--TEST-- Phar with unsafe object in metadata does not unserialize on reading a file. --EXTENSIONS-- phar --INI-- phar.require_hash=0 phar.readonly=0 --FILE-- "; $files = array(); $files['a'] = array('cont' => 'contents of file a'); include 'files/phar_test.inc'; echo "Reading file contents through stream wrapper\n"; foreach($files as $name => $cont) { var_dump(file_get_contents($pname.'/'.$name)); } $phar = new Phar($fname); echo "Original metadata\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata()); $phar->setMetadata(new EchoesOnWakeup()); unset($phar); // NOTE: Phar will use the cached value of metadata if setMetaData was called on that Phar path before. // Save the writes to the phar and use a different file path. $fname_new = "$fname.copy.php"; copy($fname, $fname_new); $phar = new Phar($fname_new); echo "Calling getMetadata\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata()); echo "Calling getMetadata with no allowed_classes\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata(['allowed_classes' => []])); echo "Calling getMetadata with EchoesOnWakeup allowed\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata(['allowed_classes' => [EchoesOnWakeup::class]])); // Part of this is a test that there are no unexpected behaviors when both selMetadata and getMetadata are used $phar->setMetaData([new EchoesOnWakeup(), new stdClass()]); echo "Calling getMetadata with too low max_depth\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata(['max_depth' => 1])); echo "Calling getMetadata with some allowed classes\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata(['allowed_classes' => [EchoesOnWakeup::class]])); echo "Calling getMetadata with no options returns the original metadata value\n"; var_dump($phar->getMetadata()); unset($phar); ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- Reading file contents through stream wrapper string(18) "contents of file a" Original metadata NULL Calling getMetadata In wakeup object(EchoesOnWakeup)#2 (0) { } Calling getMetadata with no allowed_classes object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#2 (1) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(14) "EchoesOnWakeup" } Calling getMetadata with EchoesOnWakeup allowed In wakeup object(EchoesOnWakeup)#2 (0) { } Calling getMetadata with too low max_depth Warning: Phar::getMetadata(): Maximum depth of 1 exceeded. The depth limit can be changed using the max_depth unserialize() option or the unserialize_max_depth ini setting in %sphar_metadata_write3.php on line 39 Notice: Phar::getMetadata(): Error at offset 34 of 59 bytes in %sphar_metadata_write3.php on line 39 bool(false) Calling getMetadata with some allowed classes In wakeup array(2) { [0]=> object(EchoesOnWakeup)#4 (0) { } [1]=> object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#5 (1) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(8) "stdClass" } } Calling getMetadata with no options returns the original metadata value array(2) { [0]=> object(EchoesOnWakeup)#2 (0) { } [1]=> object(stdClass)#3 (0) { } }