--TEST-- Phar: test for the odd case where we intend to remove an archive from memory --EXTENSIONS-- phar --INI-- phar.readonly=0 --FILE-- setAlias('first'); $phar['file1.txt'] = 'hi'; unset($phar); $phar2 = new Phar($fname2); $phar2->setAlias('first'); // this works because there are no references to $fname open $phar2['file1.txt'] = 'hi'; unset($phar2); $a = fopen($pname . '/file1.txt', 'r'); // this works because there are no references to $fname2 open try { $phar2 = new Phar($fname2); // fails because references open to $fname } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(),"\n"; } fclose($a); $phar2 = new Phar($fname2); // succeeds because all refs are closed var_dump($phar2->getAlias()); $a = file_get_contents($pname . '/file1.txt'); // this fails because $fname2 ref exists ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- Cannot open archive "%stest_alias_unset.2.phar.php", alias is already in use by existing archive string(5) "first" Warning: file_get_contents(phar://%sfile1.txt): Failed to open stream: Cannot open archive "%stest_alias_unset.phar.php", alias is already in use by existing archive in %stest_alias_unset.php on line %d