--TEST-- Testing floatval() and its alias doubleval() functions : usage variations - different data types as $y arg --FILE-- -2147483648, // max negative integer value "2147483647" => 2147483648, // max positive integer value "file resoruce" => $fp, "directory resource" => $dfp, "\"0.0\"" => "0.0", // string "\"1.0\"" => "1.0", "\"-1.3e3\"" => "-1.3e3", "\"bob-1.3e3\"" => "bob-1.3e3", "\"10 Some dollars\"" => "10 Some dollars", "\"10.2 Some Dollars\"" => "10.2 Some Dollars", "\"10.0 dollar\" + 1" => "10.0 dollar" + 1, "\"10.0 dollar\" + 1.0" => "10.0 dollar" + 1.0, "\"\"" => "", "true" => true, "NULL" => NULL, "null" => null, ); /* loop through the $not_float_types to see working of floatval() on non float types, expected output: float value valid floating point numbers */ echo "\n*** Testing floatval() on non floating types ***\n"; foreach ($not_float_types as $key => $type ) { echo "\n-- Iteration : $key --\n"; var_dump( floatval($type) ); } echo "\n*** Testing doubleval() on non floating types ***\n"; /* loop through the $not_float_types to see working of doubleval() on non float types, expected output: float value valid floating point numbers */ foreach ($not_float_types as $key => $type ) { echo "\n-- Iteration : $key --\n"; var_dump( doubleval($type) ); } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in %s on line %d Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in %s on line %d *** Testing floatval() on non floating types *** -- Iteration : -2147483648 -- float(-2147483648) -- Iteration : 2147483647 -- float(2147483648) -- Iteration : file resoruce -- float(%d) -- Iteration : directory resource -- float(%d) -- Iteration : "0.0" -- float(0) -- Iteration : "1.0" -- float(1) -- Iteration : "-1.3e3" -- float(-1300) -- Iteration : "bob-1.3e3" -- float(0) -- Iteration : "10 Some dollars" -- float(10) -- Iteration : "10.2 Some Dollars" -- float(10.2) -- Iteration : "10.0 dollar" + 1 -- float(11) -- Iteration : "10.0 dollar" + 1.0 -- float(11) -- Iteration : "" -- float(0) -- Iteration : true -- float(1) -- Iteration : NULL -- float(0) -- Iteration : null -- float(0) *** Testing doubleval() on non floating types *** -- Iteration : -2147483648 -- float(-2147483648) -- Iteration : 2147483647 -- float(2147483648) -- Iteration : file resoruce -- float(%d) -- Iteration : directory resource -- float(%d) -- Iteration : "0.0" -- float(0) -- Iteration : "1.0" -- float(1) -- Iteration : "-1.3e3" -- float(-1300) -- Iteration : "bob-1.3e3" -- float(0) -- Iteration : "10 Some dollars" -- float(10) -- Iteration : "10.2 Some Dollars" -- float(10.2) -- Iteration : "10.0 dollar" + 1 -- float(11) -- Iteration : "10.0 dollar" + 1.0 -- float(11) -- Iteration : "" -- float(0) -- Iteration : true -- float(1) -- Iteration : NULL -- float(0) -- Iteration : null -- float(0) ===DONE===