/* (c) 2009 Jerome Loyet */ #include "php.h" #include "zend_long.h" #include "SAPI.h" #include #include "fpm_config.h" #include "fpm_scoreboard.h" #include "fpm_status.h" #include "fpm_clock.h" #include "zlog.h" #include "fpm_atomic.h" #include "fpm_conf.h" #include "fpm_php.h" #include "ext/standard/html.h" #include "ext/json/php_json.h" static char *fpm_status_uri = NULL; static char *fpm_status_ping_uri = NULL; static char *fpm_status_ping_response = NULL; int fpm_status_init_child(struct fpm_worker_pool_s *wp) /* {{{ */ { if (!wp || !wp->config) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "unable to init fpm_status because conf structure is NULL"); return -1; } if (wp->config->pm_status_path) { fpm_status_uri = strdup(wp->config->pm_status_path); } if (wp->config->ping_path) { if (!wp->config->ping_response) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] ping is set (%s) but ping.response is not set.", wp->config->name, wp->config->ping_path); return -1; } fpm_status_ping_uri = strdup(wp->config->ping_path); fpm_status_ping_response = strdup(wp->config->ping_response); } return 0; } /* }}} */ int fpm_status_export_to_zval(zval *status) { struct fpm_scoreboard_s scoreboard, *scoreboard_p; zval fpm_proc_stats, fpm_proc_stat; time_t now_epoch; struct timeval duration, now; double cpu; int i; scoreboard_p = fpm_scoreboard_acquire(NULL, 1); if (!scoreboard_p) { zlog(ZLOG_NOTICE, "[pool (unknown)] status: scoreboard already in use."); return -1; } /* copy the scoreboard not to bother other processes */ scoreboard = *scoreboard_p; struct fpm_scoreboard_proc_s procs[scoreboard.nprocs]; struct fpm_scoreboard_proc_s *proc_p; for(i=0; ishared ? scoreboard_p->shared : scoreboard_p, full); } if (!scoreboard_p) { zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "status: unable to find or access status shared memory"); SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 500; sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: text/plain"), 1, 1); sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"), 1, 1); sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0"), 1, 1); PUTS("Internal error. Please review log file for errors."); return 1; } if (scoreboard_p->idle < 0 || scoreboard_p->active < 0) { fpm_scoreboard_free_copy(scoreboard_p); zlog(ZLOG_ERROR, "[pool %s] invalid status values", scoreboard_p->pool); SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 500; sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: text/plain"), 1, 1); sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"), 1, 1); sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0"), 1, 1); PUTS("Internal error. Please review log file for errors."); return 1; } /* send common headers */ sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"), 1, 1); sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0"), 1, 1); SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 200; /* handle HEAD */ if (SG(request_info).headers_only) { fpm_scoreboard_free_copy(scoreboard_p); return 1; } /* HTML */ if (fpm_php_get_string_from_table(_GET_str, "html")) { sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: text/html"), 1, 1); time_format = "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"; encode_html = true; short_syntax = "\n" "\n" "PHP-FPM Status Page\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "
process manager%s
start time%s
start since%lu
accepted conn%lu
listen queue%d
max listen queue%d
listen queue len%u
idle processes%d
active processes%d
total processes%d
max active processes%d
max children reached%u
slow requests%lu
\n"; if (!full) { short_post = ""; } else { full_pre = "\n" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "\n"; full_syntax = "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "\n"; full_post = "
pidstatestart timestart sincerequestsrequest durationrequest methodrequest uricontent lengthuserscriptlast request cpulast request memory
"; } /* XML */ } else if (fpm_php_get_string_from_table(_GET_str, "xml")) { sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: text/xml"), 1, 1); time_format = "%s"; encode_html = true; short_syntax = "\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "%lu\n" "%lu\n" "%d\n" "%d\n" "%u\n" "%d\n" "%d\n" "%d\n" "%d\n" "%u\n" "%lu\n"; if (!full) { short_post = ""; } else { full_pre = "\n"; full_syntax = "" "%d" "%s" "%s" "%lu" "%lu" "%lu" "%s" "%s%s%s" "%zu" "%s" "" "%.2f" "%zu" "\n" ; full_post = "\n"; } /* JSON */ } else if (fpm_php_get_string_from_table(_GET_str, "json")) { sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: application/json"), 1, 1); time_format = "%s"; encode_json = true; short_syntax = "{" "\"pool\":\"%s\"," "\"process manager\":\"%s\"," "\"start time\":%s," "\"start since\":%lu," "\"accepted conn\":%lu," "\"listen queue\":%d," "\"max listen queue\":%d," "\"listen queue len\":%u," "\"idle processes\":%d," "\"active processes\":%d," "\"total processes\":%d," "\"max active processes\":%d," "\"max children reached\":%u," "\"slow requests\":%lu"; if (!full) { short_post = "}"; } else { full_separator = ","; full_pre = ", \"processes\":["; full_syntax = "{" "\"pid\":%d," "\"state\":\"%s\"," "\"start time\":%s," "\"start since\":%lu," "\"requests\":%lu," "\"request duration\":%lu," "\"request method\":\"%s\"," "\"request uri\":\"%s%s%s\"," "\"content length\":%zu," "\"user\":\"%s\"," "\"script\":\"%s\"," "\"last request cpu\":%.2f," "\"last request memory\":%zu" "}"; full_post = "]}"; } /* OpenMetrics */ } else if (fpm_php_get_string_from_table(_GET_str, "openmetrics")) { sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: application/openmetrics-text; version=1.0.0; charset=utf-8"), 1, 1); time_format = "%s"; short_syntax = "# HELP phpfpm_up Could pool %s using a %s PM on PHP-FPM be reached?\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_up gauge\n" "phpfpm_up 1\n" "# HELP phpfpm_start_since The number of seconds since FPM has started.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_start_since counter\n" "phpfpm_start_since %lu\n" "# HELP phpfpm_accepted_connections The number of requests accepted by the pool.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_accepted_connections counter\n" "phpfpm_accepted_connections %lu\n" "# HELP phpfpm_listen_queue The number of requests in the queue of pending connections.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_listen_queue gauge\n" "phpfpm_listen_queue %d\n" "# HELP phpfpm_max_listen_queue The maximum number of requests in the queue of pending connections since FPM has started.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_max_listen_queue counter\n" "phpfpm_max_listen_queue %d\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_listen_queue_length gauge\n" "# HELP phpfpm_listen_queue_length The size of the socket queue of pending connections.\n" "phpfpm_listen_queue_length %u\n" "# HELP phpfpm_idle_processes The number of idle processes.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_idle_processes gauge\n" "phpfpm_idle_processes %d\n" "# HELP phpfpm_active_processes The number of active processes.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_active_processes gauge\n" "phpfpm_active_processes %d\n" "# HELP phpfpm_total_processes The number of idle + active processes.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_total_processes gauge\n" "phpfpm_total_processes %d\n" "# HELP phpfpm_max_active_processes The maximum number of active processes since FPM has started.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_max_active_processes counter\n" "phpfpm_max_active_processes %d\n" "# HELP phpfpm_max_children_reached The number of times, the process limit has been reached, when pm tries to start more children (works only for pm 'dynamic' and 'ondemand').\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_max_children_reached counter\n" "phpfpm_max_children_reached %u\n" "# HELP phpfpm_slow_requests The number of requests that exceeded your 'request_slowlog_timeout' value.\n" "# TYPE phpfpm_slow_requests counter\n" "phpfpm_slow_requests %lu\n" "# EOF\n"; has_start_time = 0; if (!full) { short_post = ""; } else { full_separator = ""; full_pre = ""; full_syntax = ""; full_post = ""; } /* TEXT */ } else { sapi_add_header_ex(ZEND_STRL("Content-Type: text/plain"), 1, 1); time_format = "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"; short_syntax = "pool: %s\n" "process manager: %s\n" "start time: %s\n" "start since: %lu\n" "accepted conn: %lu\n" "listen queue: %d\n" "max listen queue: %d\n" "listen queue len: %u\n" "idle processes: %d\n" "active processes: %d\n" "total processes: %d\n" "max active processes: %d\n" "max children reached: %u\n" "slow requests: %lu\n"; if (full) { full_syntax = "\n" "************************\n" "pid: %d\n" "state: %s\n" "start time: %s\n" "start since: %lu\n" "requests: %lu\n" "request duration: %lu\n" "request method: %s\n" "request URI: %s%s%s\n" "content length: %zu\n" "user: %s\n" "script: %s\n" "last request cpu: %.2f\n" "last request memory: %zu\n"; } } now_epoch = time(NULL); if (has_start_time) { strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer) - 1, time_format, localtime(&scoreboard_p->start_epoch)); spprintf(&buffer, 0, short_syntax, scoreboard_p->pool, PM2STR(scoreboard_p->pm), time_buffer, (unsigned long) (now_epoch - scoreboard_p->start_epoch), scoreboard_p->requests, scoreboard_p->lq, scoreboard_p->lq_max, scoreboard_p->lq_len, scoreboard_p->idle, scoreboard_p->active, scoreboard_p->idle + scoreboard_p->active, scoreboard_p->active_max, scoreboard_p->max_children_reached, scoreboard_p->slow_rq); } else { spprintf(&buffer, 0, short_syntax, scoreboard_p->pool, PM2STR(scoreboard_p->pm), (unsigned long) (now_epoch - scoreboard_p->start_epoch), scoreboard_p->requests, scoreboard_p->lq, scoreboard_p->lq_max, scoreboard_p->lq_len, scoreboard_p->idle, scoreboard_p->active, scoreboard_p->idle + scoreboard_p->active, scoreboard_p->active_max, scoreboard_p->max_children_reached, scoreboard_p->slow_rq); } PUTS(buffer); efree(buffer); zend_string_release_ex(_GET_str, 0); if (short_post) { PUTS(short_post); } /* no need to test the var 'full' */ if (full_syntax) { unsigned int i; int first; zend_string *tmp_query_string; char *query_string; struct timeval duration, now; float cpu; fpm_clock_get(&now); if (full_pre) { PUTS(full_pre); } first = 1; for (i=0; inprocs; i++) { if (!scoreboard_p->procs[i].used) { continue; } proc = &scoreboard_p->procs[i]; if (first) { first = 0; } else { if (full_separator) { PUTS(full_separator); } } query_string = NULL; tmp_query_string = NULL; if (proc->query_string[0] != '\0') { if (encode_html) { tmp_query_string = php_escape_html_entities_ex( (const unsigned char *) proc->query_string, strlen(proc->query_string), 1, ENT_HTML_IGNORE_ERRORS & ENT_COMPAT, NULL, /* double_encode */ 1, /* quiet */ 0); } else if (encode_json) { tmp_query_string = php_json_encode_string(proc->query_string, strlen(proc->query_string), PHP_JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE); } else { query_string = proc->query_string; } if (tmp_query_string) { query_string = ZSTR_VAL(tmp_query_string); /* remove quotes around the string */ if (encode_json && ZSTR_LEN(tmp_query_string) >= 2) { query_string[ZSTR_LEN(tmp_query_string) - 1] = '\0'; ++query_string; } } } /* prevent NaN */ if (proc->cpu_duration.tv_sec == 0 && proc->cpu_duration.tv_usec == 0) { cpu = 0.; } else { cpu = (proc->last_request_cpu.tms_utime + proc->last_request_cpu.tms_stime + proc->last_request_cpu.tms_cutime + proc->last_request_cpu.tms_cstime) / fpm_scoreboard_get_tick() / (proc->cpu_duration.tv_sec + proc->cpu_duration.tv_usec / 1000000.) * 100.; } if (proc->request_stage == FPM_REQUEST_ACCEPTING) { duration = proc->duration; } else { timersub(&now, &proc->accepted, &duration); } strftime(time_buffer, sizeof(time_buffer) - 1, time_format, localtime(&proc->start_epoch)); spprintf(&buffer, 0, full_syntax, (int) proc->pid, fpm_request_get_stage_name(proc->request_stage), time_buffer, (unsigned long) (now_epoch - proc->start_epoch), proc->requests, duration.tv_sec * 1000000UL + duration.tv_usec, proc->request_method[0] != '\0' ? proc->request_method : "-", proc->request_uri[0] != '\0' ? proc->request_uri : "-", query_string ? "?" : "", query_string ? query_string : "", proc->content_length, proc->auth_user[0] != '\0' ? proc->auth_user : "-", proc->script_filename[0] != '\0' ? proc->script_filename : "-", proc->request_stage == FPM_REQUEST_ACCEPTING ? cpu : 0., proc->request_stage == FPM_REQUEST_ACCEPTING ? proc->memory : 0); PUTS(buffer); efree(buffer); if (tmp_query_string) { zend_string_free(tmp_query_string); } } if (full_post) { PUTS(full_post); } } fpm_scoreboard_free_copy(scoreboard_p); return 1; } return 0; } /* }}} */