--TEST-- Bug #80190: ReflectionMethod::getReturnType() does not handle static as part of union type --FILE-- getMethods() as $method) { print $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . '::' . $method->getName() . '()' . PHP_EOL; print ' $method->getReturnType() returns ' . get_class($method->getReturnType()) . PHP_EOL; print ' $method->getReturnType()->__toString() returns ' . $method->getReturnType() . PHP_EOL; if ($method->getReturnType() instanceof ReflectionUnionType) { print ' $method->getReturnType()->getTypes() returns an array with ' . count($method->getReturnType()->getTypes()) . ' element(s)' . PHP_EOL; print ' type(s) in union: '; $types = []; foreach ($method->getReturnType()->getTypes() as $type) { $types[] = get_class($type) . "($type)"; } print join(', ', $types) . PHP_EOL; } print PHP_EOL; } ?> --EXPECT-- C::a() $method->getReturnType() returns ReflectionNamedType $method->getReturnType()->__toString() returns self C::b() $method->getReturnType() returns ReflectionUnionType $method->getReturnType()->__toString() returns stdClass|self $method->getReturnType()->getTypes() returns an array with 2 element(s) type(s) in union: ReflectionNamedType(stdClass), ReflectionNamedType(self) C::c() $method->getReturnType() returns ReflectionNamedType $method->getReturnType()->__toString() returns static C::d() $method->getReturnType() returns ReflectionUnionType $method->getReturnType()->__toString() returns stdClass|static $method->getReturnType()->getTypes() returns an array with 2 element(s) type(s) in union: ReflectionNamedType(stdClass), ReflectionNamedType(static)