Lines Matching refs:tail

453         my ($head, $tail) = (substr($str, 0, $i).$1, $3);
472 $tail =~ m/^([\s@]*)([^\s\@])/;
515 … if $tail =~ m/^([^{]*)/ && $1 =~ m/[^\s\@;]/; # non-space non-';' before any '{'
609 if ((my ($head, $tail) = m|^(.*?)\*/(.*)$|) && $1 ne '/') { # ending comment: '*/'
611 …report("missing space (or ',', ';', ')', '}', ']') after '*/'") if $tail =~ m/^[^\s,;)}\]]/; # no …
615 $_ = "$head@@".$tail; # blind the "*/"
626 $_ = blind_nonspace($cmt_text)."@@".$tail;
633 if (my ($head, $opt_minus, $tail) = m|^(.*?)/\*(-?)(.*)$|) { # begin of comment: '/*'
636 …report("missing space, '*', or '!' after '/*$opt_minus'") if $tail =~ m/^[^\s*!$self_test_exceptio…
637 my $cmt_text = $opt_minus.$tail; # preliminary
640 } elsif ($tail =~ m|^(.*?)\*/(.*)$|) { # comment end: */ on same line
649 unless $tail =~ m/^$self_test_exception.?[*\s]*$/;
658 } elsif (($head, $tail) = m|^\{-(.*)$|) { # begin of Perl pragma: '{-'
883 …if (my ($head, $before, $tail) = m/^([\s@]*([^{}]*)\})[\s@]*(.*)$/) { # leading closing '}', but p…
885 … report("code after '}'") unless $tail eq "" || $tail =~ m/(else|while|OSSL_TRACE_END)(\W|$)/;
1019 my ($head, $mid, $tail) = ($1, $3, $4);
1038 …if (my ($head, $mid, $tail) = m/(^|^.*\W)(else|do)(\W.*|$)$/) { # last else/do, where 'do' is pref…
1041 …report("code after '$mid'" ) if $tail =~ m/[^\s\@{]/# trailing non-whitespace non-comment non-'{' …
1042 … && !($mid eq "else" && $tail =~ m/[\s@]*if(\W|$)/);
1057 $keyword_opening_brace = $mid if $tail =~ m/\{/;
1089 my $tail = substr($_, $terminator_position + 1);
1091 if ($tail =~ m/\s*else(\W|$)/) {
1094 } elsif ($tail =~ m/[^\s@]/) { # code (not just comment) follows
1100 …} elsif ($tail =~ m/^[\s@]*$/) { # ';' has been trailing, i.e. there is nothing but whitespace and…
1130 if (my ($head, $tail) = m/^(.*)\{(.*)$/) { # match last ... '{'
1147 … report("code after '{'") if $tail=~ m/[^\s\@]/ && # trailing non-whitespace non-comment (non-'\')
1148 !($tail=~ m/\}/); # missing '}' after last '{'
1156 …(my ($head, $mid, $tail) = ($contents_before_ =~ m/(^|^.*\W)(if|while|for|(OSSL_)?LIST_FOREACH(_\w…
1157 my $brace_after = $tail =~ /^[\s@]*{/; # any whitespace or comments then '{'
1161 elsif (my ($head, $tail) = m/(^|^.*\W)else(\W.*$|$)/) {
1162 … if (parens_balance($tail) == 0 && # avoid false positive due to unfinished expr on current line
1163 !($tail =~ m/{/) && # after 'else' missing '{' on same line
1171 if (my ($head, $tail) = m/(^|^.*\W)while(\W.*$|$)/) {
1176 … parens_balance($tail) == 0 && # avoid false positive due to unfinished expr on current line
1177 $tail =~ /;/ && # 'while' terminates loop (by ';')
1185 if (my ($head, $tail) = m/(^|^.*\W)else(\W.*$|$)/) {
1187 my $brace_after = $tail =~ /^[\s@]*if[\s@]*\(.*\)[\s@]*{|[\s@]*{/;
1192 …} elsif (parens_balance($tail) == 0) { # avoid false positive due to unfinished expr on current li…
1195 …} elsif (parens_balance($tail) == 0) { # avoid false positive due to unfinished expr on current li…