Lines Matching refs:instructions

530 # assembler instructions: lea exp(pc),a1; moveq 25h,d0; jsr -552(a6)
2008 # the first instruction or instructions in the program.
12652 # characteristic assembler instructions: xor ax,ax;mov ss,ax;mov sp,7c00
12655 # assembler instructions: mov si,sp;push ax;pop es;push ax;pop ds;sti;cld
12664 # assembler instructions: mov di,077c;cmp word ptrl[di],a55a;jnz
12668 # error messages are printed by assembler instructions: mov si,06nn;...;int 10 (0xBEnn06;...)
12696 # assembler instructions: push ax;pop es;push ax;pop ds;cld;mov si,7c1b
12698 # assembler instructions: rep;movsb;retf;mov si,07be;mov cl,04
12723 # assembler instructions: rep;movsb;retf;mov BP,07be;mov cl,04
12741 # assembler instructions: ..;mov ds,ax;mov si,7c00;mov di,..00
12744 # assembler instructions: jnz 0729;cmp ebx,"TCPA"
12762 # assembler instructions: cmp ebx,"TCPA";cmp
12792 # assembler instructions: cli;mov $0x30,%ax;mov %ax,%ss;mov
12794 # assembler instructions: $0x1f00,%sp;mov $0x80cb,%di;add %cl,(%bx,%si);in (%dx),%ax;mov
12914 # skip Linux style boot sector starting with assembler instructions mov 0x7c0,ax;
12929 # skip 3rd sector of MS x86 bootloader with assembler instructions cli;MOVZX EAX,BYTE PTR [BP+10];M…
12981 # assembler instructions: lodsb;and al,al;jz 0xb;push si;mov ah,
13537 # assembler instructions: cli;jmp 0:7Cyy (yy=0x40,0x5e,0x6c,0x6e,0x77);nop;nop
13542 # assembler instructions: jmp 7C05
13544 # assembler instructions: pushfd;pushad
13546 # assembler instructions: jmp 05
13554 # assembler instructions: jmp yy (yy=0x3c,0x58);nop;"SYSLINUX"
13564 # assembler instructions: mov di,0600h;mov cx,0100h
13587 # assembler instructions: xor ax,ax;mov ax,ss;mov sp,0x7c00;mov ax,
13596 # BOOTSEL definitions contains assembler instructions: int 0x13;pop dx;push dx;push dx
13598 # BOOT_EXTENDED definitions contains assembler instructions:
13601 # COM_PORT_VAL definitions contains assembler instructions: outb al,dx;add 5,dl;inb %dx;test 0x40,al
13607 # not NO_CHS definitions contains assembler instructions: pop dx;push dx;movb $8,ah;int0x13
13609 # not NO_LBA_CHECK definitions contains assembler instructions: movw 0x55aa,bx;movb 0x41,ah;pop dx;…
13611 # assembler instructions: movw nametab,bx
13613 # not NO_BANNER definitions contains assembler instructions: mov banner,si;call message_crlf
13621 # assembler instructions: jmp short 0x58;nop;ASCII
13623 # assembler instructions: cli;xor ax,ax;mov ds,ax;mov es,ax;mov ss,
13632 # for 1st version assembler instructions: cld;xor ax,ax;mov DS,ax;MOV ES,AX;mov SI,
13729 # JuMP short bootcodeoffset NOP assembler instructions will usually be EB xx 90
13931 # unused assembler instructions short JMP y2;NOP;NOP
13937 # assembler instructions JMP C000;NOP
13946 # unused assembler instructions JMP y2;NOP;NOP or JMP C000;NOP
14315 # assembler instructions: CLI;MOV SP,1E7;MOV AX;07c0;MOV
14324 # assembler instructions: CLI;MOV AX,CS;MOV DS,AX;MOV DX,0
14331 # assembler instructions: CLI;MOV AX,CS;MOV DS,AX;XOR DX,DX;MOV
14338 # assembler instructions: MOV BX,07c0;MOV SS,BX;MOV SP,01c6
14343 # assembler instructions: MOV AX,CS;MOV DS,AX;CLI;MOV SS,AX;
14347 # assembler instructions: CLI;PUSH CS;POP SS;MOV SP,7c00;
27370 # show more instructions but not in samples like: (DJGPP)
27493 # start with assembler instructions mov eax,21cd4cffh
27512 # by check for assembler instructions: mov es,ax ; mov ax,07c0h ; mov ds,ax
27520 # by check for assembler instructions: cmp ax 0xE4E4 (magic); jnz
27549 # assembler instructions: cmp sp, offset sp_limit
27552 # assembler instructions: jump above +2; int 0x20; mov cx, offset bytes_to_copy
27555 # at different offsets assembler instructions: push di; jump decomp_start_n2b