--TEST-- proc_nice() basic behaviour --CREDITS-- Italian PHP TestFest 2009 Cesena 19-20-21 june Fabio Fabbrucci (fabbrucci@grupporetina.com) Michele Orselli (mo@ideato.it) Simone Gentili (sensorario@gmail.com) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- 2) return $matches[2]; else return -1; } $delta = 5; $pid = getmypid(); $niceBefore = getNice($pid); proc_nice($delta); $niceAfter = getNice($pid); // The maximum niceness level is 19, if the process is already running at a high niceness, it cannot be increased. // Decreasing is only possible for superusers. var_dump(min($niceBefore + $delta, 19) == $niceAfter); ?> --EXPECT-- bool(true)