tester = $tester; } /** * Debug response output. * * @return void */ abstract function debugOutput(): void; /** * Emit error message * * @param string $message * @param bool $throw * * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ protected function error(string $message, bool $throw = false): bool { $errorMessage = "ERROR: $message\n"; if ($throw) { throw new \Exception($errorMessage); } if ( ! $this->debugOutputted) { $this->debugOutput(); } echo $errorMessage; $this->tester->printLogs(); return false; } } class Response extends BaseResponse { const HEADER_SEPARATOR = "\r\n\r\n"; /** * @var array */ private array $data; /** * @var string */ private $rawData; /** * @var string */ private $rawHeaders; /** * @var string */ private $rawBody; /** * @var array */ private $headers; /** * @var bool */ private $valid; /** * @var bool */ private bool $expectInvalid; /** * @param Tester $tester * @param string|array|null $data * @param bool $expectInvalid */ public function __construct(Tester $tester, $data = null, bool $expectInvalid = false) { parent::__construct($tester); if ( ! is_array($data)) { $data = [ 'response' => $data, 'err_response' => null, 'out_response' => $data, ]; } $this->data = $data; $this->expectInvalid = $expectInvalid; } /** * @param mixed $body * @param string $contentType * * @return Response */ public function expectBody($body, $contentType = 'text/html') { if ($multiLine = is_array($body)) { $body = implode("\n", $body); } if ( ! $this->checkIfValid()) { $this->error('Response is invalid'); } elseif ( ! $this->checkDefaultHeaders($contentType)) { $this->error('Response default headers not found'); } elseif ($body !== $this->rawBody) { if ($multiLine) { $this->error( "==> The expected body:\n$body\n" . "==> does not match the actual body:\n$this->rawBody" ); } else { $this->error( "The expected body '$body' does not match actual body '$this->rawBody'" ); } } return $this; } /** * Expect that one of the processes in json status process list has a field with value that * matches the supplied pattern. * * @param string $fieldName * @param string $pattern * * @return Response */ public function expectJsonBodyPatternForStatusProcessField(string $fieldName, string $pattern): Response { $rawData = $this->getBody('application/json'); $data = json_decode($rawData, true); if (empty($data['processes']) || !is_array($data['processes'])) { $this->error( "The body data is not a valid status json containing processes field '$rawData'" ); } foreach ($data['processes'] as $process) { if (preg_match('|' . $pattern . '|', $process[$fieldName]) !== false) { return $this; } } $this->error( "No field $fieldName matched pattern $pattern for any process in status data '$rawData'" ); return $this; } /** * @return Response */ public function expectEmptyBody() { return $this->expectBody(''); } /** * Expect header in the response. * * @param string $name Header name. * @param string $value Header value. * * @return Response */ public function expectHeader($name, $value, $useRegex = false): Response { $this->checkHeader($name, $value, $useRegex); return $this; } /** * @param string $name * @return Response */ public function expectNoHeader($name) { $this->checkNoHeader($name); return $this; } /** * Expect error in the response. * * @param string|null $errorMessage Expected error message. * * @return Response */ public function expectError($errorMessage): Response { $errorData = $this->getErrorData(); if ($errorData !== $errorMessage) { $expectedErrorMessage = $errorMessage !== null ? "The expected error message '$errorMessage' is not equal to returned error '$errorData'" : "No error message expected but received '$errorData'"; $this->error($expectedErrorMessage); } return $this; } /** * Expect error pattern in the response. * * @param string $errorMessagePattern Expected error message RegExp patter. * * @return Response */ public function expectErrorPattern(string $errorMessagePattern): Response { $errorData = $this->getErrorData(); if (preg_match($errorMessagePattern, $errorData) === 0) { $this->error( "The expected error pattern $errorMessagePattern does not match the returned error '$errorData'" ); $this->debugOutput(); } return $this; } /** * Expect response status. * * @param string|null $status Expected status. * * @return Response */ public function expectStatus(string|null $status): Response { $headers = $this->getHeaders(); if (is_null($status) && !isset($headers['status'])) { return $this; } if (!is_null($status) && !isset($headers['status'])) { $this->error('Status is expected but not supplied'); } elseif ($status !== $headers['status']) { $statusMessage = $status === null ? "expected not to be set": "expected to be $status"; $this->error("Status is $statusMessage but the actual value is {$headers['status']}"); } return $this; } /** * Expect response status not to be set. * * @return Response */ public function expectNoStatus(): Response { return $this->expectStatus(null); } /** * Expect no error in the response. * * @return Response */ public function expectNoError(): Response { return $this->expectError(null); } /** * Get response body. * * @param string $contentType Expect body to have specified content type. * * @return string|null */ public function getBody(string $contentType = 'text/html'): ?string { if ($this->checkIfValid() && $this->checkDefaultHeaders($contentType)) { return $this->rawBody; } return null; } /** * Print raw body. * * @param string $contentType Expect body to have specified content type. */ public function dumpBody(string $contentType = 'text/html') { var_dump($this->getBody($contentType)); } /** * Print raw body. * * @param string $contentType Expect body to have specified content type. */ public function printBody(string $contentType = 'text/html') { echo $this->getBody($contentType) . "\n"; } /** * Debug response output */ public function debugOutput(): void { echo ">>> Response\n"; echo "----------------- OUT -----------------\n"; echo $this->data['out_response'] . "\n"; echo "----------------- ERR -----------------\n"; echo $this->data['err_response'] . "\n"; echo "---------------------------------------\n\n"; $this->debugOutputted = true; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getErrorData(): ?string { return $this->data['err_response']; } /** * Check if the response is valid and if not emit error message * * @return bool */ private function checkIfValid(): bool { if ($this->isValid()) { return true; } if ( ! $this->expectInvalid) { $this->error("The response is invalid: $this->rawData"); } return false; } /** * Check default headers that should be present. * * @param string $contentType * * @return bool */ private function checkDefaultHeaders($contentType): bool { // check default headers return ( ( ! ini_get('expose_php') || $this->checkHeader('X-Powered-By', '|^PHP/8|', true)) && $this->checkHeader('Content-type', '|^' . $contentType . '(;\s?charset=\w+)?|', true) ); } /** * Check a specified header. * * @param string $name Header name. * @param string $value Header value. * @param bool $useRegex Whether value is regular expression. * * @return bool */ private function checkHeader(string $name, string $value, $useRegex = false): bool { $lcName = strtolower($name); $headers = $this->getHeaders(); if ( ! isset($headers[$lcName])) { return $this->error("The header $name is not present"); } $header = $headers[$lcName]; if ( ! $useRegex) { if ($header === $value) { return true; } return $this->error("The header $name value '$header' is not the same as '$value'"); } if ( ! preg_match($value, $header)) { return $this->error("The header $name value '$header' does not match RegExp '$value'"); } return true; } /** * @param string $name * @return bool */ private function checkNoHeader(string $name) { $lcName = strtolower($name); $headers = $this->getHeaders(); if (isset($headers[$lcName])) { return $this->error("The header $name is present"); } return true; } /** * Get all headers. * * @return array|null */ private function getHeaders(): ?array { if ( ! $this->isValid()) { return null; } if (is_array($this->headers)) { return $this->headers; } $headerRows = explode("\r\n", $this->rawHeaders); $headers = []; foreach ($headerRows as $headerRow) { $colonPosition = strpos($headerRow, ':'); if ($colonPosition === false) { $this->error("Invalid header row (no colon): $headerRow"); } $headers[strtolower(substr($headerRow, 0, $colonPosition))] = trim( substr($headerRow, $colonPosition + 1) ); } return ($this->headers = $headers); } /** * @return bool */ private function isValid() { if ($this->valid === null) { $this->processData(); } return $this->valid; } /** * Process data and set validity and raw data */ private function processData() { $this->rawData = $this->data['out_response']; $this->valid = ( ! is_null($this->rawData) && strpos($this->rawData, self::HEADER_SEPARATOR) ); if ($this->valid) { list ($this->rawHeaders, $this->rawBody) = array_map( 'trim', explode(self::HEADER_SEPARATOR, $this->rawData) ); } } } class ValuesResponse extends BaseResponse { /** * @var array */ private array $values; /** * @param Tester $tester * @param string|array|null $values * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct(Tester $tester, $values = null) { parent::__construct($tester); if ( ! is_array($values)) { if ( ! is_null($values) ) { $this->error('Invalid values supplied', true); } $this->values = []; } else { $this->values = $values; } } /** * Expect value. * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return ValuesResponse * @throws \Exception */ public function expectValue(string $name, $value = null) { if ( ! isset($this->values[$name])) { $this->error("Value $name not found in values"); } if ( ! is_null($value) && $value !== $this->values[$name]) { $this->error("Value $name is {$this->values[$name]} but expected $value"); } return $this; } /** * Get values. * * @return array */ public function getValues() { return $this->values; } /** * Debug output data. */ public function debugOutput(): void { echo ">>> ValuesResponse\n"; echo "----------------- Values -----------------\n"; var_dump($this->values); echo "---------------------------------------\n\n"; } }