--TEST-- Bug #54992: Stream not closed and error not returned when SSL CN_match fails --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key Extract CSR from existing certificate: $ openssl x509 -x509toreq -in ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem -out ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.csr -signkey ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key Sign the CSR: $ openssl x509 -CA ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.pem \ -CAcreateserial \ -CAkey ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.key \ -req \ -in ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.csr \ -sha256 \ -days 400 \ -out ./ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem Bundle certificate's private key with the certificate: $ cat ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.key >> ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem\ Dependants: 1. ext/openssl/tests/bug65538_003.phpt Run the following to generate required phar: php -d phar.readonly=Off -r '$phar = new Phar("ext/openssl/tests/bug65538.phar"); $phar->addFile("ext/openssl/tests/bug54992.pem", "bug54992.pem"); $phar->addFile("ext/openssl/tests/bug54992-ca.pem", "bug54992-ca.pem");' 2. Update ext/openssl/tests/openssl_peer_fingerprint_basic.phpt (see instructions in there) */ $serverCode = <<<'CODE' $serverUri = "ssl://"; $serverFlags = STREAM_SERVER_BIND | STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN; $serverCtx = stream_context_create(['ssl' => [ 'local_cert' => __DIR__ . '/bug54992.pem', ]]); $server = stream_socket_server($serverUri, $errno, $errstr, $serverFlags, $serverCtx); phpt_notify(); @stream_socket_accept($server, 1); CODE; $clientCode = <<<'CODE' $serverUri = "ssl://"; $clientFlags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT; $clientCtx = stream_context_create(['ssl' => [ 'verify_peer' => true, 'cafile' => __DIR__ . '/bug54992-ca.pem', 'peer_name' => 'buga_buga', ]]); phpt_wait(); $client = stream_socket_client($serverUri, $errno, $errstr, 2, $clientFlags, $clientCtx); var_dump($client); CODE; include 'ServerClientTestCase.inc'; ServerClientTestCase::getInstance()->run($clientCode, $serverCode); ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: stream_socket_client(): Peer certificate CN=`bug54992.local' did not match expected CN=`buga_buga' in %s on line %d Warning: stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto in %s on line %d Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error) in %s on line %d bool(false)