/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Go Kudo | | | | Based on code from: Melissa O'Neill | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_random.h" #include "Zend/zend_exceptions.h" static inline void step(php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *s) { s->state = php_random_uint128_add( php_random_uint128_multiply(s->state, php_random_uint128_constant(2549297995355413924ULL,4865540595714422341ULL)), php_random_uint128_constant(6364136223846793005ULL,1442695040888963407ULL) ); } static inline void seed128(php_random_status *status, php_random_uint128_t seed) { php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *s = status->state; s->state = php_random_uint128_constant(0ULL, 0ULL); step(s); s->state = php_random_uint128_add(s->state, seed); step(s); } static void seed(php_random_status *status, uint64_t seed) { seed128(status, php_random_uint128_constant(0ULL, seed)); } static uint64_t generate(php_random_status *status) { php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *s = status->state; step(s); return php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_rotr64(s->state); } static zend_long range(php_random_status *status, zend_long min, zend_long max) { return php_random_range(&php_random_algo_pcgoneseq128xslrr64, status, min, max); } static bool serialize(php_random_status *status, HashTable *data) { php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *s = status->state; uint64_t u; zval z; u = php_random_uint128_hi(s->state); ZVAL_STR(&z, php_random_bin2hex_le(&u, sizeof(uint64_t))); zend_hash_next_index_insert(data, &z); u = php_random_uint128_lo(s->state); ZVAL_STR(&z, php_random_bin2hex_le(&u, sizeof(uint64_t))); zend_hash_next_index_insert(data, &z); return true; } static bool unserialize(php_random_status *status, HashTable *data) { php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *s = status->state; uint64_t u[2]; zval *t; /* Verify the expected number of elements, this implicitly ensures that no additional elements are present. */ if (zend_hash_num_elements(data) != 2) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { t = zend_hash_index_find(data, i); if (!t || Z_TYPE_P(t) != IS_STRING || Z_STRLEN_P(t) != (2 * sizeof(uint64_t))) { return false; } if (!php_random_hex2bin_le(Z_STR_P(t), &u[i])) { return false; } } s->state = php_random_uint128_constant(u[0], u[1]); return true; } const php_random_algo php_random_algo_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 = { sizeof(uint64_t), sizeof(php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64), seed, generate, range, serialize, unserialize }; /* {{{ php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_advance */ PHPAPI void php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_advance(php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *state, uint64_t advance) { php_random_uint128_t cur_mult = php_random_uint128_constant(2549297995355413924ULL,4865540595714422341ULL), cur_plus = php_random_uint128_constant(6364136223846793005ULL,1442695040888963407ULL), acc_mult = php_random_uint128_constant(0ULL, 1ULL), acc_plus = php_random_uint128_constant(0ULL, 0ULL); while (advance > 0) { if (advance & 1) { acc_mult = php_random_uint128_multiply(acc_mult, cur_mult); acc_plus = php_random_uint128_add(php_random_uint128_multiply(acc_plus, cur_mult), cur_plus); } cur_plus = php_random_uint128_multiply(php_random_uint128_add(cur_mult, php_random_uint128_constant(0ULL, 1ULL)), cur_plus); cur_mult = php_random_uint128_multiply(cur_mult, cur_mult); advance /= 2; } state->state = php_random_uint128_add(php_random_uint128_multiply(acc_mult, state->state), acc_plus); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64::__construct */ PHP_METHOD(Random_Engine_PcgOneseq128XslRr64, __construct) { php_random_engine *engine = Z_RANDOM_ENGINE_P(ZEND_THIS); php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *state = engine->status->state; zend_string *str_seed = NULL; zend_long int_seed = 0; bool seed_is_null = true; uint32_t i, j; uint64_t t[2]; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL; Z_PARAM_STR_OR_LONG_OR_NULL(str_seed, int_seed, seed_is_null); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (seed_is_null) { if (php_random_bytes_throw(&state->state, sizeof(php_random_uint128_t)) == FAILURE) { zend_throw_exception(random_ce_Random_RandomException, "Failed to generate a random seed", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { if (str_seed) { /* char (byte: 8 bit) * 16 = 128 bits */ if (ZSTR_LEN(str_seed) == 16) { /* Endianness safe copy */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { t[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { t[i] += ((uint64_t) (unsigned char) ZSTR_VAL(str_seed)[(i * 8) + j]) << (j * 8); } } seed128(engine->status, php_random_uint128_constant(t[0], t[1])); } else { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a 16 byte (128 bit) string"); RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { engine->algo->seed(engine->status, int_seed); } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Random\Engine\PcgOneseq128XslRr64::jump() */ PHP_METHOD(Random_Engine_PcgOneseq128XslRr64, jump) { php_random_engine *engine = Z_RANDOM_ENGINE_P(ZEND_THIS); php_random_status_state_pcgoneseq128xslrr64 *state = engine->status->state; zend_long advance = 0; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 1) Z_PARAM_LONG(advance); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (UNEXPECTED(advance < 0)) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be greater than or equal to 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } php_random_pcgoneseq128xslrr64_advance(state, advance); } /* }}} */