--TEST-- GH-8065: opcache.consistency_checks > 0 causes segfaults in PHP >= 8.1.5 in fpm context --EXTENSIONS-- opcache --INI-- opcache.enable_cli=1 opcache.consistency_checks=1 opcache.log_verbosity_level=2 --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- %sWarning opcache.consistency_checks is reset back to 0 because it does not work properly (see GH-8065, GH-10624). string(1) "0" %sWarning opcache.consistency_checks is reset back to 0 because it does not work properly (see GH-8065, GH-10624). bool(false) %sWarning opcache.consistency_checks is reset back to 0 because it does not work properly (see GH-8065, GH-10624). bool(false) string(1) "0"