--TEST-- proc_open with PTY closes incorrect file descriptor --SKIPIF-- &1", $output); $output = join("\n", $output); unlink($tmpFile); if (strstr($output, "PTY (pseudoterminal) not supported on this system") !== false) { die("skip PTY pseudo terminals are not supported"); } --FILE-- /dev/null; code=$?; echo $code >&3; exit $code'; $descriptors = array(array("pty"), array("pty"), array("pty"), array("pipe", "w")); $pipes = array(); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes); function read_from_pipe($pipe) { $result = fread($pipe, 1000); /* We can't guarantee that everything written to the pipe will be returned by a single call * to fread(), even if it was written with a single syscall and the number of bytes written * was small */ $again = @fread($pipe, 1000); if ($again) { $result .= $again; } return $result; } $data0 = read_from_pipe($pipes[0]); echo 'read from pipe 0: '; var_dump($data0); fclose($pipes[0]); $data3 = read_from_pipe($pipes[3]); echo 'read from pipe 3: '; var_dump($data3); fclose($pipes[3]); proc_close($process); ?> --EXPECT-- read from pipe 0: string(5) "foo " read from pipe 3: string(3) "42 "