#!/usr/bin/env php getPathName(); } } else if (is_file($dirOrFile)) { yield $dirOrFile; } else { die("$dirOrFile is not a directory or file\n"); } } } function normalizeOutput(string $out): string { $out = preg_replace('/in (\/|[A-Z]:\\\\).+ on line \d+$/m', 'in %s on line %d', $out); $out = preg_replace('/in (\/|[A-Z]:\\\\).+:\d+$/m', 'in %s:%d', $out); $out = preg_replace('/^#(\d+) (\/|[A-Z]:\\\\).+\(\d+\):/m', '#$1 %s(%d):', $out); $out = preg_replace('/Resource id #\d+/', 'Resource id #%d', $out); $out = preg_replace('/resource\(\d+\) of type/', 'resource(%d) of type', $out); $out = preg_replace( '/Resource ID#\d+ used as offset, casting to integer \(\d+\)/', 'Resource ID#%d used as offset, casting to integer (%d)', $out); $out = preg_replace('/string\(\d+\) "([^"]*%d)/', 'string(%d) "$1', $out); $out = str_replace("\0", '%0', $out); return $out; } function formatToRegex(string $format): string { $result = preg_quote($format, '/'); $result = str_replace('%e', '\\' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $result); $result = str_replace('%s', '[^\r\n]+', $result); $result = str_replace('%S', '[^\r\n]*', $result); $result = str_replace('%w', '\s*', $result); $result = str_replace('%i', '[+-]?\d+', $result); $result = str_replace('%d', '\d+', $result); $result = str_replace('%x', '[0-9a-fA-F]+', $result); $result = str_replace('%f', '[+-]?\.?\d+\.?\d*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?', $result); $result = str_replace('%c', '.', $result); $result = str_replace('%0', '\0', $result); return "/^$result$/s"; } function generateMinimallyDifferingOutput(string $out, string $oldExpect) { $outLines = explode("\n", $out); $oldExpectLines = explode("\n", $oldExpect); $differ = new Differ(function($oldExpect, $new) { if (strpos($oldExpect, '%') === false) { return $oldExpect === $new; } return preg_match(formatToRegex($oldExpect), $new); }); $diff = $differ->diff($oldExpectLines, $outLines); $result = []; foreach ($diff as $elem) { if ($elem->type == DiffElem::TYPE_KEEP) { $result[] = $elem->old; } else if ($elem->type == DiffElem::TYPE_ADD) { $result[] = normalizeOutput($elem->new); } } return implode("\n", $result); } function insertOutput(string $phpt, string $out): string { return preg_replace_callback('/--EXPECTF?--.*?(--CLEAN--|$)/sD', function($matches) use($out) { $hasWildcard = preg_match('/%[resSaAwidxfc0]/', $out); $F = $hasWildcard ? 'F' : ''; return "--EXPECT$F--\n" . $out . "\n" . $matches[1]; }, $phpt); } /** * Implementation of the the Myers diff algorithm. * * Myers, Eugene W. "An O (ND) difference algorithm and its variations." * Algorithmica 1.1 (1986): 251-266. */ class DiffElem { const TYPE_KEEP = 0; const TYPE_REMOVE = 1; const TYPE_ADD = 2; /** @var int One of the TYPE_* constants */ public $type; /** @var mixed Is null for add operations */ public $old; /** @var mixed Is null for remove operations */ public $new; public function __construct(int $type, $old, $new) { $this->type = $type; $this->old = $old; $this->new = $new; } } class Differ { private $isEqual; /** * Create differ over the given equality relation. * * @param callable $isEqual Equality relation with signature function($a, $b) : bool */ public function __construct(callable $isEqual) { $this->isEqual = $isEqual; } /** * Calculate diff (edit script) from $old to $new. * * @param array $old Original array * @param array $new New array * * @return DiffElem[] Diff (edit script) */ public function diff(array $old, array $new) { list($trace, $x, $y) = $this->calculateTrace($old, $new); return $this->extractDiff($trace, $x, $y, $old, $new); } private function calculateTrace(array $a, array $b) { $n = \count($a); $m = \count($b); $max = $n + $m; $v = [1 => 0]; $trace = []; for ($d = 0; $d <= $max; $d++) { $trace[] = $v; for ($k = -$d; $k <= $d; $k += 2) { if ($k === -$d || ($k !== $d && $v[$k-1] < $v[$k+1])) { $x = $v[$k+1]; } else { $x = $v[$k-1] + 1; } $y = $x - $k; while ($x < $n && $y < $m && ($this->isEqual)($a[$x], $b[$y])) { $x++; $y++; } $v[$k] = $x; if ($x >= $n && $y >= $m) { return [$trace, $x, $y]; } } } throw new \Exception('Should not happen'); } private function extractDiff(array $trace, int $x, int $y, array $a, array $b) { $result = []; for ($d = \count($trace) - 1; $d >= 0; $d--) { $v = $trace[$d]; $k = $x - $y; if ($k === -$d || ($k !== $d && $v[$k-1] < $v[$k+1])) { $prevK = $k + 1; } else { $prevK = $k - 1; } $prevX = $v[$prevK]; $prevY = $prevX - $prevK; while ($x > $prevX && $y > $prevY) { $result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_KEEP, $a[$x-1], $b[$y-1]); $x--; $y--; } if ($d === 0) { break; } while ($x > $prevX) { $result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_REMOVE, $a[$x-1], null); $x--; } while ($y > $prevY) { $result[] = new DiffElem(DiffElem::TYPE_ADD, null, $b[$y-1]); $y--; } } return array_reverse($result); } }