--TEST-- PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_mysql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- errorCode()) || ('00000' == $db->errorCode())); $version = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); if ('' == $version) printf("[001] Server version must not be empty\n"); // Ideally the server version would be an integer - as documented but BC break! // If its a version string it should be of the format \d+\.\d+\.\d+.* if (is_string($version)) { // Its not an int like documented but a string - maybe for BC reasons... if (!preg_match('/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(.*)/', $version, $matches)) printf("[002] Client version string seems wrong, got '%s'\n", $version); else { // Difficult to define any meaningful constraints // A possible better check would be calling mysqli_get_server_version() and // comparing what we get. However, mysqli_get_server_version() needs a mysqli handle // for which in turn one needs to parse the PDO test environment variables // for connection parameter... if ($matches[1] < 3) printf("[003] Strange major version: '%s'. Should be more than 3\n", $matches[1]); if ($matches[2] < 0) printf("[004] Minor version should be at least 0, got '%s'\n", $matches[2]); if ($matches[3] < 0) printf("[005] Sub version should be at least 0, got '%s'\n", $matches[2]); } } else if (is_int($version)) { // Lets accept also int if it follows the rules from the original MYSQL C API $major = floor($version / 10000); $minor = floor(($version - ($main * 10000)) / 100); $sub = $version - ($main * 10000) - ($minor * 100); if ($major < 3) printf("[006] Strange major version: '%s'. Should be more than 3\n", $major); if ($minor < 0) printf("[007] Minor version should be at least 0, got '%s'\n", $minor); if ($sub < 0) printf("[008] Sub version should be at least 0, got '%s'\n", $sub); } // Read-only? if (false !== $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION, '1.0')) printf("[009] Wonderful, I can change the client version!\n"); $new_version = $db->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); if ($new_version !== $version) printf("[010] Did we change it from '%s' to '%s'?\n", $version, $new_version); print "done!"; ?> --EXPECT-- done!