--TEST-- Prefetch with REF cursor. Test different values for prefetch with oci_set_prefetch(). --SKIPIF-- = 10))) { die("skip expected output only valid when using Oracle 10g or greater database server"); } preg_match('/^([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)/', oci_client_version(), $matches); if (!(isset($matches[0]) && (($matches[1] == 11 && $matches[2] >= 2) || ($matches[1] >= 12) ))) { die("skip test expected to work only with Oracle 11gR2 or greater version of client"); } ?> --FILE-- getMessage(), "\n"; } } // This function sets the prefetch count to the given $value and fetches one row . function fetch_frm_php($c,$cur1,$value) { $sql1 = "begin refcurpkg.open_ref_cur(:cur1); end;"; $s1 = oci_parse($c,$sql1); if (!oci_bind_by_name($s1,":cur1",$cur1,-1,SQLT_RSET)) { die("oci_bind_by_name(sql1) failed!\n"); } oci_execute($s1); oci_set_prefetch($cur1,$value); oci_execute($cur1); echo "Fetch Row from PHP\n"; var_dump(oci_fetch_row($cur1)); } // This function calls the fetch_ref_cur procedure to get the values from the REF cur. function fetch_frm_plsql($c,$cur1) { $sql2 = "begin refcurpkg.fetch_ref_cur(:curs1,:c1,:c2); end;"; $s2 = oci_parse($c,$sql2); if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":curs1",$cur1,-1,SQLT_RSET)) { die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n"); } if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":c1",$c1,-1,SQLT_INT)) { die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n"); } if (!oci_bind_by_name($s2,":c2",$c2,20,SQLT_CHR)) { die("oci_bind_by_name(sql2) failed!\n"); } oci_execute($s2); echo "Fetch Row from PL/SQL\n"; var_dump($c1); var_dump($c2); } // Clean up here $stmtarray = array( "drop package refcurpkg", "drop table refcurtest" ); oci8_test_sql_execute($c, $stmtarray); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 0 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(1) string(%d) "test1" ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 1 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(2) string(%d) "test2" ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 501 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-01002: %s ORA-06512: at "%s.REFCURPKG", line %d ORA-06512: at line %d in %s on line %d Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(0) NULL ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 499 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(500) string(%d) "test500" ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 250 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(251) string(%d) "test251" ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch value set to 12345 ----------------------------------------------- Fetch Row from PHP array(2) { [0]=> string(%d) "0" [1]=> string(%d) "test0" } Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-01002: %s ORA-06512: at "%s.REFCURPKG", line %d ORA-06512: at line %d in %s on line %d Fetch Row from PL/SQL int(0) NULL ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch (invalid) value set to -12345 ----------------------------------------------- oci_set_prefetch(): Argument #2 ($rows) must be greater than or equal to 0 ----------------------------------------------- Test with Prefetch (invalid) value set to -1 ----------------------------------------------- oci_set_prefetch(): Argument #2 ($rows) must be greater than or equal to 0 Done