@echo off if /i "%GITHUB_ACTIONS%" neq "True" ( echo for CI only exit /b 3 ) set NO_INTERACTION=1 set REPORT_EXIT_STATUS=1 set SKIP_IO_CAPTURE_TESTS=1 call %~dp0find-target-branch.bat if "%BRANCH%" neq "master" ( set STABILITY=stable ) else ( set STABILITY=staging ) set DEPS_DIR=%PHP_BUILD_CACHE_BASE_DIR%\deps-%BRANCH%-%PHP_SDK_VS%-%PHP_SDK_ARCH% if not exist "%DEPS_DIR%" ( echo "%DEPS_DIR%" doesn't exist exit /b 3 ) rem setup MySQL related exts set MYSQL_PWD=Password12! set MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD=%MYSQL_PWD% set MYSQL_TEST_USER=root set MYSQL_TEST_HOST= set MYSQL_TEST_PORT=3306 set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_USER=%MYSQL_TEST_USER% set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_PASS=%MYSQL_PWD% set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_HOST=%MYSQL_TEST_HOST% set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_PORT=%MYSQL_TEST_PORT% set PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DSN=mysql:host=%PDO_MYSQL_TEST_HOST%;port=%PDO_MYSQL_TEST_PORT%;dbname=test mysql --host=%PDO_MYSQL_TEST_HOST% --port=%MYSQL_TEST_PORT% --user=%MYSQL_TEST_USER% --password=%MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD% -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test" if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 rem setup PostgreSQL related exts set PGUSER=postgres set PGPASSWORD=Password12! rem set PGSQL_TEST_CONNSTR=host= dbname=test port=5432 user=postgres password=Password12! echo ^ >> "./ext/pgsql/tests/config.inc" set PDO_PGSQL_TEST_DSN=pgsql:host= port=5432 dbname=test user=%PGUSER% password=%PGPASSWORD% set TMP_POSTGRESQL_BIN=%PGBIN% "%TMP_POSTGRESQL_BIN%\createdb.exe" test if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 rem setup ODBC related exts set ODBC_TEST_USER=sa set ODBC_TEST_PASS=Password12! set ODBC_TEST_DSN=Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=^(local^)\SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;uid=%ODBC_TEST_USER%;pwd=%ODBC_TEST_PASS% set PDOTEST_DSN=odbc:%ODBC_TEST_DSN% rem prepare for ext/openssl rmdir /s /q C:\OpenSSL-Win32 >NUL 2>NUL rmdir /s /q C:\OpenSSL-Win64 >NUL 2>NUL if "%PLATFORM%" == "x64" ( set OPENSSLDIR="C:\Program Files\Common Files\SSL" ) else ( set OPENSSLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SSL" ) if /i "%GITHUB_ACTIONS%" equ "True" ( rmdir /s /q %OPENSSLDIR% >nul 2>&1 ) mkdir %OPENSSLDIR% if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 copy %DEPS_DIR%\template\ssl\openssl.cnf %OPENSSLDIR% if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 rem set OPENSSL_CONF=%OPENSSLDIR%\openssl.cnf set OPENSSL_CONF= rem set SSLEAY_CONF= rem prepare for OPcache if "%OPCACHE%" equ "1" set OPCACHE_OPTS=-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1 -d opcache.protect_memory=1 -d opcache.jit_buffer_size=16M rem work-around for failing to dl(mysqli) with OPcache (https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/8508) if "%OPCACHE%" equ "1" set OPCACHE_OPTS=%OPCACHE_OPTS% -d extension=mysqli rem prepare for enchant mkdir %~d0\usr\local\lib\enchant-2 if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 copy %DEPS_DIR%\bin\libenchant2_hunspell.dll %~d0\usr\local\lib\enchant-2 if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 mkdir %~d0\usr\local\share\enchant\hunspell if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b 3 echo Fetching enchant dicts pushd %~d0\usr\local\share\enchant\hunspell powershell -Command wget http://windows.php.net/downloads/qa/appveyor/ext/enchant/dict.zip -OutFile dict.zip unzip dict.zip del /q dict.zip popd set PHP_BUILD_DIR=%PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR%\Release if "%THREAD_SAFE%" equ "1" set PHP_BUILD_DIR=%PHP_BUILD_DIR%_TS mkdir %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\test_file_cache rem generate php.ini echo extension_dir=%PHP_BUILD_DIR% > %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\php.ini echo opcache.file_cache=%PHP_BUILD_DIR%\test_file_cache >> %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\php.ini if "%OPCACHE%" equ "1" echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\php.ini rem work-around for some spawned PHP processes requiring OpenSSL echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\php.ini rem remove ext dlls for which tests are not supported for %%i in (imap ldap oci8_12c pdo_firebird pdo_oci snmp) do ( del %PHP_BUILD_DIR%\php_%%i.dll ) set TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE=%PHP_BUILD_DIR%\phpdbg.exe mkdir c:\tests_tmp set TEST_PHP_JUNIT=c:\junit.out.xml nmake test TESTS="%OPCACHE_OPTS% -g FAIL,XFAIL,BORK,WARN,LEAK,XLEAK,SKIP -q --offline --show-diff --show-slow 1000 --set-timeout 120 --temp-source c:\tests_tmp --temp-target c:\tests_tmp --bless %PARALLEL%" set EXIT_CODE=%errorlevel% if %EXIT_CODE% GEQ 1 ( git checkout ext\pgsql\tests\config.inc git diff > bless_tests.patch ) exit /b %EXIT_CODE%