Lines Matching refs:pixel

7339 # DataTypeCode indicates format, depth of the pixel data and used compression 
10232 >392 lelong x %d bits/pixel
15397 # thickening size in pixel like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
18469 # skip arches.3200 , Finder.Root , Slp.1 by looking for low pixel depth 1 8 15 16 24 32
18582 # Denominator of Pixel ratio. 0~no pixel aspect
19158 # compression method: 0~no 1~RLE 8-bit/pixel 3~Huffman 1D
19163 # horizontal and vertical resolution of the image (pixel per metre, signed integer)
19232 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 4 8
19254 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 8
19274 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 1 4 8
19295 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 16 32
19313 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 16 32
19337 # compression method 2~RLE 4-bit/pixel implies also extension rle
19351 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 1 2 4 8 16 24 32
19358 # compression method: 0~no 1~RLE 8-bit/pixel 2~RLE 4-bit/pixel 3~Huffman 1D 6~RGBA bit field masks
19363 # horizontal and vertical resolution of the image (pixel per metre, signed integer)
19384 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 4 8 16 24 32 1 (fmt-119-signature-id-121.bmp) 0 (rg…
19400 # number of bits per pixel (color depth); found 8 24 32
19445 # number of bits per pixel (color depth). Typical 32 24 16 8 4 but only 1 found
19454 # number of bits per pixel (color depth). only 1 found
19466 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like E4h 3Ah 66h 6Ah 33Ah 4A4h
19494 # number of bits per pixel (color depth). Typical 32 24 16 8 4 but only 1 found
19503 # number of bits per pixel (color depth). only 1 found
19515 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like 6Ah A4h E4h 4A4h
19602 >>>>>&0 regex/14 [0-9]{1,2} \b, %s chars/pixel
19618 >12 ubyte >0 \b, %d bits per pixel
19753 # XOffset; Bitmap X offset; pixel numbers to ignore at the beginning of each scan-line
19763 # BitsPerPixel; Bits per pixel: 1~StaticGray and GrayScale 2-15~StaticColor and PseudoColor 16,24,3…
19764 #>>>>>44 ubelong x \b, %u bits/pixel
20034 # data[16000] for uncompressed images; pixel data
21166 # Determine the pixel format.
21175 # RGB pixel format
21860 # PVR3 pixel formats.
21861 0 name pvr3-pixel-format
21920 >>0x08 use pvr3-pixel-format
21939 >>0x08 use pvr3-pixel-format
21957 # XPR pixel formats.
21958 0 name xbox-xpr-pixel-format
22017 >>0x19 use xbox-xpr-pixel-format
22220 # Type: Godot 3, 4 texture (pixel format)
22222 0 name godot-pixel-format
22332 >>16 use godot-pixel-format
22351 >0x30 use godot-pixel-format
26536 # maximal 7 0-bits for pixel sequences or 11 0-bits for EOL in G3
26557 # unusual image starting with black pixel
26562 # maximal 7 0-bits for pixel sequences or 11 0-bits for EOL in G3
26567 # unusual image with black pixel near beginning
28014 >6 uleshort >1 \b, %d bits/pixel
29783 >>2 leshort x (%d bits/pixel)
31412 # - b0=pixel aspect ratio: 1=2:1 (note: this ignores that the machine's 1:1 pixel aspect ratio is…
31414 …d "analog" and "digital" in the doc): 0=Paletted, 1=Fixed colors encoded directly in the pixel data
34787 >1120 ulong >0 %d bits/pixel
37083 # 5th character of terminal name list, but not Targa image pixel size (15 16 24 32)