--TEST-- Test DOMNode::insertBefore() check the error code DOM_NOT_FOUND is raised --DESCRIPTION-- DOMNode::insertBefore(newNode, [refNode]) DOM_NOT_FOUND is raised if refnode is not a child This test checks the error message is raised when the refnode is the parent --CREDITS-- Antonio Diaz Ruiz --INI-- assert.bail=true --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- load(__DIR__ . "/book.xml", LIBXML_NOBLANKS); assert($doc === true); $parent_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName("book")->item(0); assert(!is_null($parent_node)); $ref_node = $parent_node; $new_node = $dom->createElement('newnode'); assert($new_node !== false); try { $parent_node->insertBefore($new_node, $ref_node); } catch(DOMException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } ?> --EXPECT-- Not Found Error