--TEST-- Bug #81249: Intermittent property assignment failure with JIT enabled --INI-- opcache.enable=1 opcache.enable_cli=1 opcache.jit_buffer_size=1M opcache.jit=tracing --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- 728]; private const JIS0208_INDEX = []; private const CONTINUE = -1; private const FINISHED = -2; private const ERROR = -3; /** * @var int */ private $lead; /** * @var bool */ private $isJis0212; public function __construct() { $this->lead = 0x00; $this->isJis0212 = false; } public function handle(array &$ioQueue, string $byte): int { if ($byte === '') { if ($this->lead !== 0x00) { $this->lead = 0x00; return self::ERROR; } return self::FINISHED; } $byte = ord($byte); if ($this->lead === 0x8E && ($byte >= 0xA1 && $byte <= 0xDF)) { $this->lead = 0x00; return 0xFF61 - 0xA1 + $byte; } if ($this->lead === 0x8F && ($byte >= 0xA1 && $byte <= 0xFE)) { $this->isJis0212 = true; $this->lead = $byte; return self::CONTINUE; } if ($this->lead !== 0x00) { $lead = $this->lead; $this->lead = 0x00; $codePoint = null; if (($lead >= 0xA1 && $lead <= 0xFE) && ($byte >= 0xA1 && $byte <= 0xFE)) { $index = self::JIS0208_INDEX; if ($this->isJis0212) { $index = self::JIS0212_INDEX; } $codePoint = $index[($lead - 0xA1) * 94 + $byte - 0xA1] ?? null; } $this->isJis0212 = false; if ($codePoint !== null) { return $codePoint; } if ($byte <= 0x7F) { array_unshift($ioQueue, chr($byte)); } return self::ERROR; } if ($byte <= 0x7F) { return $byte; } if ($byte === 0x8E || $byte === 0x8F || ($byte >= 0xA1 && $byte <= 0xFE)) { $this->lead = $byte; return self::CONTINUE; } return self::ERROR; } } for ($i = 0; $i < 2000; ++$i) { $decoder = new EucJpDecoder(); $bytes = ["\x8F", "\xA2", "\xAF", '']; $out = null; foreach ($bytes as $byte) { $result = $decoder->handle($bytes, $byte); if ($result >= 0) { $out = $result; } } // $bytes array should be decoded to U+2D8, decimal 728 assert($out === 728); } ?> OK --EXPECT-- OK