--TEST-- PDO OCI: Fetches 10K records from a table that contains 1 number and 2 LOB columns (stress test) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, false); // Let's use streams // Since each column only has one lob descriptor, the last row is // shown twice because the lob descriptor for each column is reused in // the stream $i = 0; $j = 9; $a_val = ord('a'); foreach($db->query("select data1 as d4_1, data2 as d4_2 from pdo_oci_stream_2 order by id") as $row) { $a = $row['d4_1']; $a1 = $row['d4_2']; $str1 = stream_get_contents($a); $str2 = stream_get_contents($a1); $str1len = strlen($str1); $str2len = strlen($str2); $b = ord($str1[0]); $b1 = ord($str2[0]); if (($b != ($a_val + $i)) && ($str1len != (4086 + $i)) && ($b1 != ($a_val + $j)) && ($str2len != (4086 + $j))) { printf("There is a bug!\n"); printf("Col1:\n"); printf("a_val = %d\n", $a_val); printf("b = %d\n", $b); printf("i = %d\n", $i); printf("str1len = %d\n", $str1len); printf("Col2:\n"); printf("a_val = %d\n", $a_val); printf("b1 = %d\n", $b1); printf("j = %d\n", $j); printf("str2len = %d\n", $str1len); } $i++; if ($i>9) $i = 0; $j--; if ($j<0) $j = 9; } echo "Fetch operation done!\n"; /* Cleanup */ $db->exec("drop table pdo_oci_stream_2"); ?> --EXPECTF-- Fetch operation done!