--TEST-- Test array_flip() function : usage variations - 'input' argument with different valid values --FILE-- 1, 'negative_value' => -2, 'zero_value' => 0, 'octal_value' => 012, 'hex_value' => 0x23, // single quoted string value 'empty_value1' => '', 'space_value1' => ' ', 'char_value1' => 'a', 'string_value1' => 'string1', 'numeric_value1' => '123', 'special_char_value1' => '!@#$%', 'whitespace1_value1' => '\t', 'whitespace2_value1' => '\n', 'null_char_value1' => '\0', // double quoted string value 'empty_value2' => "", 'space_value2' => " ", 'char_value2' => "b", 'string_value2' => "string2", 'numeric_value2' => "456", 'special_char_value2' => "^&*", 'whitespace1_value2' => "\t", 'whitespace2_value2' => "\n", 'null_char_value2' => "\0", 'binary_value' => "a".chr(0)."b", // heredoc string value 'empty_heredoc' => $empty_heredoc, 'simple_heredoc' => $simple_heredoc, 'multiline_heredoc' => $multiline_heredoc, ); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); echo "Done" ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing array_flip() : different valid values in 'input' array argument *** array(24) { [1]=> string(9) "int_value" [-2]=> string(14) "negative_value" [0]=> string(10) "zero_value" [10]=> string(11) "octal_value" [35]=> string(9) "hex_value" [""]=> string(13) "empty_heredoc" [" "]=> string(12) "space_value2" ["a"]=> string(11) "char_value1" ["string1"]=> string(13) "string_value1" [123]=> string(14) "numeric_value1" ["!@#$%"]=> string(19) "special_char_value1" ["\t"]=> string(18) "whitespace1_value1" ["\n"]=> string(18) "whitespace2_value1" ["\0"]=> string(16) "null_char_value1" ["b"]=> string(11) "char_value2" ["string2"]=> string(13) "string_value2" [456]=> string(14) "numeric_value2" ["^&*"]=> string(19) "special_char_value2" [" "]=> string(18) "whitespace1_value2" [" "]=> string(18) "whitespace2_value2" [""]=> string(16) "null_char_value2" ["ab"]=> string(12) "binary_value" ["simple"]=> string(14) "simple_heredoc" ["multiline heredoc with 123 and speci@! ch@r$..checking with also"]=> string(17) "multiline_heredoc" } Done