/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 5 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | | Harald Radi | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "php_com_dotnet.h" #include "php_com_dotnet_internal.h" /* The search string can be either: * a) a file name * b) a CLSID, major, minor e.g. "{00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4},2,0" * c) a Type Library name e.g. "Microsoft OLE DB ActiveX Data Objects 1.0 Library" */ PHP_COM_DOTNET_API ITypeLib *php_com_load_typelib(char *search_string, int codepage TSRMLS_DC) { ITypeLib *TL = NULL; char *strtok_buf, *major, *minor; CLSID clsid; OLECHAR *p; HRESULT hr; search_string = php_strtok_r(search_string, ",", &strtok_buf); if (search_string == NULL) { return NULL; } major = php_strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_buf); minor = php_strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_buf); p = php_com_string_to_olestring(search_string, strlen(search_string), codepage TSRMLS_CC); if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(p, &clsid))) { WORD major_i = 1, minor_i = 0; /* pick up the major/minor numbers; if none specified, default to 1,0 */ if (major && minor) { major_i = (WORD)atoi(major); minor_i = (WORD)atoi(minor); } /* Load the TypeLib by GUID */ hr = LoadRegTypeLib((REFGUID)&clsid, major_i, minor_i, LANG_NEUTRAL, &TL); /* if that failed, assumed that the GUID is actually a CLSID and * attemp to get the library via an instance of that class */ if (FAILED(hr) && (major == NULL || minor == NULL)) { IDispatch *disp = NULL; ITypeInfo *info = NULL; int idx; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance(&clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, &IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*)&disp)) && SUCCEEDED(hr = IDispatch_GetTypeInfo(disp, 0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &info))) { hr = ITypeInfo_GetContainingTypeLib(info, &TL, &idx); } if (info) { ITypeInfo_Release(info); } if (disp) { IDispatch_Release(disp); } } } else { /* Try to load it from a file; if it fails, do a really painful search of * the registry */ if (FAILED(LoadTypeLib(p, &TL))) { HKEY hkey, hsubkey; DWORD SubKeys, MaxSubKeyLength; char *keyname; unsigned int i, j; DWORD VersionCount; char version[20]; char *libname; DWORD libnamelen; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &SubKeys, &MaxSubKeyLength, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { MaxSubKeyLength++; /* make room for NUL */ keyname = emalloc(MaxSubKeyLength); libname = emalloc(strlen(search_string) + 1); for (i = 0; i < SubKeys && TL == NULL; i++) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumKey(hkey, i, keyname, MaxSubKeyLength) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, keyname, 0, KEY_READ, &hsubkey)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hsubkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &VersionCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { for (j = 0; j < VersionCount; j++) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegEnumKey(hsubkey, j, version, sizeof(version))) { continue; } /* get the default value for this key and compare */ libnamelen = strlen(search_string)+1; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValue(hsubkey, version, libname, &libnamelen)) { if (0 == stricmp(libname, search_string)) { char *str = NULL; int major_tmp, minor_tmp; /* fetch the GUID and add the version numbers */ if (2 != sscanf(version, "%d.%d", &major_tmp, &minor_tmp)) { major_tmp = 1; minor_tmp = 0; } spprintf(&str, 0, "%s,%d,%d", keyname, major_tmp, minor_tmp); /* recurse */ TL = php_com_load_typelib(str, codepage TSRMLS_CC); efree(str); break; } } } } RegCloseKey(hsubkey); } } RegCloseKey(hkey); efree(keyname); efree(libname); } } } efree(p); return TL; } /* Given a type-library, merge it into the current engine state */ PHP_COM_DOTNET_API int php_com_import_typelib(ITypeLib *TL, int mode, int codepage TSRMLS_DC) { int i, j, interfaces; TYPEKIND pTKind; ITypeInfo *TypeInfo; VARDESC *pVarDesc; UINT NameCount; BSTR bstr_ids; zend_constant c; zval exists, results, value; char *const_name; if (TL == NULL) { return FAILURE; } interfaces = ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount(TL); for (i = 0; i < interfaces; i++) { ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoType(TL, i, &pTKind); if (pTKind == TKIND_ENUM) { ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo(TL, i, &TypeInfo); for (j = 0; ; j++) { if (FAILED(ITypeInfo_GetVarDesc(TypeInfo, j, &pVarDesc))) { break; } ITypeInfo_GetNames(TypeInfo, pVarDesc->memid, &bstr_ids, 1, &NameCount); if (NameCount != 1) { ITypeInfo_ReleaseVarDesc(TypeInfo, pVarDesc); continue; } const_name = php_com_olestring_to_string(bstr_ids, &c.name_len, codepage TSRMLS_CC); c.name = zend_strndup(const_name, c.name_len); efree(const_name); if(c.name == NULL) { ITypeInfo_ReleaseVarDesc(TypeInfo, pVarDesc); continue; } c.name_len++; /* include NUL */ SysFreeString(bstr_ids); /* sanity check for the case where the constant is already defined */ if (zend_get_constant(c.name, c.name_len - 1, &exists TSRMLS_CC)) { if (COMG(autoreg_verbose) && !compare_function(&results, &c.value, &exists TSRMLS_CC)) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Type library constant %s is already defined", c.name); } free(c.name); ITypeInfo_ReleaseVarDesc(TypeInfo, pVarDesc); continue; } /* register the constant */ php_com_zval_from_variant(&value, pVarDesc->lpvarValue, codepage TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE(value) == IS_LONG) { c.flags = mode; c.value.type = IS_LONG; c.value.value.lval = Z_LVAL(value); c.module_number = 0; zend_register_constant(&c TSRMLS_CC); } ITypeInfo_ReleaseVarDesc(TypeInfo, pVarDesc); } ITypeInfo_Release(TypeInfo); } } return SUCCESS; } /* Type-library stuff */ void php_com_typelibrary_dtor(void *pDest) { ITypeLib **Lib = (ITypeLib**)pDest; ITypeLib_Release(*Lib); } PHP_COM_DOTNET_API ITypeLib *php_com_load_typelib_via_cache(char *search_string, int codepage, int *cached TSRMLS_DC) { ITypeLib **TLp; ITypeLib *TL; char *name_dup; int l; l = strlen(search_string); if (zend_ts_hash_find(&php_com_typelibraries, search_string, l+1, (void**)&TLp) == SUCCESS) { *cached = 1; /* add a reference for the caller */ ITypeLib_AddRef(*TLp); return *TLp; } *cached = 0; name_dup = estrndup(search_string, l); TL = php_com_load_typelib(name_dup, codepage TSRMLS_CC); efree(name_dup); if (TL) { if (SUCCESS == zend_ts_hash_update(&php_com_typelibraries, search_string, l+1, (void*)&TL, sizeof(ITypeLib*), NULL)) { /* add a reference for the hash table */ ITypeLib_AddRef(TL); } } return TL; } ITypeInfo *php_com_locate_typeinfo(char *typelibname, php_com_dotnet_object *obj, char *dispname, int sink TSRMLS_DC) { ITypeInfo *typeinfo = NULL; ITypeLib *typelib = NULL; int gotguid = 0; GUID iid; if (obj) { if (dispname == NULL && sink) { IProvideClassInfo2 *pci2; IProvideClassInfo *pci; if (SUCCEEDED(IDispatch_QueryInterface(V_DISPATCH(&obj->v), &IID_IProvideClassInfo2, (void**)&pci2))) { gotguid = SUCCEEDED(IProvideClassInfo2_GetGUID(pci2, GUIDKIND_DEFAULT_SOURCE_DISP_IID, &iid)); IProvideClassInfo2_Release(pci2); } if (!gotguid && SUCCEEDED(IDispatch_QueryInterface(V_DISPATCH(&obj->v), &IID_IProvideClassInfo, (void**)&pci))) { /* examine the available interfaces */ /* TODO: write some code here */ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "IProvideClassInfo: this code not yet written!"); IProvideClassInfo_Release(pci); } } else if (dispname == NULL) { if (obj->typeinfo) { ITypeInfo_AddRef(obj->typeinfo); return obj->typeinfo; } else { IDispatch_GetTypeInfo(V_DISPATCH(&obj->v), 0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &typeinfo); if (typeinfo) { return typeinfo; } } } else if (dispname && obj->typeinfo) { unsigned int idx; /* get the library from the object; the rest will be dealt with later */ ITypeInfo_GetContainingTypeLib(obj->typeinfo, &typelib, &idx); } else if (typelibname == NULL) { IDispatch_GetTypeInfo(V_DISPATCH(&obj->v), 0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &typeinfo); if (dispname) { unsigned int idx; /* get the library from the object; the rest will be dealt with later */ ITypeInfo_GetContainingTypeLib(typeinfo, &typelib, &idx); if (typelib) { ITypeInfo_Release(typeinfo); typeinfo = NULL; } } } } else if (typelibname) { /* Fetch the typelibrary and use that to look things up */ typelib = php_com_load_typelib(typelibname, CP_THREAD_ACP TSRMLS_CC); } if (!gotguid && dispname && typelib) { unsigned short cfound; MEMBERID memid; OLECHAR *olename = php_com_string_to_olestring(dispname, strlen(dispname), CP_ACP TSRMLS_CC); cfound = 1; if (FAILED(ITypeLib_FindName(typelib, olename, 0, &typeinfo, &memid, &cfound)) || cfound == 0) { CLSID coclass; ITypeInfo *coinfo; /* assume that it might be a progid instead */ if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromProgID(olename, &coclass)) && SUCCEEDED(ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoOfGuid(typelib, &coclass, &coinfo))) { /* enumerate implemented interfaces and pick the one as indicated by sink */ TYPEATTR *attr; int i; ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(coinfo, &attr); for (i = 0; i < attr->cImplTypes; i++) { HREFTYPE rt; int tf; if (FAILED(ITypeInfo_GetImplTypeFlags(coinfo, i, &tf))) { continue; } if ((sink && tf == (IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE|IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT)) || (!sink && (tf & IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE) == 0)) { /* flags match what we are looking for */ if (SUCCEEDED(ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeOfImplType(coinfo, i, &rt))) if (SUCCEEDED(ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(coinfo, rt, &typeinfo))) break; } } ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr(coinfo, attr); ITypeInfo_Release(coinfo); } } efree(olename); } else if (gotguid) { ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoOfGuid(typelib, &iid, &typeinfo); } if (typelib) { ITypeLib_Release(typelib); } return typeinfo; } static const struct { VARTYPE vt; const char *name; } vt_names[] = { { VT_NULL, "VT_NULL" }, { VT_EMPTY, "VT_EMPTY" }, { VT_UI1, "VT_UI1" }, { VT_I2, "VT_I2" }, { VT_I4, "VT_I4" }, { VT_R4, "VT_R4" }, { VT_R8, "VT_R8" }, { VT_BOOL, "VT_BOOL" }, { VT_ERROR, "VT_ERROR" }, { VT_CY, "VT_CY" }, { VT_DATE, "VT_DATE" }, { VT_BSTR, "VT_BSTR" }, { VT_DECIMAL, "VT_DECIMAL" }, { VT_UNKNOWN, "VT_UNKNOWN" }, { VT_DISPATCH, "VT_DISPATCH" }, { VT_VARIANT, "VT_VARIANT" }, { VT_I1, "VT_I1" }, { VT_UI2, "VT_UI2" }, { VT_UI4, "VT_UI4" }, { VT_INT, "VT_INT" }, { VT_UINT, "VT_UINT" }, { VT_ARRAY, "VT_ARRAY" }, { VT_BYREF, "VT_BYREF" }, { VT_VOID, "VT_VOID" }, { VT_PTR, "VT_PTR" }, { VT_HRESULT, "VT_HRESULT" }, { VT_SAFEARRAY, "VT_SAFEARRAY" }, { 0, NULL } }; static inline const char *vt_to_string(VARTYPE vt) { int i; for (i = 0; vt_names[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (vt_names[i].vt == vt) return vt_names[i].name; } return "?"; } static char *php_com_string_from_clsid(const CLSID *clsid, int codepage TSRMLS_DC) { LPOLESTR ole_clsid; char *clsid_str; StringFromCLSID(clsid, &ole_clsid); clsid_str = php_com_olestring_to_string(ole_clsid, NULL, codepage TSRMLS_CC); LocalFree(ole_clsid); return clsid_str; } int php_com_process_typeinfo(ITypeInfo *typeinfo, HashTable *id_to_name, int printdef, GUID *guid, int codepage TSRMLS_DC) { TYPEATTR *attr; FUNCDESC *func; int i; OLECHAR *olename; char *ansiname = NULL; unsigned int ansinamelen; int ret = 0; if (FAILED(ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr(typeinfo, &attr))) { return 0; } /* verify that it is suitable */ if (id_to_name == NULL || attr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH) { if (guid) { memcpy(guid, &attr->guid, sizeof(GUID)); } if (printdef) { char *guidstring; ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeinfo, MEMBERID_NIL, &olename, NULL, NULL, NULL); ansiname = php_com_olestring_to_string(olename, &ansinamelen, codepage TSRMLS_CC); SysFreeString(olename); guidstring = php_com_string_from_clsid(&attr->guid, codepage TSRMLS_CC); php_printf("class %s { /* GUID=%s */\n", ansiname, guidstring); efree(guidstring); efree(ansiname); } if (id_to_name) { zend_hash_init(id_to_name, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0); } /* So we've got the dispatch interface; lets list the event methods */ for (i = 0; i < attr->cFuncs; i++) { zval *tmp; DISPID lastid = 0; /* for props */ int isprop; if (FAILED(ITypeInfo_GetFuncDesc(typeinfo, i, &func))) break; isprop = (func->invkind & DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET || func->invkind & DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT); if (!isprop || lastid != func->memid) { lastid = func->memid; ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeinfo, func->memid, &olename, NULL, NULL, NULL); ansiname = php_com_olestring_to_string(olename, &ansinamelen, codepage TSRMLS_CC); SysFreeString(olename); if (printdef) { int j; char *funcdesc; unsigned int funcdesclen, cnames = 0; BSTR *names; names = (BSTR*)safe_emalloc((func->cParams + 1), sizeof(BSTR), 0); ITypeInfo_GetNames(typeinfo, func->memid, names, func->cParams + 1, &cnames); /* first element is the function name */ SysFreeString(names[0]); php_printf("\t/* DISPID=%d */\n", func->memid); if (func->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt != VT_VOID) { php_printf("\t/* %s [%d] */\n", vt_to_string(func->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt), func->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt ); } if (isprop) { ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeinfo, func->memid, NULL, &olename, NULL, NULL); if (olename) { funcdesc = php_com_olestring_to_string(olename, &funcdesclen, codepage TSRMLS_CC); SysFreeString(olename); php_printf("\t/* %s */\n", funcdesc); efree(funcdesc); } php_printf("\tvar $%s;\n\n", ansiname); } else { /* a function */ php_printf("\tfunction %s(\n", ansiname); for (j = 0; j < func->cParams; j++) { ELEMDESC *elem = &func->lprgelemdescParam[j]; php_printf("\t\t/* %s [%d] ", vt_to_string(elem->tdesc.vt), elem->tdesc.vt); if (elem->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN) php_printf("[in]"); if (elem->paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT) php_printf("[out]"); if (elem->tdesc.vt == VT_PTR) { /* what does it point to ? */ php_printf(" --> %s [%d] ", vt_to_string(elem->tdesc.lptdesc->vt), elem->tdesc.lptdesc->vt ); } /* when we handle prop put and get, this will look nicer */ if (j+1 < (int)cnames) { funcdesc = php_com_olestring_to_string(names[j+1], &funcdesclen, codepage TSRMLS_CC); SysFreeString(names[j+1]); } else { funcdesc = "???"; } php_printf(" */ %s%s%c\n", elem->tdesc.vt == VT_PTR ? "&$" : "$", funcdesc, j == func->cParams - 1 ? ' ' : ',' ); if (j+1 < (int)cnames) { efree(funcdesc); } } php_printf("\t\t)\n\t{\n"); ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeinfo, func->memid, NULL, &olename, NULL, NULL); if (olename) { funcdesc = php_com_olestring_to_string(olename, &funcdesclen, codepage TSRMLS_CC); SysFreeString(olename); php_printf("\t\t/* %s */\n", funcdesc); efree(funcdesc); } php_printf("\t}\n"); } efree(names); } if (id_to_name) { zend_str_tolower(ansiname, ansinamelen); MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); ZVAL_STRINGL(tmp, ansiname, ansinamelen, 0); zend_hash_index_update(id_to_name, func->memid, (void*)&tmp, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } } ITypeInfo_ReleaseFuncDesc(typeinfo, func); } if (printdef) { php_printf("}\n"); } ret = 1; } else { zend_error(E_WARNING, "That's not a dispatchable interface!! type kind = %08x", attr->typekind); } ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr(typeinfo, attr); return ret; }