------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- DynASM. A dynamic assembler for code generation engines. -- Originally designed and implemented for LuaJIT. -- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Mike Pall. All rights reserved. -- See below for full copyright notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Application information. local _info = { name = "DynASM", description = "A dynamic assembler for code generation engines", version = "1.4.0", vernum = 10400, release = "2015-10-18", author = "Mike Pall", url = "http://luajit.org/dynasm.html", license = "MIT", copyright = [[ Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Mike Pall. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] ]], } -- Cache library functions. local type, pairs, ipairs = type, pairs, ipairs local pcall, error, assert = pcall, error, assert local _s = string local sub, match, gmatch, gsub = _s.sub, _s.match, _s.gmatch, _s.gsub local format, rep, upper = _s.format, _s.rep, _s.upper local _t = table local insert, remove, concat, sort = _t.insert, _t.remove, _t.concat, _t.sort local exit = os.exit local io = io local stdin, stdout, stderr = io.stdin, io.stdout, io.stderr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Program options. local g_opt = {} -- Global state for current file. local g_fname, g_curline, g_indent, g_lineno, g_synclineno, g_arch local g_errcount = 0 -- Write buffer for output file. local g_wbuffer, g_capbuffer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Write an output line (or callback function) to the buffer. local function wline(line, needindent) local buf = g_capbuffer or g_wbuffer buf[#buf+1] = needindent and g_indent..line or line g_synclineno = g_synclineno + 1 end -- Write assembler line as a comment, if requested. local function wcomment(aline) if g_opt.comment then wline(g_opt.comment..aline..g_opt.endcomment, true) end end -- Resync CPP line numbers. local function wsync() if g_synclineno ~= g_lineno and g_opt.cpp then wline("#line "..g_lineno..' "'..g_fname..'"') g_synclineno = g_lineno end end -- Dummy action flush function. Replaced with arch-specific function later. local function wflush(term) end -- Dump all buffered output lines. local function wdumplines(out, buf) for _,line in ipairs(buf) do if type(line) == "string" then assert(out:write(line, "\n")) else -- Special callback to dynamically insert lines after end of processing. line(out) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Emit an error. Processing continues with next statement. local function werror(msg) error(format("%s:%s: error: %s:\n%s", g_fname, g_lineno, msg, g_curline), 0) end -- Emit a fatal error. Processing stops. local function wfatal(msg) g_errcount = "fatal" werror(msg) end -- Print a warning. Processing continues. local function wwarn(msg) stderr:write(format("%s:%s: warning: %s:\n%s\n", g_fname, g_lineno, msg, g_curline)) end -- Print caught error message. But suppress excessive errors. local function wprinterr(...) if type(g_errcount) == "number" then -- Regular error. g_errcount = g_errcount + 1 if g_errcount < 21 then -- Seems to be a reasonable limit. stderr:write(...) elseif g_errcount == 21 then stderr:write(g_fname, ":*: warning: too many errors (suppressed further messages).\n") end else -- Fatal error. stderr:write(...) return true -- Stop processing. end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Map holding all option handlers. local opt_map = {} local opt_current -- Print error and exit with error status. local function opterror(...) stderr:write("dynasm.lua: ERROR: ", ...) stderr:write("\n") exit(1) end -- Get option parameter. local function optparam(args) local argn = args.argn local p = args[argn] if not p then opterror("missing parameter for option `", opt_current, "'.") end args.argn = argn + 1 return p end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Core pseudo-opcodes. local map_coreop = {} -- Dummy opcode map. Replaced by arch-specific map. local map_op = {} -- Forward declarations. local dostmt local readfile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Map for defines (initially empty, chains to arch-specific map). local map_def = {} -- Pseudo-opcode to define a substitution. map_coreop[".define_2"] = function(params, nparams) if not params then return nparams == 1 and "name" or "name, subst" end local name, def = params[1], params[2] or "1" if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then werror("bad or duplicate define") end map_def[name] = def end map_coreop[".define_1"] = map_coreop[".define_2"] -- Define a substitution on the command line. function opt_map.D(args) local namesubst = optparam(args) local name, subst = match(namesubst, "^([%a_][%w_]*)=(.*)$") if name then map_def[name] = subst elseif match(namesubst, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then map_def[namesubst] = "1" else opterror("bad define") end end -- Undefine a substitution on the command line. function opt_map.U(args) local name = optparam(args) if match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then map_def[name] = nil else opterror("bad define") end end -- Helper for definesubst. local gotsubst local function definesubst_one(word) local subst = map_def[word] if subst then gotsubst = word; return subst else return word end end -- Iteratively substitute defines. local function definesubst(stmt) -- Limit number of iterations. for i=1,100 do gotsubst = false stmt = gsub(stmt, "#?[%w_]+", definesubst_one) if not gotsubst then break end end if gotsubst then wfatal("recursive define involving `"..gotsubst.."'") end return stmt end -- Dump all defines. local function dumpdefines(out, lvl) local t = {} for name in pairs(map_def) do t[#t+1] = name end sort(t) out:write("Defines:\n") for _,name in ipairs(t) do local subst = map_def[name] if g_arch then subst = g_arch.revdef(subst) end out:write(format(" %-20s %s\n", name, subst)) end out:write("\n") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Support variables for conditional assembly. local condlevel = 0 local condstack = {} -- Evaluate condition with a Lua expression. Substitutions already performed. local function cond_eval(cond) local func, err if setfenv then func, err = loadstring("return "..cond, "=expr") else -- No globals. All unknown identifiers evaluate to nil. func, err = load("return "..cond, "=expr", "t", {}) end if func then if setfenv then setfenv(func, {}) -- No globals. All unknown identifiers evaluate to nil. end local ok, res = pcall(func) if ok then if res == 0 then return false end -- Oh well. return not not res end err = res end wfatal("bad condition: "..err) end -- Skip statements until next conditional pseudo-opcode at the same level. local function stmtskip() local dostmt_save = dostmt local lvl = 0 dostmt = function(stmt) local op = match(stmt, "^%s*(%S+)") if op == ".if" then lvl = lvl + 1 elseif lvl ~= 0 then if op == ".endif" then lvl = lvl - 1 end elseif op == ".elif" or op == ".else" or op == ".endif" then dostmt = dostmt_save dostmt(stmt) end end end -- Pseudo-opcodes for conditional assembly. map_coreop[".if_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "condition" end local lvl = condlevel + 1 local res = cond_eval(params[1]) condlevel = lvl condstack[lvl] = res if not res then stmtskip() end end map_coreop[".elif_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "condition" end if condlevel == 0 then wfatal(".elif without .if") end local lvl = condlevel local res = condstack[lvl] if res then if res == "else" then wfatal(".elif after .else") end else res = cond_eval(params[1]) if res then condstack[lvl] = res return end end stmtskip() end map_coreop[".else_0"] = function(params) if condlevel == 0 then wfatal(".else without .if") end local lvl = condlevel local res = condstack[lvl] condstack[lvl] = "else" if res then if res == "else" then wfatal(".else after .else") end stmtskip() end end map_coreop[".endif_0"] = function(params) local lvl = condlevel if lvl == 0 then wfatal(".endif without .if") end condlevel = lvl - 1 end -- Check for unfinished conditionals. local function checkconds() if g_errcount ~= "fatal" and condlevel ~= 0 then wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: unbalanced conditional\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Search for a file in the given path and open it for reading. local function pathopen(path, name) local dirsep = package and match(package.path, "\\") and "\\" or "/" for _,p in ipairs(path) do local fullname = p == "" and name or p..dirsep..name local fin = io.open(fullname, "r") if fin then g_fname = fullname return fin end end end -- Include a file. map_coreop[".include_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "filename" end local name = params[1] -- Save state. Ugly, I know. but upvalues are fast. local gf, gl, gcl, gi = g_fname, g_lineno, g_curline, g_indent -- Read the included file. local fatal = readfile(pathopen(g_opt.include, name) or wfatal("include file `"..name.."' not found")) -- Restore state. g_synclineno = -1 g_fname, g_lineno, g_curline, g_indent = gf, gl, gcl, gi if fatal then wfatal("in include file") end end -- Make .include and conditionals initially available, too. map_op[".include_1"] = map_coreop[".include_1"] map_op[".if_1"] = map_coreop[".if_1"] map_op[".elif_1"] = map_coreop[".elif_1"] map_op[".else_0"] = map_coreop[".else_0"] map_op[".endif_0"] = map_coreop[".endif_0"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Support variables for macros. local mac_capture, mac_lineno, mac_name local mac_active = {} local mac_list = {} -- Pseudo-opcode to define a macro. map_coreop[".macro_*"] = function(mparams) if not mparams then return "name [, params...]" end -- Split off and validate macro name. local name = remove(mparams, 1) if not name then werror("missing macro name") end if not (match(name, "^[%a_][%w_%.]*$") or match(name, "^%.[%w_%.]*$")) then wfatal("bad macro name `"..name.."'") end -- Validate macro parameter names. local mdup = {} for _,mp in ipairs(mparams) do if not match(mp, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then wfatal("bad macro parameter name `"..mp.."'") end if mdup[mp] then wfatal("duplicate macro parameter name `"..mp.."'") end mdup[mp] = true end -- Check for duplicate or recursive macro definitions. local opname = name.."_"..#mparams if map_op[opname] or map_op[name.."_*"] then wfatal("duplicate macro `"..name.."' ("..#mparams.." parameters)") end if mac_capture then wfatal("recursive macro definition") end -- Enable statement capture. local lines = {} mac_lineno = g_lineno mac_name = name mac_capture = function(stmt) -- Statement capture function. -- Stop macro definition with .endmacro pseudo-opcode. if not match(stmt, "^%s*.endmacro%s*$") then lines[#lines+1] = stmt return end mac_capture = nil mac_lineno = nil mac_name = nil mac_list[#mac_list+1] = opname -- Add macro-op definition. map_op[opname] = function(params) if not params then return mparams, lines end -- Protect against recursive macro invocation. if mac_active[opname] then wfatal("recursive macro invocation") end mac_active[opname] = true -- Setup substitution map. local subst = {} for i,mp in ipairs(mparams) do subst[mp] = params[i] end local mcom if g_opt.maccomment and g_opt.comment then mcom = " MACRO "..name.." ("..#mparams..")" wcomment("{"..mcom) end -- Loop through all captured statements for _,stmt in ipairs(lines) do -- Substitute macro parameters. local st = gsub(stmt, "[%w_]+", subst) st = definesubst(st) st = gsub(st, "%s*%.%.%s*", "") -- Token paste a..b. if mcom and sub(st, 1, 1) ~= "|" then wcomment(st) end -- Emit statement. Use a protected call for better diagnostics. local ok, err = pcall(dostmt, st) if not ok then -- Add the captured statement to the error. wprinterr(err, "\n", g_indent, "| ", stmt, "\t[MACRO ", name, " (", #mparams, ")]\n") end end if mcom then wcomment("}"..mcom) end mac_active[opname] = nil end end end -- An .endmacro pseudo-opcode outside of a macro definition is an error. map_coreop[".endmacro_0"] = function(params) wfatal(".endmacro without .macro") end -- Dump all macros and their contents (with -PP only). local function dumpmacros(out, lvl) sort(mac_list) out:write("Macros:\n") for _,opname in ipairs(mac_list) do local name = sub(opname, 1, -3) local params, lines = map_op[opname]() out:write(format(" %-20s %s\n", name, concat(params, ", "))) if lvl > 1 then for _,line in ipairs(lines) do out:write(" |", line, "\n") end out:write("\n") end end out:write("\n") end -- Check for unfinished macro definitions. local function checkmacros() if mac_capture then wprinterr(g_fname, ":", mac_lineno, ": error: unfinished .macro `", mac_name ,"'\n") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Support variables for captures. local cap_lineno, cap_name local cap_buffers = {} local cap_used = {} -- Start a capture. map_coreop[".capture_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "name" end wflush() local name = params[1] if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then wfatal("bad capture name `"..name.."'") end if cap_name then wfatal("already capturing to `"..cap_name.."' since line "..cap_lineno) end cap_name = name cap_lineno = g_lineno -- Create or continue a capture buffer and start the output line capture. local buf = cap_buffers[name] if not buf then buf = {}; cap_buffers[name] = buf end g_capbuffer = buf g_synclineno = 0 end -- Stop a capture. map_coreop[".endcapture_0"] = function(params) wflush() if not cap_name then wfatal(".endcapture without a valid .capture") end cap_name = nil cap_lineno = nil g_capbuffer = nil g_synclineno = 0 end -- Dump a capture buffer. map_coreop[".dumpcapture_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "name" end wflush() local name = params[1] if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then wfatal("bad capture name `"..name.."'") end cap_used[name] = true wline(function(out) local buf = cap_buffers[name] if buf then wdumplines(out, buf) end end) g_synclineno = 0 end -- Dump all captures and their buffers (with -PP only). local function dumpcaptures(out, lvl) out:write("Captures:\n") for name,buf in pairs(cap_buffers) do out:write(format(" %-20s %4s)\n", name, "("..#buf)) if lvl > 1 then local bar = rep("=", 76) out:write(" ", bar, "\n") for _,line in ipairs(buf) do out:write(" ", line, "\n") end out:write(" ", bar, "\n\n") end end out:write("\n") end -- Check for unfinished or unused captures. local function checkcaptures() if cap_name then wprinterr(g_fname, ":", cap_lineno, ": error: unfinished .capture `", cap_name,"'\n") return end for name in pairs(cap_buffers) do if not cap_used[name] then wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: missing .dumpcapture ", name ,"\n") end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sections names. local map_sections = {} -- Pseudo-opcode to define code sections. -- TODO: Data sections, BSS sections. Needs extra C code and API. map_coreop[".section_*"] = function(params) if not params then return "name..." end if #map_sections > 0 then werror("duplicate section definition") end wflush() for sn,name in ipairs(params) do local opname = "."..name.."_0" if not match(name, "^[%a][%w_]*$") or map_op[opname] or map_op["."..name.."_*"] then werror("bad section name `"..name.."'") end map_sections[#map_sections+1] = name wline(format("#define DASM_SECTION_%s\t%d", upper(name), sn-1)) map_op[opname] = function(params) g_arch.section(sn-1) end end wline(format("#define DASM_MAXSECTION\t\t%d", #map_sections)) end -- Dump all sections. local function dumpsections(out, lvl) out:write("Sections:\n") for _,name in ipairs(map_sections) do out:write(format(" %s\n", name)) end out:write("\n") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Replacement for customized Lua, which lacks the package library. local prefix = "" if not require then function require(name) local fp = assert(io.open(prefix..name..".lua")) local s = fp:read("*a") assert(fp:close()) return assert(loadstring(s, "@"..name..".lua"))() end end -- Load architecture-specific module. local function loadarch(arch) if not match(arch, "^[%w_]+$") then return "bad arch name" end local ok, m_arch = pcall(require, "dasm_"..arch) if not ok then return "cannot load module: "..m_arch end g_arch = m_arch wflush = m_arch.passcb(wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn) m_arch.setup(arch, g_opt) map_op, map_def = m_arch.mergemaps(map_coreop, map_def) end -- Dump architecture description. function opt_map.dumparch(args) local name = optparam(args) if not g_arch then local err = loadarch(name) if err then opterror(err) end end local t = {} for name in pairs(map_coreop) do t[#t+1] = name end for name in pairs(map_op) do t[#t+1] = name end sort(t) local out = stdout local _arch = g_arch._info out:write(format("%s version %s, released %s, %s\n", _info.name, _info.version, _info.release, _info.url)) g_arch.dumparch(out) local pseudo = true out:write("Pseudo-Opcodes:\n") for _,sname in ipairs(t) do local name, nparam = match(sname, "^(.+)_([0-9%*])$") if name then if pseudo and sub(name, 1, 1) ~= "." then out:write("\nOpcodes:\n") pseudo = false end local f = map_op[sname] local s if nparam ~= "*" then nparam = nparam + 0 end if nparam == 0 then s = "" elseif type(f) == "string" then s = map_op[".template__"](nil, f, nparam) else s = f(nil, nparam) end if type(s) == "table" then for _,s2 in ipairs(s) do out:write(format(" %-12s %s\n", name, s2)) end else out:write(format(" %-12s %s\n", name, s)) end end end out:write("\n") exit(0) end -- Pseudo-opcode to set the architecture. -- Only initially available (map_op is replaced when called). map_op[".arch_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "name" end local err = loadarch(params[1]) if err then wfatal(err) end wline(format("#if DASM_VERSION != %d", _info.vernum)) wline('#error "Version mismatch between DynASM and included encoding engine"') wline("#endif") end -- Dummy .arch pseudo-opcode to improve the error report. map_coreop[".arch_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "name" end wfatal("duplicate .arch statement") end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dummy pseudo-opcode. Don't confuse '.nop' with 'nop'. map_coreop[".nop_*"] = function(params) if not params then return "[ignored...]" end end -- Pseudo-opcodes to raise errors. map_coreop[".error_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "message" end werror(params[1]) end map_coreop[".fatal_1"] = function(params) if not params then return "message" end wfatal(params[1]) end -- Dump all user defined elements. local function dumpdef(out) local lvl = g_opt.dumpdef if lvl == 0 then return end dumpsections(out, lvl) dumpdefines(out, lvl) if g_arch then g_arch.dumpdef(out, lvl) end dumpmacros(out, lvl) dumpcaptures(out, lvl) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Helper for splitstmt. local splitlvl local function splitstmt_one(c) if c == "(" then splitlvl = ")"..splitlvl elseif c == "[" then splitlvl = "]"..splitlvl elseif c == "{" then splitlvl = "}"..splitlvl elseif c == ")" or c == "]" or c == "}" then if sub(splitlvl, 1, 1) ~= c then werror("unbalanced (), [] or {}") end splitlvl = sub(splitlvl, 2) elseif splitlvl == "" then return " \0 " end return c end -- Split statement into (pseudo-)opcode and params. local function splitstmt(stmt) -- Convert label with trailing-colon into .label statement. local label = match(stmt, "^%s*(.+):%s*$") if label then return ".label", {label} end -- Split at commas and equal signs, but obey parentheses and brackets. splitlvl = "" stmt = gsub(stmt, "[,%(%)%[%]{}]", splitstmt_one) if splitlvl ~= "" then werror("unbalanced () or []") end -- Split off opcode. local op, other = match(stmt, "^%s*([^%s%z]+)%s*(.*)$") if not op then werror("bad statement syntax") end -- Split parameters. local params = {} for p in gmatch(other, "%s*(%Z+)%z?") do params[#params+1] = gsub(p, "%s+$", "") end if #params > 16 then werror("too many parameters") end params.op = op return op, params end -- Process a single statement. dostmt = function(stmt) -- Ignore empty statements. if match(stmt, "^%s*$") then return end -- Capture macro defs before substitution. if mac_capture then return mac_capture(stmt) end stmt = definesubst(stmt) -- Emit C code without parsing the line. if sub(stmt, 1, 1) == "|" then local tail = sub(stmt, 2) wflush() if sub(tail, 1, 2) == "//" then wcomment(tail) else wline(tail, true) end return end -- Split into (pseudo-)opcode and params. local op, params = splitstmt(stmt) -- Get opcode handler (matching # of parameters or generic handler). local f = map_op[op.."_"..#params] or map_op[op.."_*"] if not f then if not g_arch then wfatal("first statement must be .arch") end -- Improve error report. for i=0,9 do if map_op[op.."_"..i] then werror("wrong number of parameters for `"..op.."'") end end werror("unknown statement `"..op.."'") end -- Call opcode handler or special handler for template strings. if type(f) == "string" then map_op[".template__"](params, f) else f(params) end end -- Process a single line. local function doline(line) if g_opt.flushline then wflush() end -- Assembler line? local indent, aline = match(line, "^(%s*)%|(.*)$") if not aline then -- No, plain C code line, need to flush first. wflush() wsync() wline(line, false) return end g_indent = indent -- Remember current line indentation. -- Emit C code (even from macros). Avoids echo and line parsing. if sub(aline, 1, 1) == "|" then if not mac_capture then wsync() elseif g_opt.comment then wsync() wcomment(aline) end dostmt(aline) return end -- Echo assembler line as a comment. if g_opt.comment then wsync() wcomment(aline) end -- Strip assembler comments. aline = gsub(aline, "//.*$", "") -- Split line into statements at semicolons. if match(aline, ";") then for stmt in gmatch(aline, "[^;]+") do dostmt(stmt) end else dostmt(aline) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Write DynASM header. local function dasmhead(out) out:write(format([[ /* ** This file has been pre-processed with DynASM. ** %s ** DynASM version %s, DynASM %s version %s ** DO NOT EDIT! The original file is in "%s". */ ]], _info.url, _info.version, g_arch._info.arch, g_arch._info.version, g_fname)) end -- Read input file. readfile = function(fin) g_indent = "" g_lineno = 0 g_synclineno = -1 -- Process all lines. for line in fin:lines() do g_lineno = g_lineno + 1 g_curline = line local ok, err = pcall(doline, line) if not ok and wprinterr(err, "\n") then return true end end wflush() -- Close input file. assert(fin == stdin or fin:close()) end -- Write output file. local function writefile(outfile) local fout -- Open output file. if outfile == nil or outfile == "-" then fout = stdout else fout = assert(io.open(outfile, "w")) end -- Write all buffered lines wdumplines(fout, g_wbuffer) -- Close output file. assert(fout == stdout or fout:close()) -- Optionally dump definitions. dumpdef(fout == stdout and stderr or stdout) end -- Translate an input file to an output file. local function translate(infile, outfile) g_wbuffer = {} g_indent = "" g_lineno = 0 g_synclineno = -1 -- Put header. wline(dasmhead) -- Read input file. local fin if infile == "-" then g_fname = "(stdin)" fin = stdin else g_fname = infile fin = assert(io.open(infile, "r")) end readfile(fin) -- Check for errors. if not g_arch then wprinterr(g_fname, ":*: error: missing .arch directive\n") end checkconds() checkmacros() checkcaptures() if g_errcount ~= 0 then stderr:write(g_fname, ":*: info: ", g_errcount, " error", (type(g_errcount) == "number" and g_errcount > 1) and "s" or "", " in input file -- no output file generated.\n") dumpdef(stderr) exit(1) end -- Write output file. writefile(outfile) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Print help text. function opt_map.help() stdout:write("DynASM -- ", _info.description, ".\n") stdout:write("DynASM ", _info.version, " ", _info.release, " ", _info.url, "\n") stdout:write[[ Usage: dynasm [OPTION]... INFILE.dasc|- -h, --help Display this help text. -V, --version Display version and copyright information. -o, --outfile FILE Output file name (default is stdout). -I, --include DIR Add directory to the include search path. -c, --ccomment Use /* */ comments for assembler lines. -C, --cppcomment Use // comments for assembler lines (default). -N, --nocomment Suppress assembler lines in output. -M, --maccomment Show macro expansions as comments (default off). -L, --nolineno Suppress CPP line number information in output. -F, --flushline Flush action list for every line. -D NAME[=SUBST] Define a substitution. -U NAME Undefine a substitution. -P, --dumpdef Dump defines, macros, etc. Repeat for more output. -A, --dumparch ARCH Load architecture ARCH and dump description. ]] exit(0) end -- Print version information. function opt_map.version() stdout:write(format("%s version %s, released %s\n%s\n\n%s", _info.name, _info.version, _info.release, _info.url, _info.copyright)) exit(0) end -- Misc. options. function opt_map.outfile(args) g_opt.outfile = optparam(args) end function opt_map.include(args) insert(g_opt.include, 1, optparam(args)) end function opt_map.ccomment() g_opt.comment = "/*|"; g_opt.endcomment = " */" end function opt_map.cppcomment() g_opt.comment = "//|"; g_opt.endcomment = "" end function opt_map.nocomment() g_opt.comment = false end function opt_map.maccomment() g_opt.maccomment = true end function opt_map.nolineno() g_opt.cpp = false end function opt_map.flushline() g_opt.flushline = true end function opt_map.dumpdef() g_opt.dumpdef = g_opt.dumpdef + 1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Short aliases for long options. local opt_alias = { h = "help", ["?"] = "help", V = "version", o = "outfile", I = "include", c = "ccomment", C = "cppcomment", N = "nocomment", M = "maccomment", L = "nolineno", F = "flushline", P = "dumpdef", A = "dumparch", } -- Parse single option. local function parseopt(opt, args) opt_current = #opt == 1 and "-"..opt or "--"..opt local f = opt_map[opt] or opt_map[opt_alias[opt]] if not f then opterror("unrecognized option `", opt_current, "'. Try `--help'.\n") end f(args) end -- Parse arguments. local function parseargs(args) -- Default options. g_opt.comment = "//|" g_opt.endcomment = "" g_opt.cpp = true g_opt.dumpdef = 0 g_opt.include = { "" } -- Process all option arguments. args.argn = 1 repeat local a = args[args.argn] if not a then break end local lopt, opt = match(a, "^%-(%-?)(.+)") if not opt then break end args.argn = args.argn + 1 if lopt == "" then -- Loop through short options. for o in gmatch(opt, ".") do parseopt(o, args) end else -- Long option. parseopt(opt, args) end until false -- Check for proper number of arguments. local nargs = #args - args.argn + 1 if nargs ~= 1 then if nargs == 0 then if g_opt.dumpdef > 0 then return dumpdef(stdout) end end opt_map.help() end -- Translate a single input file to a single output file -- TODO: Handle multiple files? translate(args[args.argn], g_opt.outfile) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Add the directory dynasm.lua resides in to the Lua module search path. local arg = arg if arg and arg[0] then prefix = match(arg[0], "^(.*[/\\])") if package and prefix then package.path = prefix.."?.lua;"..package.path end end -- Start DynASM. parseargs{...} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------