--TEST-- Test setlocale() function : basic functionality - set locale using an array --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- "en_US.utf8", "english_AU" => "en_AU.utf8", "korean_KR" => "ko_KR.utf8", "Chinese_zh" => "zh_CN.utf8", "germen_DE" => "de_DE.utf8", "spanish_es" => "es_EC.utf8", "french_FR" => "fr_FR.utf8", "japanees_JP" => "ja_JP.utf8", "greek_GR" => "el_GR.utf8", "dutch_NL" => "nl_NL.utf8" ); //set of currency symbol according to above list of locales $currency_symbol = array( "en_US.utf8" => "USD", "en_AU.utf8" => "AUD", "ko_KR.utf8" => "KRW", "zh_CN.utf8" => "CNY", "de_DE.utf8" => "EUR", "es_EC.utf8" => "USD", "fr_FR.utf8" => "EUR", "ja_JP.utf8" => "JPY", "el_GR.utf8" => "EUR", "nl_NL.utf8" =>"EUR" ); // gather all the locales installed in the system $all_system_locales = list_system_locales(); // prepare the list of locales based on list of locales found in the system // and those known to this script ( as stored $common_locales) which can be // given as input to setlocale(), later verify the new locale setting by // checking the currency setting of the system(use localconv()) $list_of_locales = array(); foreach($common_locales as $value) { if( in_array($value, $all_system_locales) ) { $list_of_locales[] = $value; } } // Now $list_of_locales array contains the locales that can be passed to // setlocale() function. echo "-- Testing setlocale() : 'category' argument as LC_ALL & 'locale' argument as an array --\n"; if ( count($list_of_locales) > 0 ) { // set locale to $list_of_locales $new_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $list_of_locales); // dump the current locale var_dump($new_locale); // check that new locale setting is effective // use localeconv() to get the details of currently set locale $locale_info = localeconv(); $new_currency = trim($locale_info['int_curr_symbol']); echo "Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: ".$currency_symbol[$new_locale].", Found: ".$new_currency."\n"; echo "Test "; if(trim($currency_symbol[$new_locale]) == $new_currency){ echo "PASSED.\n"; } else { echo "FAILED.\n"; } } else { echo "Test FAILED.\n"; } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing setlocale() with an array containing list of locales *** -- Testing setlocale() : 'category' argument as LC_ALL & 'locale' argument as an array -- string(%d) "%s" Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: %s, Found: %s Test PASSED. Done