--TEST-- Stdin and escaped args being passed to run command --CLEAN-- --PHPDBG-- ev file_put_contents("run_002_tmp.fixture", "stdin\ndata") b 6 r 10 prompt> [Breakpoint #0 added at %s:6] prompt> array(1) { [0]=> string(%d) "%s" } string(10) "stdin data" [Breakpoint #0 at %s:6, hits: 1] >00006: echo "ok\n"; 00007: prompt> Do you really want to restart execution? (type y or n): array(3) { [0]=> string(%d) "%s" [1]=> string(4) "arg1" [2]=> string(10) "_ ' arg2 "" } string(10) "stdin data" [Breakpoint #0 at %s:6, hits: 1] >00006: echo "ok\n"; 00007: prompt> ok [Script ended normally] prompt> --FILE--