--TEST-- quoted_printable_encode() tests - 1 --FILE-- <?php var_dump(quoted_printable_encode()); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode("")); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode("test")); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode("test", "more")); $a = array("str"); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode($a)); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode(1)); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode(NULL)); var_dump(quoted_printable_encode(false)); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: quoted_printable_encode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d NULL string(0) "" string(4) "test" Warning: quoted_printable_encode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: quoted_printable_encode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in %s on line %d NULL string(1) "1" string(0) "" string(0) "" Done