--TEST-- MySQL PDO->exec(), native types wo ZEROFILL --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_mysql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); $sql = sprintf('CREATE TABLE test(id INT, label %s) ENGINE=%s', $sql_type, MySQLPDOTest::getTableEngine()); @$db->exec($sql); if ($db->errorCode() != 0) { // not all MySQL Server versions and/or engines might support the type return true; } $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (?, ?)'); $stmt->bindValue(1, $offset); $stmt->bindValue(2, $value); if (!$stmt->execute()) { printf("[%03d + 1] INSERT failed, %s\n", $offset, var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); return false; } $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test'); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); if (!isset($row['id']) || !isset($row['label'])) { printf("[%03d + 2] Fetched result seems wrong, dumping result: %s\n", $offset, var_export($row, true)); return false; } if ($row['id'] != $offset) { printf("[%03d + 3] Expecting %s got %s\n", $offset, $row['id']); return false; } if (!is_null($pattern)) { if (!preg_match($pattern, $row['label'])) { printf("[%03d + 5] Value seems wrong, accepting pattern %s got %s, check manually\n", $offset, $pattern, var_export($row['label'], true)); return false; } } else { $exp = $value; if (!is_null($ret_value)) { // we expect a different return value than our input value // typically the difference is only the type $exp = $ret_value; } if ($row['label'] !== $exp && !is_null($alternative_type) && gettype($row['label']) != $alternative_type) { printf("[%03d + 4] %s - input = %s/%s, output = %s/%s (alternative type: %s)\n", $offset, $sql_type, var_export($exp, true), gettype($exp), var_export($row['label'], true), gettype($row['label']), $alternative_type); return false; } } $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, true); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test'); $row_string = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); if (is_null($pattern) && ($row['label'] != $row_string['label'])) { printf("%s - STRINGIGY = %s, NATIVE = %s\n", $sql_type, var_export($row_string['label'], true), var_export($row['label'], true)); return false; } else if (!is_null($pattern) && !preg_match($pattern, $row_string['label'])) { printf("%s - STRINGIGY = %s, NATIVE = %s, pattern '%s'\n", $sql_type, var_export($row_string['label'], true), var_export($row['label'], true), $pattern); return false; } return true; } $db = MySQLPDOTest::factory(); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false); /* test_type($db, 20, 'BIT(8)', 1); */ $is_mysqlnd = MySQLPDOTest::isPDOMySQLnd(); test_type($db, 30, 'TINYINT', -127, ($is_mysqlnd) ? -127: '-127'); test_type($db, 40, 'TINYINT UNSIGNED', 255, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 255 : '255'); test_type($db, 50, 'BOOLEAN', 1, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 1 : '1'); test_type($db, 60, 'SMALLINT', -32768, ($is_mysqlnd) ? -32768 : '-32768'); test_type($db, 70, 'SMALLINT UNSIGNED', 65535, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 65535 : '65535'); test_type($db, 80, 'MEDIUMINT', -8388608, ($is_mysqlnd) ? -8388608 : '-8388608'); test_type($db, 90, 'MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED', 16777215, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 16777215 : '16777215'); test_type($db, 100, 'INT', -2147483648, ($is_mysqlnd) ? ((PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) ? (int)-2147483648 : (double)-2147483648) : '-2147483648', NULL, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 'integer' : NULL); test_type($db, 110, 'INT UNSIGNED', 4294967295, ($is_mysqlnd) ? ((PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) ? 4294967295 : '4294967295') : '4294967295'); // no chance to return int with the current PDO version - we are forced to return strings test_type($db, 120, 'BIGINT', 1, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 1 : '1'); // to avoid trouble with numeric ranges, lets pass the numbers as a string test_type($db, 130, 'BIGINT', '-9223372036854775808', NULL, '/^\-9[\.]*22/'); test_type($db, 140, 'BIGINT UNSIGNED', '18446744073709551615', NULL, '/^1[\.]*844/'); test_type($db, 150, 'REAL', -1.01, ($is_mysqlnd) ? -1.01 : '-1.01'); test_type($db, 160, 'REAL UNSIGNED', 1.01, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 1.01 : '1.01'); test_type($db, 170, 'DOUBLE', -1.01, ($is_mysqlnd) ? -1.01 : '-1.01'); test_type($db, 180, 'DOUBLE UNSIGNED', 1.01, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 1.01 : '1.01'); test_type($db, 210, 'FLOAT', -1.01, NULL, '/^\-1.0\d+/'); test_type($db, 220, 'FLOAT UNSIGNED', 1.01, NULL, '/^1.0\d+/'); test_type($db, 250, 'DECIMAL', -1.01, '-1'); test_type($db, 260, 'DECIMAL UNSIGNED', 1.01, '1'); test_type($db, 290, 'NUMERIC', -1.01, '-1'); test_type($db, 300, 'NUMERIC UNSIGNED', 1.01, '1'); test_type($db, 330, 'DATE', '2008-04-23'); test_type($db, 340, 'TIME', '14:37:00'); test_type($db, 350, 'TIMESTAMP', '2008-05-06 21:09:00'); test_type($db, 360, 'DATETIME', '2008-03-23 14:38:00'); test_type($db, 370, 'YEAR', 2008, ($is_mysqlnd) ? 2008 : '2008'); test_type($db, 380, 'CHAR(1)', 'a'); test_type($db, 390, 'CHAR(10)', '0123456789'); test_type($db, 400, 'CHAR(255)', str_repeat('z', 255)); test_type($db, 410, 'VARCHAR(1)', 'a'); test_type($db, 420, 'VARCHAR(10)', '0123456789'); test_type($db, 430, 'VARCHAR(255)', str_repeat('z', 255)); test_type($db, 440, 'BINARY(1)', str_repeat('a', 1)); test_type($db, 450, 'BINARY(255)', str_repeat('b', 255)); test_type($db, 460, 'VARBINARY(1)', str_repeat('a', 1)); test_type($db, 470, 'VARBINARY(255)', str_repeat('b', 255)); test_type($db, 480, 'TINYBLOB', str_repeat('b', 255)); test_type($db, 490, 'BLOB', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 500, 'MEDIUMBLOB', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 510, 'LONGBLOB', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 520, 'TINYTEXT', str_repeat('b', 255)); test_type($db, 530, 'TINYTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('b', 255)); test_type($db, 560, 'TEXT', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 570, 'TEXT BINARY', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 580, 'MEDIUMTEXT', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 590, 'MEDIUMTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 600, 'LONGTEXT', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 610, 'LONGTEXT BINARY', str_repeat('b', 256)); test_type($db, 620, "ENUM('yes', 'no') DEFAULT 'yes'", 'no'); test_type($db, 630, "SET('yes', 'no') DEFAULT 'yes'", 'no'); test_type($db, 640, 'DECIMAL(3,2)', -1.01, '-1.01'); echo "done!\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); ?> --EXPECT-- done!