#include "mbfilter_cjk.h" #include "unicode_table_jis.h" #include "unicode_table_jis2004.h" #include "unicode_table_big5.h" #include "unicode_table_cns11643.h" #include "unicode_table_cp932_ext.h" #include "unicode_table_cp936.h" #include "unicode_table_gb18030.h" #include "unicode_table_gb2312.h" #include "unicode_table_uhc.h" #include "cp932_table.h" #include "sjis_mac2uni.h" #include "translit_kana_jisx0201_jisx0208.h" #include "emoji2uni.h" /* Regional Indicator Unicode codepoints are from 0x1F1E6-0x1F1FF * These correspond to the letters A-Z * To display the flag emoji for a country, two unicode codepoints are combined, * which correspond to the two-letter code for that country * This macro converts uppercase ASCII values to Regional Indicator codepoints */ #define NFLAGS(c) (0x1F1A5+((unsigned int)(c))) static const char nflags_s[10][2] = {"CN", "DE", "ES", "FR", "GB", "IT", "JP", "KR", "RU", "US"}; static const int nflags_code_kddi[10] = { 0x2549, 0x2546, 0x24C0, 0x2545, 0x2548, 0x2547, 0x2750, 0x254A, 0x24C1, 0x27F7 }; static const int nflags_code_sb[10] = { 0x2B0A, 0x2B05, 0x2B08, 0x2B04, 0x2B07, 0x2B06, 0x2B02, 0x2B0B, 0x2B09, 0x2B03 }; #define EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI(c) do { *snd = (c); return 0x20E3; } while(0) #define EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI(country) do { *snd = NFLAGS((country)[0]); return NFLAGS((country)[1]); } while(0) static const char nflags_kddi[6][2] = {"FR", "DE", "IT", "GB", "CN", "KR"}; static const char nflags_sb[10][2] = {"JP", "US", "FR", "DE", "IT", "GB", "ES", "RU", "CN", "KR"}; /* number -> (ku*94)+ten value for telephone keypad character */ #define DOCOMO_KEYPAD(n) ((n) == 0 ? 0x296F : (0x2965 + (n))) #define DOCOMO_KEYPAD_HASH 0x2964 /* `tbl` contains inclusive ranges, each represented by a pair of unsigned shorts */ static int mbfl_bisec_srch(int w, const unsigned short *tbl, int n) { int l = 0, r = n-1; while (l <= r) { int probe = (l + r) >> 1; unsigned short lo = tbl[2 * probe], hi = tbl[(2 * probe) + 1]; if (w < lo) { r = probe - 1; } else if (w > hi) { l = probe + 1; } else { return probe; } } return -1; } /* `tbl` contains single values, not ranges */ int mbfl_bisec_srch2(int w, const unsigned short tbl[], int n) { int l = 0, r = n-1; while (l <= r) { int probe = (l + r) >> 1; unsigned short val = tbl[probe]; if (w < val) { r = probe - 1; } else if (w > val) { l = probe + 1; } else { return probe; } } return -1; } #define SJIS_ENCODE(c1,c2,s1,s2) \ do { \ s1 = ((c1 - 1) >> 1) + ((c1) < 0x5F ? 0x71 : 0xB1); \ s2 = c2; \ if ((c1) & 1) { \ if ((c2) < 0x60) { \ s2--; \ } \ s2 += 0x20; \ } else { \ s2 += 0x7e; \ } \ } while (0) #define SJIS_DECODE(c1,c2,s1,s2) \ do { \ if (c1 < 0xa0) { \ s1 = ((c1 - 0x81) << 1) + 0x21; \ } else { \ s1 = ((c1 - 0xc1) << 1) + 0x21; \ } \ s2 = c2; \ if (c2 < 0x9f) { \ if (c2 < 0x7f) { \ s2++; \ } \ s2 -= 0x20; \ } else { \ s1++; \ s2 -= 0x7e; \ } \ } while (0) #define CK(statement) do { if ((statement) < 0) return (-1); } while (0) /* * ISO-2022 variants */ #define ASCII 0 #define JISX0201_KANA 0x20 #define JISX0208_KANJI 0x80 static int mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; retry: switch (filter->status & 0xf) { /* case 0x00: ASCII */ /* case 0x10: X 0201 latin */ /* case 0x20: X 0201 kana */ /* case 0x80: X 0208 */ /* case 0x90: X 0212 */ case 0: if (c == 0x1b) { filter->status += 2; } else if (c == 0x0e) { /* "kana in" */ filter->status = 0x20; } else if (c == 0x0f) { /* "kana out" */ filter->status = 0; } else if (filter->status == 0x10 && c == 0x5c) { /* YEN SIGN */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xa5, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == 0x10 && c == 0x7e) { /* OVER LINE */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x203e, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == 0x20 && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xff40 + c, filter->data)); } else if ((filter->status == 0x80 || filter->status == 0x90) && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { /* kanji first char */ filter->cache = c; filter->status += 1; } else if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin, CTLs */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { /* GR kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xfec0 + c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* case 0x81: X 0208 second char */ /* case 0x91: X 0212 second char */ case 1: filter->status &= ~0xf; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { s = (c1 - 0x21)*94 + c - 0x21; if (filter->status == 0x80) { if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else { w = 0; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; } else { w = 0; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC */ /* case 0x02: */ /* case 0x12: */ /* case 0x22: */ /* case 0x82: */ /* case 0x92: */ case 2: if (c == 0x24) { /* '$' */ filter->status++; } else if (c == 0x28) { /* '(' */ filter->status += 3; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC $ */ /* case 0x03: */ /* case 0x13: */ /* case 0x23: */ /* case 0x83: */ /* case 0x93: */ case 3: if (c == 0x40 || c == 0x42) { /* '@' or 'B' */ filter->status = 0x80; } else if (c == 0x28) { /* '(' */ filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC $ ( */ /* case 0x04: */ /* case 0x14: */ /* case 0x24: */ /* case 0x84: */ /* case 0x94: */ case 4: if (c == 0x40 || c == 0x42) { /* '@' or 'B' */ filter->status = 0x80; } else if (c == 0x44) { /* 'D' */ filter->status = 0x90; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC ( */ /* case 0x05: */ /* case 0x15: */ /* case 0x25: */ /* case 0x85: */ /* case 0x95: */ case 5: if (c == 0x42 || c == 0x48) { /* 'B' or 'H' */ filter->status = 0; } else if (c == 0x4a) { /* 'J' */ filter->status = 0x10; } else if (c == 0x49) { /* 'I' */ filter->status = 0x20; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { /* 2-byte (JIS X 0208 or 0212) character was truncated, * or else escape sequence was truncated */ CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c == 0x203E) { /* OVERLINE */ s = 0x1007E; /* Convert to JISX 0201 OVERLINE */ } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005c; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224c; } if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x8080) { /* X 0208 */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); /* '$' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0x200; CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0x7f, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* X 0212 */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x300) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); /* '$' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x44, filter->data)); /* 'D' */ } filter->status = 0x300; CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0x7f, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } else { /* X 0201 latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x400) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x4a, filter->data)); /* 'J' */ } filter->status = 0x400; CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s; s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005c; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224c; } if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } else if ((s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121) || (s > 0x8080)) { s = -1; } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* X 0208 */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); /* '$' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0x200; CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0x7f, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } else { /* X 0201 latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x400) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x4a, filter->data)); /* 'J' */ } filter->status = 0x400; CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } } return 0; } #define ASCII 0 #define JISX_0201_LATIN 1 #define JISX_0201_KANA 2 #define JISX_0208 3 #define JISX_0212 4 static size_t mb_iso2022jp_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { ZEND_ASSERT(bufsize >= 3); unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { /* ESC seen; this is an escape sequence */ if ((e - p) < 2) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; if (p != e && (*p == '$' || *p == '(')) p++; continue; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { *state = JISX_0208; } else if (c3 == '(') { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == '@' || c4 == 'B') { *state = JISX_0208; } else if (c4 == 'D') { *state = JISX_0212; } else { if ((limit - out) < 3) { p -= 4; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '$'; *out++ = '('; p--; } } else { if ((limit - out) < 2) { p -= 3; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '$'; p--; } } else if (c2 == '(') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'H') { *state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'J') { *state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } else if (c3 == 'I') { *state = JISX_0201_KANA; } else { if ((limit - out) < 2) { p -= 3; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '('; p--; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; p--; } } else if (c == 0xE) { /* "Kana In" marker; this is just for JIS-7/8, but we also accept it for ISO-2022-JP */ *state = JISX_0201_KANA; } else if (c == 0xF) { /* "Kana Out" marker */ *state = ASCII; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_LATIN && c == 0x5C) { /* YEN SIGN */ *out++ = 0xA5; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_LATIN && c == 0x7E) { /* OVER LINE */ *out++ = 0x203E; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_KANA && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { *out++ = 0xFF40 + c; } else if (*state >= JISX_0208 && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 > 0x20 && c2 < 0x7F) { unsigned int s = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; uint32_t w = 0; if (*state == JISX_0208) { if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } if (!w) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { if (s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; } if (!w) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* GR-invoked Kana; "GR" stands for "graphics right" and refers to bytes * with the MSB bit (in the context of ISO-2022 encoding). * * In this regard, Wikipedia states: * "Other, older variants known as JIS7 and JIS8 build directly on the 7-bit and 8-bit * encodings defined by JIS X 0201 and allow use of JIS X 0201 kana from G1 without * escape sequences, using Shift Out and Shift In or setting the eighth bit * (GR-invoked), respectively." * * Note that we support both the 'JIS7' use of 0xE/0xF Shift In/Shift Out codes * and the 'JIS8' use of GR-invoked Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005C; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else if (w != 0) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } } else if ((s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121) || (s > 0x8080)) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s < 0x8080) { /* JIS X 0208 */ if (buf->state != JISX_0208) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 5); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX_0208; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* JIS X 0212 */ if (buf->state != JISX_0212) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 6); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', '(', 'D'); buf->state = JISX_0212; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } else { /* X 0201 Latin */ if (buf->state != JISX_0201_LATIN) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'J'); buf->state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static void mb_wchar_to_jis(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w == 0x203E) { /* OVERLINE */ s = 0x1007E; /* Convert to JISX 0201 OVERLINE */ } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005C; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else if (w != 0) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } } if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA1 && s <= 0xDF) { if (buf->state != JISX_0201_KANA) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'I'); buf->state = JISX_0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else if (s < 0x8080) { /* JIS X 0208 */ if (buf->state != JISX_0208) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 5); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX_0208; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* JIS X 0212 */ if (buf->state != JISX_0212) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 6); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', '(', 'D'); buf->state = JISX_0212; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } else { /* X 0201 Latin */ if (buf->state != JISX_0201_LATIN) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'J'); buf->state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } #define JISX_0201_KANA_SO 5 static bool mb_check_jis(unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) { unsigned char *p = in, *e = p + in_len; unsigned int state = ASCII; while (p < e) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { /* ESC seen; this is an escape sequence */ if (state == JISX_0201_KANA_SO) { return false; } if ((e - p) < 2) { return false; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { state = JISX_0208; } else if (c3 == '(') { if (p == e) { return false; } unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == '@' || c4 == 'B') { state = JISX_0208; } else if (c4 == 'D') { state = JISX_0212; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if (c2 == '(') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; /* ESC ( H is treated as a sequence transitioning to ASCII for historical reasons. * see https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/10828#issuecomment-1478342432. */ if (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'H') { state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'J') { state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } else if (c3 == 'I') { state = JISX_0201_KANA; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if (c == 0xE) { /* "Kana In" marker */ if (state != ASCII) { return false; } state = JISX_0201_KANA_SO; } else if (c == 0xF) { /* "Kana Out" marker */ if (state != JISX_0201_KANA_SO) { return false; } state = ASCII; } else if ((state == JISX_0208 || state == JISX_0212) && (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F)) { if (p == e) { return false; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 > 0x20 && c2 < 0x7F) { unsigned int s = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; if (state == JISX_0208) { if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size && jisx0208_ucs_table[s]) { continue; } } else { if (s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size && jisx0212_ucs_table[s]) { continue; } } return false; } else { return false; } } else if (c < 0x80) { continue; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* GR-invoked Kana */ continue; } else { return false; } } return state == ASCII; } static bool mb_check_iso2022jp(unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) { unsigned char *p = in, *e = p + in_len; unsigned int state = ASCII; while (p < e) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { /* ESC seen; this is an escape sequence */ if ((e - p) < 2) { return false; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { state = JISX_0208; } else { return false; } } else if (c2 == '(') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == 'B') { state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'J') { state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if (c == 0xE || c == 0xF) { /* "Kana In" or "Kana Out" marker; ISO-2022-JP is not accepted. */ return false; } else if (state == JISX_0208 && (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F)) { if (p == e) { return false; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 > 0x20 && c2 < 0x7F) { unsigned int s = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size && jisx0208_ucs_table[s]) { continue; } return false; } else { return false; } } else if (c < 0x80) { continue; } else { return false; } } return state == ASCII; } /* Unicode codepoints for emoji are above 0x1F000, but we only store 16-bits * in our tables. Therefore, add 0x10000 to recover the true values. * * Again, for some emoji which are not supported by Unicode, we use codepoints * in the Private Use Area above 0xFE000. Again, add 0xF0000 to recover the * true value. */ static inline int convert_emoji_cp(int cp) { if (cp > 0xF000) return cp + 0x10000; else if (cp > 0xE000) return cp + 0xF0000; return cp; } int mbfilter_sjis_emoji_kddi2unicode(int s, int *snd) { if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1_max) { if (s == 0x24C0) { /* Spain */ EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI("ES"); } else if (s == 0x24C1) { /* Russia */ EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI("RU"); } else if (s >= 0x2545 && s <= 0x254A) { EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI(nflags_kddi[s - 0x2545]); } else if (s == 0x25BC) { EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI('#'); } else { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1_min]); } } else if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2_max) { if (s == 0x2750) { /* Japan */ EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI("JP"); } else if (s >= 0x27A6 && s <= 0x27AE) { EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI(s - 0x27A6 + '1'); } else if (s == 0x27F7) { /* United States */ EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI("US"); } else if (s == 0x2830) { EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI('0'); } else { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2_min]); } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022jp_mobile_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w, snd = 0; switch (filter->status & 0xF) { case 0: if (c == 0x1B) { filter->status += 2; } else if (filter->status == JISX0201_KANA && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFF40 + c, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == JISX0208_KANJI && c > 0x20 && c < 0x80) { filter->cache = c; filter->status += 1; } else if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFEC0 + c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* JISX 0208, second byte */ case 1: w = 0; filter->status &= ~0xF; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F) { s = ((c1 - 0x21) * 94) + c - 0x21; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (s >= (84 * 94) && s < (91 * 94)) { s += 22 * 94; w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_kddi2unicode(s, &snd); if (w > 0 && snd > 0) { (*filter->output_function)(snd, filter->data); } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC */ case 2: if (c == '$') { filter->status++; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status += 3; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $ */ case 3: if (c == '@' || c == 'B') { filter->status = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $ ( */ case 4: if (c == '@' || c == 'B') { filter->status = JISX0208_KANJI; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC ( */ case 5: if (c == 'B' || c == 'J') { filter->status = 0; /* ASCII mode */ } else if (c == 'I') { filter->status = JISX0201_KANA; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022jp_mobile_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_kddi(int c, int *s1, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if ((filter->status & 0xF) == 1) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = 0; filter->status &= ~0xFF; if (c == 0x20E3) { if (c1 == '#') { *s1 = 0x25BC; } else if (c1 == '0') { *s1 = 0x2830; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ *s1 = 0x27A6 + (c1 - '1'); } return 1; } else { if (filter->status & 0xFF00) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } CK((*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data)); filter->status = 0; } } if (c == '#' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { filter->status |= 1; filter->cache = c; return 0; } if (c == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ *s1 = 0x27DC; return 1; } else if (c == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ *s1 = 0x27DD; return 1; } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_val[i]; return 1; } } return 0; } /* (ku*94)+ten value -> Shift-JIS byte sequence */ #define CODE2JIS(c1,c2,s1,s2) \ c1 = (s1)/94+0x21; \ c2 = (s1)-94*((c1)-0x21)+0x21; \ s1 = ((c1) << 8) | (c2); \ s2 = 1 static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp_mobile(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1 = 0, s2 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224c; } } if (mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_kddi(c, &s1, filter) > 0) { /* A KDDI emoji was detected and stored in s1 */ CODE2JIS(c1,c2,s1,s2); s1 -= 0x1600; } else if ((filter->status & 0xFF) == 1 && filter->cache) { /* We are just processing one of KDDI's special emoji for a phone keypad button */ return 0; } if ((s1 <= 0) || (s1 >= 0xa1a1 && s2 == 0)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ s1 = -1; for (c1 = 0; c1 < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; c1++) { if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = (((c1 / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (c1 % 94) + 0x21; break; } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (filter->status & 0xFF00) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); filter->status = 0; } else if (s1 > 0xA0 && s1 < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x100) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('I', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x100; CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0x7F, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x7E7F) { /* JIS X 0208 */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 >> 8) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0x7F, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp_mobile_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* Go back to ASCII mode (so strings can be safely concatenated) */ if (filter->status & 0xFF00) { (*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data); /* ESC */ (*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data); (*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data); } int c1 = filter->cache; if ((filter->status & 0xFF) == 1 && (c1 == '#' || (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9'))) { (*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data); } filter->status = filter->cache = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_iso2022jp_kddi_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { if ((e - p) < 2) { p = e; *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { *state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c3 == '(') { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == '@' || c4 == 'B') { *state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c2 == '(') { if (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'J') { *state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'I') { *state = JISX0201_KANA; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { p--; *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (*state == JISX0201_KANA && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x5F) { *out++ = 0xFF40 + c; } else if (*state == JISX0208_KANJI && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7F) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x7E) { unsigned int s = ((c - 0x21) * 94) + c2 - 0x21; uint32_t w = 0; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (s >= (84 * 94) && s < (91 * 94)) { int snd = 0; s += 22 * 94; w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_kddi2unicode(s, &snd); if (w && snd) { *out++ = snd; } } if (!w) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp_kddi(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } } if ((w == '#' || (w >= '0' && w <= '9')) && len) { uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 == 0x20E3) { unsigned int s1 = 0; if (w == '#') { s1 = 0x25BC; } else if (w == '0') { s1 = 0x2830; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ s1 = 0x27A6 + (w - '1'); } s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } else { in--; len++; } } else if (w >= NFLAGS('C') && w <= NFLAGS('U') && len) { /* C for CN, U for US */ uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 >= NFLAGS('B') && w2 <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* B for GB, U for RU */ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (w == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][0]) && w2 == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][1])) { unsigned int s1 = nflags_code_kddi[i]; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; goto found_flag_emoji; } } } in--; len++; found_flag_emoji: ; } if (w == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ unsigned int s1 = 0x27DC; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } else if (w == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ unsigned int s1 = 0x27DD; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { unsigned int s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_value[i]; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { unsigned int s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_value[i]; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { unsigned int s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_val[i]; s = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + ((s1 % 94) + 0x21) - 0x1600; } } if (!s || s >= 0xA1A1) { s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; break; } } if (w == 0) s = 0; } if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp_kddi); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0x7F) { if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA1 && s <= 0xDF) { if (buf->state != JISX0201_KANA) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'I'); buf->state = JISX0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else if (s <= 0x7E7E) { if (buf->state != JISX0208_KANJI) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 5); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp_kddi); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k; int c1, c2, s, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, w = 0, w1; switch (filter->status & 0xf) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { if (c == 0x5c) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x00a5, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0x7e) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x203e, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } } else { /* ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ if (c == 0x1b) { filter->status += 6; } else if ((filter->status == 0x80 || filter->status == 0x90 || filter->status == 0xa0) && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { /* kanji first char */ filter->cache = c; if (filter->status == 0x90) { filter->status += 1; /* JIS X 0213 plane 1 */ } else if (filter->status == 0xa0) { filter->status += 4; /* JIS X 0213 plane 2 */ } else { filter->status += 5; /* JIS X 0208 */ } } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } } } else { if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { /* X 0213 plane 1 first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x8e) { /* kana first char */ filter->cache = 0x8E; /* So error will be reported if input is truncated right here */ filter->status = 2; } else if (c == 0x8f) { /* X 0213 plane 2 first char */ filter->status = 3; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } else if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xfec0 + c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xfd && c != 0xa0) { /* kanji first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } break; case 1: /* kanji second char */ filter->status &= ~0xf; c1 = filter->cache; if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { s1 = c1 - 0x80; s2 = c - 0x80; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); break; } } else if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xfc && c != 0x7f) { SJIS_DECODE(c1, c, s1, s2); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); break; } } else { /* ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7E) { s1 = c1; s2 = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); break; } } w1 = (s1 << 8) | s2; /* conversion for combining characters */ if ((w1 >= 0x2477 && w1 <= 0x2479) || (w1 >= 0x2479 && w1 <= 0x247B) || (w1 >= 0x2577 && w1 <= 0x257E) || w1 == 0x2678 || w1 == 0x2B44 || (w1 >= 0x2B48 && w1 <= 0x2B4F) || (w1 >= 0x2B65 && w1 <= 0x2B66)) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_u2_key, jisx0213_u2_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); w = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]; } } /* conversion for BMP */ if (w <= 0) { w1 = (s1 - 0x21)*94 + s2 - 0x21; if (w1 >= 0 && w1 < jisx0213_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0213_ucs_table[w1]; } } /* conversion for CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (w <= 0) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); break; case 2: /* got 0x8e: EUC-JP-2004 kana */ filter->status = 0; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { w = 0xfec0 + c; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* X 0213 plane 2 first char: EUC-JP-2004 (0x8f) */ if (c == 0xA1 || (c >= 0xA3 && c <= 0xA5) || c == 0xA8 || (c >= 0xAC && c <= 0xAF) || (c >= 0xEE && c <= 0xFE)) { filter->cache = c - 0x80; filter->status++; } else { filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 4: /* X 0213 plane 2 second char: EUC-JP-2004, ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ filter->status &= ~0xF; c1 = filter->cache; if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { c2 = c - 0x80; } else { c2 = c; } if (c2 < 0x21 || c2 > 0x7E) { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); break; } s1 = c1 - 0x21; s2 = c2 - 0x21; if (((s1 >= 0 && s1 <= 4 && s1 != 1) || s1 == 7 || (s1 >= 11 && s1 <= 14) || (s1 >= 77 && s1 < 94)) && s2 >= 0 && s2 < 94) { /* calc offset from ku */ for (k = 0; k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len; k++) { if (s1 == jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]) { break; } } k -= jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]; /* check for japanese chars in BMP */ s = (s1 + 94 + k)*94 + s2; ZEND_ASSERT(s < jisx0213_ucs_table_size); w = jisx0213_ucs_table[s]; /* check for japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (w <= 0) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(s, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 5: /* X 0208: ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ filter->status &= ~0xf; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { s = (c1 - 0x21)*94 + c - 0x21; if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); break; /* ESC: ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ /* case 0x06: */ /* case 0x16: */ /* case 0x26: */ /* case 0x86: */ /* case 0x96: */ /* case 0xa6: */ case 6: if (c == '$') { filter->status++; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status += 3; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $: ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ /* case 0x07: */ /* case 0x17: */ /* case 0x27: */ /* case 0x87: */ /* case 0x97: */ /* case 0xa7: */ case 7: if (c == 'B') { /* JIS X 0208-1983 */ filter->status = 0x80; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $ (: ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ /* case 0x08: */ /* case 0x18: */ /* case 0x28: */ /* case 0x88: */ /* case 0x98: */ /* case 0xa8: */ case 8: if (c == 'Q') { /* JIS X 0213 plane 1 */ filter->status = 0x90; } else if (c == 'P') { /* JIS X 0213 plane 2 */ filter->status = 0xa0; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC (: ISO-2022-JP-2004 */ /* case 0x09: */ /* case 0x19: */ /* case 0x29: */ /* case 0x89: */ /* case 0x99: */ case 9: if (c == 'B') { filter->status = 0; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { return (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k; int c1, c2, s1, s2; retry: s1 = 0; /* check for 1st char of combining characters */ if ((filter->status & 0xf) == 0 && ( c == 0x00E6 || (c >= 0x0254 && c <= 0x02E9) || (c >= 0x304B && c <= 0x3053) || (c >= 0x30AB && c <= 0x30C8) || c == 0x31F7)) { for (k = 0; k < jisx0213_u2_tbl_len; k++) { if (c == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]) { filter->status++; filter->cache = k; return 0; } } } /* check for 2nd char of combining characters */ if ((filter->status & 0xf) == 1 && filter->cache >= 0 && filter->cache < jisx0213_u2_tbl_len) { k = filter->cache; filter->status &= ~0xf; filter->cache = 0; c1 = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; if ((c1 == 0x0254 || c1 == 0x028C || c1 == 0x0259 || c1 == 0x025A) && c == 0x0301) { k++; } if (c == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]) { s1 = jisx0213_u2_key[k]; } else { /* fallback */ s1 = jisx0213_u2_fb_tbl[k]; if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); } else if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { s2 = (s1 & 0xff) + 0x80; s1 = ((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) + 0x80; } else { if (filter->status != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('Q', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; s2 = s1 & 0x7f; s1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0x7f; } /* Flush out cached data */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); goto retry; } } /* check for major japanese chars: U+4E00 - U+9FFF */ if (s1 <= 0) { for (k = 0; k < uni2jis_tbl_len; k++) { if (c >= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0] && c <= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][1]) { s1 = uni2jis_tbl[k][c-uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0]]; break; } } } /* check for japanese chars in compressed mapping area: U+1E00 - U+4DBF */ if (s1 <= 0 && c >= ucs_c1_jisx0213_min && c <= ucs_c1_jisx0213_max) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch(c, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s1 = ucs_c1_jisx0213_ofst[k] + c - ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl[2*k]; } } /* check for japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (s1 <= 0 && c >= jisx0213_u5_tbl_min && c <= jisx0213_u5_tbl_max) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0x20000, jisx0213_u5_jis_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s1 = jisx0213_u5_jis_tbl[k]; } } if (s1 <= 0) { /* CJK Compatibility Forms: U+FE30 - U+FE4F */ if (c == 0xfe45) { s1 = 0x233e; } else if (c == 0xfe46) { s1 = 0x233d; } else if (c >= 0xf91d && c <= 0xf9dc) { /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs: U+F900 - U+F92A */ k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_key, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_len); if (k >= 0) { s1 = ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_val[k]; } } } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else { s1 = -1; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_2004 && (filter->status & 0xff00)) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x100) { /* latin or kana */ if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8e, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004 && (s1 >= 0xA1 && s1 <= 0xDF)) { CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } } else if (s1 < 0x7f00) { /* X 0213 plane 1 */ if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); } else if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { s2 = (s1 & 0xff) + 0x80; s1 = ((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) + 0x80; } else { if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('Q', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; s2 = s1 & 0xff; s1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } else { /* X 0213 plane 2 */ if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); } else { s2 = s1 & 0xff; k = ((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) - 0x7f; if (k >= 0 && k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len) { s1 = jisx0213_p2_ofst[k] + 0x21; } if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { s2 |= 0x80; s1 |= 0x80; CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8f, filter->data)); } else { if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('P', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; } } CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k, c1, c2, s1, s2; k = filter->cache; filter->cache = 0; if (filter->status == 1 && k >= 0 && k <= jisx0213_u2_tbl_len) { s1 = jisx0213_u2_fb_tbl[k]; if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004) { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); } else if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004) { s2 = (s1 & 0xff) | 0x80; s1 = ((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80; } else { s2 = s1 & 0x7f; s1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0x7f; if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('Q', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } /* If we had switched to a different charset, go back to ASCII mode * This makes it possible to concatenate arbitrary valid strings * together and get a valid string */ if (filter->status & 0xff00) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { return (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } #define ASCII 0 #define JISX0208 1 #define JISX0213_PLANE1 2 #define JISX0213_PLANE2 3 static size_t mb_iso2022jp2004_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { if (c == 0x1B) { if ((e - p) < 2) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; p = e; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { if (c3 == 'B') { *state = JISX0208; } else if (c3 == '(') { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == 'Q') { *state = JISX0213_PLANE1; } else if (c4 == 'P') { *state = JISX0213_PLANE2; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c2 == '(') { if (c3 == 'B') { *state = ASCII; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { p--; *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (*state >= JISX0208 && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 < 0x21 || c2 > 0x7E) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } if (*state == JISX0213_PLANE1) { unsigned int w1 = (c << 8) | c2; /* Conversion for combining characters */ if ((w1 >= 0x2477 && w1 <= 0x2479) || (w1 >= 0x2479 && w1 <= 0x247B) || (w1 >= 0x2577 && w1 <= 0x257E) || w1 == 0x2678 || w1 == 0x2B44 || (w1 >= 0x2B48 && w1 <= 0x2B4F) || (w1 >= 0x2B65 && w1 <= 0x2B66)) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_u2_key, jisx0213_u2_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]; continue; } } /* Conversion for BMP */ uint32_t w = 0; w1 = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; if (w1 < jisx0213_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0213_ucs_table[w1]; } /* Conversion for CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!w) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else if (*state == JISX0213_PLANE2) { unsigned int s1 = c - 0x21, s2 = c2 - 0x21; if (((s1 <= 4 && s1 != 1) || s1 == 7 || (s1 >= 11 && s1 <= 14) || (s1 >= 77 && s1 < 94)) && s2 < 94) { int k; for (k = 0; k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len; k++) { if (s1 == jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]) { break; } } k -= jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]; /* Check for Japanese chars in BMP */ unsigned int s = (s1 + 94 + k)*94 + s2; ZEND_ASSERT(s < jisx0213_ucs_table_size); uint32_t w = jisx0213_ucs_table[s]; /* Check for Japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!w) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(s, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { /* state == JISX0208 */ unsigned int s = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; uint32_t w = 0; if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = c; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp2004(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); uint32_t w; if (buf->state & 0xFF00) { int k = (buf->state >> 8) - 1; w = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; buf->state &= 0xFF; goto process_codepoint; } while (len--) { w = *in++; process_codepoint: ; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0xE6 || (w >= 0x254 && w <= 0x2E9) || (w >= 0x304B && w <= 0x3053) || (w >= 0x30AB && w <= 0x30C8) || w == 0x31F7) { for (int k = 0; k < jisx0213_u2_tbl_len; k++) { if (w == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]) { if (!len) { if (!end) { buf->state |= (k+1) << 8; MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } } else { uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if ((w == 0x254 || w == 0x28C || w == 0x259 || w == 0x25A) && w2 == 0x301) { k++; } if (w2 == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]) { s = jisx0213_u2_key[k]; break; } in--; len++; } s = jisx0213_u2_fb_tbl[k]; break; } } } /* Check for major Japanese chars: U+4E00-U+9FFF */ if (!s) { for (int k = 0; k < uni2jis_tbl_len; k++) { if (w >= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0] && w <= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][1]) { s = uni2jis_tbl[k][w - uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0]]; break; } } } /* Check for Japanese chars in compressed mapping area: U+1E00-U+4DBF */ if (!s && w >= ucs_c1_jisx0213_min && w <= ucs_c1_jisx0213_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch(w, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_c1_jisx0213_ofst[k] + w - ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl[2*k]; } } /* Check for Japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!s && w >= jisx0213_u5_tbl_min && w <= jisx0213_u5_tbl_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x20000, jisx0213_u5_jis_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = jisx0213_u5_jis_tbl[k]; } } if (!s) { /* CJK Compatibility Forms: U+FE30-U+FE4F */ if (w == 0xFE45) { s = 0x233E; } else if (w == 0xFE46) { s = 0x233D; } else if (w >= 0xF91D && w <= 0xF9DC) { /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs: U+F900-U+F92A */ int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_key, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_val[k]; } } } if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp2004); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0x7F) { if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp2004); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0x7EFF) { if (buf->state != JISX0213_PLANE1) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 6); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', '(', 'Q'); buf->state = JISX0213_PLANE1; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else { if (buf->state != JISX0213_PLANE2) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 6); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', '(', 'P'); buf->state = JISX0213_PLANE2; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } unsigned int s2 = s & 0xFF; int k = ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) - 0x7F; ZEND_ASSERT(k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len); s = jisx0213_p2_ofst[k] + 0x21; out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s, s2); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; retry: switch (filter->status & 0xf) { /* case 0x00: ASCII */ /* case 0x10: X 0201 latin */ /* case 0x20: X 0201 kana */ /* case 0x80: X 0208 */ /* case 0x90: X 0212 */ case 0: if (c == 0x1b) { filter->status += 2; } else if (c == 0x0e) { /* "kana in" */ filter->status = 0x20; } else if (c == 0x0f) { /* "kana out" */ filter->status = 0; } else if (filter->status == 0x10 && c == 0x5c) { /* YEN SIGN */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xa5, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == 0x10 && c == 0x7e) { /* OVER LINE */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x203e, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == 0x20 && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xff40 + c, filter->data)); } else if ((filter->status == 0x80 || filter->status == 0x90) && c > 0x20 && c <= 0x97) { /* kanji first char */ filter->cache = c; filter->status += 1; } else if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin, CTLs */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { /* GR kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xfec0 + c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* case 0x81: X 0208 second char */ /* case 0x91: X 0212 second char */ case 1: filter->status &= ~0xf; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { s = (c1 - 0x21)*94 + c - 0x21; if (filter->status == 0x80) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[s - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 94 * 94 && s < 114 * 94) { /* user-defined => PUA (Microsoft extended) */ w = s - 94*94 + 0xe000; } else { w = 0; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; } else { w = 0; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC */ /* case 0x02: */ /* case 0x12: */ /* case 0x22: */ /* case 0x82: */ /* case 0x92: */ case 2: if (c == 0x24) { /* '$' */ filter->status++; } else if (c == 0x28) { /* '(' */ filter->status += 3; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC $ */ /* case 0x03: */ /* case 0x13: */ /* case 0x23: */ /* case 0x83: */ /* case 0x93: */ case 3: if (c == 0x40 || c == 0x42) { /* '@' or 'B' */ filter->status = 0x80; } else if (c == 0x28) { /* '(' */ filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC $ ( */ /* case 0x04: */ /* case 0x14: */ /* case 0x24: */ /* case 0x84: */ /* case 0x94: */ case 4: if (c == 0x40 || c == 0x42) { /* '@' or 'B' */ filter->status = 0x80; } else if (c == 0x44) { /* 'D' */ filter->status = 0x90; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; /* ESC ( */ /* case 0x05: */ /* case 0x15: */ /* case 0x25: */ /* case 0x85: */ /* case 0x95: */ case 5: if (c == 0x42 || c == 0x48) { /* 'B' or 'H' */ filter->status = 0; } else if (c == 0x4a) { /* 'J' */ filter->status = 0x10; } else if (c == 0x49) { /* 'I' */ filter->status = 0x20; } else { filter->status &= ~0xf; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); goto retry; } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { /* 2-byte (JIS X 0208 or 0212) character was truncated, or else * escape sequence was truncated */ CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static const unsigned char hankana2zenkana_table[64] = { 0x00,0x02,0x0C,0x0D,0x01,0xFB,0xF2,0xA1,0xA3,0xA5, 0xA7,0xA9,0xE3,0xE5,0xE7,0xC3,0xFC,0xA2,0xA4,0xA6, 0xA8,0xAA,0xAB,0xAD,0xAF,0xB1,0xB3,0xB5,0xB7,0xB9, 0xBB,0xBD,0xBF,0xC1,0xC4,0xC6,0xC8,0xCA,0xCB,0xCC, 0xCD,0xCE,0xCF,0xD2,0xD5,0xD8,0xDB,0xDE,0xDF,0xE0, 0xE1,0xE2,0xE4,0xE6,0xE8,0xE9,0xEA,0xEB,0xEC,0xED, 0xEF,0xF3,0x9B,0x9C }; static const unsigned char hankana2zenhira_table[64] = { 0x00,0x02,0x0C,0x0D,0x01,0xFB,0x92,0x41,0x43,0x45, 0x47,0x49,0x83,0x85,0x87,0x63,0xFC,0x42,0x44,0x46, 0x48,0x4A,0x4B,0x4D,0x4F,0x51,0x53,0x55,0x57,0x59, 0x5B,0x5D,0x5F,0x61,0x64,0x66,0x68,0x6A,0x6B,0x6C, 0x6D,0x6E,0x6F,0x72,0x75,0x78,0x7B,0x7E,0x7F,0x80, 0x81,0x82,0x84,0x86,0x88,0x89,0x8A,0x8B,0x8C,0x8D, 0x8F,0x93,0x9B,0x9C }; static const unsigned char zenkana2hankana_table[84][2] = { {0x67,0x00},{0x71,0x00},{0x68,0x00},{0x72,0x00},{0x69,0x00}, {0x73,0x00},{0x6A,0x00},{0x74,0x00},{0x6B,0x00},{0x75,0x00}, {0x76,0x00},{0x76,0x9E},{0x77,0x00},{0x77,0x9E},{0x78,0x00}, {0x78,0x9E},{0x79,0x00},{0x79,0x9E},{0x7A,0x00},{0x7A,0x9E}, {0x7B,0x00},{0x7B,0x9E},{0x7C,0x00},{0x7C,0x9E},{0x7D,0x00}, {0x7D,0x9E},{0x7E,0x00},{0x7E,0x9E},{0x7F,0x00},{0x7F,0x9E}, {0x80,0x00},{0x80,0x9E},{0x81,0x00},{0x81,0x9E},{0x6F,0x00}, {0x82,0x00},{0x82,0x9E},{0x83,0x00},{0x83,0x9E},{0x84,0x00}, {0x84,0x9E},{0x85,0x00},{0x86,0x00},{0x87,0x00},{0x88,0x00}, {0x89,0x00},{0x8A,0x00},{0x8A,0x9E},{0x8A,0x9F},{0x8B,0x00}, {0x8B,0x9E},{0x8B,0x9F},{0x8C,0x00},{0x8C,0x9E},{0x8C,0x9F}, {0x8D,0x00},{0x8D,0x9E},{0x8D,0x9F},{0x8E,0x00},{0x8E,0x9E}, {0x8E,0x9F},{0x8F,0x00},{0x90,0x00},{0x91,0x00},{0x92,0x00}, {0x93,0x00},{0x6C,0x00},{0x94,0x00},{0x6D,0x00},{0x95,0x00}, {0x6E,0x00},{0x96,0x00},{0x97,0x00},{0x98,0x00},{0x99,0x00}, {0x9A,0x00},{0x9B,0x00},{0x9C,0x00},{0x9C,0x00},{0x72,0x00}, {0x74,0x00},{0x66,0x00},{0x9D,0x00},{0x73,0x9E} }; /* Apply various transforms to input codepoint, such as converting halfwidth katakana * to fullwidth katakana. `mode` is a bitfield which controls which transforms are * actually performed. The bit values are defined in translit_kana_jisx0201_jisx0208.h. * `mode` must not call for transforms which are inverses (i.e. which would cancel * each other out). * * In some cases, successive input codepoints may be merged into one output codepoint. * (That is the purpose of the `next` parameter.) If the `next` codepoint is consumed * and should be skipped over, `*consumed` will be set to true. Otherwise, `*consumed` * will not be modified. If there is no following codepoint, `next` should be zero. * * Again, in some cases, one input codepoint may convert to two output codepoints. * If so, the second output codepoint will be stored in `*second`. * * Return the resulting codepoint. If none of the requested transforms apply, return * the input codepoint unchanged. */ uint32_t mb_convert_kana_codepoint(uint32_t c, uint32_t next, bool *consumed, uint32_t *second, unsigned int mode) { if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_ALL) && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7D && c != '"' && c != '\'' && c != '\\') { return c + 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_ALPHA) && ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))) { return c + 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_NUMERIC) && c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return c + 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_SPACE) && c == ' ') { return 0x3000; } if (mode & (MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA | MBFL_HAN2ZEN_HIRAGANA)) { /* Convert Hankaku kana to Zenkaku kana * Either all Hankaku kana (including katakana and hiragana) will be converted * to Zenkaku katakana, or to Zenkaku hiragana */ if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA) && (mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE)) { if (c >= 0xFF61 && c <= 0xFF9F) { int n = c - 0xFF60; if (next >= 0xFF61 && next <= 0xFF9F) { if (next == 0xFF9E && ((n >= 22 && n <= 36) || (n >= 42 && n <= 46))) { *consumed = true; return 0x3001 + hankana2zenkana_table[n]; } if (next == 0xFF9E && n == 19) { *consumed = true; return 0x30F4; } if (next == 0xFF9F && n >= 42 && n <= 46) { *consumed = true; return 0x3002 + hankana2zenkana_table[n]; } } return 0x3000 + hankana2zenkana_table[n]; } } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_HIRAGANA) && (mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE)) { if (c >= 0xFF61 && c <= 0xFF9F) { int n = c - 0xFF60; if (next >= 0xFF61 && next <= 0xFF9F) { if (next == 0xFF9E && ((n >= 22 && n <= 36) || (n >= 42 && n <= 46))) { *consumed = true; return 0x3001 + hankana2zenhira_table[n]; } if (next == 0xFF9F && n >= 42 && n <= 46) { *consumed = true; return 0x3002 + hankana2zenhira_table[n]; } } return 0x3000 + hankana2zenhira_table[n]; } } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA) && c >= 0xFF61 && c <= 0xFF9F) { return 0x3000 + hankana2zenkana_table[c - 0xFF60]; } if ((mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_HIRAGANA) && c >= 0xFF61 && c <= 0xFF9F) { return 0x3000 + hankana2zenhira_table[c - 0xFF60]; } } if (mode & MBFL_HAN2ZEN_SPECIAL) { /* special ascii to symbol */ if (c == '\\' || c == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ return 0xFFE5; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } if (c == 0x7E || c == 0x203E) { return 0xFFE3; /* FULLWIDTH MACRON */ } if (c == '\'') { return 0x2019; /* RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK */ } if (c == '"') { return 0x201D; /* RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ } } if (mode & (MBFL_ZEN2HAN_ALL | MBFL_ZEN2HAN_ALPHA | MBFL_ZEN2HAN_NUMERIC | MBFL_ZEN2HAN_SPACE)) { /* Zenkaku to Hankaku */ if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_ALL) && c >= 0xFF01 && c <= 0xFF5D && c != 0xFF02 && c != 0xFF07 && c != 0xFF3C) { /* all except " ' \ ~ */ return c - 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_ALPHA) && ((c >= 0xFF21 && c <= 0xFF3A) || (c >= 0xFF41 && c <= 0xFF5A))) { return c - 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_NUMERIC) && (c >= 0xFF10 && c <= 0xFF19)) { return c - 0xFEE0; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_SPACE) && (c == 0x3000)) { return ' '; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_ALL) && (c == 0x2212)) { /* MINUS SIGN */ return '-'; } } if (mode & (MBFL_ZEN2HAN_KATAKANA | MBFL_ZEN2HAN_HIRAGANA)) { /* Zenkaku kana to hankaku kana */ if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_KATAKANA) && c >= 0x30A1 && c <= 0x30F4) { /* Zenkaku katakana to hankaku kana */ int n = c - 0x30A1; if (zenkana2hankana_table[n][1]) { *second = 0xFF00 + zenkana2hankana_table[n][1]; } return 0xFF00 + zenkana2hankana_table[n][0]; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_HIRAGANA) && c >= 0x3041 && c <= 0x3093) { /* Zenkaku hiragana to hankaku kana */ int n = c - 0x3041; if (zenkana2hankana_table[n][1]) { *second = 0xFF00 + zenkana2hankana_table[n][1]; } return 0xFF00 + zenkana2hankana_table[n][0]; } if (c == 0x3001) { return 0xFF64; /* HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA */ } if (c == 0x3002) { return 0xFF61; /* HALFWIDTH IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP */ } if (c == 0x300C) { return 0xFF62; /* HALFWIDTH LEFT CORNER BRACKET */ } if (c == 0x300D) { return 0xFF63; /* HALFWIDTH RIGHT CORNER BRACKET */ } if (c == 0x309B) { return 0xFF9E; /* HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK */ } if (c == 0x309C) { return 0xff9f; /* HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK */ } if (c == 0x30FC) { return 0xFF70; /* HALFWIDTH KATAKANA-HIRAGANA PROLONGED SOUND MARK */ } if (c == 0x30FB) { return 0xFF65; /* HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT */ } } if (mode & (MBFL_ZENKAKU_HIRA2KATA | MBFL_ZENKAKU_KATA2HIRA)) { if ((mode & MBFL_ZENKAKU_HIRA2KATA) && ((c >= 0x3041 && c <= 0x3093) || c == 0x309D || c == 0x309E)) { /* Zenkaku hiragana to Zenkaku katakana */ return c + 0x60; } if ((mode & MBFL_ZENKAKU_KATA2HIRA) && ((c >= 0x30A1 && c <= 0x30F3) || c == 0x30FD || c == 0x30FE)) { /* Zenkaku katakana to Zenkaku hiragana */ return c - 0x60; } } if (mode & MBFL_ZEN2HAN_SPECIAL) { /* special symbol to ascii */ if (c == 0xFFE5 || c == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN/FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ return '\\'; } if (c == 0xFFE3 || c == 0x203E) { /* FULLWIDTH MACRON/OVERLINE */ return '~'; } if (c == 0x2018 || c == 0x2019) { /* LEFT/RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK*/ return '\''; } if (c == 0x201C || c == 0x201D) { /* LEFT/RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK */ return '"'; } } return c; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter); static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int mode = MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA | MBFL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE; bool consumed = false; if (filter->cache) { int s = mb_convert_kana_codepoint(filter->cache, c, &consumed, NULL, mode); filter->cache = consumed ? 0 : c; /* Terrible hack to get CP50220 to emit error markers in the proper * position, not reordering them with subsequent characters */ filter->filter_function = mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221; mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221(s, filter); filter->filter_function = mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220; if (c == 0 && !consumed) { (*filter->output_function)(0, filter->data); } } else if (c == 0) { /* This case has to be handled separately, since `filter->cache == 0` means * no codepoint is cached */ (*filter->output_function)(0, filter->data); } else { filter->cache = c; } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_any_jis_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* back to latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function != NULL) { return (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int mode = MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA | MBFL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE; if (filter->cache) { int s = mb_convert_kana_codepoint(filter->cache, 0, NULL, NULL, mode); filter->filter_function = mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221; mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221(s, filter); filter->filter_function = mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220; filter->cache = 0; } return mbfl_filt_conv_any_jis_flush(filter); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c == 0x203E) { /* OVERLINE */ s = 0x1007E; /* Convert to JISX 0201 OVERLINE */ } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xE757) { /* 'private'/'user' codepoints */ s = c - 0xE000; s = ((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8 | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005c; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224c; } } /* Above, we do a series of lookups in `ucs_*_jis_table` to find a * corresponding kuten code for this Unicode codepoint * If we get zero, that means the codepoint is not in JIS X 0208 * On the other hand, if we get a result with the high bits set on both * upper and lower bytes, that is not a code in JIS X 0208 but rather * in JIS X 0213 * In either case, check if this codepoint is one of the extensions added * to JIS X 0208 by MicroSoft (to make CP932) */ if (s == 0 || ((s & 0x8000) && (s & 0x80))) { int i; s = -1; for (i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { const int oh = cp932ext1_ucs_table_min / 94; if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = ((i / 94 + oh + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94 + 0x21); break; } } if (s < 0) { const int oh = cp932ext2_ucs_table_min / 94; const int cp932ext2_ucs_table_size = cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; for (i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_size; i++) { if (c == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { s = ((i / 94 + oh + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94 + 0x21); break; } } } if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ filter->status = 0; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s >= 0xa0 && s < 0xe0) { /* X 0201 kana */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x49, filter->data)); /* 'I' */ filter->status = 0x500; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s - 0x80, filter->data)); } else if (s <= 0x927E) { /* X 0208 + extensions */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); /* '$' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ filter->status = 0x200; } CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* X0212 */ CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } else { /* X 0201 latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x400) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x4a, filter->data)); /* 'J' */ } filter->status = 0x400; CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50222(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c == 0x203E) { /* OVERLINE */ s = 0x1007E; /* Convert to JISX 0201 OVERLINE */ } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xE000 && c <= 0xE757) { /* 'private'/'user' codepoints */ s = c - 0xE000; s = ((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8 | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005c; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224c; } } if (s == 0 || ((s & 0x8000) && (s & 0x80))) { int i; s = -1; for (i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { const int oh = cp932ext1_ucs_table_min / 94; if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = ((i / 94 + oh + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94 + 0x21); break; } } if (s <= 0) { const int oh = cp932ext2_ucs_table_min / 94; const int cp932ext2_ucs_table_size = cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; for (i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_size; i++) { if (c == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { s = ((i / 94 + oh + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94 + 0x21); break; } } } if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) == 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* SO */ filter->status = 0; } else if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ filter->status = 0; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s >= 0xa0 && s < 0xe0) { /* X 0201 kana */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0e, filter->data)); /* SI */ filter->status = 0x500; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s - 0x80, filter->data)); } else if (s <= 0x927E) { /* X 0208 */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) == 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* SO */ filter->status = 0; } if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x24, filter->data)); /* '$' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ filter->status = 0x200; } CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x10000) { /* X0212 */ CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } else { /* X 0201 latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) == 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* SO */ filter->status = 0; } if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0x400) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x4a, filter->data)); /* 'J' */ } filter->status = 0x400; CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7f, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50222_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* back to latin */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) == 0x500) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* SO */ } else if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x28, filter->data)); /* '(' */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x42, filter->data)); /* 'B' */ } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } #define ASCII 0 #define JISX_0201_LATIN 1 #define JISX_0201_KANA 2 #define JISX_0208 3 #define JISX_0212 4 static size_t mb_cp5022x_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { ZEND_ASSERT(bufsize >= 3); unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { /* Escape sequence */ if ((e - p) < 2) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; /* Duplicate error-handling behavior of legacy code */ if (p < e && (*p == '(' || *p == '$')) p++; continue; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { *state = JISX_0208; } else if (c3 == '(') { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == '@' || c4 == 'B') { *state = JISX_0208; } else if (c4 == 'D') { *state = JISX_0212; } else { if ((limit - out) < 3) { p -= 4; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '$'; *out++ = '('; p--; } } else { if ((limit - out) < 2) { p -= 3; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '$'; p--; } } else if (c2 == '(') { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'H') { *state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'J') { *state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } else if (c3 == 'I') { *state = JISX_0201_KANA; } else { if ((limit - out) < 2) { p -= 3; break; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = '('; p--; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; p--; } } else if (c == 0xE) { *state = JISX_0201_KANA; } else if (c == 0xF) { *state = ASCII; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_LATIN && c == 0x5C) { /* YEN SIGN */ *out++ = 0xA5; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_LATIN && c == 0x7E) { /* OVER LINE */ *out++ = 0x203E; } else if (*state == JISX_0201_KANA && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { *out++ = 0xFF40 + c; } else if (*state >= JISX_0208 && c > 0x20 && c <= 0x97) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 > 0x20 && c2 < 0x7F) { unsigned int s = (c - 0x21)*94 + c2 - 0x21; uint32_t w = 0; if (*state == JISX_0208) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[s - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 94*94 && s < 114*94) { /* MicroSoft extension */ w = s - 94*94 + 0xE000; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { if (s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static unsigned int lookup_wchar(uint32_t w) { unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w == 0x203E) { /* OVERLINE */ s = 0x1007E; /* Convert to JISX 0201 OVERLINE */ } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w <= 0xE757) { /* Private Use Area codepoints */ s = w - 0xE000; s = ((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8 | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x1005C; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else if (w == 0) { return 0; } } /* Above, we do a series of lookups in `ucs_*_jis_table` to find a * corresponding kuten code for this Unicode codepoint * If we get zero, that means the codepoint is not in JIS X 0208 * On the other hand, if we get a result with the high bits set on both * upper and lower bytes, that is not a code in JIS X 0208 but rather * in JIS X 0213 * In either case, check if this codepoint is one of the extensions added * to JIS X 0208 by MicroSoft (to make CP932) */ if (!s || s >= 0x8080) { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { return (((i / 94) + (cp932ext1_ucs_table_min / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; } } for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { return (((i / 94) + (cp932ext2_ucs_table_min / 94) + 0x21) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; } } } return s; } static void mb_wchar_to_cp50221(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end); static void mb_wchar_to_cp50220(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); uint32_t w; if (buf->state & 0xFFFF00) { /* Reprocess cached codepoint */ w = buf->state >> 8; buf->state &= 0xFF; goto reprocess_codepoint; } while (len--) { w = *in++; reprocess_codepoint: if (w >= 0xFF61 && w <= 0xFF9F && !len && !end) { /* This codepoint may need to combine with the next one, * but the 'next one' will come in a separate buffer */ buf->state |= w << 8; break; } bool consumed = false; w = mb_convert_kana_codepoint(w, len ? *in : 0, &consumed, NULL, MBFL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA | MBFL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE); if (consumed) { /* Two successive codepoints were converted into one */ in++; len--; consumed = false; } unsigned int s = lookup_wchar(w); if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50221); } else if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != ASCII) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA0 && s < 0xE0) { /* JISX 0201 Kana */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'I'); buf->state = JISX_0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s - 0x80); } else if (s <= 0x927E) { /* JISX 0208 Kanji */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 5); if (buf->state != JISX_0208) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX_0208; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else if (s >= 0x10000) { /* JISX 0201 Latin; we 'tag' these by adding 0x10000 */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != JISX_0201_LATIN) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'J'); buf->state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50221); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static void mb_wchar_to_cp50221(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = lookup_wchar(w); if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50221); } else if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != ASCII) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA0 && s < 0xE0) { /* JISX 0201 Kana */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'I'); buf->state = JISX_0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s - 0x80); } else if (s <= 0x927E) { /* JISX 0208 Kanji */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 5); if (buf->state != JISX_0208) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX_0208; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else if (s >= 0x10000) { /* JISX 0201 Latin; we 'tag' these by adding 0x10000 */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state != JISX_0201_LATIN) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'J'); buf->state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50221); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static void mb_wchar_to_cp50222(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = lookup_wchar(w); if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50222); } else if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); if (buf->state == JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); buf->state = ASCII; } else if (buf->state != ASCII) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA0 && s < 0xE0) { /* JISX 0201 Kana */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); if (buf->state != JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xE); buf->state = JISX_0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s - 0x80); } else if (s <= 0x927E) { /* JISX 0208 Kanji */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 6); if (buf->state == JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); } if (buf->state != JISX_0208) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX_0208; } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else if (s >= 0x10000) { /* JISX 0201 Latin; we 'tag' these by adding 0x10000 */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 5); if (buf->state == JISX_0201_KANA) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); } if (buf->state != JISX_0201_LATIN) { out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'J'); buf->state = JISX_0201_LATIN; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp50222); } } if (end) { if (buf->state == JISX_0201_KANA) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 1); out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); } else if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } #define ASCII 0 #define JISX0201_KANA 0x20 #define JISX0208_KANJI 0x80 #define UDC 0xA0 static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022jpms_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; switch (filter->status & 0xF) { case 0: if (c == 0x1B) { filter->status += 2; } else if (filter->status == JISX0201_KANA && c > 0x20 && c < 0x60) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFF40 + c, filter->data)); } else if ((filter->status == JISX0208_KANJI || filter->status == UDC) && c > 0x20 && c < 0x80) { filter->cache = c; filter->status += 1; } else if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFEC0 + c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* Kanji, second byte */ case 1: w = 0; filter->status &= ~0xF; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F) { s = ((c1 - 0x21) * 94) + c - 0x21; if (filter->status == JISX0208_KANJI) { if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext1 (13ku) */ w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext2 (89ku - 92ku) */ w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { if (c1 > 0x20 && c1 < 0x35) { w = 0xE000 + ((c1 - 0x21) * 94) + c - 0x21; } else { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC */ case 2: if (c == '$') { filter->status++; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status += 3; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $ */ case 3: if (c == '@' || c == 'B') { filter->status = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c == '(') { filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC $ ( */ case 4: if (c == '@' || c == 'B') { filter->status = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c == '?') { filter->status = UDC; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC ( */ case 5: if (c == 'B' || c == 'J') { filter->status = 0; } else if (c == 'I') { filter->status = JISX0201_KANA; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022jpms_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } #define sjistoidx(c1, c2) \ (((c1) > 0x9f) ? (((c1) - 0xc1) * 188 + (c2) - (((c2) > 0x7e) ? 0x41 : 0x40)) : (((c1) - 0x81) * 188 + (c2) - (((c2) > 0x7e) ? 0x41 : 0x40))) #define idxtojis1(c) (((c) / 94) + 0x21) #define idxtojis2(c) (((c) % 94) + 0x21) static int cp932ext3_cp932ext2_jis(int c) { int idx; idx = sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x40) + c; if (idx >= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x5c)) idx -= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x5c) - sjistoidx(0xed, 0x40); else if (idx >= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x55)) idx -= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x55) - sjistoidx(0xee, 0xfa); else if (idx >= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x40)) idx -= sjistoidx(0xfa, 0x40) - sjistoidx(0xee, 0xef); return idxtojis1(idx) << 8 | idxtojis2(idx); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jpms(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1 = 0, s2 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xE000 && c < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s1 = c - 0xE000; c1 = (s1 / 94) + 0x7f; c2 = (s1 % 94) + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224C; } } if ((s1 <= 0) || (s1 >= 0xa1a1 && s2 == 0)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ s1 = -1; for (c1 = 0; c1 < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; c1++) { if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = (((c1 / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (c1 % 94) + 0x21; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { for (c1 = 0; c1 < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; c1++) { if (c == cp932ext3_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = cp932ext3_cp932ext2_jis(c1); break; } } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x80) { /* latin */ if (filter->status & 0xFF00) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); filter->status = 0; } else if (s1 > 0xA0 && s1 < 0xE0) { /* kana */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x100) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('I', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x100; CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0x7F, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x7E7F) { /* X 0208 */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 >> 8) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0x7F, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x927F) { /* UDC */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x800) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('?', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x800; CK((*filter->output_function)(((s1 >> 8) - 0x5E) & 0x7F, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0x7F, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_any_2022jpms_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* Go back to ASCII (so strings can be safely concatenated) */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1B, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('(', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('B', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_iso2022jpms_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { if ((e - p) < 2) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; p = e; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c2 == '$') { if (c3 == '@' || c3 == 'B') { *state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c3 == '(' && p < e) { unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 == '@' || c4 == 'B') { *state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else if (c4 == '?') { *state = UDC; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c2 == '(') { if (c3 == 'B' || c3 == 'J') { *state = ASCII; } else if (c3 == 'I') { *state = JISX0201_KANA; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { p--; *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (*state == JISX0201_KANA && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x5F) { *out++ = 0xFF40 + c; } else if ((*state == JISX0208_KANJI || *state == UDC) && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7F) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned int w = 0; if (c2 >= 0x21 && c2 <= 0x7E) { unsigned int s = ((c - 0x21) * 94) + c2 - 0x21; if (*state == JISX0208_KANJI) { if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (!w) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } } } else if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x34) { w = 0xE000 + ((c - 0x21) * 94) + c2 - 0x21; } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_iso2022jpms(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s = ((((w - 0xE000) / 94) + 0x7F) << 8) | (((w - 0xE000) % 94) + 0x21); } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } } if (s >= 0xA1A1) /* JISX 0212 */ s = 0; if (!s && w) { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; break; } } if (!s) { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext3_ucs_table[i]) { s = cp932ext3_cp932ext2_jis(i); break; } } } } if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jpms); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0x7F) { if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); buf->state = ASCII; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s >= 0xA1 && s <= 0xDF) { if (buf->state != JISX0201_KANA) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'I'); buf->state = JISX0201_KANA; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s & 0x7F); } else if (s <= 0x7E7E) { if (buf->state != JISX0208_KANJI) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 5); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '$', 'B'); buf->state = JISX0208_KANJI; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0x7F); } else if (s < 0x927F) { if (buf->state != UDC) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 6); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', '(', '?'); buf->state = UDC; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) - 0x5E) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jpms); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x1B, '(', 'B'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022kr_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int w = 0; switch (filter->status & 0xf) { /* case 0x00: ASCII */ /* case 0x10: KSC5601 */ case 0: if (c == 0x1b) { /* ESC */ filter->status += 2; } else if (c == 0x0f) { /* shift in (ASCII) */ filter->status = 0; } else if (c == 0x0e) { /* shift out (KSC5601) */ filter->status = 0x10; } else if ((filter->status & 0x10) && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { /* KSC5601 lead byte */ filter->cache = c; filter->status = 0x11; } else if ((filter->status & 0x10) == 0 && c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin, CTLs */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0x10; int c1 = filter->cache; int flag = 0; if (c1 > 0x20 && c1 < 0x47) { flag = 1; } else if (c1 >= 0x47 && c1 <= 0x7e && c1 != 0x49) { flag = 2; } if (flag > 0 && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7f) { if (flag == 1) { if (c1 != 0x22 || c <= 0x65) { w = (c1 - 1)*190 + (c - 0x41) + 0x80; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc1_ucs_table_size); w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; } } else { w = (c1 - 0x47)*94 + c - 0x21; if (w < uhc3_ucs_table_size) { w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; } else { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 2: /* ESC */ if (c == '$') { filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* ESC $ */ if (c == ')') { filter->status++; } else { filter->status &= ~0xF; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 4: /* ESC $ ) */ filter->status = 0; if (c != 'C') { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_2022kr_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022kr(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s = 0; if ((filter->status & 0x100) == 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x1b, filter->data)); /* ESC */ CK((*filter->output_function)('$', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(')', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('C', filter->data)); filter->status |= 0x100; } if (c >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[c - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[c - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[c - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[c - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[c - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[c - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[c - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s & 0xff; /* exclude UHC extension area */ if (c1 < 0xa1 || c2 < 0xa1) { s = c; } else if (s & 0x8000) { s -= 0x8080; } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else { s = -1; } } else if ((s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121) || (s > 0x8080)) { s = -1; } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80 && s >= 0) { /* ASCII */ if (filter->status & 0x10) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* shift in */ filter->status &= ~0x10; } CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { if ((filter->status & 0x10) == 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0e, filter->data)); /* shift out */ filter->status |= 0x10; } CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_any_2022kr_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status & 0xF) { /* Escape sequence or 2-byte character was truncated */ (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); } /* back to ascii */ if (filter->status & 0x10) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x0f, filter->data)); /* shift in */ } filter->status = filter->cache = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { return (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } #define ASCII 0 #define KSC5601 1 static size_t mb_iso2022kr_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { if ((e - p) < 3) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; if (p < e && *p++ == '$') { if (p < e) { p++; } } continue; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned char c3 = *p++; unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c2 == '$' && c3 == ')' && c4 == 'C') { *state = ASCII; } else { if (c3 != ')') { p--; if (c2 != '$') p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0xF) { *state = ASCII; } else if (c == 0xE) { *state = KSC5601; } else if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7E && *state == KSC5601) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned int w = 0; if (c2 < 0x21 || c2 > 0x7E) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } if (c < 0x47) { if (c != 0x22 || c2 <= 0x65) { w = (c - 1)*190 + c2 - 0x41 + 0x80; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc1_ucs_table_size); w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; } } else if (c != 0x49 && c <= 0x7D) { w = (c - 0x47)*94 + c2 - 0x21; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc3_ucs_table_size); w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else if (c < 0x80 && *state == ASCII) { *out++ = c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } #define EMITTED_ESC_SEQUENCE 0x10 static void mb_wchar_to_iso2022kr(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); /* This escape sequence needs to come *somewhere* at the beginning of a line before * we can use the Shift In/Shift Out bytes, but it only needs to come once in a string * Rather than tracking newlines, we can just emit the sequence once at the beginning * of the output string... since that will always be "the beginning of a line" */ if (len && !(buf->state & EMITTED_ESC_SEQUENCE)) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 4 + len); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x1B, '$', ')', 'C'); buf->state |= EMITTED_ESC_SEQUENCE; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[w - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[w - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[w - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[w - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[w - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[w - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[w - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } if (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) < 0xA1 || (s & 0xFF) < 0xA1) { s = w; } else { s -= 0x8080; } if ((s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121) || (s > 0x8080)) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_iso2022kr); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s < 0x80) { if ((buf->state & 1) != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); buf->state &= ~KSC5601; } out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { if ((buf->state & 1) != KSC5601) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xE); buf->state |= KSC5601; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } if (end && (buf->state & 1) != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 1); out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0xF); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_jis_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_jis, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_jis = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_jis, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis, mbfl_filt_conv_any_jis_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_jis = { mbfl_no_encoding_jis, "JIS", "ISO-2022-JP", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_jis_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_jis, mb_iso2022jp_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_jis, mb_check_jis }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_2022jp_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_jis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_2022jp = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp, mbfl_filt_conv_any_jis_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_2022jp = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp, "ISO-2022-JP", "ISO-2022-JP", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_2022jp_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_2022jp, mb_iso2022jp_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp, mb_check_iso2022jp }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_2022jp_kddi_aliases[] = {"ISO-2022-JP-KDDI", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_2022jp_kddi_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_kddi, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_2022jp_mobile_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_2022jp_mobile_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_2022jp_kddi = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_kddi, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp_mobile, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jp_mobile_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_2022jp_kddi = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_kddi, "ISO-2022-JP-MOBILE#KDDI", "ISO-2022-JP", mbfl_encoding_2022jp_kddi_aliases, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_2022jp_kddi_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_2022jp_kddi, mb_iso2022jp_kddi_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp_kddi, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_2022jp_2004_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_2004, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_2022jp_2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_2004, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_2022jp_2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_2004, "ISO-2022-JP-2004", "ISO-2022-JP-2004", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_2022jp_2004_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_2022jp_2004, mb_iso2022jp2004_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jp2004, NULL }; /* Previously, a dubious 'encoding' called 'cp50220raw' was supported * This was just CP50220, but the implementation was less strict regarding * invalid characters; it would silently pass some through * This 'encoding' only existed in mbstring. In case some poor, lost soul is * still using it, retain minimal support by aliasing it to CP50220 * * Further, mbstring also had a made-up encoding called "JIS-ms" * This was the same as CP5022{0,1,2}, but without their special ways of * handling conversion of Unicode half-width katakana */ static const char *cp50220_aliases[] = {"cp50220raw", "cp50220-raw", "JIS-ms", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp50220_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp50220 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50220_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp50221_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50221, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp50221 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50221, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50221, mbfl_filt_conv_any_jis_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp50222_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50222, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp5022x_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp50222 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50222, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50222, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp50222_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp50220 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220, "CP50220", "ISO-2022-JP", cp50220_aliases, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp50220_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp50220, mb_cp5022x_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp50220, NULL }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp50221 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50221, "CP50221", "ISO-2022-JP", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp50221_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp50221, mb_cp5022x_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp50221, NULL }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp50222 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp50222, "CP50222", "ISO-2022-JP", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp50222_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp50222, mb_cp5022x_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp50222, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_2022jpms_aliases[] = {"ISO2022JPMS", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_2022jpms_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jpms, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_2022jpms_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_2022jpms_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_2022jpms = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jpms, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022jpms, mbfl_filt_conv_any_2022jpms_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_2022jpms = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022jpms, "ISO-2022-JP-MS", "ISO-2022-JP", mbfl_encoding_2022jpms_aliases, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_2022jpms_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_2022jpms, mb_iso2022jpms_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_iso2022jpms, NULL }; /* ISO-2022-KR is defined in RFC 1557 * * The RFC says that ESC $ ) C must appear once in a ISO-2022-KR string, * at the beginning of a line, before any instances of the Shift In or * Shift Out bytes which are used to switch between ASCII/KSC 5601 modes * * We don't enforce that for ISO-2022-KR input */ static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_2022kr = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_2022kr, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_2022kr, mbfl_filt_conv_any_2022kr_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_2022kr_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022kr, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_2022kr_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_2022kr_wchar_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_2022kr = { mbfl_no_encoding_2022kr, "ISO-2022-KR", "ISO-2022-KR", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_2022kr_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_2022kr, mb_iso2022kr_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_iso2022kr, NULL }; /* * SJIS variants */ static int mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s1, s2, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFEC0 + c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xF0 && c != 0xA0) { /* Kanji, first byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* Kanji, second byte */ filter->status = 0; int c1 = filter->cache; if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xFC && c != 0x7F) { SJIS_DECODE(c1, c, s1, s2); w = (s1 - 0x21)*94 + s2 - 0x21; if (w >= 0 && w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status && filter->status != 4) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1 = 0, s2; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xAF || c == 0x203E) { /* U+00AF is MACRON, U+203E is OVERLINE */ s1 = 0x2131; /* FULLWIDTH MACRON */ } else if (c == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215D; } else if (c == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224C; } else if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else { s1 = -1; } } else if (s1 >= 0x8080) { /* JIS X 0212; not supported */ s1 = -1; } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x100) { /* Latin/Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { /* Kanji */ c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xFF; c2 = s1 & 0xFF; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static const unsigned short sjis_decode_tbl1[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 188, 376, 564, 752, 940, 1128, 1316, 1504, 1692, 1880, 2068, 2256, 2444, 2632, 2820, 3008, 3196, 3384, 3572, 3760, 3948, 4136, 4324, 4512, 4700, 4888, 5076, 5264, 5452, 5640, 0xFFFF, -6016, -5828, -5640, -5452, -5264, -5076, -4888, -4700, -4512, -4324, -4136, -3948, -3760, -3572, -3384, -3196, -3008, -2820, -2632, -2444, -2256, -2068, -1880, -1692, -1504, -1316, -1128, -940, -752, -564, -376, -188, 0, 188, 376, 564, 752, 940, 1128, 1316, 1504, 1692, 1880, 2068, 2256, 2444, 2632, 2820, 3008, 3196, 3384, 3572, 3760, 3948, 4136, 4324, 4512, 4700, 4888, 5076, 5264, 5452, 5640, 5828, 6016, 6204, 6392, 6580, 6768, 6956, 7144, 7332, 7520, 7708, 7896, 8084, 8272, 8460, 8648, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; static const unsigned short sjis_decode_tbl2[] = { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 0xFFFF, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; static size_t mb_sjis_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; e--; /* Stop the main loop 1 byte short of the end of the input */ while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { /* Don't need to check p < e; it's not possible to go out of bounds here, due to e-- above */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; /* This is only legal if c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0xFC && c2 != 0x7F * But the values in the above conversion tables have been chosen such that * illegal values of c2 will always result in w > jisx0208_ucs_table_size, * so we don't need to do a separate bounds check on c2 * Likewise, the values in the conversion tables are such that illegal values * for c will always result in w > jisx0208_ucs_table_size */ uint32_t w = sjis_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c > 0xEF) { p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } } /* Finish up last byte of input string if there is one */ if (p == e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p + 1; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_sjis(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xAF || w == 0x203E) { s = 0x2131; /* FULLWIDTH MACRON */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else if (w != 0) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } } else if (s >= 0x8080) { /* JIS X 0212; not supported */ MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } if (s <= 0xFF) { /* Latin/Kana */ out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { /* Kanji */ unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s, s2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mac_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int i, j, n; int c1, s, s1, s2, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80 && c != 0x5c) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xfec0 + c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c <= 0xed && c != 0xa0) { /* kanji first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x5c) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x00a5, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0x80) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x005c, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0xa0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x00a0, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0xfd) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x00a9, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0xfe) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x2122, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0xff) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x2026, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0xf87f, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* kanji second char */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xfc && c != 0x7f) { w = 0; SJIS_DECODE(c1, c, s1, s2); s = (s1 - 0x21)*94 + s2 - 0x21; if (s <= 0x89) { if (s == 0x1c) { w = 0x2014; /* EM DASH */ } else if (s == 0x1f) { w = 0xff3c; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 0x20) { w = 0x301c; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 0x21) { w = 0x2016; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 0x3c) { w = 0x2212; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 0x50) { w = 0x00a2; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 0x51) { w = 0x00a3; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 0x89) { w = 0x00ac; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } /* apple gaiji area 0x8540 - 0x886d */ if (w == 0) { for (i=0; i<7; i++) { if (s >= code_tbl[i][0] && s <= code_tbl[i][1]) { w = s - code_tbl[i][0] + code_tbl[i][2]; break; } } } if (w == 0) { for (i=0; ioutput_function)(code_tbl_m[i][j], filter->data)); } w = code_tbl_m[i][n-1]; break; } } } if (w == 0) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if (s >= code_ofst_tbl[i][0] && s <= code_ofst_tbl[i][1]) { w = code_map[i][s - code_ofst_tbl[i][0]]; if (w == 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); return 0; } s2 = 0; if (s >= 0x043e && s <= 0x0441) { s2 = 0xf87a; } else if (s == 0x03b1 || s == 0x03b7) { s2 = 0xf87f; } else if (s == 0x04b8 || s == 0x04b9 || s == 0x04c4) { s2 = 0x20dd; } else if (s == 0x1ed9 || s == 0x1eda || s == 0x1ee8 || s == 0x1ef3 || (s >= 0x1ef5 && s <= 0x1efb) || s == 0x1f05 || s == 0x1f06 || s == 0x1f18 || (s >= 0x1ff2 && s <= 0x20a5)) { s2 = 0xf87e; } if (s2 > 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); w = s2; } break; } } } if (w == 0 && s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { /* X 0208 */ w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mac(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int i, c1, c2, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, mode; // a1: U+0000 -> U+046F // a2: U+2000 -> U+30FF // i: U+4E00 -> U+9FFF // r: U+FF00 -> U+FFFF switch (filter->status) { case 1: c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c == 0xf87a) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c1 == s_form_tbl[i+34+3+3]) { s1 = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34+3+3]; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { s2 = c1; } } else if (c == 0x20dd) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c1 == s_form_tbl[i+34+3]) { s1 = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34+3]; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { s2 = c1; } } else if (c == 0xf87f) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c1 == s_form_tbl[i+34]) { s1 = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34]; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { s2 = c1; s1 = -1; } } else if (c == 0xf87e) { for (i = 0; i < 34; i++) { if (c1 == s_form_tbl[i]) { s1 = s_form_sjis_tbl[i]; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { s2 = c1; s1 = -1; } } else { s2 = c1; s1 = c; } if (s2 > 0) { for (i = 0; i < s_form_tbl_len; i++) { if (c1 == s_form_tbl[i]) { s1 = s_form_sjis_fallback_tbl[i]; break; } } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x100) { CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } if (s2 <= 0 || s1 == -1) { break; } s1 = s2 = 0; ZEND_FALLTHROUGH; case 0: if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; if (c == 0x5c) { s1 = 0x80; } else if (c == 0xa9) { s1 = 0xfd; } } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; if (c == 0x2122) { s1 = 0xfe; } else if (c == 0x2014) { s1 = 0x213d; } else if (c == 0x2116) { s1 = 0x2c1d; } } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (c >= 0x2000) { for (i = 0; i < s_form_tbl_len; i++) { if (c == s_form_tbl[i]) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; return 0; } } if (c == 0xf860 || c == 0xf861 || c == 0xf862) { /* Apple 'transcoding hint' codepoints (from private use area) */ filter->status = 2; filter->cache = c; return 0; } } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xa0) { s1 = 0x00a0; } else if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ /* Unicode has codepoint 0xFFE5 for a fullwidth Yen sign; * convert codepoint 0xA5 to halfwidth Yen sign */ s1 = 0x5c; /* HALFWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } } if (s1 <= 0) { for (i=0; i= wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][0] && c <= wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][1]) { s1 = c - wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][0] + wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][2]; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { for (i=0; i= wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][0] && c <= wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][1]) { s1 = wchar2sjis_mac_code_map[i][c-wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][0]]; break; } } } if (s1 <= 0) { for (i=0; i 0) { c1 = s1/94+0x21; c2 = s1-94*(c1-0x21)+0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; s2 = 1; } } if ((s1 <= 0) || (s1 >= 0x8080 && s2 == 0)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ s1 = -1; c1 = 0; if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else if (s1 <= 0) { s1 = -1; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x100) { /* latin or kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { /* kanji */ c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } break; case 2: c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = 0; filter->status = 0; if (c1 == 0xf860) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (c == code_tbl_m[i][2]) { filter->cache = c | 0x10000; filter->status = 3; break; } } } else if (c1 == 0xf861) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c == code_tbl_m[i+5][2]) { filter->cache = c | 0x20000; filter->status = 3; break; } } } else if (c1 == 0xf862) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c == code_tbl_m[i+5+3][2]) { filter->cache = c | 0x40000; filter->status = 3; break; } } } if (filter->status == 0) { /* Didn't find any of expected codepoints after Apple transcoding hint */ CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter)); return mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mac(c, filter); } break; case 3: s1 = 0; c1 = filter->cache & 0xffff; mode = (filter->cache & 0xf0000) >> 16; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (mode == 0x1) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i][2] && c == code_tbl_m[i][3]) { s1 = code_tbl_m[i][0]; break; } } if (s1 > 0) { c1 = s1/94+0x21; c2 = s1-94*(c1-0x21)+0x21; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(0xf860, filter)); CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter)); CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } } else if (mode == 0x2) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+5][2] && c == code_tbl_m[i+5][3]) { filter->cache = c | 0x20000; filter->status = 4; break; } } } else if (mode == 0x4) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+8][2] && c == code_tbl_m[i+8][3]) { filter->cache = c | 0x40000; filter->status = 4; break; } } } break; case 4: s1 = 0; c1 = filter->cache & 0xffff; mode = (filter->cache & 0xf0000) >> 16; filter->cache = 0; filter->status = 0; if (mode == 0x2) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+5][3] && c == code_tbl_m[i+5][4]) { s1 = code_tbl_m[i+5][0]; break; } } if (s1 > 0) { c1 = s1/94+0x21; c2 = s1-94*(c1-0x21)+0x21; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(0xf861, filter)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+5][3]) { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(code_tbl_m[i+5][2], filter)); break; } } CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter)); CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } } else if (mode == 0x4) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+8][3] && c == code_tbl_m[i+8][4]) { filter->cache = c | 0x40000; filter->status = 5; break; } } } break; case 5: s1 = 0; c1 = filter->cache & 0xffff; mode = (filter->cache & 0xf0000) >> 16; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (mode == 0x4) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+8][4] && c == code_tbl_m[i+8][5]) { s1 = code_tbl_m[i+8][0]; break; } } if (s1 > 0) { c1 = s1/94+0x21; c2 = s1-94*(c1-0x21)+0x21; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(0xf862, filter)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (c1 == code_tbl_m[i+8][4]) { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output( code_tbl_m[i+8][2], filter)); CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output( code_tbl_m[i+8][3], filter)); break; } } CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter)); CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mac_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int i, c1, s1 = 0; if (filter->status == 1 && filter->cache > 0) { c1 = filter->cache; for (i=0;i 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0xff, filter->data)); } } filter->cache = 0; filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function != NULL) { return (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_sjismac_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { /* A single SJIS-Mac kuten code can convert to up to 5 Unicode codepoints, oh my! */ ZEND_ASSERT(bufsize >= 5); unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x80 || c == 0xA0) { if (c == 0x5C) { *out++ = 0xA5; } else if (c == 0x80) { *out++ = 0x5C; } else { *out++ = c; } } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else if (c <= 0xED) { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; uint32_t w = sjis_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w <= 0x89) { if (w == 0x1C) { *out++ = 0x2014; /* EM DASH */ continue; } else if (w == 0x1F) { *out++ = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ continue; } else if (w == 0x20) { *out++ = 0x301C; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ continue; } else if (w == 0x21) { *out++ = 0x2016; /* PARALLEL TO */ continue; } else if (w == 0x3C) { *out++ = 0x2212; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ continue; } else if (w == 0x50) { *out++ = 0xA2; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 0x51) { *out++ = 0xA3; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 0x89) { *out++ = 0xAC; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ continue; } } else { if (w >= 0x2F0 && w <= 0x3A3) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (w >= code_tbl[i][0] && w <= code_tbl[i][1]) { *out++ = w - code_tbl[i][0] + code_tbl[i][2]; goto next_iteration; } } } if (w >= 0x340 && w <= 0x523) { for (int i = 0; i < code_tbl_m_len; i++) { if (w == code_tbl_m[i][0]) { int n = 5; if (code_tbl_m[i][1] == 0xF860) { n = 3; } else if (code_tbl_m[i][1] == 0xF861) { n = 4; } if ((limit - out) < n) { p -= 2; goto finished; } for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { *out++ = code_tbl_m[i][j]; } goto next_iteration; } } } if (w >= 0x3AC && w <= 0x20A5) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (w >= code_ofst_tbl[i][0] && w <= code_ofst_tbl[i][1]) { uint32_t w2 = code_map[i][w - code_ofst_tbl[i][0]]; if (!w2) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; goto next_iteration; } if ((limit - out) < 2) { p -= 2; goto finished; } *out++ = w2; if (w >= 0x43E && w <= 0x441) { *out++ = 0xF87A; } else if (w == 0x3B1 || w == 0x3B7) { *out++ = 0xF87F; } else if (w == 0x4B8 || w == 0x4B9 || w == 0x4C4) { *out++ = 0x20DD; } else if (w == 0x1ED9 || w == 0x1EDA || w == 0x1EE8 || w == 0x1EF3 || (w >= 0x1EF5 && w <= 0x1EFB) || w == 0x1F05 || w == 0x1F06 || w == 0x1F18 || (w >= 0x1FF2 && w <= 0x20A5)) { *out++ = 0xF87E; } goto next_iteration; } } } } if (w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0xFD) { *out++ = 0xA9; } else if (c == 0xFE) { *out++ = 0x2122; } else if (c == 0xFF) { if ((limit - out) < 2) { p--; break; } *out++ = 0x2026; *out++ = 0xF87F; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } next_iteration: ; } finished: *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static bool process_s_form(uint32_t w, uint32_t w2, unsigned int *s) { if (w2 == 0xF87A) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i+34+3+3]) { *s = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34+3+3]; return true; } } } else if (w2 == 0x20DD) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i+34+3]) { *s = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34+3]; return true; } } } else if (w2 == 0xF87F) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i+34]) { *s = s_form_sjis_tbl[i+34]; return true; } } } else if (w2 == 0xF87E) { for (int i = 0; i < 34; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i]) { *s = s_form_sjis_tbl[i]; return true; } } } return false; } /* For codepoints F860-F862, which are treated specially in MacJapanese */ static int transcoding_hint_cp_width[3] = { 3, 4, 5 }; static void mb_wchar_to_sjismac(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); uint32_t w; if (buf->state) { w = buf->state & 0xFFFF; if (buf->state & 0xFF000000L) { goto resume_transcoding_hint; } else { buf->state = 0; goto process_codepoint; } } while (len--) { w = *in++; process_codepoint: ; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { if (w == 0x5C) { s = 0x80; } else if (w == 0xA9) { s = 0xFD; } else { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { if (w == 0x2122) { s = 0xFE; } else if (w == 0x2014) { s = 0x213D; } else if (w == 0x2116) { s = 0x2C1D; } else { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (w >= 0x2000) { for (int i = 0; i < s_form_tbl_len; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i]) { if (!len) { if (end) { s = s_form_sjis_fallback_tbl[i]; if (s) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjismac); } } else { buf->state = w; } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (!process_s_form(w, w2, &s)) { in--; len++; for (int i = 0; i < s_form_tbl_len; i++) { if (w == s_form_tbl[i]) { s = s_form_sjis_fallback_tbl[i]; break; } } } if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } goto next_iteration; } } if (w == 0xF860 || w == 0xF861 || w == 0xF862) { /* Apple 'transcoding hint' codepoints (from private use area) */ if (!len) { if (end) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjismac); } else { buf->state = w; } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; for (int i = 0; i < code_tbl_m_len; i++) { if (w == code_tbl_m[i][1] && w2 == code_tbl_m[i][2]) { /* This might be a valid transcoding hint sequence */ int index = 3; if (buf->state) { resume_transcoding_hint: i = buf->state >> 24; index = (buf->state >> 16) & 0xFF; buf->state = 0; } int expected = transcoding_hint_cp_width[w - 0xF860]; while (index <= expected) { if (!len) { if (end) { for (int j = 1; j < index; j++) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, code_tbl_m[i][j], mb_wchar_to_sjismac); } } else { buf->state = (i << 24) | (index << 16) | (w & 0xFFFF); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 != code_tbl_m[i][index]) { /* Didn't match */ for (int j = 1; j < index; j++) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, code_tbl_m[i][j], mb_wchar_to_sjismac); } MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w2, mb_wchar_to_sjismac); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); goto next_iteration; } index++; } /* Successful match, emit SJIS-mac bytes */ s = code_tbl_m[i][0]; unsigned int c1 = (s / 94) + 0x21, c2 = (s % 94) + 0x21, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); goto next_iteration; } } /* No valid transcoding hint sequence found */ in--; len++; MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjismac); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); continue; } } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA0) { s = 0xA0; } else if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ /* Unicode has codepoint 0xFFE5 for a fullwidth Yen sign; * convert codepoint 0xA5 to halfwidth Yen sign */ s = 0x5C; /* HALFWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else { for (int i = 0; i < wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl_len; i++) { if (w >= wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][0] && w <= wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][1]) { s = w - wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][0] + wchar2sjis_mac_r_tbl[i][2]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto found_kuten_code; } } for (int i = 0; i < wchar2sjis_mac_r_map_len; i++) { if (w >= wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][0] && w <= wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][1]) { s = wchar2sjis_mac_code_map[i][w - wchar2sjis_mac_r_map[i][0]]; if (s) { s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto found_kuten_code; } } } for (int i = 0; i < wchar2sjis_mac_wchar_tbl_len; i++) { if (w == wchar2sjis_mac_wchar_tbl[i][0]) { s = wchar2sjis_mac_wchar_tbl[i][1]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto found_kuten_code; } } } } found_kuten_code: if ((!s && w) || s >= 0x8080) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjismac); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } next_iteration: ; } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } int mbfilter_sjis_emoji_docomo2unicode(int s, int *snd) { /* All three mobile vendors had emoji for numbers on a telephone keypad * Unicode doesn't have those, but it has a combining character which puts * a 'keypad button' around the following character, making it look like * a key on a telephone or keyboard. That combining char is codepoint 0x20E3. */ if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_max) { if ((s >= DOCOMO_KEYPAD(1) && s <= DOCOMO_KEYPAD(9)) || s == DOCOMO_KEYPAD(0) || s == DOCOMO_KEYPAD_HASH) { EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI(convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_min])); } else { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_min]); } } return 0; } int mbfilter_sjis_emoji_sb2unicode(int s, int *snd) { if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_max) { if (s == 0x2817 || (s >= 0x2823 && s <= 0x282C)) { EMIT_KEYPAD_EMOJI(mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_min]); } else { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_min]); } } else if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb2_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb2_max) { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_sb2[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_sb2_min]); } else if (s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3_max) { if (s >= 0x2B02 && s <= 0x2B0B) { EMIT_FLAG_EMOJI(nflags_sb[s - 0x2B02]); } else { *snd = 0; return convert_emoji_cp(mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3[s - mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3_min]); } } return 0; } int mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_docomo(int c, int *s1, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* When converting SJIS-Mobile to Unicode, we convert keypad symbol emoji * to a sequence of 2 codepoints, one of which is a combining character which * adds the 'key' image around the other * * In the other direction, look for such sequences and convert them to a * single emoji */ if (filter->status == 1) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c == 0x20E3) { if (c1 == '#') { *s1 = 0x2964; } else if (c1 == '0') { *s1 = 0x296F; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ *s1 = 0x2966 + (c1 - '1'); } return 1; } else { /* This character wasn't combining character to make keypad symbol, * so pass the previous character through... and proceed to process the * current character as usual * (Single-byte ASCII characters are valid in Shift-JIS...) */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data)); } } if (c == '#' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; return 0; } if (c == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ *s1 = 0x29B5; return 1; } else if (c == 0x00AE) { /* Registered sign */ *s1 = 0x29BA; return 1; } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_val[i]; return 1; } } return 0; } int mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_kddi_sjis(int c, int *s1, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c == 0x20E3) { if (c1 == '#') { *s1 = 0x25BC; } else if (c1 == '0') { *s1 = 0x2830; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ *s1 = 0x27a6 + (c1 - '1'); } return 1; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data)); } } else if (filter->status == 2) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c >= NFLAGS('B') && c <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* B for GB, U for RU */ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (c1 == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][0]) && c == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][1])) { *s1 = nflags_code_kddi[i]; return 1; } } } /* If none of the KDDI national flag emoji matched, then we have no way * to convert the previous codepoint... */ mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter); } if (c == '#' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; return 0; } else if (c >= NFLAGS('C') && c <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* C for CN, U for US */ filter->status = 2; filter->cache = c; return 0; } if (c == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ *s1 = 0x27DC; return 1; } else if (c == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ *s1 = 0x27DD; return 1; } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_val[i]; return 1; } } return 0; } int mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_sb(int c, int *s1, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c == 0x20E3) { if (c1 == '#') { *s1 = 0x2817; } else if (c1 == '0') { *s1 = 0x282c; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ *s1 = 0x2823 + (c1 - '1'); } return 1; } else { (*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data); } } else if (filter->status == 2) { int c1 = filter->cache; filter->cache = filter->status = 0; if (c >= NFLAGS('B') && c <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* B for GB, U for RU */ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (c1 == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][0]) && c == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][1])) { *s1 = nflags_code_sb[i]; return 1; } } } /* If none of the SoftBank national flag emoji matched, then we have no way * to convert the previous codepoint... */ mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter); } if (c == '#' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; return 0; } else if (c >= NFLAGS('C') && c <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* C for CN, U for US */ filter->status = 2; filter->cache = c; return 0; } if (c == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ *s1 = 0x2855; return 1; } else if (c == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ *s1 = 0x2856; return 1; } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_value[i]; return 1; } } else if (c >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_min && c <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { *s1 = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_val[i]; return 1; } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, s1, s2, w, snd = 0; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (filter->from == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb && c == 0x1B) { /* ESC; escape sequences were used on older SoftBank phones for emoji */ filter->cache = c; filter->status = 2; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } } else if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xFEC0 + c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xFD && c != 0xA0) { /* Kanji, first byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* Kanji, second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xFC && c != 0x7F) { w = 0; SJIS_DECODE(c1, c, s1, s2); s = ((s1 - 0x21) * 94) + s2 - 0x21; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext1 (13ku) */ w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { /* X 0208 */ w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext2 (89ku - 92ku) */ w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } /* Emoji */ if (filter->from == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_docomo && s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_max) { w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_docomo2unicode(s, &snd); if (snd > 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(snd, filter->data)); } } else if (filter->from == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_kddi && s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2_max) { w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_kddi2unicode(s, &snd); if (snd > 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(snd, filter->data)); } } else if (filter->from == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb && s >= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_min && s <= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3_max) { w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_sb2unicode(s, &snd); if (snd > 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(snd, filter->data)); } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext3 (115ku - 119ku) */ w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[s - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= (94*94) && s < (114*94)) { /* user (95ku - 114ku) */ w = s - (94*94) + 0xe000; } } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* ESC: Softbank Emoji */ case 2: if (c == '$') { filter->cache = c; filter->status++; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); filter->status = filter->cache = 0; } break; /* ESC $: Softbank Emoji */ case 3: if ((c >= 'E' && c <= 'G') || (c >= 'O' && c <= 'Q')) { filter->cache = c; filter->status++; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); filter->status = filter->cache = 0; } break; /* ESC $ [GEFOPQ]: Softbank Emoji */ case 4: c1 = filter->cache; if (c == 0xF) { /* Terminate sequence of emoji */ filter->status = filter->cache = 0; return 0; } else { if (c1 == 'G' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7a) { s1 = (0x91 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (c1 == 'E' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7A) { s1 = (0x8D - 0x21) * 94; } else if (c1 == 'F' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7A) { s1 = (0x8E - 0x21) * 94; } else if (c1 == 'O' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x6D) { s1 = (0x92 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (c1 == 'P' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x6C) { s1 = (0x95 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (c1 == 'Q' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x5E) { s1 = (0x96 - 0x21) * 94; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); filter->status = filter->cache = 0; return 0; } w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_sb2unicode(s1 + c - 0x21, &snd); if (w > 0) { if (snd > 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)(snd, filter->data)); } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); filter->status = filter->cache = 0; } } } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mobile(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1 = 0, s2 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xE000 && c < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s1 = c - 0xE000; c1 = (s1 / 94) + 0x7F; c2 = (s1 % 94) + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; s2 = 1; } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xFF3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215D; } else if (c == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224C; } } if ((s1 <= 0) || (s1 >= 0x8080 && s2 == 0)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ s1 = -1; /* CP932 vendor ext1 (13ku) */ for (c1 = 0; c1 < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; c1++) { if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = (((c1 / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (c1 % 94) + 0x21; break; } } if (s1 <= 0) { /* CP932 vendor ext2 (115ku - 119ku) */ for (c1 = 0; c1 < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; c1++) { if (c == cp932ext2_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = (((c1 / 94) + 0x79) << 8) + (c1 % 94) + 0x21; break; } } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } } if ((filter->to == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_docomo && mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_docomo(c, &s1, filter)) || (filter->to == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_kddi && mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_kddi_sjis(c, &s1, filter)) || (filter->to == &mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb && mbfilter_unicode2sjis_emoji_sb(c, &s1, filter))) { s1 = (((s1 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s1 % 94) + 0x21); } if (filter->status) { return 0; } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x100) { /* Latin/Kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { /* Kanji */ c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } int mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1 = filter->cache; if (filter->status == 1 && (c1 == '#' || (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9'))) { filter->cache = filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(c1, filter->data)); } else if (filter->status == 2) { /* First of a pair of Regional Indicator codepoints came at the end of a string */ filter->cache = filter->status = 0; mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c1, filter); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static const unsigned short sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, 0, 188, 376, 564, 752, 940, 1128, 1316, 1504, 1692, 1880, 2068, 2256, 2444, 2632, 2820, 3008, 3196, 3384, 3572, 3760, 3948, 4136, 4324, 4512, 4700, 4888, 5076, 5264, 5452, 5640, 0xFFFF, -6016, -5828, -5640, -5452, -5264, -5076, -4888, -4700, -4512, -4324, -4136, -3948, -3760, -3572, -3384, -3196, -3008, -2820, -2632, -2444, -2256, -2068, -1880, -1692, -1504, -1316, -1128, -940, -752, -564, -376, -188, 0, 188, 376, 564, 752, 940, 1128, 1316, 1504, 1692, 1880, 2068, 2256, 2444, 2632, 2820, 3008, 3196, 3384, 3572, 3760, 3948, 4136, 4324, 4512, 4700, 4888, 5076, 5264, 5452, 5640, 5828, 6016, 6204, 6392, 6580, 6768, 6956, 7144, 7332, 7520, 7708, 7896, 8084, 8272, 8460, 8648, 8836, 9024, 9212, 9400, 9588, 9776, 9964, 10152, 10340, 10528, 10716, 10904, 11092, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; static size_t mb_sjis_docomo_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; /* Leave one extra space available in output buffer, since some iterations of * main loop (below) may emit two wchars */ uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { /* Kanji */ if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; uint32_t w = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w <= 137) { if (w == 31) { *out++ = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ continue; } else if (w == 32) { *out++ = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ continue; } else if (w == 33) { *out++ = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ continue; } else if (w == 60) { *out++ = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ continue; } else if (w == 80) { *out++ = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 81) { *out++ = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 137) { *out++ = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ continue; } } if (w >= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_min && w <= mb_tbl_code2uni_docomo1_max) { int snd = 0; w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_docomo2unicode(w, &snd); if (snd) { *out++ = snd; } } else if (w >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[w - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; } else if (w >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[w - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[w - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= (94*94) && w < (114*94)) { w = w - (94*94) + 0xE000; } else { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c >= 0xFD) { p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_sjis_docomo(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + (buf->state ? 1 : 0)); uint32_t w; unsigned int s = 0; if (buf->state) { /* Continue what we were doing on the previous call */ w = buf->state; buf->state = 0; goto reprocess_wchar; } while (len--) { w = *in++; reprocess_wchar: s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s = w - 0xE000; s = (((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto process_emoji; } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } } if (w && (!s || s >= 0x8080)) { s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x79) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } } process_emoji: /* When converting SJIS-Mobile to Unicode, we convert keypad symbol emoji * to a sequence of 2 codepoints, one of which is a combining character which * adds the 'key' image around the other * * In the other direction, look for such sequences and convert them to a * single emoji */ if (w == '#' || (w >= '0' && w <= '9')) { if (!len) { if (end) { goto emit_output; } else { /* If we are at the end of the current buffer of codepoints, but another * buffer is coming, then remember that we have to reprocess `w` */ buf->state = w; break; } } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 == 0x20E3) { if (w == '#') { s = 0x2964; } else if (w == '0') { s = 0x296F; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ s = 0x2966 + (w - '1'); } s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } else { in--; len++; } } else if (w == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ s = (((0x29B5 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x29B5 % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ s = (((0x29BA / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x29BA % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code2_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code3_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_docomo2code5_val[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } emit_output: if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_docomo); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static size_t mb_sjis_kddi_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { /* Kanji */ if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; uint32_t w = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w <= 137) { if (w == 31) { *out++ = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ continue; } else if (w == 32) { *out++ = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ continue; } else if (w == 33) { *out++ = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ continue; } else if (w == 60) { *out++ = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ continue; } else if (w == 80) { *out++ = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 81) { *out++ = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 137) { *out++ = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ continue; } } if (w >= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi1_min && w <= mb_tbl_code2uni_kddi2_max) { int snd = 0; w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_kddi2unicode(w, &snd); if (!w) { w = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w >= (94*94) && w < (114*94)) { w = w - (94*94) + 0xE000; } } else if (snd) { *out++ = snd; } } else if (w >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[w - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; } else if (w >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[w - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[w - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= (94*94) && w < (114*94)) { w = w - (94*94) + 0xE000; } else { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c >= 0xFD) { p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_sjis_kddi(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + (buf->state ? 1 : 0)); uint32_t w; unsigned int s = 0; if (buf->state) { w = buf->state; buf->state = 0; goto reprocess_wchar; } while (len--) { w = *in++; reprocess_wchar: s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s = w - 0xE000; s = (((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto process_emoji; } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } } if (w && (!s || s >= 0x8080)) { s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x79) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } } process_emoji: if (w == '#' || (w >= '0' && w <= '9')) { if (!len) { if (end) { goto emit_output; } else { /* If we are at the end of the current buffer of codepoints, but another * buffer is coming, then remember that we have to reprocess `w` */ buf->state = w; break; } } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 == 0x20E3) { if (w == '#') { s = 0x25BC; } else if (w == '0') { s = 0x2830; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ s = 0x27A6 + (w - '1'); } s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } else { in--; len++; } } else if (w >= NFLAGS('C') && w <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* C for CN, U for US */ if (!len) { if (end) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_kddi); } else { /* Reprocess `w` when this function is called again with another buffer * of wchars */ buf->state = w; } break; } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 >= NFLAGS('B') && w2 <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* B for GB, U for RU */ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (w == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][0]) && w2 == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][1])) { s = nflags_code_kddi[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } } in--; len++; MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_kddi); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); continue; } else if (w == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ s = (((0x27DC / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x27DC % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ s = (((0x27DD / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x27DD % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code2_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code3_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_kddi2code5_val[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } emit_output: if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_kddi); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static size_t mb_sjis_sb_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; if (*state) { goto softbank_emoji_escapes; } while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == 0x1B) { /* Escape sequence */ if (p == e || *p++ != '$' || p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if ((c2 < 'E' || c2 > 'G') && (c2 < 'O' || c2 > 'Q')) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } /* Escape sequence was valid, next should be a series of specially * encoded Softbank emoji */ *state = c2; softbank_emoji_escapes: while (p < e && out < limit) { c = *p++; if (c == 0xF) { *state = 0; break; } unsigned int s = 0; if (*state == 'G' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7A) { s = (0x91 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (*state == 'E' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7A) { s = (0x8D - 0x21) * 94; } else if (*state == 'F' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7A) { s = (0x8E - 0x21) * 94; } else if (*state == 'O' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x6D) { s = (0x92 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (*state == 'P' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x6C) { s = (0x95 - 0x21) * 94; } else if (*state == 'Q' && c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x5E) { s = (0x96 - 0x21) * 94; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *state = 0; break; } int snd = 0; uint32_t w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_sb2unicode(s + c - 0x21, &snd); if (w) { if (snd) { *out++ = snd; } *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *state = 0; break; } } } else if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { /* Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { /* Kanji */ if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; uint32_t w = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w <= 137) { if (w == 31) { *out++ = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ continue; } else if (w == 32) { *out++ = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ continue; } else if (w == 33) { *out++ = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ continue; } else if (w == 60) { *out++ = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ continue; } else if (w == 80) { *out++ = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 81) { *out++ = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ continue; } else if (w == 137) { *out++ = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ continue; } } if (w >= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb1_min && w <= mb_tbl_code2uni_sb3_max) { int snd = 0; w = mbfilter_sjis_emoji_sb2unicode(w, &snd); if (!w) { w = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (w >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[w - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= (94*94) && w < (114*94)) { w = w - (94*94) + 0xE000; } } else if (snd) { *out++ = snd; } } else if (w >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[w - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[w]; } else if (w >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[w - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && w < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[w - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (w >= (94*94) && w < (114*94)) { w = w - (94*94) + 0xE000; } else { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c >= 0xFD) { p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_sjis_sb(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + (buf->state ? 1 : 0)); uint32_t w; unsigned int s = 0; if (buf->state) { w = buf->state; buf->state = 0; goto reprocess_wchar; } while (len--) { w = *in++; reprocess_wchar: s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { /* Private User Area (95ku - 114ku) */ s = w - 0xE000; s = (((s / 94) + 0x7F) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto process_emoji; } if (!s) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } } if (w && (!s || s >= 0x8080)) { s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext1_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x2D) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (w == cp932ext2_ucs_table[i]) { s = (((i / 94) + 0x79) << 8) + (i % 94) + 0x21; goto process_emoji; } } } process_emoji: if (w == '#' || (w >= '0' && w <= '9')) { if (!len) { if (end) { goto emit_output; } else { /* If we are at the end of the current buffer of codepoints, but another * buffer is coming, then remember that we have to reprocess `w` */ buf->state = w; break; } } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 == 0x20E3) { if (w == '#') { s = 0x2817; } else if (w == '0') { s = 0x282c; } else { /* Previous character was '1'-'9' */ s = 0x2823 + (w - '1'); } s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } else { in--; len++; } } else if (w >= NFLAGS('C') && w <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* C for CN, U for US */ if (!len) { if (end) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_sb); } else { /* Reprocess `w` when this function is called again with * another buffer of wchars */ buf->state = w; } break; } uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if (w2 >= NFLAGS('B') && w2 <= NFLAGS('U')) { /* B for GB, U for RU */ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (w == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][0]) && w2 == NFLAGS(nflags_s[i][1])) { s = nflags_code_sb[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } } in--; len++; MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_sb); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); continue; } else if (w == 0xA9) { /* Copyright sign */ s = (((0x2855 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x2855 % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w == 0xAE) { /* Registered sign */ s = (((0x2856 / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((0x2856 % 94) + 0x21); } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code2_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x10000, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code3_value[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } else if (w >= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_min && w <= mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_max) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0xF0000, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_key, mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_len); if (i >= 0) { s = mb_tbl_uni_sb2code5_val[i]; s = (((s / 94) + 0x21) << 8) | ((s % 94) + 0x21); } } emit_output: if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis_sb); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static size_t mb_sjis2004_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { if (c == 0x5C) { *out++ = 0xA5; } else if (c == 0x7E) { *out++ = 0x203E; } else { *out++ = c; } } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; uint32_t w1 = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; /* Conversion for combining characters */ if (w1 >= 0x0170 && w1 <= 0x03F1) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_u2_key_b, jisx0213_u2_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]; continue; } } /* Conversion for BMP */ if (w1 < jisx0213_ucs_table_size) { uint32_t w = jisx0213_ucs_table[w1]; if (w) { *out++ = w; continue; } } /* Conversion for CJK Unified Ideographs extension B (U+2XXXX) */ int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { *out++ = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } else { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c >= 0xFD) { p--; } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_sjis2004(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); uint32_t w; if (buf->state) { w = buf->state; buf->state = 0; goto process_codepoint; } while (len--) { w = *in++; process_codepoint: ; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0xE6 || (w >= 0x254 && w <= 0x2E9) || (w >= 0x304B && w <= 0x3053) || (w >= 0x30AB && w <= 0x30C8) || w == 0x31F7) { for (int k = 0; k < jisx0213_u2_tbl_len; k++) { if (w == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]) { if (!len) { if (!end) { buf->state = w; MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } } else { uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if ((w == 0x254 || w == 0x28C || w == 0x259 || w == 0x25A) && w2 == 0x301) { k++; } if (w2 == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]) { s = jisx0213_u2_key[k]; break; } in--; len++; } /* Fallback */ s = jisx0213_u2_fb_tbl[k]; break; } } } /* Check for major Japanese chars: U+4E00-U+9FFF */ if (!s) { for (int k = 0; k < uni2jis_tbl_len; k++) { if (w >= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0] && w <= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][1]) { s = uni2jis_tbl[k][w - uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0]]; break; } } } /* Check for Japanese chars in compressed mapping area: U+1E00-U+4DBF */ if (!s && w >= ucs_c1_jisx0213_min && w <= ucs_c1_jisx0213_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch(w, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_c1_jisx0213_ofst[k] + w - ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl[2*k]; } } /* Check for Japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!s && w >= jisx0213_u5_tbl_min && w <= jisx0213_u5_tbl_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x20000, jisx0213_u5_jis_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = jisx0213_u5_jis_tbl[k]; } } if (!s) { /* CJK Compatibility Forms: U+FE30-U+FE4F */ if (w == 0xFE45) { s = 0x233E; } else if (w == 0xFE46) { s = 0x233D; } else if (w >= 0xF91D && w <= 0xF9DC) { /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs: U+F900-U+F92A */ int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_key, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_val[k]; } } } if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_sjis2004); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { unsigned int c1 = (s >> 8) & 0xFF, c2 = s & 0xFF, s1, s2; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, s1, s2, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xfec0 + c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xfd && c != 0xa0) { /* kanji first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* kanji second char */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xfc && c != 0x7f) { w = 0; SJIS_DECODE(c1, c, s1, s2); s = (s1 - 0x21)*94 + s2 - 0x21; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xff3c; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xff5e; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xff0d; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xffe0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xffe1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xffe2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext1 (13ku) */ w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { /* X 0208 */ w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext2 (89ku - 92ku) */ w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext3 (115ku - 119ku) */ w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[s - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= (94*94) && s < (114*94)) { /* user (95ku - 114ku) */ w = s - (94*94) + 0xe000; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); filter->status = 0; } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp932(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1, s2; s1 = 0; s2 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c == 0x203E) { s1 = 0x7E; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xe000 && c < (0xe000 + 20*94)) { /* user (95ku - 114ku) */ s1 = c - 0xe000; c1 = s1/94 + 0x7f; c2 = s1%94 + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; s2 = 1; } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x5C; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224c; } } if ((s1 <= 0) || (s1 >= 0x8080 && s2 == 0)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ s1 = -1; c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext1 (13ku) */ if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = ((c1/94 + 0x2d) << 8) + (c1%94 + 0x21); break; } c1++; } if (s1 <= 0) { c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext3 (115ku - 119ku) */ if (c == cp932ext3_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = ((c1/94 + 0x93) << 8) + (c1%94 + 0x21); break; } c1++; } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else if (s1 <= 0) { s1 = -1; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x100) { /* latin or kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else { /* kanji */ c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = s1 & 0xff; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s2, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjiswin(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (c == 0xA5) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x81, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8F, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0x203E) { CK((*filter->output_function)(0x81, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x50, filter->data)); } else { return mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp932(c, filter); } return 0; } static size_t mb_cp932_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xE0) { /* Kana */ *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c; } else { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned int w = 0; unsigned int s = sjis_mobile_decode_tbl1[c] + sjis_decode_tbl2[c2]; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= cp932ext3_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[s - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= (94*94) && s < (114*94)) { w = s - (94*94) + 0xE000; } } if (!w) { if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xA0 || c >= 0xFD) { p--; } w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *out++ = w; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_cp932(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s1 = 0, s2 = 0, c1, c2; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w == 0x203E) { s1 = 0x7E; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { s1 = w - 0xE000; c1 = s1/94 + 0x7F; c2 = s1%94 + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; s2 = 1; } if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x5C; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224C; } else if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } if (!s1 || (s1 >= 0x8080 && !s2)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext1_ucs_table[i] == w) { s1 = ((i/94 + 0x2D) << 8) + (i%94 + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext3_ucs_table[i] == w) { s1 = ((i/94 + 0x93) << 8) + (i%94 + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp932); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } emit_output: if (s1 < 0x100) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s1); } else { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xFF; c2 = s1 & 0xFF; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static void mb_wchar_to_sjiswin(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s1 = 0, s2 = 0, c1, c2; if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { s1 = w - 0xE000; c1 = s1/94 + 0x7F; c2 = s1%94 + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; s2 = 1; } if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224C; } else if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } if (!s1 || (s1 >= 0x8080 && !s2)) { /* not found or X 0212 */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext1_ucs_table[i] == w) { s1 = ((i/94 + 0x2D) << 8) + (i%94 + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext3_ucs_table[i] == w) { s1 = ((i/94 + 0x93) << 8) + (i%94 + 0x21); goto emit_output; } } MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp932); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } emit_output: if (s1 < 0x100) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s1); } else { c1 = (s1 >> 8) & 0xFF; c2 = s1 & 0xFF; SJIS_ENCODE(c1, c2, s1, s2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, s1, s2); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const unsigned char mblen_table_sjis[] = { /* 0x81-0x9F,0xE0-0xEF */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; static const unsigned char mblen_table_sjismac[] = { /* 0x81-0x9F,0xE0-0xED */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; static const unsigned char mblen_table_sjis_mobile[] = { /* 0x81-0x9F,0xE0-0xFC */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis_aliases[] = {"x-sjis", "SHIFT-JIS", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis, "SJIS", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis_aliases, mblen_table_sjis, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis, mb_sjis_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjis, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis_mac_aliases[] = {"MacJapanese", "x-Mac-Japanese", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis_mac_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_mac, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mac_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis_mac = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_mac, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mac, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mac_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis_mac = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_mac, "SJIS-mac", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis_mac_aliases, mblen_table_sjismac, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis_mac_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis_mac, mb_sjismac_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjismac, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis_docomo_aliases[] = {"SJIS-DOCOMO", "shift_jis-imode", "x-sjis-emoji-docomo", NULL}; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis_kddi_aliases[] = {"SJIS-KDDI", "shift_jis-kddi", "x-sjis-emoji-kddi", NULL}; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb_aliases[] = {"SJIS-SOFTBANK", "shift_jis-softbank", "x-sjis-emoji-softbank", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis_docomo_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_docomo, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis_docomo = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_docomo, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mobile, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis_docomo = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_docomo, "SJIS-Mobile#DOCOMO", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis_docomo_aliases, mblen_table_sjis_mobile, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis_docomo_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis_docomo, mb_sjis_docomo_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjis_docomo, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis_kddi_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_kddi, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis_kddi = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_kddi, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mobile, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis_kddi = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_kddi, "SJIS-Mobile#KDDI", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis_kddi_aliases, mblen_table_sjis_mobile, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis_kddi_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis_kddi, mb_sjis_kddi_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjis_kddi, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis_sb_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_sb, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis_sb = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_sb, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjis_mobile, mbfl_filt_conv_sjis_mobile_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_sb, "SJIS-Mobile#SOFTBANK", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis_sb_aliases, mblen_table_sjis_mobile, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis_sb_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis_sb, mb_sjis_sb_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjis_sb, NULL }; /* Although the specification for Shift-JIS-2004 indicates that 0x5C and * 0x7E should (respectively) represent a Yen sign and an overbar, feedback * from Japanese PHP users indicates that they prefer 0x5C and 0x7E to be * treated as equivalent to U+005C and U+007E. This is the historical * behavior of mbstring, and promotes compatibility with other software * which handles Shift-JIS and Shift-JIS-2004 text in this way. */ static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjis2004_aliases[] = {"SJIS2004","Shift_JIS-2004", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjis2004_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjis2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjis2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004, "SJIS-2004", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjis2004_aliases, mblen_table_sjis_mobile, /* Leading byte values used for SJIS-2004 are the same as mobile SJIS variants */ MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjis2004_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjis2004, mb_sjis2004_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjis2004, NULL }; /* CP932 is Microsoft's version of Shift-JIS. * * What we call "SJIS-win" is a variant of CP932 which maps U+00A5 * and U+203E the same way as eucJP-win; namely, instead of mapping * U+00A5 (YEN SIGN) to 0x5C and U+203E (OVERLINE) to 0x7E, * these codepoints are mapped to appropriate JIS X 0208 characters. * * When converting from Shift-JIS to Unicode, there is no difference * between CP932 and "SJIS-win". * * Additional facts: * * • In the libmbfl library which formed the base for mbstring, "CP932" and * "SJIS-win" were originally aliases. The differing mappings were added in * December 2002. The libmbfl author later stated that this was done so that * "CP932" would comply with a certain specification, while "SJIS-win" would * maintain the existing mappings. He does not remember which specification * it was. * • The WHATWG specification for "Shift_JIS" (followed by web browsers) * agrees with our mappings for "CP932". * • Microsoft Windows' "best-fit" mappings for CP932 (via the * WideCharToMultiByte API) convert U+00A5 to 0x5C, which also agrees with * our mappings for "CP932". * • glibc's iconv converts U+203E to CP932 0x7E, which again agrees with * our mappings for "CP932". * • When converting Shift-JIS to CP932, the conversion goes through Unicode. * Shift-JIS 0x7E converts to U+203E, so mapping U+203E to 0x7E means that * 0x7E will go to 0x7E when converting Shift-JIS to CP932. */ static const unsigned char mblen_table_sjiswin[] = { /* 0x81-0x9F,0xE0-0xFF */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_cp932_aliases[] = {"MS932", "Windows-31J", "MS_Kanji", NULL}; static const char *mbfl_encoding_sjiswin_aliases[] = {"SJIS-ms", "SJIS-open", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp932_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp932, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp932 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp932, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp932, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp932 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp932, "CP932", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_cp932_aliases, mblen_table_sjiswin, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp932_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp932, mb_cp932_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp932, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_sjiswin_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjiswin, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp932_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_sjiswin = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_sjiswin, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_sjiswin, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_sjiswin = { mbfl_no_encoding_sjiswin, "SJIS-win", "Shift_JIS", mbfl_encoding_sjiswin_aliases, mblen_table_sjiswin, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_sjiswin_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_sjiswin, mb_cp932_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_sjiswin, NULL }; /* * EUC variants */ static int mbfl_filt_conv_eucjp_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w = 0; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { /* X 0208 first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x8e) { /* kana first char */ filter->status = 2; } else if (c == 0x8f) { /* X 0212 first char */ filter->status = 3; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* got first half */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { s = (c1 - 0xa1)*94 + c - 0xa1; if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 2: /* got 0x8e */ filter->status = 0; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { w = 0xfec0 + c; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* got 0x8f, JIS X 0212 first byte */ filter->status++; filter->cache = c; break; case 4: /* got 0x8f, JIS X 0212 second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xFF && c1 > 0xA0 && c1 < 0xFF) { s = (c1 - 0xa1)*94 + c - 0xa1; if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_eucjp_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); filter->status = 0; } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_eucjp(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c == 0xAF) { /* U+00AF is MACRON */ s = 0xA2B4; /* Use JIS X 0212 overline */ } else if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224c; } else if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x100) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8e, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s < 0x8080) { /* X 0208 */ CK((*filter->output_function)(((s >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); } else { /* X 0212 */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8f, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(((s >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_eucjp_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE && p < e) { /* JISX 0208 */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int s = (c - 0xA1)*94 + c2 - 0xA1; if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { uint32_t w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8E && p < e) { /* Kana */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; *out++ = (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xDF) ? 0xFEC0 + c2 : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else if (c == 0x8F) { /* JISX 0212 */ if ((e - p) >= 2) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 >= 0xA1 && c3 <= 0xFE && c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int s = (c2 - 0xA1)*94 + c3 - 0xA1; if (s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { uint32_t w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; p = e; /* Jump to end of string */ } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_eucjp(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0xAF) { /* U+00AF is MACRON */ s = 0xA2B4; /* Use JIS X 0212 overline */ } else if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_eucjp); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); continue; } } if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s < 0x100) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, 0x8E, s); } else if (s < 0x8080) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x8F, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_eucjpwin_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w, n; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) { /* CP932 first char */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x8e) { /* kana first char */ filter->status = 2; } else if (c == 0x8f) { /* X 0212 first char */ filter->status = 3; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* got first half */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { w = 0; s = (c1 - 0xa1)*94 + c - 0xa1; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xff3c; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xff5e; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xff0d; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xffe0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xffe1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xffe2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext1 (13ku) */ w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { /* X 0208 */ w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= (84 * 94)) { /* user (85ku - 94ku) */ w = s - (84 * 94) + 0xe000; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 2: /* got 0x8e, X0201 kana */ filter->status = 0; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { w = 0xfec0 + c; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* got 0x8f, X 0212 first char */ filter->status++; filter->cache = c; break; case 4: /* got 0x8f, X 0212 second char */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c1 > 0xa0 && c1 < 0xff && c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { s = (c1 - 0xa1)*94 + c - 0xa1; if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; if (w == 0x007e) { w = 0xff5e; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } } else if (s >= (82*94) && s < (84*94)) { /* vender ext3 (83ku - 84ku) <-> CP932 (115ku -120ku) */ s = (c1 << 8) | c; w = 0; n = 0; while (n < cp932ext3_eucjp_table_size) { if (s == cp932ext3_eucjp_table[n]) { if (n < (cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min)) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[n]; } break; } n++; } } else if (s >= (84*94)) { /* user (85ku - 94ku) */ w = s - (84*94) + (0xe000 + (94*10)); } else { w = 0; } if (w == 0x00A6) { w = 0xFFE4; /* FULLWIDTH BROKEN BAR */ } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_eucjpwin_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); filter->status = 0; } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_eucjpwin(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1 = 0; if (c == 0xAF) { /* U+00AF is MACRON */ s1 = 0xA2B4; /* Use JIS X 0212 overline */ } else if (c == 0x203E) { s1 = 0x7E; } else if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xe000 && c < (0xe000 + 10*94)) { /* user (X0208 85ku - 94ku) */ s1 = c - 0xe000; c1 = s1/94 + 0x75; c2 = s1%94 + 0x21; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; } else if (c >= (0xe000 + 10*94) && c < (0xe000 + 20*94)) { /* user (X0212 85ku - 94ku) */ s1 = c - (0xe000 + 10*94); c1 = s1/94 + 0xf5; c2 = s1%94 + 0xa1; s1 = (c1 << 8) | c2; } if (s1 == 0xa2f1) { s1 = 0x2d62; /* NUMERO SIGN */ } if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x5C; } else if (c == 0x2014) { s1 = 0x213D; } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224c; } else { s1 = -1; c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext1 (13ku) */ const int oh = cp932ext1_ucs_table_min / 94; if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = ((c1 / 94 + oh + 0x21) << 8) + (c1 % 94 + 0x21); break; } c1++; } if (s1 < 0) { c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext3 (115ku - 119ku) */ if (c == cp932ext3_ucs_table[c1]) { if (c1 < cp932ext3_eucjp_table_size) { s1 = cp932ext3_eucjp_table[c1]; } break; } c1++; } } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else if (s1 <= 0) { s1 = -1; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x100) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8e, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x8080) { /* X 0208 */ CK((*filter->output_function)(((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); } else { /* X 0212 */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8f, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_eucjpwin_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int s = (c - 0xA1)*94 + c2 - 0xA1, w = 0; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= (84 * 94)) { w = s - (84 * 94) + 0xE000; } } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8E && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c2; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8F && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE && c3 >= 0xA1 && c3 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int s = (c2 - 0xA1)*94 + c3 - 0xA1, w = 0; if (s < jisx0212_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0212_ucs_table[s]; if (w == 0x7E) w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s >= (82*94) && s < (84*94)) { s = (c2 << 8) | c3; for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext3_eucjp_table_size; i++) { if (cp932ext3_eucjp_table[i] == s) { w = cp932ext3_ucs_table[i]; break; } } } else if (s >= (84*94)) { w = s - (84*94) + 0xE000 + (94*10); } if (w == 0xA6) w = 0xFFE4; /* FULLWIDTH BROKEN BAR */ if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_eucjpwin(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } else if (w == 0xAF) { /* U+00AF is MACRON */ s = 0xA2B4; /* Use JIS X 0212 overline */ } else if (w == 0x203E) { s = 0x7E; } else if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w < (0xE000 + 10*94)) { s = w - 0xE000; s = ((s/94 + 0x75) << 8) + (s%94) + 0x21; } else if (w >= (0xE000 + 10*94) && w < (0xE000 + 20*94)) { s = w - (0xE000 + 10*94); s = ((s/94 + 0xF5) << 8) + (s%94) + 0xA1; } if (s == 0xA2F1) s = 0x2D62; /* NUMERO SIGN */ if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x5C; } else if (w == 0x2014) { /* EM DASH */ s = 0x213D; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext1_ucs_table[i] == w) { s = (((i/94) + (cp932ext1_ucs_table_min/94) + 0x21) << 8) + (i%94) + 0x21; break; } } if (!s) { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext3_ucs_table_max - cp932ext3_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext3_ucs_table[i] == w) { s = cp932ext3_eucjp_table[i]; break; } } } } } if (!s) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_eucjpwin); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s < 0x100) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, 0x8E, s); } else if (s < 0x8080) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x8F, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp51932_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE) { /* CP932, first byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x8e) { /* kana first char */ filter->status = 2; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* got first half */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff) { w = 0; s = (c1 - 0xa1)*94 + c - 0xa1; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xff3c; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xff5e; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xff0d; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xffe0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xffe1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xffe2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext1 (13ku) */ w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s >= 0 && s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { /* X 0208 */ w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { /* vendor ext2 (89ku - 92ku) */ w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 2: /* got 0x8e, X0201 kana */ filter->status = 0; if (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xe0) { w = 0xfec0 + c; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp51932_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { /* Input string was truncated */ (*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data); filter->status = 0; } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp51932(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, c2, s1; s1 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a1_jis_table[c - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && c < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_a2_jis_table[c - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && c < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_i_jis_table[c - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && c < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s1 = ucs_r_jis_table[c - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s1 >= 0x8080) s1 = -1; /* we don't support JIS X0213 */ if (s1 <= 0) { if (c == 0xa5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s1 = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (c == 0xff3c) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s1 = 0x2140; } else if (c == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s1 = 0x2142; } else if (c == 0xff0d) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s1 = 0x215d; } else if (c == 0xffe0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s1 = 0x2171; } else if (c == 0xffe1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s1 = 0x2172; } else if (c == 0xffe2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s1 = 0x224c; } else { s1 = -1; c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext1 (13ku) */ if (c == cp932ext1_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = ((c1/94 + 0x2d) << 8) + (c1%94 + 0x21); break; } c1++; } if (s1 < 0) { c1 = 0; c2 = cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; while (c1 < c2) { /* CP932 vendor ext3 (115ku - 119ku) */ if (c == cp932ext2_ucs_table[c1]) { s1 = ((c1/94 + 0x79) << 8) +(c1%94 + 0x21); break; } c1++; } } } if (c == 0) { s1 = 0; } else if (s1 <= 0) { s1 = -1; } } if (s1 >= 0) { if (s1 < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x100) { /* kana */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8e, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s1, filter->data)); } else if (s1 < 0x8080) { /* X 0208 */ CK((*filter->output_function)(((s1 >> 8) & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s1 & 0xff) | 0x80, filter->data)); } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_cp51932_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int s = (c - 0xA1)*94 + c2 - 0xA1, w = 0; if (s <= 137) { if (s == 31) { w = 0xFF3C; /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ } else if (s == 32) { w = 0xFF5E; /* FULLWIDTH TILDE */ } else if (s == 33) { w = 0x2225; /* PARALLEL TO */ } else if (s == 60) { w = 0xFF0D; /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ } else if (s == 80) { w = 0xFFE0; /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ } else if (s == 81) { w = 0xFFE1; /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ } else if (s == 137) { w = 0xFFE2; /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ } } if (w == 0) { if (s >= cp932ext1_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext1_ucs_table[s - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min]; } else if (s < jisx0208_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0208_ucs_table[s]; } else if (s >= cp932ext2_ucs_table_min && s < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max) { w = cp932ext2_ucs_table[s - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min]; } } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8E && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c2; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_cp51932(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } else if (w >= ucs_a1_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a1_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_jis_table[w - ucs_a1_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_jis_table_min && w < ucs_a2_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_jis_table[w - ucs_a2_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_jis_table_min && w < ucs_i_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_i_jis_table[w - ucs_i_jis_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_jis_table_min && w < ucs_r_jis_table_max) { s = ucs_r_jis_table[w - ucs_r_jis_table_min]; } if (s >= 0x8080) s = 0; /* We don't support JIS X0213 */ if (s == 0) { if (w == 0xA5) { /* YEN SIGN */ s = 0x216F; /* FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN */ } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { /* FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS */ s = 0x2140; } else if (w == 0x2225) { /* PARALLEL TO */ s = 0x2142; } else if (w == 0xFF0D) { /* FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS */ s = 0x215D; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { /* FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN */ s = 0x2171; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { /* FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN */ s = 0x2172; } else if (w == 0xFFE2) { /* FULLWIDTH NOT SIGN */ s = 0x224C; } else { for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext1_ucs_table_max - cp932ext1_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext1_ucs_table[i] == w) { s = ((i/94 + 0x2D) << 8) + (i%94) + 0x21; goto found_it; } } for (int i = 0; i < cp932ext2_ucs_table_max - cp932ext2_ucs_table_min; i++) { if (cp932ext2_ucs_table[i] == w) { s = ((i/94 + 0x79) << 8) + (i%94) + 0x21; goto found_it; } } } found_it: ; } if (!s || s >= 0x8080) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp51932); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s < 0x100) { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, 0x8E, s); } else { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static size_t mb_eucjp2004_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize - 1; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xFE) { /* Kanji */ if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 <= 0xA0 || c2 == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned int s1 = c - 0x80, s2 = c2 - 0x80; unsigned int w1 = (s1 << 8) | s2, w = 0; /* Conversion for combining characters */ if ((w1 >= 0x2477 && w1 <= 0x2479) || (w1 >= 0x2479 && w1 <= 0x247B) || (w1 >= 0x2577 && w1 <= 0x257E) || w1 == 0x2678 || w1 == 0x2B44 || (w1 >= 0x2B48 && w1 <= 0x2B4F) || (w1 >= 0x2B65 && w1 <= 0x2B66)) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_u2_key, jisx0213_u2_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]; *out++ = jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]; continue; } } /* Conversion for BMP */ w1 = (s1 - 0x21)*94 + s2 - 0x21; if (w1 < jisx0213_ucs_table_size) { w = jisx0213_ucs_table[w1]; } /* Conversion for CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!w) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w1, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else if (c == 0x8E && p < e) { /* Kana */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xDF) { *out++ = 0xFEC0 + c2; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8F && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if ((c2 == 0xA1 || (c2 >= 0xA3 && c2 <= 0xA5) || c2 == 0xA8 || (c2 >= 0xAC && c2 <= 0xAF) || (c2 >= 0xEE && c2 <= 0xFE)) && p < e) { unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 < 0xA1 || c3 == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned int s1 = c2 - 0xA1, s2 = c3 - 0xA1; if (((s1 <= 4 && s1 != 1) || s1 == 7 || (s1 >= 11 && s1 <= 14) || (s1 >= 77 && s1 < 94)) && s2 < 94) { int k; for (k = 0; k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len; k++) { if (s1 == jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]) { break; } } k -= jisx0213_p2_ofst[k]; /* Check for Japanese chars in BMP */ unsigned int s = (s1 + 94 + k)*94 + s2; ZEND_ASSERT(s < jisx0213_ucs_table_size); unsigned int w = jisx0213_ucs_table[s]; /* Check for Japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!w) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(s, jisx0213_jis_u5_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { w = jisx0213_jis_u5_tbl[k] + 0x20000; } } *out++ = w ? w : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_eucjp2004(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); uint32_t w; if (buf->state) { w = buf->state; buf->state = 0; goto process_codepoint; } while (len--) { w = *in++; process_codepoint: ; unsigned int s = 0; /* Check for 1st char of combining characters */ if (w == 0xE6 || (w >= 0x254 && w <= 0x2E9) || (w >= 0x304B && w <= 0x3053) || (w >= 0x30AB && w <= 0x30C8) || w == 0x31F7) { for (int k = 0; k < jisx0213_u2_tbl_len; k++) { if (w == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k]) { if (!len) { if (!end) { buf->state = w; MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); return; } } else { uint32_t w2 = *in++; len--; if ((w == 0x254 || w == 0x28C || w == 0x259 || w == 0x25A) && w2 == 0x301) { k++; } if (w2 == jisx0213_u2_tbl[2*k+1]) { s = jisx0213_u2_key[k]; break; } in--; len++; } /* Fallback */ s = jisx0213_u2_fb_tbl[k]; break; } } } /* Check for major Japanese chars: U+4E00-U+9FFF */ if (!s) { for (int k = 0; k < uni2jis_tbl_len; k++) { if (w >= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0] && w <= uni2jis_tbl_range[k][1]) { s = uni2jis_tbl[k][w - uni2jis_tbl_range[k][0]]; break; } } } /* Check for Japanese chars in compressed mapping area: U+1E00-U+4DBF */ if (!s && w >= ucs_c1_jisx0213_min && w <= ucs_c1_jisx0213_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch(w, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl, ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_c1_jisx0213_ofst[k] + w - ucs_c1_jisx0213_tbl[2*k]; } } /* Check for Japanese chars in CJK Unified Ideographs ext.B (U+2XXXX) */ if (!s && w >= jisx0213_u5_tbl_min && w <= jisx0213_u5_tbl_max) { int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w - 0x20000, jisx0213_u5_jis_key, jisx0213_u5_tbl_len); if (k >= 0) { s = jisx0213_u5_jis_tbl[k]; } } if (!s) { /* CJK Compatibility Forms: U+FE30-U+FE4F */ if (w == 0xFE45) { s = 0x233E; } else if (w == 0xFE46) { s = 0x233D; } else if (w >= 0xF91D && w <= 0xF9DC) { /* CJK Compatibility Ideographs: U+F900-U+F92A */ int k = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_key, ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_len); if (k >= 0) { s = ucs_r2b_jisx0213_cmap_val[k]; } } } if (!s && w) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_eucjp2004); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s <= 0x7F) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s <= 0xFF) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, 0x8E, s); } else if (s <= 0x7EFF) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) + 0x80, (s & 0xFF) + 0x80); } else { unsigned int s2 = s & 0xFF; int k = ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) - 0x7F; ZEND_ASSERT(k < jisx0213_p2_ofst_len); s = jisx0213_p2_ofst[k] + 0x21; MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add3(out, 0x8F, s | 0x80, s2 | 0x80); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euccn_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if ((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA9) || (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xF7)) { /* dbcs lead byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xFF) { w = (c1 - 0x81)*192 + c - 0x40; ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); if (w == 0x1864) { w = 0x30FB; } else if (w == 0x186A) { w = 0x2015; } else if ((w >= 0x1921 && w <= 0x192A) || w == 0x1963 || (w >= 0x1C59 && w <= 0x1C7E) || (w >= 0x1DBB && w <= 0x1DC4)) { w = 0; } else { w = cp936_ucs_table[w]; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euccn(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0xB7 || c == 0x144 || c == 0x148 || c == 0x251 || c == 0x261) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[c - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x2015) { s = 0xA1AA; } else if (c == 0x2014 || (c >= 0x2170 && c <= 0x2179)) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[c - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x30FB) { s = 0xA1A4; } else { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[c - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cp936_table[c - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (c == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (c >= 0xFF01 && c <= 0xFF5D) { s = c - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (c >= 0xFFE0 && c <= 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[c - 0xFFE0]; } } /* exclude CP936 extensions */ if (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) < 0xA1 || (s & 0xFF) < 0xA1) { s = 0; } if (s <= 0) { if (c < 0x80) { s = c; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xFF, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euccn_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_euccn_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA9) || (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xF7)) && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int w = (c - 0x81)*192 + c2 - 0x40; ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); if (w == 0x1864) { w = 0x30FB; } else if (w == 0x186A) { w = 0x2015; } else if ((w >= 0x1921 && w <= 0x192A) || w == 0x1963 || (w >= 0x1C59 && w <= 0x1C7E) || (w >= 0x1DBB && w <= 0x1DC4)) { w = 0; } else { w = cp936_ucs_table[w]; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_euccn(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (w != 0xB7 && w != 0x144 && w != 0x148 && w != 0x251 && w != 0x261) { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[w - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x2015) { s = 0xA1AA; } else if (w != 0x2014 && (w < 0x2170 || w > 0x2179)) { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[w - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x30FB) { s = 0xA1A4; } else { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[w - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cp936_table[w - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (w == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (w >= 0xFF01 && w <= 0xFF5D) { s = w - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (w >= 0xFFE0 && w <= 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[w - 0xFFE0]; } } /* Exclude CP936 extensions */ if (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) < 0xA1 || (s & 0xFF) < 0xA1) { s = 0; } if (!s) { if (w < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, w); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_euccn); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); } } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euctw_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA6) || (c >= 0xC2 && c <= 0xFD)) && c != 0xC3) { /* 2-byte character, first byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (c == 0x8E) { /* 4-byte character, first byte */ filter->status = 2; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* 2-byte character, second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c > 0xA0 && c < 0xFF) { w = (c1 - 0xA1)*94 + (c - 0xA1); if (w >= 0 && w < cns11643_1_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_1_ucs_table[w]; } else { w = 0; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { filter->status = filter->cache = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 2: /* got 0x8e, second byte */ if (c == 0xA1 || c == 0xA2 || c == 0xAE) { filter->status = 3; filter->cache = c - 0xA1; } else { filter->status = filter->cache = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* got 0x8e, third byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c >= 0xA1 && ((c1 == 0 && ((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA6) || (c >= 0xC2 && c <= 0xFD)) && c != 0xC3) || (c1 == 1 && c <= 0xF2) || (c1 == 13 && c <= 0xE7))) { filter->status = 4; filter->cache = (c1 << 8) + c - 0xA1; } else { filter->status = filter->cache = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 4: /* multi-byte character, fourth byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (c1 <= 0xDFF && c > 0xA0 && c < 0xFF) { int plane = (c1 & 0xF00) >> 8; /* This is actually the CNS-11643 plane minus one */ s = (c1 & 0xFF)*94 + c - 0xA1; w = 0; if (s >= 0) { /* A later version of CNS-11643 moved all the characters in "plane 14" to "plane 3", * and added tens of thousands more characters in planes 4, 5, 6, and 7 * We only support the older version of CNS-11643 * This is the same as iconv from glibc 2.2 */ if (plane == 0 && s < cns11643_1_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_1_ucs_table[s]; } else if (plane == 1 && s < cns11643_2_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_2_ucs_table[s]; } else if (plane == 13 && s < cns11643_14_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_14_ucs_table[s]; } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { filter->status = filter->cache = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euctw(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_cns11643_table_min && c < ucs_a1_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_cns11643_table[c - ucs_a1_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_cns11643_table_min && c < ucs_a2_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_cns11643_table[c - ucs_a2_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a3_cns11643_table_min && c < ucs_a3_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_cns11643_table[c - ucs_a3_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_cns11643_table_min && c < ucs_i_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cns11643_table[c - ucs_i_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r_cns11643_table_min && c < ucs_r_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_r_cns11643_table[c - ucs_r_cns11643_table_min]; } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { int plane = (s & 0x1F0000) >> 16; if (plane <= 1) { if (s < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { s = (s & 0xFFFF) | 0x8080; CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xFF, filter->data)); } } else { s = (0x8EA00000 + (plane << 16)) | ((s & 0xFFFF) | 0x8080); CK((*filter->output_function)(0x8e , filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 16) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xFF, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xFF, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euctw_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { /* 2-byte or 4-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_euctw_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA6) || (c >= 0xC2 && c <= 0xFD)) && c != 0xC3 && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE) { unsigned int w = (c - 0xA1)*94 + (c2 - 0xA1); if (w < cns11643_1_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_1_ucs_table[w]; } else { w = 0; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c == 0x8E && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if ((c2 == 0xA1 || c2 == 0xA2 || c2 == 0xAE) && p < e) { unsigned int plane = c2 - 0xA1; /* This is actually the CNS-11643 plane minus one */ unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 >= 0xA1 && ((plane == 0 && ((c3 >= 0xA1 && c3 <= 0xA6) || (c3 >= 0xC2 && c3 <= 0xFD)) && c3 != 0xC3) || (plane == 1 && c3 <= 0xF2) || (plane == 13 && c3 <= 0xE7)) && p < e) { unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c2 <= 0xAE && c4 > 0xA0 && c4 < 0xFF) { unsigned int s = (c3 - 0xA1)*94 + c4 - 0xA1, w = 0; /* A later version of CNS-11643 moved all the characters in "plane 14" to "plane 3", * and added tens of thousands more characters in planes 4, 5, 6, and 7 * We only support the older version of CNS-11643 * This is the same as iconv from glibc 2.2 */ if (plane == 0 && s < cns11643_1_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_1_ucs_table[s]; } else if (plane == 1 && s < cns11643_2_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_2_ucs_table[s]; } else if (plane == 13 && s < cns11643_14_ucs_table_size) { w = cns11643_14_ucs_table[s]; } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; continue; } } } *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_euctw(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_cns11643_table_min && w < ucs_a1_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_cns11643_table[w - ucs_a1_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_cns11643_table_min && w < ucs_a2_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_cns11643_table[w - ucs_a2_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_cns11643_table_min && w < ucs_a3_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_cns11643_table[w - ucs_a3_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_cns11643_table_min && w < ucs_i_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cns11643_table[w - ucs_i_cns11643_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r_cns11643_table_min && w < ucs_r_cns11643_table_max) { s = ucs_r_cns11643_table[w - ucs_r_cns11643_table_min]; } if (!s) { if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_euctw); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); } } else { unsigned int plane = s >> 16; if (plane <= 1) { if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, (len * 2) + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, 0x8E, 0xA0 + plane, ((s >> 8) & 0xFF) | 0x80, (s & 0xFF) | 0x80); } } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euckr_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, w, flag; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xAC) || (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xFD)) && c != 0xC9) { /* dbcs lead byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; flag = 0; if (c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xc6) { flag = 1; } else if (c1 >= 0xc7 && c1 <= 0xfe && c1 != 0xc9) { flag = 2; } if (flag > 0 && c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) { if (flag == 1) { /* 1st: 0xa1..0xc6, 2nd: 0x41..0x7a, 0x81..0xfe */ w = (c1 - 0x81)*190 + c - 0x41; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc1_ucs_table_size); w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; } else { /* 1st: 0xc7..0xc8,0xca..0xfe, 2nd: 0xa1..0xfe */ w = (c1 - 0xc7)*94 + c - 0xa1; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc3_ucs_table_size); w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euckr(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[c - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[c - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[c - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[c - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[c - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[c - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[c - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } /* exclude UHC extension area (although we are using the UHC conversion tables) */ if (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) < 0xA1 || (s & 0xFF) < 0xA1) { s = 0; } if (s <= 0) { if (c < 0x80) { s = c; } else { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_euckr_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static size_t mb_euckr_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (((c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xAC) || (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xFD)) && c != 0xC9 && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 < 0xA1 || c2 == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } if (c <= 0xC6) { unsigned int w = (c - 0x81)*190 + c2 - 0x41; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc1_ucs_table_size); w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { unsigned int w = (c - 0xC7)*94 + c2 - 0xA1; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc3_ucs_table_size); w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_euckr(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[w - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[w - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[w - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[w - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[w - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[w - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[w - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } /* Exclude UHC extension area (although we are using the UHC conversion tables) */ if (((s >> 8) & 0xFF) < 0xA1 || (s & 0xFF) < 0xA1) { s = 0; } if (!s) { if (w < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, w); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_euckr); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_uhc_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xfe && c != 0xc9) { /* dbcs lead byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0; int c1 = filter->cache, w = 0; if (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0xc6 && c >= 0x41 && c <= 0xfe) { w = (c1 - 0x81)*190 + (c - 0x41); if (w >= 0 && w < uhc1_ucs_table_size) { w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; } } else if (c1 >= 0xc7 && c1 < 0xfe && c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) { w = (c1 - 0xc7)*94 + (c - 0xa1); if (w >= 0 && w < uhc3_ucs_table_size) { w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; } } if (w == 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_uhc_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_uhc(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[c - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[c - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[c - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[c - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[c - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[c - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && c < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[c - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } if (s == 0 && c != 0) { s = -1; } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_uhc_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; e--; /* Stop the main loop 1 byte short of the end of the input */ while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xFE) { /* We don't need to check p < e here; it's not possible that this pointer dereference * will be outside the input string, because of e-- above */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 < 0x41 || c2 == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned int w = 0; if (c <= 0xC6) { w = (c - 0x81)*190 + c2 - 0x41; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc1_ucs_table_size); w = uhc1_ucs_table[w]; } else if (c2 >= 0xA1) { w = (c - 0xC7)*94 + c2 - 0xA1; ZEND_ASSERT(w < uhc3_ucs_table_size); w = uhc3_ucs_table[w]; } if (!w) { /* If c == 0xC9, we shouldn't have tried to read a 2-byte char at all... but it is faster * to fix up that rare case here rather than include an extra check in the hot path */ if (c == 0xC9) { p--; } w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } /* Finish up last byte of input string if there is one */ if (p == e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; *out++ = (c < 0x80) ? c : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *in_len = e - p + 1; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_uhc(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_uhc_table[w - ucs_a1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_uhc_table[w - ucs_a2_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_a3_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_uhc_table[w - ucs_a3_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_i_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_i_uhc_table[w - ucs_i_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_s_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_s_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_s_uhc_table[w - ucs_s_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r1_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r1_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_uhc_table[w - ucs_r1_uhc_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r2_uhc_table_min && w < ucs_r2_uhc_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_uhc_table[w - ucs_r2_uhc_table_min]; } if (!s) { if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_uhc); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const unsigned char mblen_table_eucjp[] = { /* 0xA1-0xFE */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_euc_jp_aliases[] = {"EUC", "EUC_JP", "eucJP", "x-euc-jp", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_eucjp_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_jp, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_eucjp_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_eucjp_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_eucjp = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_jp, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_eucjp, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_euc_jp = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_jp, "EUC-JP", "EUC-JP", mbfl_encoding_euc_jp_aliases, mblen_table_eucjp, 0, &vtbl_eucjp_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_eucjp, mb_eucjp_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_eucjp, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_eucjp2004_aliases[] = {"EUC_JP-2004", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_eucjp2004_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_jis2004_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_eucjp2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_jis2004_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_eucjp2004 = { mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004, "EUC-JP-2004", "EUC-JP", mbfl_encoding_eucjp2004_aliases, mblen_table_eucjp, 0, &vtbl_eucjp2004_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_eucjp2004, mb_eucjp2004_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_eucjp2004, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_eucjp_win_aliases[] = {"eucJP-open", "eucJP-ms", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_eucjpwin_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp_win, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_eucjpwin_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_eucjpwin_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_eucjpwin = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp_win, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_eucjpwin, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_eucjp_win = { mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp_win, "eucJP-win", "EUC-JP", mbfl_encoding_eucjp_win_aliases, mblen_table_eucjp, 0, &vtbl_eucjpwin_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_eucjpwin, mb_eucjpwin_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_eucjpwin, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_cp51932_aliases[] = {"cp51932", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp51932_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp51932, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp51932_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp51932_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp51932 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp51932, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp51932, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp51932 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp51932, "CP51932", "CP51932", mbfl_encoding_cp51932_aliases, mblen_table_eucjp, 0, &vtbl_cp51932_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp51932, mb_cp51932_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp51932, NULL }; static const unsigned char mblen_table_euccn[] = { /* 0xA1-0xFE */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_euc_cn_aliases[] = {"CN-GB", "EUC_CN", "eucCN", "x-euc-cn", "gb2312", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_euccn_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_cn, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_euccn_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_euccn_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_euccn = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_cn, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euccn, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_euc_cn = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_cn, "EUC-CN", "CN-GB", mbfl_encoding_euc_cn_aliases, mblen_table_euccn, 0, &vtbl_euccn_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_euccn, mb_euccn_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_euccn, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_euc_tw_aliases[] = {"EUC_TW", "eucTW", "x-euc-tw", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_euctw_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_tw, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_euctw_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_euctw_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_euctw = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_tw, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euctw, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_euc_tw = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_tw, "EUC-TW", "EUC-TW", mbfl_encoding_euc_tw_aliases, mblen_table_euccn, 0, &vtbl_euctw_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_euctw, mb_euctw_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_euctw, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_euc_kr_aliases[] = {"EUC_KR", "eucKR", "x-euc-kr", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_euckr_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_kr, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_euckr_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_euckr_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_euckr = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_kr, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_euckr, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_euc_kr = { mbfl_no_encoding_euc_kr, "EUC-KR", "EUC-KR", mbfl_encoding_euc_kr_aliases, mblen_table_euccn, 0, &vtbl_euckr_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_euckr, mb_euckr_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_euckr, NULL }; /* UHC was introduced by MicroSoft in Windows 95, and is also known as CP949. * It is the same as EUC-KR, but with 8,822 additional characters added to * complete all the characters in the Johab charset. */ static const unsigned char mblen_table_81_to_fe[] = { /* 0x81-0xFE */ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_uhc_aliases[] = {"CP949", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_uhc_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_uhc, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_uhc_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_uhc_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_uhc = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_uhc, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_uhc, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_uhc = { mbfl_no_encoding_uhc, "UHC", "UHC", mbfl_encoding_uhc_aliases, mblen_table_81_to_fe, 0, &vtbl_uhc_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_uhc, mb_uhc_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_uhc, NULL }; /* * GB18030/CP936 */ static int mbfl_filt_conv_gb18030_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k; int c1, c2, c3, w = -1; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c > 0x80 && c < 0xff) { /* dbcs/qbcs lead byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs/qbcs second byte */ c1 = filter->cache; filter->status = 0; if (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0x84 && c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) { /* 4 byte range: Unicode BMP */ filter->status = 2; filter->cache = (c1 << 8) | c; return 0; } else if (c1 >= 0x90 && c1 <= 0xe3 && c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) { /* 4 byte range: Unicode 16 planes */ filter->status = 2; filter->cache = (c1 << 8) | c; return 0; } else if (((c1 >= 0xaa && c1 <= 0xaf) || (c1 >= 0xf8 && c1 <= 0xfe)) && (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe)) { /* UDA part 1,2: U+E000-U+E4C5 */ w = 94*(c1 >= 0xf8 ? c1 - 0xf2 : c1 - 0xaa) + (c - 0xa1) + 0xe000; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else if (c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xa7 && c >= 0x40 && c < 0xa1 && c != 0x7f) { /* UDA part3 : U+E4C6-U+E765*/ w = 96*(c1 - 0xa1) + c - (c >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40) + 0xe4c6; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } c2 = (c1 << 8) | c; if (w <= 0 && ((c2 >= 0xa2ab && c2 <= 0xa9f0 + (0xe80f-0xe801)) || (c2 >= 0xd7fa && c2 <= 0xd7fa + (0xe814-0xe810)) || (c2 >= 0xfe50 && c2 <= 0xfe80 + (0xe864-0xe844)))) { for (k = 0; k < mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl_max; k++) { if (c2 >= mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][2] && c2 <= mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][2] + mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][1] - mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0]) { w = c2 - mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][2] + mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0]; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); break; } } } if (w <= 0) { if ((c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xa9 && c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) || (c1 >= 0xb0 && c1 <= 0xf7 && c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe) || (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0xa0 && c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xfe && c != 0x7f) || (c1 >= 0xaa && c1 <= 0xfe && c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xa0 && c != 0x7f) || (c1 >= 0xa8 && c1 <= 0xa9 && c >= 0x40 && c <= 0xa0 && c != 0x7f)) { w = (c1 - 0x81)*192 + c - 0x40; ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); CK((*filter->output_function)(cp936_ucs_table[w], filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } break; case 2: /* qbcs third byte */ c1 = (filter->cache >> 8) & 0xff; c2 = filter->cache & 0xff; filter->status = filter->cache = 0; if (((c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0x84) || (c1 >= 0x90 && c1 <= 0xe3)) && c2 >= 0x30 && c2 <= 0x39 && c >= 0x81 && c <= 0xfe) { filter->cache = (c1 << 16) | (c2 << 8) | c; filter->status = 3; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 3: /* qbcs fourth byte */ c1 = (filter->cache >> 16) & 0xff; c2 = (filter->cache >> 8) & 0xff; c3 = filter->cache & 0xff; filter->status = filter->cache = 0; if (((c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0x84) || (c1 >= 0x90 && c1 <= 0xe3)) && c2 >= 0x30 && c2 <= 0x39 && c3 >= 0x81 && c3 <= 0xfe && c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39) { if (c1 >= 0x90 && c1 <= 0xe3) { w = ((((c1 - 0x90)*10 + (c2 - 0x30))*126 + (c3 - 0x81)))*10 + (c - 0x30) + 0x10000; if (w > 0x10FFFF) { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); return 0; } } else { /* Unicode BMP */ w = (((c1 - 0x81)*10 + (c2 - 0x30))*126 + (c3 - 0x81))*10 + (c - 0x30); if (w >= 0 && w <= 39419) { k = mbfl_bisec_srch(w, mbfl_gb2uni_tbl, mbfl_gb_uni_max); w += mbfl_gb_uni_ofst[k]; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); return 0; } } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_gb18030_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { /* multi-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_gb18030(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k, k1, k2; int c1, s = 0, s1 = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x01f9) { s = 0xa8bf; } else { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[c - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x20ac) { /* euro-sign */ s = 0xa2e3; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[c - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[c - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cp936_table[c - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_ci_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_ci_cp936_table_max) { /* U+F900-FA2F CJK Compatibility Ideographs */ if (c == 0xf92c) { s = 0xfd9c; } else if (c == 0xf979) { s = 0xfd9d; } else if (c == 0xf995) { s = 0xfd9e; } else if (c == 0xf9e7) { s = 0xfd9f; } else if (c == 0xf9f1) { s = 0xfda0; } else if (c >= 0xfa0c && c <= 0xfa29) { s = ucs_ci_s_cp936_table[c - 0xfa0c]; } } else if (c >= ucs_cf_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_cf_cp936_table_max) { /* FE30h CJK Compatibility Forms */ s = ucs_cf_cp936_table[c - ucs_cf_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_sfv_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FE50-FE6F Small Form Variants */ s = ucs_sfv_cp936_table[c - ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FF00-FFFF HW/FW Forms */ if (c == 0xff04) { s = 0xa1e7; } else if (c == 0xff5e) { s = 0xa1ab; } else if (c >= 0xff01 && c <= 0xff5d) { s = c - 0xff01 + 0xa3a1; } else if (c >= 0xffe0 && c <= 0xffe5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[c-0xffe0]; } } /* While GB18030 and CP936 are very similar, some mappings are different between these encodings; * do a binary search in a table of differing codepoints to see if we have one */ if (s <= 0 && c >= mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key[0] && c <= mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key[mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_max-1]) { k1 = mbfl_bisec_srch2(c, mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key, mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_max); if (k1 >= 0) { s = mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_val[k1]; } } if (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xe864) { /* PUA */ if (c < 0xe766) { if (c < 0xe4c6) { c1 = c - 0xe000; s = (c1 % 94) + 0xa1; c1 /= 94; s |= (c1 < 0x06 ? c1 + 0xaa : c1 + 0xf2) << 8; } else { c1 = c - 0xe4c6; s = ((c1 / 96) + 0xa1) << 8; c1 %= 96; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3f ? 0x41 : 0x40); } } else { /* U+E766..U+E864 */ k1 = 0; k2 = mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl_max; while (k1 < k2) { k = (k1 + k2) >> 1; if (c < mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0]) { k2 = k; } else if (c > mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][1]) { k1 = k + 1; } else { s = c - mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0] + mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][2]; break; } } } } /* If we have not yet found a suitable mapping for this codepoint, it requires a 4-byte code */ if (s <= 0 && c >= 0x0080 && c <= 0xffff) { /* BMP */ s = mbfl_bisec_srch(c, mbfl_uni2gb_tbl, mbfl_gb_uni_max); if (s >= 0) { c1 = c - mbfl_gb_uni_ofst[s]; s = (c1 % 10) + 0x30; c1 /= 10; s |= ((c1 % 126) + 0x81) << 8; c1 /= 126; s |= ((c1 % 10) + 0x30) << 16; c1 /= 10; s1 = c1 + 0x81; } } else if (c >= 0x10000 && c <= 0x10ffff) { /* Code set 3: Unicode U+10000..U+10FFFF */ c1 = c - 0x10000; s = (c1 % 10) + 0x30; c1 /= 10; s |= ((c1 % 126) + 0x81) << 8; c1 /= 126; s |= ((c1 % 10) + 0x30) << 16; c1 /= 10; s1 = c1 + 0x90; } if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s == 0) { s = -1; } if (s >= 0) { if (s <= 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else if (s1 > 0) { /* qbcs */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s1 & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 16) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } else { /* dbcs */ CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static const unsigned short gb18030_pua_tbl3[] = { /* 0xFE50 */ 0x0000,0xE816,0xE817,0xE818,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0xE81E,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0xE826,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xE82B,0xE82C, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xE831,0xE832,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xE83B,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xE843,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0xE854,0xE855,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000, /* 0xFEA0 */ 0xE864 }; static size_t mb_gb18030_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c == 0x80 || c == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } else { if (p == e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0x84) || (c >= 0x90 && c <= 0xE3)) && c2 >= 0x30 && c2 <= 0x39) { if (p >= e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; break; } unsigned char c3 = *p++; if (c3 >= 0x81 && c3 <= 0xFE && p < e) { unsigned char c4 = *p++; if (c4 >= 0x30 && c4 <= 0x39) { if (c >= 0x90 && c <= 0xE3) { unsigned int w = ((((c - 0x90)*10 + (c2 - 0x30))*126 + (c3 - 0x81)))*10 + (c4 - 0x30) + 0x10000; *out++ = (w > 0x10FFFF) ? MBFL_BAD_INPUT : w; } else { /* Unicode BMP */ unsigned int w = (((c - 0x81)*10 + (c2 - 0x30))*126 + (c3 - 0x81))*10 + (c4 - 0x30); if (w <= 39419) { *out++ = w + mbfl_gb_uni_ofst[mbfl_bisec_srch(w, mbfl_gb2uni_tbl, mbfl_gb_uni_max)]; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (((c >= 0xAA && c <= 0xAF) || (c >= 0xF8 && c <= 0xFE)) && (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE)) { /* UDA part 1, 2: U+E000-U+E4C5 */ *out++ = 94*(c >= 0xF8 ? c - 0xF2 : c - 0xAA) + (c2 - 0xA1) + 0xE000; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA7 && c2 >= 0x40 && c2 < 0xA1 && c2 != 0x7F) { /* UDA part 3: U+E4C6-U+E765 */ *out++ = 96*(c - 0xA1) + c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40) + 0xE4C6; } else if (c2 >= 0x40 && c2 != 0x7F && c2 != 0xFF) { unsigned int w = (c - 0x81)*192 + c2 - 0x40; if (w >= 0x192B) { if (w <= 0x1EBE) { if (w != 0x1963 && w != 0x1DBF && (w < 0x1E49 || w > 0x1E55) && w != 0x1E7F) { *out++ = cp936_pua_tbl1[w - 0x192B]; continue; } } else if (w >= 0x413A) { if (w <= 0x413E) { *out++ = cp936_pua_tbl2[w - 0x413A]; continue; } else if (w >= 0x5DD0 && w <= 0x5E20) { unsigned int c = gb18030_pua_tbl3[w - 0x5DD0]; if (c) { *out++ = c; continue; } } } } if ((c >= 0x81 && c <= 0xA9) || (c >= 0xB0 && c <= 0xF7 && c2 >= 0xA1) || (c >= 0xAA && c <= 0xFE && c2 <= 0xA0)) { ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); *out++ = cp936_ucs_table[w]; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_gb18030(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); continue; } else if (w >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x1F9) { s = 0xA8Bf; } else { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[w - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x20AC) { /* Euro sign */ s = 0xA2E3; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[w - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[w - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_i_cp936_table[w - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_ci_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_ci_cp936_table_max) { /* U+F900-U+FA2F CJK Compatibility Ideographs */ if (w == 0xF92C) { s = 0xFD9C; } else if (w == 0xF979) { s = 0xFD9D; } else if (w == 0xF995) { s = 0xFD9E; } else if (w == 0xF9E7) { s = 0xFD9F; } else if (w == 0xF9F1) { s = 0xFDA0; } else if (w >= 0xFA0C && w <= 0xFA29) { s = ucs_ci_s_cp936_table[w - 0xFA0C]; } } else if (w >= ucs_cf_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_cf_cp936_table_max) { /* CJK Compatibility Forms */ s = ucs_cf_cp936_table[w - ucs_cf_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_sfv_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FE50-U+FE6F Small Form Variants */ s = ucs_sfv_cp936_table[w - ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FF00-U+FFFF HW/FW Forms */ if (w == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (w == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (w >= 0xFF01 && w <= 0xFF5D) { s = w - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (w >= 0xFFE0 && w <= 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[w - 0xFFE0]; } } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w <= 0xE864) { /* PUA */ if (w < 0xE766) { if (w < 0xE4C6) { unsigned int c1 = w - 0xE000; s = (c1 % 94) + 0xA1; c1 /= 94; s |= (c1 + (c1 < 0x06 ? 0xAA : 0xF2)) << 8; } else { unsigned int c1 = w - 0xE4C6; s = ((c1 / 96) + 0xA1) << 8; c1 %= 96; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3F ? 0x41 : 0x40); } } else { /* U+E766-U+E864 */ unsigned int k1 = 0, k2 = mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl_max; while (k1 < k2) { unsigned int k = (k1 + k2) >> 1; if (w < mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0]) { k2 = k; } else if (w > mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][1]) { k1 = k + 1; } else { s = w - mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][0] + mbfl_gb18030_pua_tbl[k][2]; break; } } } } /* While GB18030 and CP936 are very similar, some mappings are different between these encodings; * do a binary search in a table of differing codepoints to see if we have one */ if (!s && w >= mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key[0] && w <= mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key[mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_max-1]) { int i = mbfl_bisec_srch2(w, mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_key, mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_max); if (i >= 0) { s = mbfl_gb18030_c_tbl_val[i]; } } /* If we have not yet found a suitable mapping for this codepoint, it requires a 4-byte code */ if (!s && w >= 0x80 && w <= 0xFFFF) { /* BMP */ int i = mbfl_bisec_srch(w, mbfl_uni2gb_tbl, mbfl_gb_uni_max); if (i >= 0) { unsigned int c1 = w - mbfl_gb_uni_ofst[i]; s = (c1 % 10) + 0x30; c1 /= 10; s |= ((c1 % 126) + 0x81) << 8; c1 /= 126; s |= ((c1 % 10) + 0x30) << 16; c1 /= 10; s |= (c1 + 0x81) << 24; } } else if (w >= 0x10000 && w <= 0x10FFFF) { /* Code set 3: Unicode U+10000-U+10FFFF */ unsigned int c1 = w - 0x10000; s = (c1 % 10) + 0x30; c1 /= 10; s |= ((c1 % 126) + 0x81) << 8; c1 /= 126; s |= ((c1 % 10) + 0x30) << 16; c1 /= 10; s |= (c1 + 0x90) << 24; } if (!s) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_gb18030); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s < 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else if (s > 0xFFFFFF) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add4(out, (s >> 24) & 0xFF, (s >> 16) & 0xFF, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp936_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k; int c1, c2, w = -1; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (c == 0x80) { /* euro sign */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0x20ac, filter->data)); } else if (c < 0xff) { /* dbcs lead byte */ filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { /* 0xff */ CK((*filter->output_function)(0xf8f5, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if (((c1 >= 0xaa && c1 <= 0xaf) || (c1 >= 0xf8 && c1 <= 0xfe)) && (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe)) { /* UDA part1,2: U+E000-U+E4C5 */ w = 94*(c1 >= 0xf8 ? c1 - 0xf2 : c1 - 0xaa) + (c - 0xa1) + 0xe000; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else if (c1 >= 0xa1 && c1 <= 0xa7 && c >= 0x40 && c < 0xa1 && c != 0x7f) { /* UDA part3 : U+E4C6-U+E765*/ w = 96*(c1 - 0xa1) + c - (c >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40) + 0xe4c6; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } c2 = (c1 << 8) | c; if (w <= 0 && ((c2 >= 0xa2ab && c2 <= 0xa9f0 + (0xe80f-0xe801)) || (c2 >= 0xd7fa && c2 <= 0xd7fa + (0xe814-0xe810)) || (c2 >= 0xfe50 && c2 <= 0xfe80 + (0xe864-0xe844)))) { for (k = 0; k < mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl_max; k++) { if (c2 >= mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][2] && c2 <= mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][2] + mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][1] - mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0]) { w = c2 - mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][2] + mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0]; CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); break; } } } if (w <= 0) { if (c1 < 0xff && c1 > 0x80 && c >= 0x40 && c < 0xff && c != 0x7f) { w = (c1 - 0x81)*192 + c - 0x40; ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); CK((*filter->output_function)(cp936_ucs_table[w], filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_cp936_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp936(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k, k1, k2; int c1, s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { /* U+0000 - U+0451 */ s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[c - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { /* U+2000 - U+26FF */ if (c == 0x203e) { s = 0xa3fe; } else if (c == 0x2218) { s = 0xa1e3; } else if (c == 0x223c) { s = 0xa1ab; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[c - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { /* U+2F00 - U+33FF */ s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[c - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { /* U+4D00-9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs (+ Extension A) */ s = ucs_i_cp936_table[c - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xe864) { /* PUA */ if (c < 0xe766) { if (c < 0xe4c6) { c1 = c - 0xe000; s = (c1 % 94) + 0xa1; c1 /= 94; s |= (c1 < 0x06 ? c1 + 0xaa : c1 + 0xf2) << 8; } else { c1 = c - 0xe4c6; s = ((c1 / 96) + 0xa1) << 8; c1 %= 96; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3f ? 0x41 : 0x40); } } else { /* U+E766..U+E864 */ k1 = 0; k2 = mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl_max; while (k1 < k2) { k = (k1 + k2) >> 1; if (c < mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0]) { k2 = k; } else if (c > mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][1]) { k1 = k + 1; } else { s = c - mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0] + mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][2]; break; } } } } else if (c == 0xf8f5) { s = 0xff; } else if (c >= ucs_ci_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_ci_cp936_table_max) { /* U+F900-FA2F CJK Compatibility Ideographs */ s = ucs_ci_cp936_table[c - ucs_ci_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_cf_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_cf_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_cf_cp936_table[c - ucs_cf_cp936_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_sfv_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_sfv_cp936_table[c - ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min]; /* U+FE50-FE6F Small Form Variants */ } else if (c >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FF00-FFFF HW/FW Forms */ if (c == 0xff04) { s = 0xa1e7; } else if (c == 0xff5e) { s = 0xa1ab; } else if (c >= 0xff01 && c <= 0xff5d) { s = c - 0xff01 + 0xa3a1; } else if (c >= 0xffe0 && c <= 0xffe5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[c-0xffe0]; } } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else if (s <= 0) { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s <= 0x80 || s == 0xff) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_cp936_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c < 0x80) { *out++ = c; } else if (c == 0x80) { *out++ = 0x20AC; /* Euro sign */ } else if (c < 0xFF) { if (p >= e) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 < 0x40 || c2 == 0x7F || c2 == 0xFF) { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; continue; } if (((c >= 0xAA && c <= 0xAF) || (c >= 0xF8 && c <= 0xFE)) && c2 >= 0xA1) { /* UDA part 1, 2: U+E000-U+E4C5 */ *out++ = 94*(c >= 0xF8 ? c - 0xF2 : c - 0xAA) + (c2 - 0xA1) + 0xE000; } else if (c >= 0xA1 && c <= 0xA7 && c2 < 0xA1) { /* UDA part 3: U+E4C6-U+E765*/ *out++ = 96*(c - 0xA1) + c2 - (c2 >= 0x80 ? 0x41 : 0x40) + 0xE4C6; } else { unsigned int w = (c - 0x81)*192 + c2 - 0x40; /* Convert c, c2 into GB 2312 table lookup index */ /* For CP936 and GB18030, certain GB 2312 byte combinations are mapped to PUA codepoints, * whereas the same combinations aren't mapped to any codepoint for HZ and EUC-CN * To avoid duplicating the entire GB 2312 -> Unicode lookup table, we have three * auxiliary tables which are consulted instead for specific ranges of lookup indices */ if (w >= 0x192B) { if (w <= 0x1EBE) { *out++ = cp936_pua_tbl1[w - 0x192B]; continue; } else if (w >= 0x413A) { if (w <= 0x413E) { *out++ = cp936_pua_tbl2[w - 0x413A]; continue; } else if (w >= 0x5DD0 && w <= 0x5E20) { *out++ = cp936_pua_tbl3[w - 0x5DD0]; continue; } } } ZEND_ASSERT(w < cp936_ucs_table_size); *out++ = cp936_ucs_table[w]; } } else { *out++ = 0xF8F5; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_cp936(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { /* U+0000-U+0451 */ s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[w - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { /* U+2000-U+26FF */ if (w == 0x203E) { s = 0xA3FE; } else if (w == 0x2218) { s = 0xA1E3; } else if (w == 0x223C) { s = 0xA1AB; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[w - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { /* U+2F00-U+33FF */ s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[w - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_i_cp936_table_max) { /* U+4D00-9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs (+ Extension A) */ s = ucs_i_cp936_table[w - ucs_i_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= 0xE000 && w <= 0xE864) { /* PUA */ if (w < 0xe766) { if (w < 0xe4c6) { unsigned int c1 = w - 0xE000; s = (c1 % 94) + 0xA1; c1 /= 94; s |= (c1 < 0x6 ? c1 + 0xAA : c1 + 0xF2) << 8; } else { unsigned int c1 = w - 0xE4C6; s = ((c1 / 96) + 0xA1) << 8; c1 %= 96; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3F ? 0x41 : 0x40); } } else { /* U+E766-U+E864 */ unsigned int k1 = 0; unsigned int k2 = mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl_max; while (k1 < k2) { int k = (k1 + k2) >> 1; if (w < mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0]) { k2 = k; } else if (w > mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][1]) { k1 = k + 1; } else { s = w - mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][0] + mbfl_cp936_pua_tbl[k][2]; break; } } } } else if (w == 0xF8F5) { s = 0xFF; } else if (w >= ucs_ci_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_ci_cp936_table_max) { /* U+F900-U+FA2F CJK Compatibility Ideographs */ s = ucs_ci_cp936_table[w - ucs_ci_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_cf_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_cf_cp936_table_max) { s = ucs_cf_cp936_table[w - ucs_cf_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_sfv_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FE50-U+FE6F Small Form Variants */ s = ucs_sfv_cp936_table[w - ucs_sfv_cp936_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { /* U+FF00-U+FFFF HW/FW Forms */ if (w == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (w == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (w >= 0xFF01 && w <= 0xFF5D) { s = w - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (w >= 0xFFE0 && w <= 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[w - 0xFFE0]; } } if (!s) { if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_cp936); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len * 2); } } else if (s <= 0x80 || s == 0xFF) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const char *mbfl_encoding_gb18030_aliases[] = {"gb-18030", "gb-18030-2000", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_gb18030_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_gb18030, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_gb18030_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_gb18030_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_gb18030 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_gb18030, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_gb18030, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_gb18030 = { mbfl_no_encoding_gb18030, "GB18030", "GB18030", mbfl_encoding_gb18030_aliases, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_gb18030_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_gb18030, mb_gb18030_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_gb18030, NULL }; static const char *mbfl_encoding_cp936_aliases[] = {"CP-936", "GBK", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp936_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp936, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_cp936_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_cp936_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp936 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp936, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_cp936, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp936 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp936, "CP936", "CP936", mbfl_encoding_cp936_aliases, mblen_table_81_to_fe, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp936_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp936, mb_cp936_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp936, NULL }; /* * BIG5/CP950 */ /* 63 + 94 = 157 or 94 */ static unsigned short cp950_pua_tbl[][4] = { {0xe000, 0xe310, 0xfa40, 0xfefe}, {0xe311, 0xeeb7, 0x8e40, 0xa0fe}, {0xeeb8, 0xf6b0, 0x8140, 0x8dfe}, {0xf6b1, 0xf70e, 0xc6a1, 0xc6fe}, {0xf70f, 0xf848, 0xc740, 0xc8fe}, }; static inline int is_in_cp950_pua(int c1, int c) { if ((c1 >= 0xfa && c1 <= 0xfe) || (c1 >= 0x8e && c1 <= 0xa0) || (c1 >= 0x81 && c1 <= 0x8d) || (c1 >= 0xc7 && c1 <= 0xc8)) { return (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x7e) || (c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe); } else if (c1 == 0xc6) { return c >= 0xa1 && c <= 0xfe; } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k, c1, w; switch (filter->status) { case 0: if (c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else if (filter->from->no_encoding != mbfl_no_encoding_cp950 && c > 0xA0 && c <= 0xF9 && c != 0xC8) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_cp950 && c > 0x80 && c <= 0xFE) { filter->status = 1; filter->cache = c; } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; case 1: /* dbcs second byte */ filter->status = 0; c1 = filter->cache; if ((c > 0x3f && c < 0x7f) || (c > 0xa0 && c < 0xff)) { if (c < 0x7f) { w = (c1 - 0xa1)*157 + (c - 0x40); } else { w = (c1 - 0xa1)*157 + (c - 0xa1) + 0x3f; } if (w >= 0 && w < big5_ucs_table_size) { w = big5_ucs_table[w]; } else { w = 0; } if (filter->from->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_cp950) { /* PUA for CP950 */ if (is_in_cp950_pua(c1, c)) { int c2 = (c1 << 8) | c; for (k = 0; k < sizeof(cp950_pua_tbl) / (sizeof(unsigned short)*4); k++) { if (c2 >= cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] && c2 <= cp950_pua_tbl[k][3]) { break; } } if ((cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] & 0xff) == 0x40) { w = 157*(c1 - (cp950_pua_tbl[k][2]>>8)) + c - (c >= 0xa1 ? 0x62 : 0x40) + cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; } else { w = c2 - cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] + cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; } } else if (c1 == 0xA1) { if (c == 0x45) { w = 0x2027; } else if (c == 0x4E) { w = 0xFE51; } else if (c == 0x5A) { w = 0x2574; } else if (c == 0xC2) { w = 0x00AF; } else if (c == 0xC3) { w = 0xFFE3; } else if (c == 0xC5) { w = 0x02CD; } else if (c == 0xE3) { w = 0xFF5E; } else if (c == 0xF2) { w = 0x2295; } else if (c == 0xF3) { w = 0x2299; } else if (c == 0xFE) { w = 0xFF0F; } } else if (c1 == 0xA2) { if (c == 0x40) { w = 0xFF3C; } else if (c == 0x41) { w = 0x2215; } else if (c == 0x42) { w = 0xFE68; } else if (c == 0x46) { w = 0xFFE0; } else if (c == 0x47) { w = 0xFFE1; } else if (c == 0xCC) { w = 0x5341; } else if (c == 0xCE) { w = 0x5345; } } } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 1) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ filter->status = 0; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_big5(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int k, s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_big5_table_min && c < ucs_a1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_big5_table[c - ucs_a1_big5_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a2_big5_table_min && c < ucs_a2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_big5_table[c - ucs_a2_big5_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_a3_big5_table_min && c < ucs_a3_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_big5_table[c - ucs_a3_big5_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_i_big5_table_min && c < ucs_i_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_i_big5_table[c - ucs_i_big5_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r1_big5_table_min && c < ucs_r1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_big5_table[c - ucs_r1_big5_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_r2_big5_table_min && c < ucs_r2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_big5_table[c - ucs_r2_big5_table_min]; } if (filter->to->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_cp950) { if (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xf848) { /* PUA for CP950 */ for (k = 0; k < sizeof(cp950_pua_tbl) / (sizeof(unsigned short)*4); k++) { if (c <= cp950_pua_tbl[k][1]) { break; } } int c1 = c - cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; if ((cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] & 0xff) == 0x40) { int c2 = cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] >> 8; s = ((c1 / 157) + c2) << 8; c1 %= 157; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3f ? 0x62 : 0x40); } else { s = c1 + cp950_pua_tbl[k][2]; } } else if (c == 0x00A2) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x00A3) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x00AF) { s = 0xA1C2; } else if (c == 0x02CD) { s = 0xA1C5; } else if (c == 0x0401) { s = 0; } else if (c >= 0x0414 && c <= 0x041C) { s = 0; } else if (c >= 0x0423 && c <= 0x044F) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x0451) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2022) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2027) { s = 0xA145; } else if (c == 0x203E) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2215) { s = 0xA241; } else if (c == 0x223C) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2295) { s = 0xA1F2; } else if (c == 0x2299) { s = 0xA1F3; } else if (c >= 0x2460 && c <= 0x247D) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2574) { s = 0xA15A; } else if (c == 0x2609) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x2641) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0x3005 || (c >= 0x302A && c <= 0x30FF)) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0xFE51) { s = 0xA14E; } else if (c == 0xFE68) { s = 0xA242; } else if (c == 0xFF3C) { s = 0xA240; } else if (c == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1E3; } else if (c == 0xFF64) { s = 0; } else if (c == 0xFFE0) { s = 0xA246; } else if (c == 0xFFE1) { s = 0xA247; } else if (c == 0xFFE3) { s = 0xA1C3; } else if (c == 0xFF0F) { s = 0xA1FE; } } if (s <= 0) { if (c == 0) { s = 0; } else { s = -1; } } if (s >= 0) { if (s <= 0x80) { /* latin */ CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0xff, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0xff, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static size_t mb_big5_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; e--; /* Stop the main loop 1 byte short of the end of the input */ while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c > 0xA0 && c <= 0xF9) { /* We don't need to check p < e here; it's not possible that this pointer dereference * will be outside the input string, because of e-- above */ unsigned char c2 = *p++; if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0x7E) || (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE)) { unsigned int w = (c - 0xA1)*157 + c2 - ((c2 <= 0x7E) ? 0x40 : 0xA1 - 0x3F); ZEND_ASSERT(w < big5_ucs_table_size); w = big5_ucs_table[w]; if (!w) { if (c == 0xC8) { p--; } w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } /* Finish up last byte of input string if there is one */ if (p == e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; *out++ = (c <= 0x7F) ? c : MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } *in_len = e - p + 1; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_big5(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_big5_table[w - ucs_a1_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_big5_table[w - ucs_a2_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a3_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_big5_table[w - ucs_a3_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_big5_table_min && w < ucs_i_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_i_big5_table[w - ucs_i_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r1_big5_table_min && w < ucs_r1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_big5_table[w - ucs_r1_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r2_big5_table_min && w < ucs_r2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_big5_table[w - ucs_r2_big5_table_min]; } if (!s) { if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_big5); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } else if (s <= 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static size_t mb_cp950_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c <= 0x7F) { *out++ = c; } else if (c > 0x80 && c <= 0xFE && p < e) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if ((c2 >= 0x40 && c2 <= 0x7E) || (c2 >= 0xA1 && c2 <= 0xFE)) { unsigned int w = ((c - 0xA1)*157) + c2 - ((c2 <= 0x7E) ? 0x40 : 0xA1 - 0x3F); w = (w < big5_ucs_table_size) ? big5_ucs_table[w] : 0; /* PUA for CP950 */ if (is_in_cp950_pua(c, c2)) { unsigned int s = (c << 8) | c2; int k; for (k = 0; k < sizeof(cp950_pua_tbl) / (sizeof(unsigned short)*4); k++) { if (s >= cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] && s <= cp950_pua_tbl[k][3]) { break; } } if ((cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] & 0xFF) == 0x40) { w = 157*(c - (cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] >> 8)) + c2 - (c2 >= 0xA1 ? 0x62 : 0x40) + cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; } else { w = s - cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] + cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; } } else if (c == 0xA1) { if (c2 == 0x45) { w = 0x2027; } else if (c2 == 0x4E) { w = 0xFE51; } else if (c2 == 0x5A) { w = 0x2574; } else if (c2 == 0xC2) { w = 0x00AF; } else if (c2 == 0xC3) { w = 0xFFE3; } else if (c2 == 0xC5) { w = 0x02CD; } else if (c2 == 0xE3) { w = 0xFF5E; } else if (c2 == 0xF2) { w = 0x2295; } else if (c2 == 0xF3) { w = 0x2299; } else if (c2 == 0xFE) { w = 0xFF0F; } } else if (c == 0xA2) { if (c2 == 0x40) { w = 0xFF3C; } else if (c2 == 0x41) { w = 0x2215; } else if (c2 == 0x42) { w = 0xFE68; } else if (c2 == 0x46) { w = 0xFFE0; } else if (c2 == 0x47) { w = 0xFFE1; } else if (c2 == 0xCC) { w = 0x5341; } else if (c2 == 0xCE) { w = 0x5345; } } if (!w) w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = w; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_cp950(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a1_big5_table[w - ucs_a1_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a2_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a2_big5_table[w - ucs_a2_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_a3_big5_table_min && w < ucs_a3_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_a3_big5_table[w - ucs_a3_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_i_big5_table_min && w < ucs_i_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_i_big5_table[w - ucs_i_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r1_big5_table_min && w < ucs_r1_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r1_big5_table[w - ucs_r1_big5_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_r2_big5_table_min && w < ucs_r2_big5_table_max) { s = ucs_r2_big5_table[w - ucs_r2_big5_table_min]; } if (w >= 0xE000 && w <= 0xF848) { int k; for (k = 0; k < sizeof(cp950_pua_tbl) / (sizeof(unsigned short)*4); k++) { if (w <= cp950_pua_tbl[k][1]) { break; } } int c1 = w - cp950_pua_tbl[k][0]; if ((cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] & 0xFF) == 0x40) { int c2 = cp950_pua_tbl[k][2] >> 8; s = ((c1 / 157) + c2) << 8; c1 %= 157; s |= c1 + (c1 >= 0x3F ? 0x62 : 0x40); } else { s = c1 + cp950_pua_tbl[k][2]; } } else if (w == 0xA2 || w == 0xA3 || w == 0x401 || (w >= 0x414 && w <= 0x41C) || (w >= 0x423 && w <= 0x44F) || w == 0x451 || w == 0x2022 || w == 0x203E || w == 0x223C || (w >= 0x2460 && w <= 0x247D) || w == 0x2609 || w == 0x2641 || w == 0x3005 || (w >= 0x302A && w <= 0x30FF) || w == 0xFF64) { s = 0; } else if (w == 0xAF) { s = 0xA1C2; } else if (w == 0x2CD) { s = 0xA1C5; } else if (w == 0x2027) { s = 0xA145; } else if (w == 0x2215) { s = 0xA241; } else if (w == 0x2295) { s = 0xA1F2; } else if (w == 0x2299) { s = 0xA1F3; } else if (w == 0x2574) { s = 0xA15A; } else if (w == 0xFE51) { s = 0xA14E; } else if (w == 0xFE68) { s = 0xA242; } else if (w == 0xFF3C) { s = 0xA240; } else if (w == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1E3; } else if (w == 0xFFE0) { s = 0xA246; } else if (w == 0xFFE1) { s = 0xA247; } else if (w == 0xFFE3) { s = 0xA1C3; } else if (w == 0xFF0F) { s = 0xA1FE; } if (!s) { if (w == 0) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, 0); } else { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_big5); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } } else if (s <= 0x80) { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0xFF, s & 0xFF); } } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const char *mbfl_encoding_big5_aliases[] = {"CN-BIG5", "BIG-FIVE", "BIGFIVE", NULL}; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_big5_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_big5, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_big5 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_big5, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_big5, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_big5 = { mbfl_no_encoding_big5, "BIG-5", "BIG5", mbfl_encoding_big5_aliases, mblen_table_81_to_fe, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_big5_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_big5, mb_big5_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_big5, NULL }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_cp950_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp950, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_big5_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_cp950 = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_cp950, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_big5, mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_cp950 = { mbfl_no_encoding_cp950, "CP950", "BIG5", NULL, mblen_table_81_to_fe, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_cp950_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_cp950, mb_cp950_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_cp950, NULL }; /* * HZ */ static int mbfl_filt_conv_hz_wchar(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int c1, s, w; switch (filter->status & 0xf) { /* case 0x00: ASCII */ /* case 0x10: GB2312 */ case 0: if (c == '~') { filter->status += 2; } else if (filter->status == 0x10 && ((c > 0x20 && c <= 0x29) || (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x77))) { /* DBCS first char */ filter->cache = c; filter->status += 1; } else if (filter->status == 0 && c >= 0 && c < 0x80) { /* latin, CTLs */ CK((*filter->output_function)(c, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* case 0x11: GB2312 second char */ case 1: filter->status &= ~0xf; c1 = filter->cache; if (c1 > 0x20 && c1 < 0x7F && c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F) { s = (c1 - 1)*192 + c + 0x40; /* GB2312 */ ZEND_ASSERT(s < cp936_ucs_table_size); if (s == 0x1864) { w = 0x30FB; } else if (s == 0x186A) { w = 0x2015; } else if (s == 0x186C) { w = 0x2225; } else if ((s >= 0x1920 && s <= 0x192A) || s == 0x1963 || (s >= 0x1C60 && s <= 0x1C7F) || (s >= 0x1DBB && s <= 0x1DC4)) { w = 0; } else { w = cp936_ucs_table[s]; } if (w <= 0) { w = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } CK((*filter->output_function)(w, filter->data)); } else { CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; /* '~' */ case 2: if (c == '}' && filter->status == 0x12) { filter->status = 0; } else if (c == '{' && filter->status == 2) { filter->status = 0x10; } else if (c == '~' && filter->status == 2) { CK((*filter->output_function)('~', filter->data)); filter->status -= 2; } else if (c == '\n') { /* "~\n" is a line continuation; no output is needed, nor should we shift modes */ filter->status -= 2; } else { /* Invalid character after ~ */ filter->status -= 2; CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } break; EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_hz_wchar_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { if (filter->status == 0x11) { /* 2-byte character was truncated */ CK((*filter->output_function)(MBFL_BAD_INPUT, filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (filter->flush_function) { (*filter->flush_function)(filter->data); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_hz(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { int s = 0; if (c >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0xB7 || c == 0x144 || c == 0x148 || c == 0x251 || c == 0x261 || c == 0x2CA || c == 0x2CB || c == 0x2D9) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[c - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x2015) { s = 0xA1AA; } else if (c == 0x2010 || c == 0x2013 || c == 0x2014 || c == 0x2016 || c == 0x2025 || c == 0x2035 || c == 0x2105 || c == 0x2109 || c == 0x2121 || (c >= 0x2170 && c <= 0x2179) || (c >= 0x2196 && c <= 0x2199) || c == 0x2215 || c == 0x221F || c == 0x2223 || c == 0x2252 || c == 0x2266 || c == 0x2267 || c == 0x2295 || (c >= 0x2550 && c <= 0x2573) || c == 0x22BF || c == 0x2609 || (c >= 0x2581 && c <= 0x258F) || (c >= 0x2593 && c <= 0x2595) || c == 0x25BC || c == 0x25BD || (c >= 0x25E2 && c <= 0x25E5)) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[c - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0x30FB) { s = 0xA1A4; } else if (c == 0x3006 || c == 0x3007 || c == 0x3012 || c == 0x3231 || c == 0x32A3 || c >= 0x3300 || (c >= 0x3018 && c <= 0x3040) || (c >= 0x309B && c <= 0x309E) || (c >= 0x30FC && c <= 0x30FE)) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[c - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (c >= ucs_i_gb2312_table_min && c < ucs_i_gb2312_table_max) { s = ucs_i_gb2312_table[c - ucs_i_gb2312_table_min]; } else if (c >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && c < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { if (c == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (c == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (c >= 0xFF01 && c <= 0xFF5D) { s = c - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (c == 0xFFE0 || c == 0xFFE1 || c == 0xFFE3 || c == 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[c - 0xFFE0]; } } if (s & 0x8000) { s -= 0x8080; } if (s <= 0) { s = (c == 0) ? 0 : -1; } else if ((s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121) || s > 0x8080) { s = -1; } if (s >= 0) { if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if ((filter->status & 0xff00) != 0) { CK((*filter->output_function)('~', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('}', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; if (s == 0x7E) { CK((*filter->output_function)('~', filter->data)); } CK((*filter->output_function)(s, filter->data)); } else { /* GB 2312-80 */ if ((filter->status & 0xFF00) != 0x200) { CK((*filter->output_function)('~', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('{', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0x200; CK((*filter->output_function)((s >> 8) & 0x7F, filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)(s & 0x7F, filter->data)); } } else { CK(mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(c, filter)); } return 0; } static int mbfl_filt_conv_any_hz_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter) { /* back to latin */ if (filter->status & 0xFF00) { CK((*filter->output_function)('~', filter->data)); CK((*filter->output_function)('}', filter->data)); } filter->status = 0; return 0; } #define ASCII 0 #define GB2312 1 static size_t mb_hz_to_wchar(unsigned char **in, size_t *in_len, uint32_t *buf, size_t bufsize, unsigned int *state) { unsigned char *p = *in, *e = p + *in_len; uint32_t *out = buf, *limit = buf + bufsize; while (p < e && out < limit) { unsigned char c = *p++; if (c == '~') { if (p == e) { break; } unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c2 == '}' && *state == GB2312) { *state = ASCII; } else if (c2 == '{' && *state == ASCII) { *state = GB2312; } else if (c2 == '~' && *state == ASCII) { *out++ = '~'; } else if (c2 == '\n') { /* "~\n" is a line continuation; no output is needed, nor should we shift modes */ } else { /* Invalid character after ~ */ *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (((c > 0x20 && c <= 0x29) || (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x77)) && p < e && *state == GB2312) { unsigned char c2 = *p++; if (c > 0x20 && c < 0x7F && c2 > 0x20 && c2 < 0x7F) { unsigned int s = (c - 1)*192 + c2 + 0x40; ZEND_ASSERT(s < cp936_ucs_table_size); if (s == 0x1864) { s = 0x30FB; } else if (s == 0x186A) { s = 0x2015; } else if (s == 0x186C) { s = 0x2225; } else if ((s >= 0x1920 && s <= 0x192A) || s == 0x1963 || (s >= 0x1C60 && s <= 0x1C7F) || (s >= 0x1DBB && s <= 0x1DC4)) { s = 0; } else { s = cp936_ucs_table[s]; } if (!s) s = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; *out++ = s; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } else if (c < 0x80 && *state == ASCII) { *out++ = c; } else { *out++ = MBFL_BAD_INPUT; } } *in_len = e - p; *in = p; return out - buf; } static void mb_wchar_to_hz(uint32_t *in, size_t len, mb_convert_buf *buf, bool end) { unsigned char *out, *limit; MB_CONVERT_BUF_LOAD(buf, out, limit); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); while (len--) { uint32_t w = *in++; unsigned int s = 0; if (w >= ucs_a1_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a1_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0xB7 || w == 0x144 || w == 0x148 || w == 0x251 || w == 0x261 || w == 0x2CA || w == 0x2CB || w == 0x2D9) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a1_cp936_table[w - ucs_a1_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a2_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a2_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x2015) { s = 0xA1AA; } else if (w == 0x2010 || w == 0x2013 || w == 0x2014 || w == 0x2016 || w == 0x2025 || w == 0x2035 || w == 0x2105 || w == 0x2109 || w == 0x2121 || (w >= 0x2170 && w <= 0x2179) || (w >= 0x2196 && w <= 0x2199) || w == 0x2215 || w == 0x221F || w == 0x2223 || w == 0x2252 || w == 0x2266 || w == 0x2267 || w == 0x2295 || (w >= 0x2550 && w <= 0x2573) || w == 0x22BF || w == 0x2609 || (w >= 0x2581 && w <= 0x258F) || (w >= 0x2593 && w <= 0x2595) || w == 0x25BC || w == 0x25BD || (w >= 0x25E2 && w <= 0x25E5)) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a2_cp936_table[w - ucs_a2_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_a3_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_a3_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0x30FB) { s = 0xA1A4; } else if (w == 0x3006 || w == 0x3007 || w == 0x3012 || w == 0x3231 || w == 0x32A3 || w >= 0x3300 || (w >= 0x3018 && w <= 0x3040) || (w >= 0x309B && w <= 0x309E) || (w >= 0x30FC && w <= 0x30FE)) { s = 0; } else { s = ucs_a3_cp936_table[w - ucs_a3_cp936_table_min]; } } else if (w >= ucs_i_gb2312_table_min && w < ucs_i_gb2312_table_max) { s = ucs_i_gb2312_table[w - ucs_i_gb2312_table_min]; } else if (w >= ucs_hff_cp936_table_min && w < ucs_hff_cp936_table_max) { if (w == 0xFF04) { s = 0xA1E7; } else if (w == 0xFF5E) { s = 0xA1AB; } else if (w >= 0xFF01 && w <= 0xFF5D) { s = w - 0xFF01 + 0xA3A1; } else if (w == 0xFFE0 || w == 0xFFE1 || w == 0xFFE3 || w == 0xFFE5) { s = ucs_hff_s_cp936_table[w - 0xFFE0]; } } s &= ~0x8080; if ((!s && w) || (s >= 0x80 && s < 0x2121)) { MB_CONVERT_ERROR(buf, out, limit, w, mb_wchar_to_hz); MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len); } else if (s < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ if (buf->state != ASCII) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 3); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, '~', '}'); buf->state = ASCII; } if (s == '~') { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, '~', '~'); } else { out = mb_convert_buf_add(out, s); } } else { /* GB 2312-80 */ if (buf->state != GB2312) { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 4); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, '~', '{'); buf->state = GB2312; } else { MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, len + 2); } out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, (s >> 8) & 0x7F, s & 0x7F); } } if (end && buf->state != ASCII) { /* If not in ASCII state, need to emit closing control chars */ MB_CONVERT_BUF_ENSURE(buf, out, limit, 2); out = mb_convert_buf_add2(out, '~', '}'); } MB_CONVERT_BUF_STORE(buf, out, limit); } static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_hz_wchar = { mbfl_no_encoding_hz, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_hz_wchar, mbfl_filt_conv_hz_wchar_flush, NULL, }; static const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_wchar_hz = { mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_hz, mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor, NULL, mbfl_filt_conv_wchar_hz, mbfl_filt_conv_any_hz_flush, NULL, }; const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_hz = { mbfl_no_encoding_hz, "HZ", "HZ-GB-2312", NULL, NULL, MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE, &vtbl_hz_wchar, &vtbl_wchar_hz, mb_hz_to_wchar, mb_wchar_to_hz, NULL };