--TEST-- MySQL PDOStatement->bindValue() --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_mysql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 0); if (0 != $db->getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY)) printf("[002] Unable to turn off emulated prepared statements\n"); printf("Binding variable...\n"); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[003] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[004] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[005] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding value and not variable...\n"); if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, 0)) printf("[006] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[007] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[008] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding variable which references another variable...\n"); $in = 0; $in_ref = &$in; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in_ref)) printf("[009] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[010] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[011] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding a variable and a value...\n"); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[012] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, 2)) printf("[013] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[014] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[015] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds...\n"); // variable value change shall have no impact $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[016] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $in = 2; if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, $in)) printf("[017] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[018] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[019] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[001] %s [%s] %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } printf("Testing emulated PS...\n"); try { $db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY, 1); if (1 != $db->getAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY)) printf("[002] Unable to turn on emulated prepared statements\n"); printf("Binding variable...\n"); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[003] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[004] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[005] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding value and not variable...\n"); if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, 0)) printf("[006] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[007] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[008] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding variable which references another variable...\n"); $in = 0; $in_ref = &$in; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in_ref)) printf("[009] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[010] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[011] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding a variable and a value...\n"); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[012] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, 2)) printf("[013] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[014] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[015] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); printf("Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds...\n"); // variable value change shall have no impact $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT id, label FROM test WHERE id > ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 2'); $in = 0; if (!$stmt->bindValue(1, $in)) printf("[016] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $in = 2; if (!$stmt->bindValue(2, $in)) printf("[017] Cannot bind value, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); $stmt->execute(); $id = $label = null; if (!$stmt->bindColumn(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT)) printf("[018] Cannot bind integer column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); if (!$stmt->bindColumn(2, $label, PDO::PARAM_STR)) printf("[019] Cannot bind string column, %s %s\n", $stmt->errorCode(), var_export($stmt->errorInfo(), true)); while ($stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOUND)) printf("in = %d -> id = %s (%s) / label = %s (%s)\n", $in, var_export($id, true), gettype($id), var_export($label, true), gettype($label)); } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[001] %s [%s] %s\n", $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } print "done!"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECT-- Testing native PS... Binding variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding value and not variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding variable which references another variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding a variable and a value... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds... in = 2 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 2 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Testing emulated PS... Binding variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding value and not variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding variable which references another variable... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding a variable and a value... in = 0 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 0 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) Binding a variable to two placeholders and changing the variable value in between the binds... in = 2 -> id = 1 (integer) / label = 'a' (string) in = 2 -> id = 2 (integer) / label = 'b' (string) done!