# The mysqli extension tests To run the tests, a test database must be created in the MySQL command-line: ```sql CREATE DATABASE test; ``` The test suite will create the necessary tables for testing, and then delete them when testing is complete. Creating a dedicated table prior to running the tests is unnecessary. There are default values for `MYSQL_TEST_HOST`, `MYSQL_TEST_USER`, `MYSQL_TEST_DB` and `MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD`. If your values differ from the defaults, then environment variables must be set. ```bash # Database host # Default: localhost MYSQL_TEST_HOST # Database port MYSQL_TEST_PORT # Database user # Default: root MYSQL_TEST_USER # Database user password # The default password is empty (no password). MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD # Database name # Default: test MYSQL_TEST_DB # Storage engine to use MYSQL_TEST_ENGINE # Database server socket MYSQL_TEST_SOCKET ``` ## MySQL User Permissions The MySQL user used to run the tests must have full permissions on the test database.