--TEST-- ZE2 ArrayAccess::offsetGet ambiguties --FILE-- '3rd', '4th'=>4); function offsetExists($index) { echo __METHOD__ . "($index)\n"; return array_key_exists($index, $this->a); } function offsetGet($index) { echo __METHOD__ . "($index)\n"; switch($index) { case 1: $a = 'foo'; return $a . 'Bar'; case 2: static $a=1; return $a; } return $this->a[$index]; } function offsetSet($index, $newval) { echo __METHOD__ . "($index,$newval)\n"; if ($index==3) { $this->cnt = $newval; } return $this->a[$index] = $newval; } function offsetUnset($index) { echo __METHOD__ . "($index)\n"; unset($this->a[$index]); } } $obj = new ObjectOne; var_dump($obj[1]); var_dump($obj[2]); $obj[2]++; var_dump($obj[2]); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- ObjectOne::offsetGet(1) string(6) "fooBar" ObjectOne::offsetGet(2) int(1) ObjectOne::offsetGet(2) Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded element of ObjectOne has no effect in %sarray_access_004.php on line 39 ObjectOne::offsetGet(2) int(1) ===DONE===