/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Etienne Kneuss | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "zend_exceptions.h" #include "php_spl.h" #include "spl_functions.h" #include "spl_engine.h" #include "spl_iterators.h" #include "spl_heap.h" #include "spl_heap_arginfo.h" #include "spl_exceptions.h" #define PTR_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE 64 #define SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED 0x00000001 zend_object_handlers spl_handler_SplHeap; zend_object_handlers spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplHeap; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplMaxHeap; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplMinHeap; PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue; typedef void (*spl_ptr_heap_dtor_func)(void *); typedef void (*spl_ptr_heap_ctor_func)(void *); typedef int (*spl_ptr_heap_cmp_func)(void *, void *, zval *); typedef struct _spl_ptr_heap { void *elements; spl_ptr_heap_ctor_func ctor; spl_ptr_heap_dtor_func dtor; spl_ptr_heap_cmp_func cmp; int count; int flags; size_t max_size; size_t elem_size; } spl_ptr_heap; typedef struct _spl_heap_object spl_heap_object; typedef struct _spl_heap_it spl_heap_it; struct _spl_heap_object { spl_ptr_heap *heap; int flags; zend_function *fptr_cmp; zend_function *fptr_count; zend_object std; }; typedef struct _spl_pqueue_elem { zval data; zval priority; } spl_pqueue_elem; static inline spl_heap_object *spl_heap_from_obj(zend_object *obj) /* {{{ */ { return (spl_heap_object*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(spl_heap_object, std)); } /* }}} */ #define Z_SPLHEAP_P(zv) spl_heap_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) static zend_always_inline void *spl_heap_elem(spl_ptr_heap *heap, size_t i) { return (void *) ((char *) heap->elements + heap->elem_size * i); } static zend_always_inline void spl_heap_elem_copy(spl_ptr_heap *heap, void *to, void *from) { assert(to != from); /* Specialized for cases of heap and priority queue. With the size being * constant known at compile time the compiler can fully inline calls to memcpy. */ if (heap->elem_size == sizeof(spl_pqueue_elem)) { memcpy(to, from, sizeof(spl_pqueue_elem)); } else { ZEND_ASSERT(heap->elem_size == sizeof(zval)); memcpy(to, from, sizeof(zval)); } } static void spl_ptr_heap_zval_dtor(void *elem) { /* {{{ */ zval_ptr_dtor((zval *) elem); } /* }}} */ static void spl_ptr_heap_zval_ctor(void *elem) { /* {{{ */ Z_TRY_ADDREF_P((zval *) elem); } /* }}} */ static void spl_ptr_heap_pqueue_elem_dtor(void *elem) { /* {{{ */ spl_pqueue_elem *pq_elem = elem; zval_ptr_dtor(&pq_elem->data); zval_ptr_dtor(&pq_elem->priority); } /* }}} */ static void spl_ptr_heap_pqueue_elem_ctor(void *elem) { /* {{{ */ spl_pqueue_elem *pq_elem = elem; Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(&pq_elem->data); Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(&pq_elem->priority); } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_heap_cmp_cb_helper(zval *object, spl_heap_object *heap_object, zval *a, zval *b, zend_long *result) { /* {{{ */ zval zresult; zend_call_method_with_2_params(Z_OBJ_P(object), heap_object->std.ce, &heap_object->fptr_cmp, "compare", &zresult, a, b); if (EG(exception)) { return FAILURE; } *result = zval_get_long(&zresult); zval_ptr_dtor(&zresult); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static void spl_pqueue_extract_helper(zval *result, spl_pqueue_elem *elem, int flags) /* {{{ */ { if ((flags & SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_BOTH) == SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_BOTH) { array_init(result); Z_TRY_ADDREF(elem->data); add_assoc_zval_ex(result, "data", sizeof("data") - 1, &elem->data); Z_TRY_ADDREF(elem->priority); add_assoc_zval_ex(result, "priority", sizeof("priority") - 1, &elem->priority); return; } if (flags & SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_DATA) { ZVAL_COPY(result, &elem->data); return; } if (flags & SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_PRIORITY) { ZVAL_COPY(result, &elem->priority); return; } ZEND_UNREACHABLE(); } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_heap_zval_max_cmp(void *x, void *y, zval *object) { /* {{{ */ zval *a = x, *b = y; if (EG(exception)) { return 0; } if (object) { spl_heap_object *heap_object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(object); if (heap_object->fptr_cmp) { zend_long lval = 0; if (spl_ptr_heap_cmp_cb_helper(object, heap_object, a, b, &lval) == FAILURE) { /* exception or call failure */ return 0; } return ZEND_NORMALIZE_BOOL(lval); } } return zend_compare(a, b); } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_heap_zval_min_cmp(void *x, void *y, zval *object) { /* {{{ */ zval *a = x, *b = y; if (EG(exception)) { return 0; } if (object) { spl_heap_object *heap_object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(object); if (heap_object->fptr_cmp) { zend_long lval = 0; if (spl_ptr_heap_cmp_cb_helper(object, heap_object, a, b, &lval) == FAILURE) { /* exception or call failure */ return 0; } return ZEND_NORMALIZE_BOOL(lval); } } return zend_compare(b, a); } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp(void *x, void *y, zval *object) { /* {{{ */ spl_pqueue_elem *a = x; spl_pqueue_elem *b = y; zval *a_priority_p = &a->priority; zval *b_priority_p = &b->priority; if (EG(exception)) { return 0; } if (object) { spl_heap_object *heap_object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(object); if (heap_object->fptr_cmp) { zend_long lval = 0; if (spl_ptr_heap_cmp_cb_helper(object, heap_object, a_priority_p, b_priority_p, &lval) == FAILURE) { /* exception or call failure */ return 0; } return ZEND_NORMALIZE_BOOL(lval); } } return zend_compare(a_priority_p, b_priority_p); } /* }}} */ /* Specialized comparator used when we are absolutely sure an instance of the * not inherited SplPriorityQueue class contains only priorities as longs. This * fact is tracked during insertion into the queue. */ static int spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp_long(void *x, void *y, zval *object) { zend_long a = Z_LVAL(((spl_pqueue_elem*) x)->priority); zend_long b = Z_LVAL(((spl_pqueue_elem*) y)->priority); return a>b ? 1 : (apriority); double b = Z_DVAL(((spl_pqueue_elem*) y)->priority); return ZEND_NORMALIZE_BOOL(a - b); } static spl_ptr_heap *spl_ptr_heap_init(spl_ptr_heap_cmp_func cmp, spl_ptr_heap_ctor_func ctor, spl_ptr_heap_dtor_func dtor, size_t elem_size) /* {{{ */ { spl_ptr_heap *heap = emalloc(sizeof(spl_ptr_heap)); heap->dtor = dtor; heap->ctor = ctor; heap->cmp = cmp; heap->elements = ecalloc(PTR_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE, elem_size); heap->max_size = PTR_HEAP_BLOCK_SIZE; heap->count = 0; heap->flags = 0; heap->elem_size = elem_size; return heap; } /* }}} */ static void spl_ptr_heap_insert(spl_ptr_heap *heap, void *elem, void *cmp_userdata) { /* {{{ */ int i; if (heap->count+1 > heap->max_size) { size_t alloc_size = heap->max_size * heap->elem_size; /* we need to allocate more memory */ heap->elements = safe_erealloc(heap->elements, 2, alloc_size, 0); memset((char *) heap->elements + alloc_size, 0, alloc_size); heap->max_size *= 2; } /* sifting up */ for (i = heap->count; i > 0 && heap->cmp(spl_heap_elem(heap, (i-1)/2), elem, cmp_userdata) < 0; i = (i-1)/2) { spl_heap_elem_copy(heap, spl_heap_elem(heap, i), spl_heap_elem(heap, (i-1)/2)); } heap->count++; if (EG(exception)) { /* exception thrown during comparison */ heap->flags |= SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED; } spl_heap_elem_copy(heap, spl_heap_elem(heap, i), elem); } /* }}} */ static void *spl_ptr_heap_top(spl_ptr_heap *heap) { /* {{{ */ if (heap->count == 0) { return NULL; } return heap->elements; } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_heap_delete_top(spl_ptr_heap *heap, void *elem, void *cmp_userdata) { /* {{{ */ int i, j; const int limit = (heap->count-1)/2; void *bottom; if (heap->count == 0) { return FAILURE; } if (elem) { spl_heap_elem_copy(heap, elem, spl_heap_elem(heap, 0)); } else { heap->dtor(spl_heap_elem(heap, 0)); } bottom = spl_heap_elem(heap, --heap->count); for (i = 0; i < limit; i = j) { /* Find smaller child */ j = i * 2 + 1; if (j != heap->count && heap->cmp(spl_heap_elem(heap, j+1), spl_heap_elem(heap, j), cmp_userdata) > 0) { j++; /* next child is bigger */ } /* swap elements between two levels */ if(heap->cmp(bottom, spl_heap_elem(heap, j), cmp_userdata) < 0) { spl_heap_elem_copy(heap, spl_heap_elem(heap, i), spl_heap_elem(heap, j)); } else { break; } } if (EG(exception)) { /* exception thrown during comparison */ heap->flags |= SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED; } void *to = spl_heap_elem(heap, i); if (to != bottom) { spl_heap_elem_copy(heap, to, bottom); } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static spl_ptr_heap *spl_ptr_heap_clone(spl_ptr_heap *from) { /* {{{ */ int i; spl_ptr_heap *heap = emalloc(sizeof(spl_ptr_heap)); heap->dtor = from->dtor; heap->ctor = from->ctor; heap->cmp = from->cmp; heap->max_size = from->max_size; heap->count = from->count; heap->flags = from->flags; heap->elem_size = from->elem_size; heap->elements = safe_emalloc(from->elem_size, from->max_size, 0); memcpy(heap->elements, from->elements, from->elem_size * from->max_size); for (i = 0; i < heap->count; ++i) { heap->ctor(spl_heap_elem(heap, i)); } return heap; } /* }}} */ static void spl_ptr_heap_destroy(spl_ptr_heap *heap) { /* {{{ */ int i; for (i = 0; i < heap->count; ++i) { heap->dtor(spl_heap_elem(heap, i)); } efree(heap->elements); efree(heap); } /* }}} */ static int spl_ptr_heap_count(spl_ptr_heap *heap) { /* {{{ */ return heap->count; } /* }}} */ static void spl_heap_object_free_storage(zend_object *object) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *intern = spl_heap_from_obj(object); zend_object_std_dtor(&intern->std); spl_ptr_heap_destroy(intern->heap); } /* }}} */ static zend_object *spl_heap_object_new_ex(zend_class_entry *class_type, zend_object *orig, int clone_orig) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *intern; zend_class_entry *parent = class_type; int inherited = 0; intern = zend_object_alloc(sizeof(spl_heap_object), parent); zend_object_std_init(&intern->std, class_type); object_properties_init(&intern->std, class_type); if (orig) { spl_heap_object *other = spl_heap_from_obj(orig); intern->std.handlers = other->std.handlers; if (clone_orig) { intern->heap = spl_ptr_heap_clone(other->heap); } else { intern->heap = other->heap; } intern->flags = other->flags; intern->fptr_cmp = other->fptr_cmp; intern->fptr_count = other->fptr_count; return &intern->std; } while (parent) { if (parent == spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue) { intern->heap = spl_ptr_heap_init(spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp, spl_ptr_heap_pqueue_elem_ctor, spl_ptr_heap_pqueue_elem_dtor, sizeof(spl_pqueue_elem)); intern->std.handlers = &spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue; intern->flags = SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_DATA; break; } if (parent == spl_ce_SplMinHeap || parent == spl_ce_SplMaxHeap || parent == spl_ce_SplHeap) { intern->heap = spl_ptr_heap_init( parent == spl_ce_SplMinHeap ? spl_ptr_heap_zval_min_cmp : spl_ptr_heap_zval_max_cmp, spl_ptr_heap_zval_ctor, spl_ptr_heap_zval_dtor, sizeof(zval)); intern->std.handlers = &spl_handler_SplHeap; break; } parent = parent->parent; inherited = 1; } ZEND_ASSERT(parent); if (inherited) { intern->fptr_cmp = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&class_type->function_table, "compare", sizeof("compare") - 1); if (intern->fptr_cmp->common.scope == parent) { intern->fptr_cmp = NULL; } intern->fptr_count = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&class_type->function_table, "count", sizeof("count") - 1); if (intern->fptr_count->common.scope == parent) { intern->fptr_count = NULL; } } return &intern->std; } /* }}} */ static zend_object *spl_heap_object_new(zend_class_entry *class_type) /* {{{ */ { return spl_heap_object_new_ex(class_type, NULL, 0); } /* }}} */ static zend_object *spl_heap_object_clone(zend_object *old_object) /* {{{ */ { zend_object *new_object = spl_heap_object_new_ex(old_object->ce, old_object, 1); zend_objects_clone_members(new_object, old_object); return new_object; } /* }}} */ static zend_result spl_heap_object_count_elements(zend_object *object, zend_long *count) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *intern = spl_heap_from_obj(object); if (intern->fptr_count) { zval rv; zend_call_method_with_0_params(object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_count, "count", &rv); if (!Z_ISUNDEF(rv)) { *count = zval_get_long(&rv); zval_ptr_dtor(&rv); return SUCCESS; } *count = 0; return FAILURE; } *count = spl_ptr_heap_count(intern->heap); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static HashTable* spl_heap_object_get_debug_info(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_object *obj) { /* {{{ */ spl_heap_object *intern = spl_heap_from_obj(obj); zval tmp, heap_array; zend_string *pnstr; HashTable *debug_info; int i; if (!intern->std.properties) { rebuild_object_properties(&intern->std); } debug_info = zend_new_array(zend_hash_num_elements(intern->std.properties) + 1); zend_hash_copy(debug_info, intern->std.properties, (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref); pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(ce, "flags", sizeof("flags")-1); ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, intern->flags); zend_hash_update(debug_info, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release_ex(pnstr, 0); pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(ce, "isCorrupted", sizeof("isCorrupted")-1); ZVAL_BOOL(&tmp, intern->heap->flags&SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED); zend_hash_update(debug_info, pnstr, &tmp); zend_string_release_ex(pnstr, 0); array_init(&heap_array); for (i = 0; i < intern->heap->count; ++i) { if (ce == spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue) { spl_pqueue_elem *pq_elem = spl_heap_elem(intern->heap, i); zval elem; spl_pqueue_extract_helper(&elem, pq_elem, SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_BOTH); add_index_zval(&heap_array, i, &elem); } else { zval *elem = spl_heap_elem(intern->heap, i); add_index_zval(&heap_array, i, elem); Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(elem); } } pnstr = spl_gen_private_prop_name(ce, "heap", sizeof("heap")-1); zend_hash_update(debug_info, pnstr, &heap_array); zend_string_release_ex(pnstr, 0); return debug_info; } /* }}} */ static HashTable *spl_heap_object_get_gc(zend_object *obj, zval **gc_data, int *gc_data_count) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *intern = spl_heap_from_obj(obj); *gc_data = (zval *) intern->heap->elements; *gc_data_count = intern->heap->count; return zend_std_get_properties(obj); } /* }}} */ static HashTable *spl_pqueue_object_get_gc(zend_object *obj, zval **gc_data, int *gc_data_count) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *intern = spl_heap_from_obj(obj); *gc_data = (zval *) intern->heap->elements; /* Two zvals (value and priority) per pqueue entry */ *gc_data_count = 2 * intern->heap->count; return zend_std_get_properties(obj); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return the number of elements in the heap. */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, count) { zend_long count; spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } count = spl_ptr_heap_count(intern->heap); RETURN_LONG(count); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return true if the heap is empty. */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, isEmpty) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_BOOL(spl_ptr_heap_count(intern->heap) == 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Push $value on the heap */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, insert) { zval *value; spl_heap_object *intern; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 1) Z_PARAM_ZVAL(value); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(value); spl_ptr_heap_insert(intern->heap, value, ZEND_THIS); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ extract the element out of the top of the heap */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, extract) { spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (spl_ptr_heap_delete_top(intern->heap, return_value, ZEND_THIS) == FAILURE) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Can't extract from an empty heap", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Push $value with the priority $priodiry on the priorityqueue */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, insert) { zval *data, *priority; spl_heap_object *intern; spl_pqueue_elem elem; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 2) Z_PARAM_ZVAL(data); Z_PARAM_ZVAL(priority); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } ZVAL_COPY(&elem.data, data); ZVAL_COPY(&elem.priority, priority); /* If we know this call came from non inherited SplPriorityQueue it's * possible to do specialization on the type of the priority parameter. */ if (!intern->fptr_cmp) { int type = Z_TYPE(elem.priority); spl_ptr_heap_cmp_func new_cmp = (type == IS_LONG) ? spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp_long : ((type == IS_DOUBLE) ? spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp_double : spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp); if (intern->heap->count == 0) { /* Specialize empty queue */ intern->heap->cmp = new_cmp; } else if (new_cmp != intern->heap->cmp) { /* Despecialize on type conflict. */ intern->heap->cmp = spl_ptr_pqueue_elem_cmp; } } spl_ptr_heap_insert(intern->heap, &elem, ZEND_THIS); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ extract the element out of the top of the priority queue */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, extract) { spl_pqueue_elem elem; spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (spl_ptr_heap_delete_top(intern->heap, &elem, ZEND_THIS) == FAILURE) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Can't extract from an empty heap", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } spl_pqueue_extract_helper(return_value, &elem, intern->flags); spl_ptr_heap_pqueue_elem_dtor(&elem); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Peek at the top element of the priority queue */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, top) { spl_heap_object *intern; spl_pqueue_elem *elem; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } elem = spl_ptr_heap_top(intern->heap); if (!elem) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Can't peek at an empty heap", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } spl_pqueue_extract_helper(return_value, elem, intern->flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Set the flags of extraction*/ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, setExtractFlags) { zend_long value; spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &value) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } value &= SPL_PQUEUE_EXTR_MASK; if (!value) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Must specify at least one extract flag", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); intern->flags = value; RETURN_LONG(intern->flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Get the flags of extraction*/ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, getExtractFlags) { spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); RETURN_LONG(intern->flags); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Recover from a corrupted state*/ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, recoverFromCorruption) { spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); intern->heap->flags = intern->heap->flags & ~SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED; RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Tells if the heap is in a corrupted state*/ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, isCorrupted) { spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); RETURN_BOOL(intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ compare the priorities */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, compare) { zval *a, *b; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zz", &a, &b) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_LONG(spl_ptr_heap_zval_max_cmp(a, b, NULL)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Peek at the top element of the heap */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, top) { zval *value; spl_heap_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (intern->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } value = spl_ptr_heap_top(intern->heap); if (!value) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Can't peek at an empty heap", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_COPY_DEREF(value); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ compare the values */ PHP_METHOD(SplMinHeap, compare) { zval *a, *b; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zz", &a, &b) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_LONG(spl_ptr_heap_zval_min_cmp(a, b, NULL)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ compare the values */ PHP_METHOD(SplMaxHeap, compare) { zval *a, *b; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zz", &a, &b) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_LONG(spl_ptr_heap_zval_max_cmp(a, b, NULL)); } /* }}} */ static void spl_heap_it_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { zend_user_it_invalidate_current(iter); zval_ptr_dtor(&iter->data); } /* }}} */ static void spl_heap_it_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { /* do nothing, the iterator always points to the top element */ } /* }}} */ static int spl_heap_it_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { return ((Z_SPLHEAP_P(&iter->data))->heap->count != 0 ? SUCCESS : FAILURE); } /* }}} */ static zval *spl_heap_it_get_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(&iter->data); if (object->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); return NULL; } if (object->heap->count == 0) { return NULL; } else { return spl_heap_elem(object->heap, 0); } } /* }}} */ static zval *spl_pqueue_it_get_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { zend_user_iterator *user_it = (zend_user_iterator *) iter; spl_heap_object *object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(&iter->data); if (object->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); return NULL; } if (object->heap->count == 0) { return NULL; } if (Z_ISUNDEF(user_it->value)) { spl_pqueue_elem *elem = spl_heap_elem(object->heap, 0); spl_pqueue_extract_helper(&user_it->value, elem, object->flags); } return &user_it->value; } /* }}} */ static void spl_heap_it_get_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(&iter->data); ZVAL_LONG(key, object->heap->count - 1); } /* }}} */ static void spl_heap_it_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter) /* {{{ */ { spl_heap_object *object = Z_SPLHEAP_P(&iter->data); if (object->heap->flags & SPL_HEAP_CORRUPTED) { zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Heap is corrupted, heap properties are no longer ensured.", 0); return; } spl_ptr_heap_delete_top(object->heap, NULL, &iter->data); zend_user_it_invalidate_current(iter); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return current array key */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, key) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_LONG(intern->heap->count - 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Move to next entry */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, next) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } spl_ptr_heap_delete_top(intern->heap, NULL, ZEND_THIS); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Check whether the datastructure contains more entries */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, valid) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_BOOL(intern->heap->count != 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Rewind the datastructure back to the start */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, rewind) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } /* do nothing, the iterator always points to the top element */ } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return current datastructure entry */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, current) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (!intern->heap->count) { RETURN_NULL(); } else { zval *element = spl_heap_elem(intern->heap, 0); RETURN_COPY_DEREF(element); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return current datastructure entry */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, current) { spl_heap_object *intern = Z_SPLHEAP_P(ZEND_THIS); if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (!intern->heap->count) { RETURN_NULL(); } else { spl_pqueue_elem *elem = spl_heap_elem(intern->heap, 0); spl_pqueue_extract_helper(return_value, elem, intern->flags); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(SplHeap, __debugInfo) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_ARR(spl_heap_object_get_debug_info(spl_ce_SplHeap, Z_OBJ_P(ZEND_THIS))); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(SplPriorityQueue, __debugInfo) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_ARR(spl_heap_object_get_debug_info(spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue, Z_OBJ_P(ZEND_THIS))); } /* }}} */ /* iterator handler table */ static const zend_object_iterator_funcs spl_heap_it_funcs = { spl_heap_it_dtor, spl_heap_it_valid, spl_heap_it_get_current_data, spl_heap_it_get_current_key, spl_heap_it_move_forward, spl_heap_it_rewind, NULL, NULL, /* get_gc */ }; static const zend_object_iterator_funcs spl_pqueue_it_funcs = { spl_heap_it_dtor, spl_heap_it_valid, spl_pqueue_it_get_current_data, spl_heap_it_get_current_key, spl_heap_it_move_forward, spl_heap_it_rewind, NULL, NULL, /* get_gc */ }; zend_object_iterator *spl_heap_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) /* {{{ */ { if (by_ref) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference"); return NULL; } zend_user_iterator *iterator = emalloc(sizeof(zend_user_iterator)); zend_iterator_init(&iterator->it); ZVAL_OBJ_COPY(&iterator->it.data, Z_OBJ_P(object)); iterator->it.funcs = &spl_heap_it_funcs; iterator->ce = ce; ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->value); return &iterator->it; } /* }}} */ zend_object_iterator *spl_pqueue_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref) /* {{{ */ { if (by_ref) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference"); return NULL; } zend_user_iterator *iterator = emalloc(sizeof(zend_user_iterator)); zend_iterator_init(&iterator->it); ZVAL_OBJ_COPY(&iterator->it.data, Z_OBJ_P(object)); iterator->it.funcs = &spl_pqueue_it_funcs; iterator->ce = ce; ZVAL_UNDEF(&iterator->value); return &iterator->it; } /* }}} */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_heap) /* {{{ */ { spl_ce_SplHeap = register_class_SplHeap(zend_ce_iterator, zend_ce_countable); spl_ce_SplHeap->create_object = spl_heap_object_new; spl_ce_SplHeap->get_iterator = spl_heap_get_iterator; memcpy(&spl_handler_SplHeap, &std_object_handlers, sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_handler_SplHeap.offset = XtOffsetOf(spl_heap_object, std); spl_handler_SplHeap.clone_obj = spl_heap_object_clone; spl_handler_SplHeap.count_elements = spl_heap_object_count_elements; spl_handler_SplHeap.get_gc = spl_heap_object_get_gc; spl_handler_SplHeap.free_obj = spl_heap_object_free_storage; spl_ce_SplMinHeap = register_class_SplMinHeap(spl_ce_SplHeap); spl_ce_SplMinHeap->create_object = spl_heap_object_new; spl_ce_SplMinHeap->get_iterator = spl_heap_get_iterator; spl_ce_SplMaxHeap = register_class_SplMaxHeap(spl_ce_SplHeap); spl_ce_SplMaxHeap->create_object = spl_heap_object_new; spl_ce_SplMaxHeap->get_iterator = spl_heap_get_iterator; spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue = register_class_SplPriorityQueue(zend_ce_iterator, zend_ce_countable); spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue->create_object = spl_heap_object_new; spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue->get_iterator = spl_pqueue_get_iterator; memcpy(&spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue, &std_object_handlers, sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue.offset = XtOffsetOf(spl_heap_object, std); spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue.clone_obj = spl_heap_object_clone; spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue.count_elements = spl_heap_object_count_elements; spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue.get_gc = spl_pqueue_object_get_gc; spl_handler_SplPriorityQueue.free_obj = spl_heap_object_free_storage; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */