--TEST-- Test usort() function : object functionality - Different types of classes --FILE-- $value2) { return 1; } else return -1; } // Class without any member class EmptyClass { } // Class with static member class StaticClass { public static $static_value; public function __construct($value) { StaticClass::$static_value = $value; } } // Abstract class abstract class AbstractClass { public $pub_value; public abstract function abstractMethod(); } // Child class extending abstract class class ChildClass extends AbstractClass { public $child_value = 100; public function abstractMethod() { $pub_value = 5; } public function __construct($value) { $this->child_value = $value; } } // Testing uasort with StaticClass objects as elements of 'array_arg' echo "-- Testing usort() with StaticClass objects --\n"; $array_arg = array( 0 => new StaticClass(20), 1 => new StaticClass(50), 2 => new StaticClass(15), 3 => new StaticClass(70), ); var_dump( usort($array_arg, 'cmp_function') ); var_dump($array_arg); // Testing uasort with EmptyClass objects as elements of 'array_arg' echo "-- Testing usort() with EmptyClass objects --\n"; $array_arg = array( 0 => new EmptyClass(), 1 => new EmptyClass(), 2 => new EmptyClass(), 3 => new EmptyClass(), ); var_dump( usort($array_arg, 'cmp_function') ); var_dump($array_arg); // Testing uasort with ChildClass objects as elements of 'array_arg' echo "-- Testing usort() with ChildClass objects --\n"; $array_arg = array( 0 => new ChildClass(20), 1 => new ChildClass(500), 2 => new ChildClass(15), 3 => new ChildClass(700), ); var_dump( usort($array_arg, 'cmp_function') ); var_dump($array_arg); ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing usort() : object functionality *** -- Testing usort() with StaticClass objects -- bool(true) array(4) { [0]=> object(StaticClass)#%d (0) { } [1]=> object(StaticClass)#%d (0) { } [2]=> object(StaticClass)#%d (0) { } [3]=> object(StaticClass)#%d (0) { } } -- Testing usort() with EmptyClass objects -- bool(true) array(4) { [0]=> object(EmptyClass)#%d (0) { } [1]=> object(EmptyClass)#%d (0) { } [2]=> object(EmptyClass)#%d (0) { } [3]=> object(EmptyClass)#%d (0) { } } -- Testing usort() with ChildClass objects -- bool(true) array(4) { [0]=> object(ChildClass)#%d (2) { ["child_value"]=> int(15) ["pub_value"]=> NULL } [1]=> object(ChildClass)#%d (2) { ["child_value"]=> int(20) ["pub_value"]=> NULL } [2]=> object(ChildClass)#%d (2) { ["child_value"]=> int(500) ["pub_value"]=> NULL } [3]=> object(ChildClass)#%d (2) { ["child_value"]=> int(700) ["pub_value"]=> NULL } }