--TEST-- Test array_walk_recursive() function : object functionality - array of objects --FILE-- getValue()); echo "key : "; var_dump($key); } function callback_public($value, $key) { echo "value : "; var_dump($value->pub_value); } function callback_protected($value, $key) { echo "value : "; var_dump($value->get_pro_value()); } class MyClass { private $pri_value; public $pub_value; protected $pro_value; public function __construct($setVal) { $this->pri_value = $setVal; $this->pub_value = $setVal; $this->pro_value = $setVal; } public function getValue() { return $this->pri_value; } public function get_pro_value() { return $this->pro_value; } }; // array containing objects of MyClass $input = array ( array( new MyClass(3), new MyClass(10), ), new MyClass(20), array(new MyClass(-10)) ); echo "-- For private member --\n"; var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_private", 1)); echo "-- For public member --\n"; var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_public")); echo "-- For protected member --\n"; var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_protected")); echo "Done" ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_walk_recursive() : array of objects *** -- For private member -- value : int(3) key : int(0) value : int(10) key : int(1) value : int(20) key : int(1) value : int(-10) key : int(0) bool(true) -- For public member -- value : int(3) value : int(10) value : int(20) value : int(-10) bool(true) -- For protected member -- value : int(3) value : int(10) value : int(20) value : int(-10) bool(true) Done