--TEST-- session rfc1867 sid cookie --INI-- file_uploads=1 upload_max_filesize=1024 session.save_path= session.name=PHPSESSID session.use_cookies=1 session.use_only_cookies=0 session.use_strict_mode=0 session.auto_start=0 session.upload_progress.enabled=1 session.upload_progress.cleanup=0 session.upload_progress.prefix=upload_progress_ session.upload_progress.name=PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS session.upload_progress.freq=0 session.save_handler=files --EXTENSIONS-- session --SKIPIF-- --COOKIE-- PHPSESSID=_ --POST_RAW-- Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------20896060251896012921717172737 -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" rfc1867_sid_invalid.php -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="file1.txt" 1 -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="file2.txt" 2 -----------------------------20896060251896012921717172737-- --FILE-- --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- Warning: PHP Request Startup: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters. Only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and "," characters are allowed in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Request Startup: Failed to read session data: files (path: ) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Request Startup: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct () in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Request Startup: Session ID is too long or contains illegal characters. Only the A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "-", and "," characters are allowed in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Request Startup: Failed to read session data: files (path: ) in Unknown on line 0 Warning: PHP Request Startup: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct () in Unknown on line 0 string(%d) "" bool(true) array(2) { ["file1"]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(9) "file1.txt" ["full_path"]=> string(9) "file1.txt" ["type"]=> string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["error"]=> int(0) ["size"]=> int(1) } ["file2"]=> array(6) { ["name"]=> string(9) "file2.txt" ["full_path"]=> string(9) "file2.txt" ["type"]=> string(0) "" ["tmp_name"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["error"]=> int(0) ["size"]=> int(1) } } array(5) { ["start_time"]=> int(%d) ["content_length"]=> int(469) ["bytes_processed"]=> int(469) ["done"]=> bool(true) ["files"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(7) { ["field_name"]=> string(5) "file1" ["name"]=> string(9) "file1.txt" ["tmp_name"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["error"]=> int(0) ["done"]=> bool(true) ["start_time"]=> int(%d) ["bytes_processed"]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(7) { ["field_name"]=> string(5) "file2" ["name"]=> string(9) "file2.txt" ["tmp_name"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["error"]=> int(0) ["done"]=> bool(true) ["start_time"]=> int(%d) ["bytes_processed"]=> int(1) } } }