--TEST-- PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_mysql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- errorCode()) || ('00000' == $db->errorCode())); $info = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO); if ('' == $info) printf("[001] Server info must not be empty\n"); // Read-only? if (false !== $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO, 'new uptime: 0s')) printf("[002] Wonderful, I can change the client version!\n"); $new_info = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO); if (soundex($new_info) != soundex($info)) printf("[003] Did we change it from '%s' to '%s'?\n", $info, $info); // lets hope we always run this in the same second as we did run the server info request... if (!$stmt = $db->query("SHOW STATUS LIKE '%uptime%'")) printf("[004] Cannot run SHOW STATUS, [%s]\n", $db->errorCode()); else { if (!$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) printf("[005] Unable to fetch uptime, [%s]\n", $db->errorCode()); else $uptime = $row[1]; $stmt->closeCursor(); } if (!preg_match('/Uptime/i', $info)) printf("[006] Can't find uptime in server info '%s'\n", $info); if (isset($uptime)) { if (!preg_match('/Uptime: (\d+)/i', $info, $matches) || $uptime - $matches[1] > 1) { printf("[007] SHOW STATUS and server info have reported a different uptime, please check. Server info: '%s', SHOW STATUS: '%s'\n", $info, $uptime); } } print "done!"; ?> --EXPECT-- done!