PHP_ARG_WITH([xsl], [whether to build with XSL support], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xsl], [Build with XSL support])]) if test "$PHP_XSL" != "no"; then if test "$PHP_LIBXML" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([XSL extension requires LIBXML extension, add --with-libxml]) fi if test "$PHP_DOM" = "no"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([XSL extension requires DOM extension, add --enable-dom]) fi PKG_CHECK_MODULES([XSL], [libxslt >= 1.1.0]) PHP_EVAL_INCLINE($XSL_CFLAGS) PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE($XSL_LIBS, XSL_SHARED_LIBADD) PKG_CHECK_MODULES([EXSLT], [libexslt], [ PHP_EVAL_INCLINE($EXSLT_CFLAGS) PHP_EVAL_LIBLINE($EXSLT_LIBS, XSL_SHARED_LIBADD) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XSL_EXSLT, 1, [ ]) ], [ ]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XSL,1,[ ]) PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(xsl, php_xsl.c xsltprocessor.c, $ext_shared) PHP_SUBST(XSL_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_ADD_EXTENSION_DEP(xsl, libxml) PHP_ADD_EXTENSION_DEP(xsl, dom) fi