101, "Switching Protocols"}, {200, "OK"}, {201, "Created"}, {202, "Accepted"}, {203, "Non-Authoritative Information"}, {204, "No Content"}, {205, "Reset Content"}, {206, "Partial Content"}, {300, "Multiple Choices"}, {301, "Moved Permanently"}, {302, "Moved Temporarily"}, {303, "See Other"}, {304, "Not Modified"}, {305, "Use Proxy"}, {400, "Bad Request"}, {401, "Unauthorized"}, {402, "Payment Required"}, {403, "Forbidden"}, {404, "Not Found"}, {405, "Method Not Allowed"}, {406, "Not Acceptable"}, {407, "Proxy Authentication Required"}, {408, "Request Time-out"}, {409, "Conflict"}, {410, "Gone"}, {411, "Length Required"}, {412, "Precondition Failed"}, {413, "Request Entity Too Large"}, {414, "Request-URI Too Large"}, {415, "Unsupported Media Type"}, {428, "Precondition Required"}, {429, "Too Many Requests"}, {431, "Request Header Fields Too Large"}, {451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons"}, {500, "Internal Server Error"}, {501, "Not Implemented"}, {502, "Bad Gateway"}, {503, "Service Unavailable"}, {504, "Gateway Time-out"}, {505, "HTTP Version not supported"}, {511, "Network Authentication Required"}, {0, NULL} }; static int sapi_lsapi_send_headers_like_cgi(sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers) { char buf[SAPI_LSAPI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH]; sapi_header_struct *h; zend_llist_position pos; bool ignore_status = 0; int response_status = SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code; if (SG(request_info).no_headers == 1) { LSAPI_FinalizeRespHeaders(); return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; } if (SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code != 200) { int len; bool has_status = 0; char *s; if (SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line && (s = strchr(SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line, ' ')) != 0 && (s - SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line) >= 5 && strncasecmp(SG(sapi_headers).http_status_line, "HTTP/", 5) == 0 ) { len = slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Status:%s", s); response_status = atoi((s + 1)); } else { h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); while (h) { if (h->header_len > sizeof("Status:")-1 && strncasecmp(h->header, "Status:", sizeof("Status:")-1) == 0 ) { has_status = 1; break; } h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); } if (!has_status) { http_error *err = (http_error*)http_error_codes; while (err->code != 0) { if (err->code == SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code) { break; } err++; } if (err->msg) { len = slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Status: %d %s", SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code, err->msg); } else { len = slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Status: %d", SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code); } } } if (!has_status) { LSAPI_AppendRespHeader( buf, len ); ignore_status = 1; } } h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_first_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); while (h) { /* prevent CRLFCRLF */ if (h->header_len) { if (h->header_len > sizeof("Status:")-1 && strncasecmp(h->header, "Status:", sizeof("Status:")-1) == 0 ) { if (!ignore_status) { ignore_status = 1; LSAPI_AppendRespHeader(h->header, h->header_len); } } else if (response_status == 304 && h->header_len > sizeof("Content-Type:")-1 && strncasecmp(h->header, "Content-Type:", sizeof("Content-Type:")-1) == 0 ) { h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); continue; } else { LSAPI_AppendRespHeader(h->header, h->header_len); } } h = (sapi_header_struct*)zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); } LSAPI_FinalizeRespHeaders(); return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; } /* mod_lsapi mode or legacy LS mode */ static int mod_lsapi_mode = 0; /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_send_headers */ static int sapi_lsapi_send_headers(sapi_headers_struct *sapi_headers) { sapi_header_struct *h; zend_llist_position pos; if ( mod_lsapi_mode ) { /* mod_lsapi mode */ return sapi_lsapi_send_headers_like_cgi(sapi_headers); } /* Legacy mode */ if ( lsapi_mode ) { LSAPI_SetRespStatus( SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code ); h = zend_llist_get_first_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); while (h) { if ( h->header_len > 0 ) { LSAPI_AppendRespHeader(h->header, h->header_len); } h = zend_llist_get_next_ex(&sapi_headers->headers, &pos); } if (SG(sapi_headers).send_default_content_type) { char *hd; int len; char headerBuf[SAPI_LSAPI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH]; hd = sapi_get_default_content_type(); len = snprintf( headerBuf, SAPI_LSAPI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH - 1, "Content-type: %s", hd ); efree(hd); LSAPI_AppendRespHeader( headerBuf, len ); } } LSAPI_FinalizeRespHeaders(); return SAPI_HEADER_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ sapi_lsapi_send_headers */ static void sapi_lsapi_log_message(const char *message, int syslog_type_int) { char buf[8192]; int len = strlen( message ); if ( *(message + len - 1 ) != '\n' ) { snprintf( buf, 8191, "%s\n", message ); message = buf; if (len > 8191) len = 8191; ++len; } LSAPI_Write_Stderr( message, len ); } /* }}} */ /* Set to 1 to turn on log messages useful during development: */ #if 0 static void log_message (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); char buf[0x100]; vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); sapi_lsapi_log_message(buf #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 7 || (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 7 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION >= 1) , 0 #endif ); } #define DEBUG_MESSAGE(fmt, ...) log_message("LS:%d " fmt "\n", __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_MESSAGE(fmt, ...) #endif static int lsapi_activate_user_ini(void); static int sapi_lsapi_activate(void) { char *path, *server_name; size_t path_len, server_name_len; /* PATH_TRANSLATED should be defined at this stage but better safe than sorry :) */ if (!SG(request_info).path_translated) { return FAILURE; } if (php_ini_has_per_host_config()) { server_name = sapi_lsapi_getenv("SERVER_NAME", 0); /* SERVER_NAME should also be defined at this stage..but better check it anyway */ if (server_name) { server_name_len = strlen(server_name); server_name = estrndup(server_name, server_name_len); zend_str_tolower(server_name, server_name_len); php_ini_activate_per_host_config(server_name, server_name_len); efree(server_name); } } if (php_ini_has_per_dir_config()) { /* Prepare search path */ path_len = strlen(SG(request_info).path_translated); /* Make sure we have trailing slash! */ if (!IS_SLASH(SG(request_info).path_translated[path_len])) { path = emalloc(path_len + 2); memcpy(path, SG(request_info).path_translated, path_len + 1); path_len = zend_dirname(path, path_len); path[path_len++] = DEFAULT_SLASH; } else { path = estrndup(SG(request_info).path_translated, path_len); path_len = zend_dirname(path, path_len); } path[path_len] = 0; /* Activate per-dir-system-configuration defined in php.ini and stored into configuration_hash during startup */ php_ini_activate_per_dir_config(path, path_len); /* Note: for global settings sake we check from root to path */ efree(path); } if (parse_user_ini && lsapi_activate_user_ini() == FAILURE) { return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } /* {{{ sapi_module_struct cgi_sapi_module */ static sapi_module_struct lsapi_sapi_module = { "litespeed", "LiteSpeed V7.9", php_lsapi_startup, /* startup */ php_module_shutdown_wrapper, /* shutdown */ sapi_lsapi_activate, /* activate */ sapi_lsapi_deactivate, /* deactivate */ sapi_lsapi_ub_write, /* unbuffered write */ sapi_lsapi_flush, /* flush */ NULL, /* get uid */ sapi_lsapi_getenv, /* getenv */ php_error, /* error handler */ NULL, /* header handler */ sapi_lsapi_send_headers, /* send headers handler */ NULL, /* send header handler */ sapi_lsapi_read_post, /* read POST data */ sapi_lsapi_read_cookies, /* read Cookies */ sapi_lsapi_register_variables, /* register server variables */ sapi_lsapi_log_message, /* Log message */ NULL, /* Get request time */ NULL, /* Child terminate */ STANDARD_SAPI_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; /* }}} */ static void init_request_info( void ) { char * pContentType = LSAPI_GetHeader( H_CONTENT_TYPE ); char * pAuth; SG(request_info).content_type = pContentType ? pContentType : ""; SG(request_info).request_method = LSAPI_GetRequestMethod(); SG(request_info).query_string = LSAPI_GetQueryString(); SG(request_info).request_uri = LSAPI_GetScriptName(); SG(request_info).content_length = LSAPI_GetReqBodyLen(); SG(request_info).path_translated = estrdup( LSAPI_GetScriptFileName()); /* It is not reset by zend engine, set it to 200. */ SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 200; pAuth = LSAPI_GetHeader( H_AUTHORIZATION ); php_handle_auth_data(pAuth); } static int lsapi_execute_script(void) { zend_file_handle file_handle; char *p; int len; zend_stream_init_filename(&file_handle, SG(request_info).path_translated); file_handle.primary_script = true; p = argv0; *p++ = ':'; len = strlen( SG(request_info).path_translated ); if ( len > 45 ) len = len - 45; else len = 0; memccpy( p, SG(request_info).path_translated + len, 0, 46 ); php_execute_script(&file_handle); zend_destroy_file_handle(&file_handle); return 0; } static void lsapi_sigsegv( int signal ) { //fprintf(stderr, "lsapi_sigsegv: %d: Segmentation violation signal is caught during request shutdown\n", getpid()); _exit(1); } static int do_clean_shutdown = 1; static int clean_onexit = 1; static void lsapi_clean_shutdown(void) { struct sigaction act; struct itimerval tmv; #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 zend_string * key; #endif clean_onexit = 1; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = lsapi_sigsegv; (void)sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGILL, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGBUS, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction(SIGPROF, &act, NULL); memset(&tmv, 0, sizeof(struct itimerval)); tmv.it_value.tv_sec = 0; tmv.it_value.tv_usec = 100000; setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &tmv, NULL); #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 key = ZSTR_INIT_LITERAL("error_reporting", 1); zend_alter_ini_entry_chars_ex(key, "0", 1, PHP_INI_SYSTEM, PHP_INI_STAGE_SHUTDOWN, 1); zend_string_release(key); #else zend_alter_ini_entry("error_reporting", 16, "0", 1, PHP_INI_SYSTEM, PHP_INI_STAGE_SHUTDOWN); #endif zend_try { php_request_shutdown(NULL); } zend_end_try(); } static void lsapi_sigterm(int signal) { // fprintf(stderr, "lsapi_sigterm: %d: clean_onexit %d\n", getpid(), clean_onexit ); if(!clean_onexit) { lsapi_clean_shutdown(); } exit(1); } static void lsapi_atexit(void) { //fprintf(stderr, "lsapi_atexit: %d: clean_onexit %d\n", getpid(), clean_onexit ); if(!clean_onexit) { lsapi_clean_shutdown(); } } static int lsapi_module_main(int show_source) { struct sigaction act; if (php_request_startup() == FAILURE ) { return -1; } if (do_clean_shutdown) { sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER; act.sa_handler = lsapi_sigterm; (void)sigaction( SIGINT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGQUIT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGILL, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGABRT, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGBUS, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); (void)sigaction( SIGTERM, &act, NULL); clean_onexit = 0; } if (show_source) { zend_syntax_highlighter_ini syntax_highlighter_ini; php_get_highlight_struct(&syntax_highlighter_ini); highlight_file(SG(request_info).path_translated, &syntax_highlighter_ini); } else { lsapi_execute_script(); } zend_try { php_request_shutdown(NULL); clean_onexit = 1; memset( argv0, 0, 46 ); } zend_end_try(); return 0; } static int alter_ini( const char * pKey, int keyLen, const char * pValue, int valLen, void * arg ) { zend_string * psKey; int type = ZEND_INI_PERDIR; int stage = PHP_INI_STAGE_RUNTIME; if ( '\001' == *pKey ) { ++pKey; if ( *pKey == 4 ) { type = ZEND_INI_SYSTEM; /* Use ACTIVATE stage in legacy mode only. RUNTIME stage should be used here, as with ACTIVATE it's impossible to change the option from script with ini_set */ if(!mod_lsapi_mode) { stage = PHP_INI_STAGE_ACTIVATE; } } else { stage = PHP_INI_STAGE_HTACCESS; } ++pKey; --keyLen; if (( keyLen == 7 )&&( strncasecmp( pKey, "engine", 6 )== 0 )) { if ( *pValue == '0' ) engine = 0; } else { --keyLen; psKey = zend_string_init(pKey, keyLen, 1); zend_alter_ini_entry_chars(psKey, (char *)pValue, valLen, type, stage); zend_string_release_ex(psKey, 1); } } return 1; } static void user_config_cache_entry_dtor(zval *el) { user_config_cache_entry *entry = (user_config_cache_entry *)Z_PTR_P(el); zend_hash_destroy(&entry->user_config); free(entry); } static void user_config_cache_init(void) { zend_hash_init(&user_config_cache, 0, NULL, user_config_cache_entry_dtor, 1); } static int pathlen_without_trailing_slash(char *path) { int len = (int)strlen(path); while (len > 1 && /* mind "/" as root dir */ path[len-1] == DEFAULT_SLASH) { --len; } return len; } static inline char* skip_slash(char *s) { while (*s == DEFAULT_SLASH) { ++s; } return s; } /** * Walk down the path_stop starting at path_start. * * If path_start = "/path1" and path_stop = "/path1/path2/path3" * the callback will be called 3 times with the next args: * * 1. "/path1/path2/path3" * ^ end * ^ start * 2. "/path1/path2/path3" * ^ end * ^ start * 3. "/path1/path2/path3" * ^ end * ^ start * * path_stop has to be a subdir of path_start * or to be path_start itself. * * Both path args have to be absolute. * Trailing slashes are allowed. * NULL or empty string args are not allowed. */ static void walk_down_the_path(char* path_start, char* path_stop, void (*cb)(char* begin, char* end, void* data), void* data) { char *pos = path_stop + pathlen_without_trailing_slash(path_start); cb(path_stop, pos, data); while ((pos = skip_slash(pos))[0]) { pos = strchr(pos, DEFAULT_SLASH); if (!pos) { /* The last token without trailing slash */ cb(path_stop, path_stop + strlen(path_stop), data); return; } cb(path_stop, pos, data); } } typedef struct { char *path; uint32_t path_len; char *doc_root; user_config_cache_entry *entry; } _lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx; typedef int (*fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t) (_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next); static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_basic_checks(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { int rc = SUCCESS; fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; if (!PG(user_ini_filename) || !*PG(user_ini_filename)) { return SUCCESS; } /* PATH_TRANSLATED should be defined at this stage */ ctx->path = SG(request_info).path_translated; if (!ctx->path || !*ctx->path) { return FAILURE; } ctx->doc_root = sapi_lsapi_getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT", 0); DEBUG_MESSAGE("doc_root: %s", ctx->doc_root); if (*fn_next) { rc = (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } return rc; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_path(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { char *path; int rc = SUCCESS; fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; /* Extract dir name from path_translated * and store it in 'path' */ ctx->path_len = strlen(ctx->path); path = ctx->path = estrndup(SG(request_info).path_translated, ctx->path_len); ctx->path_len = zend_dirname(path, ctx->path_len); if (*fn_next) { rc = (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } efree(path); return rc; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_realpath(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { char *real_path; int rc = SUCCESS; fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; if (!IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH(ctx->path, ctx->path_len)) { real_path = tsrm_realpath(ctx->path, NULL); if (!real_path) { return SUCCESS; } ctx->path = real_path; ctx->path_len = strlen(ctx->path); } else { real_path = NULL; } if (*fn_next) { rc = (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } if (real_path) efree(real_path); return rc; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_user_config(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; /* Find cached config entry: If not found, create one */ ctx->entry = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&user_config_cache, ctx->path, ctx->path_len); if (!ctx->entry) { ctx->entry = pemalloc(sizeof(user_config_cache_entry), 1); ctx->entry->expires = 0; zend_hash_init(&ctx->entry->user_config, 0, NULL, config_zval_dtor, 1); zend_hash_str_update_ptr(&user_config_cache, ctx->path, ctx->path_len, ctx->entry); } if (*fn_next) { return (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } else { return SUCCESS; } } static void walk_down_the_path_callback(char* begin, char* end, void* data) { _lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx = data; char tmp = end[0]; end[0] = 0; php_parse_user_ini_file(begin, PG(user_ini_filename), &ctx->entry->user_config); end[0] = tmp; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_walk_down_the_path(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { time_t request_time = sapi_get_request_time(); uint32_t docroot_len; int rc = SUCCESS; fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; if (!ctx->entry->expires || request_time > ctx->entry->expires) { docroot_len = ctx->doc_root && ctx->doc_root[0] ? pathlen_without_trailing_slash(ctx->doc_root) : 0; int is_outside_of_docroot = !docroot_len || ctx->path_len < docroot_len || strncmp(ctx->path, ctx->doc_root, docroot_len) != 0; if (is_outside_of_docroot) { php_parse_user_ini_file(ctx->path, PG(user_ini_filename), &ctx->entry->user_config); } else { walk_down_the_path(ctx->doc_root, ctx->path, &walk_down_the_path_callback, ctx); } ctx->entry->expires = request_time + PG(user_ini_cache_ttl); } if (*fn_next) { rc = (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } return rc; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini_finally(_lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx *ctx, void* next) { int rc = SUCCESS; fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t *fn_next = next; php_ini_activate_config(&ctx->entry->user_config, PHP_INI_PERDIR, PHP_INI_STAGE_HTACCESS); if (*fn_next) { rc = (*fn_next)(ctx, fn_next + 1); } return rc; } static int lsapi_activate_user_ini( void ) { _lsapi_activate_user_ini_ctx ctx; /** * The reason to have this function list stacked * is each function now can define a scoped destructor. * * Passing control via function pointer is a sign of low coupling, * which means dependencies between these functions are to be * controlled from a single place * (here below, by modifying this function list order) */ static const fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t fn_chain[] = { &lsapi_activate_user_ini_basic_checks, &lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_path, &lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_realpath, &lsapi_activate_user_ini_mk_user_config, &lsapi_activate_user_ini_walk_down_the_path, &lsapi_activate_user_ini_finally, NULL }; return fn_chain[0](&ctx, (fn_activate_user_ini_chain_t*)(fn_chain + 1)); } static void override_ini(void) { LSAPI_ForeachSpecialEnv( alter_ini, NULL ); } static int processReq(void) { int ret = 0; zend_first_try { /* avoid server_context==NULL checks */ SG(server_context) = (void *) 1; engine = 1; override_ini(); if ( engine ) { init_request_info(); if ( lsapi_module_main( source_highlight ) == -1 ) { ret = -1; } } else { LSAPI_AppendRespHeader( "status: 403", 11 ); LSAPI_AppendRespHeader( "content-type: text/html", 23 ); LSAPI_Write( "Forbidden: PHP engine is disable.\n", 34 ); } } zend_end_try(); return ret; } static void cli_usage(void) { static const char * usage = "Usage: php\n" " php -[b|c|n|h|i|q|s|v|?] [] [args...]\n" " Run in LSAPI mode, only '-b', '-s' and '-c' are effective\n" " Run in Command Line Interpreter mode when parameters are specified\n" "\n" " -b | Bind Path for external LSAPI Server mode\n" " -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory\n" " -n No php.ini file will be used\n" " -h This help\n" " -i PHP information\n" " -l Syntax check\n" " -q Quiet-mode. Suppress HTTP Header output.\n" " -s Display colour syntax highlighted source.\n" " -v Version number\n" " -? This help\n" "\n" " args... Arguments passed to script.\n"; php_output_startup(); php_output_activate(); php_printf( "%s", usage ); #ifdef PHP_OUTPUT_NEWAPI php_output_end_all(); #else php_end_ob_buffers(1); #endif } static int parse_opt( int argc, char * argv[], int *climode, char **php_ini_path, char ** php_bind ) { char ** p = &argv[1]; char ** argend= &argv[argc]; int c; while (( p < argend )&&(**p == '-' )) { c = *((*p)+1); ++p; switch( c ) { case 'b': if ( p >= argend ) { fprintf( stderr, "TCP or socket address must be specified following '-b' option.\n"); return -1; } *php_bind = strdup(*p++); break; case 'c': if ( p >= argend ) { fprintf( stderr, " or must be specified following '-c' option.\n"); return -1; } *php_ini_path = strdup( *p++ ); break; case 's': source_highlight = 1; break; case 'n': ignore_php_ini = 1; break; case '?': if ( *((*(p-1))+2) == 's' ) exit( 99 ); ZEND_FALLTHROUGH; case 'h': case 'i': case 'l': case 'q': case 'v': default: *climode = 1; break; } } if ( p - argv < argc ) { *climode = 1; } return 0; } static int cli_main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { static const char * ini_defaults[] = { "display_errors", "1", "register_argc_argv", "1", "html_errors", "0", "implicit_flush", "1", "output_buffering", "0", "max_execution_time", "0", "max_input_time", "-1", NULL }; const char ** ini; char ** p = &argv[1]; char ** argend= &argv[argc]; int ret = -1; int c; zend_string *psKey; lsapi_mode = 0; /* enter CLI mode */ zend_first_try { SG(server_context) = (void *) 1; zend_uv.html_errors = 0; /* tell the engine we're in non-html mode */ CG(in_compilation) = 0; /* not initialized but needed for several options */ SG(options) |= SAPI_OPTION_NO_CHDIR; #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7 EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr) = NULL; #endif for( ini = ini_defaults; *ini; ini+=2 ) { psKey = zend_string_init(*ini, strlen( *ini ), 1); zend_alter_ini_entry_chars(psKey, (char *)*(ini+1), strlen( *(ini+1) ), PHP_INI_SYSTEM, PHP_INI_STAGE_ACTIVATE); zend_string_release_ex(psKey, 1); } while (( p < argend )&&(**p == '-' )) { c = *((*p)+1); ++p; switch( c ) { case 'q': break; case 'i': if (php_request_startup() != FAILURE) { php_print_info(0xFFFFFFFF); #ifdef PHP_OUTPUT_NEWAPI php_output_end_all(); #else php_end_ob_buffers(1); #endif php_request_shutdown( NULL ); ret = 0; } break; case 'v': if (php_request_startup() != FAILURE) { php_print_version(&sapi_module); #ifdef PHP_OUTPUT_NEWAPI php_output_end_all(); #else php_end_ob_buffers(1); #endif php_request_shutdown( NULL ); ret = 0; } break; case 'c': ++p; /* fall through */ case 's': break; case 'l': source_highlight = 2; break; case 'h': case '?': default: cli_usage(); ret = 0; break; } } if ( ret == -1 ) { if ( *p ) { zend_file_handle file_handle; zend_stream_init_fp(&file_handle, VCWD_FOPEN(*p, "rb"), NULL); file_handle.primary_script = 1; if ( file_handle.handle.fp ) { script_filename = *p; php_self = *p; SG(request_info).path_translated = estrdup(*p); SG(request_info).argc = argc - (p - argv); SG(request_info).argv = p; if (php_request_startup() == FAILURE ) { fclose( file_handle.handle.fp ); ret = 2; } else { if (source_highlight == 1) { zend_syntax_highlighter_ini syntax_highlighter_ini; php_get_highlight_struct(&syntax_highlighter_ini); highlight_file(SG(request_info).path_translated, &syntax_highlighter_ini); } else if (source_highlight == 2) { file_handle.filename = zend_string_init(*p, strlen(*p), 0); file_handle.opened_path = NULL; ret = php_lint_script(&file_handle); if (ret==SUCCESS) { zend_printf("No syntax errors detected in %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(file_handle.filename)); } else { zend_printf("Errors parsing %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(file_handle.filename)); } } else { file_handle.filename = zend_string_init(*p, strlen(*p), 0); file_handle.opened_path = NULL; php_execute_script(&file_handle); ret = EG(exit_status); } php_request_shutdown( NULL ); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file: %s.\n", *p); } } else { cli_usage(); } } }zend_end_try(); php_module_shutdown(); #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return ret; } static int s_stop; void litespeed_cleanup(int signal) { s_stop = signal; } void start_children( int children ) { struct sigaction act, old_term, old_quit, old_int, old_usr1; int running = 0; int status; pid_t pid; /* Create a process group */ setsid(); /* Set up handler to kill children upon exit */ sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = litespeed_cleanup; if( sigaction( SIGTERM, &act, &old_term ) || sigaction( SIGINT, &act, &old_int ) || sigaction( SIGUSR1, &act, &old_usr1 ) || sigaction( SIGQUIT, &act, &old_quit )) { perror( "Can't set signals" ); exit( 1 ); } s_stop = 0; while( 1 ) { while((!s_stop )&&( running < children )) { pid = fork(); switch( pid ) { case 0: /* children process */ /* don't catch our signals */ sigaction( SIGTERM, &old_term, 0 ); sigaction( SIGQUIT, &old_quit, 0 ); sigaction( SIGINT, &old_int, 0 ); sigaction( SIGUSR1, &old_usr1, 0 ); return ; case -1: perror( "php (pre-forking)" ); exit( 1 ); break; default: /* parent process */ running++; break; } } if ( s_stop ) { break; } pid = wait( &status ); running--; } kill( -getpgrp(), SIGUSR1 ); exit( 0 ); } void setArgv0( int argc, char * argv[] ) { char * p; int i; argv0 = argv[0] + strlen( argv[0] ); p = argv0; while(( p > argv[0] )&&( p[-1] != '/')) --p; if ( p > argv[0] ) { memmove( argv[0], p, argv0 - p ); memset( argv[0] + ( argv0 - p ), 0, p - argv[0] ); argv0 = argv[0] + (argv0 - p); } for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { memset( argv[i], 0, strlen( argv[i] ) ); } } #include int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int ret; int bindFd; char * php_ini_path = NULL; char * php_bind = NULL; int n; int climode = 0; struct timeval tv_req_begin; struct timeval tv_req_end; int slow_script_msec = 0; char time_buf[40]; #if defined(SIGPIPE) && defined(SIG_IGN) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef ZTS php_tsrm_startup(); #endif #if PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 #if defined(ZEND_SIGNALS) || PHP_MINOR_VERSION > 0 zend_signal_startup(); #endif #endif if (argc > 1 ) { if ( parse_opt( argc, argv, &climode, &php_ini_path, &php_bind ) == -1 ) { return 1; } } if ( climode ) { lsapi_sapi_module.phpinfo_as_text = 1; } else { setArgv0(argc, argv ); } sapi_startup(&lsapi_sapi_module); #ifdef ZTS compiler_globals = ts_resource(compiler_globals_id); executor_globals = ts_resource(executor_globals_id); core_globals = ts_resource(core_globals_id); sapi_globals = ts_resource(sapi_globals_id); SG(request_info).path_translated = NULL; #endif lsapi_sapi_module.executable_location = argv[0]; /* Initialize from environment variables before processing command-line * options: the latter override the former. */ init_sapi_from_env(&lsapi_sapi_module); if ( ignore_php_ini ) lsapi_sapi_module.php_ini_ignore = 1; if ( php_ini_path ) { lsapi_sapi_module.php_ini_path_override = php_ini_path; } lsapi_sapi_module.ini_defaults = sapi_lsapi_ini_defaults; if (php_module_startup(&lsapi_sapi_module, &litespeed_module_entry) == FAILURE) { #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return FAILURE; } if ( climode ) { return cli_main(argc, argv); } if ( php_bind ) { bindFd = LSAPI_CreateListenSock( php_bind, 10 ); if ( bindFd == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to bind socket [%s]: %s\n", php_bind, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 2 ); } if ( bindFd != 0 ) { dup2( bindFd, 0 ); close( bindFd ); } } LSAPI_Init(); #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) int is_criu = LSCRIU_Init(); // Must be called before the regular init as it unsets the parameters. #endif LSAPI_Init_Env_Parameters( NULL ); lsapi_mode = 1; slow_script_msec = LSAPI_Get_Slow_Req_Msecs(); if ( php_bind ) { LSAPI_No_Check_ppid(); free( php_bind ); php_bind = NULL; } int result; if (do_clean_shutdown) atexit(lsapi_atexit); while( ( result = LSAPI_Prefork_Accept_r( &g_req )) >= 0 ) { #if defined(linux) || defined(__linux) || defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) if (is_criu && !result) { LSCRIU_inc_req_processed(); } #endif if ( slow_script_msec ) { gettimeofday( &tv_req_begin, NULL ); } ret = processReq(); if ( slow_script_msec ) { gettimeofday( &tv_req_end, NULL ); n = ((long) tv_req_end.tv_sec - tv_req_begin.tv_sec ) * 1000 + (tv_req_end.tv_usec - tv_req_begin.tv_usec) / 1000; if ( n > slow_script_msec ) { strftime( time_buf, 30, "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S", localtime( &tv_req_end.tv_sec ) ); fprintf( stderr, "[%s] Slow PHP script: %d ms\n URL: %s %s\n Query String: %s\n Script: %s\n", time_buf, n, LSAPI_GetRequestMethod(), LSAPI_GetScriptName(), LSAPI_GetQueryString(), LSAPI_GetScriptFileName() ); } } LSAPI_Finish(); if ( ret ) { break; } } php_module_shutdown(); #ifdef ZTS tsrm_shutdown(); #endif return ret; } /* LiteSpeed PHP module starts here */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(litespeed); static PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(litespeed) { user_config_cache_init(); const char *p = getenv("LSPHP_ENABLE_USER_INI"); if (p && 0 == strcasecmp(p, "on")) parse_user_ini = 1; p = getenv("LSAPI_CLEAN_SHUTDOWN"); if (p) { if (*p == '1' || 0 == strcasecmp(p, "on")) do_clean_shutdown = 1; else if (*p == '0' || 0 == strcasecmp(p, "off")) do_clean_shutdown = 0; } /* * mod_lsapi always sets this env var, * so we can detect mod_lsapi mode with its presence. */ mod_lsapi_mode = ( getenv("LSAPI_DISABLE_CPAN_BEHAV") != NULL ); /* REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); */ return SUCCESS; } static PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(litespeed) { zend_hash_destroy(&user_config_cache); /* UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); */ return SUCCESS; } zend_module_entry litespeed_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, "litespeed", ext_functions, PHP_MINIT(litespeed), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(litespeed), NULL, NULL, NULL, PHP_VERSION, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; static int add_associate_array( const char * pKey, int keyLen, const char * pValue, int valLen, void * arg ) { add_assoc_string_ex((zval *)arg, (char *)pKey, keyLen, (char *)pValue); return 1; } /* {{{ Fetch all HTTP request headers */ PHP_FUNCTION(litespeed_request_headers) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); LSAPI_ForeachOrgHeader( add_associate_array, return_value ); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Fetch all HTTP response headers */ PHP_FUNCTION(litespeed_response_headers) { sapi_header_struct *h; zend_llist_position pos; char * p; int len; char headerBuf[SAPI_LSAPI_MAX_HEADER_LENGTH]; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (!&SG(sapi_headers).headers) { RETURN_FALSE; } array_init(return_value); h = zend_llist_get_first_ex(&SG(sapi_headers).headers, &pos); while (h) { if ( h->header_len > 0 ) { p = strchr( h->header, ':' ); len = p - h->header; if (p && len > 0 && len < LSAPI_RESP_HTTP_HEADER_MAX) { memmove( headerBuf, h->header, len ); while( len > 0 && (isspace( headerBuf[len-1])) ) { --len; } headerBuf[len] = 0; if ( len ) { while( isspace(*++p)); add_assoc_string_ex(return_value, headerBuf, len, p); } } } h = zend_llist_get_next_ex(&SG(sapi_headers).headers, &pos); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Fetch all loaded module names */ PHP_FUNCTION(apache_get_modules) { static const char * mod_names[] = { "mod_rewrite", "mod_mime", "mod_headers", "mod_expires", "mod_auth_basic", NULL }; const char **name = mod_names; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); while( *name ) { add_next_index_string(return_value, *name); ++name; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Flushes all response data to the client */ PHP_FUNCTION(litespeed_finish_request) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } php_output_end_all(); php_header(); if (LSAPI_End_Response() != -1) { RETURN_TRUE; } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */