version: "{branch}.build.{build}" image: Visual Studio 2019 clone_depth: 1 skip_commits: files: - docs/* - NEWS - UPGRADING - UPGRADING.INTERNALS cache: - c:\build-cache environment: PHP_BUILD_CACHE_BASE_DIR: c:\build-cache PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR: c:\obj PHP_BUILD_CACHE_SDK_DIR: c:\build-cache\sdk PHP_BUILD_SDK_BRANCH: php-sdk-2.2.0 PHP_BUILD_CRT: vs16 # ext and env setup for tests #MYSQL_TEST_PASSWD: Password12! #MYSQL_TEST_USER: root #PDO_MYSQL_TEST_DSN: "pgsql:host= port=5432 dbname=test user=root password=Password12!" #PDO_MYSQL_TEST_USER: root #PDO_MYSQL_TEST_PASS: Password12! #PGSQL_TEST_CONNSTR: "host= dbname=test port=5432 user=postgres password=Password12!" #PDO_PGSQL_TEST_DSN: "pgsql:host= port=5432 dbname=test user=postgres password=Password12!" #build permutations matrix: - THREAD_SAFE: 0 OPCACHE: 0 PARALLEL: -j2 - THREAD_SAFE: 1 OPCACHE: 1 PARALLEL: -j2 INTRINSICS: AVX2 services: # the setup scripts have to be touched, once some other db version is used - mysql - postgresql101 - mssql2017 platform: - x64 #- x86 build_script: - .github\scripts\windows\build.bat test_script: - .github\scripts\windows\test.bat