--TEST-- ZE2 Serializable --FILE-- data = $data; } function serialize() { echo __METHOD__ . "({$this->data})\n"; return $this->data; } function unserialize($serialized) { echo __METHOD__ . "($serialized)\n"; $this->data = $serialized; var_dump($this); } } $tests = array('String', NULL, 42, false); foreach($tests as $data) { try { echo "==========\n"; var_dump($data); $ser = serialize(new Test($data)); var_dump(unserialize($ser)); } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: %s implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in %s on line %d ========== string(6) "String" Test::__construct(String) Test::serialize(String) Test::unserialize(String) object(Test)#%d (1) { ["data"]=> string(6) "String" } object(Test)#%d (1) { ["data"]=> string(6) "String" } ========== NULL Test::__construct() Test::serialize() NULL ========== int(42) Test::__construct(42) Test::serialize(42) Exception: Test::serialize() must return a string or NULL ========== bool(false) Test::__construct() Test::serialize() Exception: Test::serialize() must return a string or NULL