--TEST-- Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - link name stored in an array/object --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- linkname = $link; } } $obj = new object_temp("$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link.tmp"); /* Testing on soft links */ echo "\n-- Working with soft links --\n"; // creating soft link var_dump( symlink($filename, $obj->linkname) ); // check if the link exists $linkinfo = linkinfo($obj->linkname); var_dump( is_int($linkinfo) && $linkinfo !== -1 ); // check if link is soft link var_dump( is_link($obj->linkname) ); // delete the link created unlink($obj->linkname); // clear the cache clearstatcache(); /* Testing on hard links */ echo "\n-- Working with hard links --\n"; // creating hard link var_dump( link($filename, $obj->linkname) ); // check if the link exists $linkinfo = linkinfo($obj->linkname); var_dump( is_int($linkinfo) && $linkinfo !== -1 ); // check if link is soft link; expected: false as the link is a hardlink var_dump( is_link($obj->linkname) ); // delete the link created unlink($obj->linkname); // clear the cache clearstatcache(); echo "\n*** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members of an array ***\n"; $link_arr = array("$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link.tmp"); /* Testing on soft links */ echo "\n-- Working with soft links --\n"; // creating soft link var_dump( symlink($filename, $link_arr[0]) ); // check if the link exist $linkinfo = linkinfo($link_arr[0]); var_dump( is_int($linkinfo) && $linkinfo !== -1 ); // check if link is soft link var_dump( is_link($link_arr[0]) ); // delete the link created unlink($link_arr[0]); // clear the cache clearstatcache(); /* Testing on hard links */ echo "\n-- Working with hard links --\n"; // creating hard link var_dump( link($filename, $link_arr[0]) ); // check if the link exist $linkinfo = linkinfo($link_arr[0]); var_dump( is_int($linkinfo) && $linkinfo !== -1 ); // check if link is soft link; expected: false as this is a hardlink var_dump( is_link($link_arr[0]) ); // delete the links created unlink($link_arr[0]); // clear the cache clearstatcache(); echo "Done\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members in an object *** -- Working with soft links -- bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) -- Working with hard links -- bool(true) bool(true) bool(false) *** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members of an array *** -- Working with soft links -- bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) -- Working with hard links -- bool(true) bool(true) bool(false) Done