--TEST-- oci_password_change() --EXTENSIONS-- oci8 --SKIPIF-- true, 'timesten' => false); // test runs on these DBs require __DIR__.'/skipif.inc'; require __DIR__.'/connect.inc'; if (empty($dbase)) die ("skip requires database connection string be set"); if ($test_drcp) die("skip password change not supported in DRCP Mode"); preg_match('/.*Release ([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)*/', oci_server_version($c), $matches_sv); preg_match('/([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)/', oci_client_version(), $matches); if (!(isset($matches_sv[0]) && isset($matches[0]) && $matches_sv[1] == $matches[1] && $matches_sv[2] == $matches[2] && $matches_sv[3] == $matches[3] && $matches_sv[4] == $matches[4])) { // Avoid diffs due to cross version protocol changes (e.g. like and bugs like Oracle bug: 6277160 die ("skip test only runs when database client libraries and database server are the same version"); } // This test in Oracle 12c needs a non-CDB or the root container if (isset($matches_sv[0]) && $matches_sv[1] >= 12) { $s = oci_parse($c, "select nvl(sys_context('userenv', 'con_name'), 'notacdb') as dbtype from dual"); $r = @oci_execute($s); if (!$r) die('skip could not identify container type'); $r = oci_fetch_array($s); if ($r['DBTYPE'] !== 'CDB$ROOT') die('skip cannot run test using a PDB'); } ?> --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- resource(%d) of type (oci8 connection) resource(%d) of type (oci8 connection) resource(%d) of type (oci8 connection) Done