--TEST-- oci_lob_write()/erase()/read() with BLOBs --EXTENSIONS-- oci8 --SKIPIF-- true, 'timesten' => false); // test runs on these DBs require __DIR__.'/skipif.inc'; ?> --FILE-- write($str)); var_dump($blob->erase(0, 10)); oci_commit($c); $select_sql = "SELECT blob FROM ".$schema.$table_name." FOR UPDATE"; $s = oci_parse($c, $select_sql); oci_execute($s, OCI_DEFAULT); var_dump($row = oci_fetch_array($s)); var_dump($row[0]->read(5)); var_dump($row[0]->read(5)); var_dump($row[0]->read(5)); require __DIR__.'/drop_table.inc'; echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- object(OCILob)#%d (1) { ["descriptor"]=> resource(%d) of type (oci8 descriptor) } int(72) int(10) array(2) { [0]=> object(OCILob)#%d (1) { ["descriptor"]=> resource(%d) of type (oci8 descriptor) } ["BLOB"]=> object(OCILob)#%d (1) { ["descriptor"]=> resource(%d) of type (oci8 descriptor) } } string(5) "%0%0%0%0%0" string(5) "%0%0%0%0%0" string(5) "biiii" Done