Lines Matching refs:cmd

1 expected,description, -section,val, -cmd,val,val2, -cacertsout,val,val2, -infotype,val,val2, -oldce…
4 1,minimum options, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
6 0,no cmd, -section,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
7 0,cmd missing arg, -section,, -cmd,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
8 0,cmd undefined , -section,, -cmd,abc,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
9 0,cmd incomplete, -section,, -cmd,i,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
11 1,no cacertsout, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
12 1,cacertsout given, -section,, -cmd,ir,, -cacertsout,_RESULT_DIR/test.cacerts1.pem,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,…
13 1,use cacerts, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK, -trusted,_RESULT_DIR/test.cacerts1…
14 0,cacertsout missing arg, -section,, -cmd,ir,, -cacertsout,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
16 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
17 1,revreason unspecified, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, -…
18 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
19 1,revreason keyCompromise, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem,…
20 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
21 1,revreason CACompromise, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, …
22 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
23 1,revreason affiliationChanged, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert…
24 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
25 1,revreason superseded, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, -r…
26 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
27 1,revreason cessationOfOperation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.ce…
28 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
29 1,revreason certificateHold, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/…
30 1,revreason removeFromCRL, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem,…
31 0,revreason 7 (invalid), -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, -…
32 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
33 1,revreason priviligeWithdrawn, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert…
34 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
35 1,revreason AACompromise, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, …
36 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
37 1, --- use csr for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,0,,, -cs…
38 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
39 0,without oldcert, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
40 0,oldcert file nonexistent, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,idontexist,BLANK,
41 0,empty oldcert file, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,empty.txt,BLANK,
42 0,oldcert and key do not match, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,trusted.crt, -revreas…
43 0,revreason 11 (invalid), -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, …
44 0,revreason string, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.cert.pem, -revre…
45 0,revreason out of integer range, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,_RESULT_DIR/test.ce…
46 1,use csr for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,0, -csr,csr.pem
47 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
48 1,use issuer and serial for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-1,B…
49 1, --- get certificate for revocation ----, -section,, -cmd,cr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
50 0,use issuer but no serial for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-…
51 0,use serial but no issuer for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-…
52 0,wrong issuer for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-1,BLANK,,, -…
53 0,bad issuer DN for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-1,BLANK,,, …
54 0,wrong serial for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-1,BLANK,,, -…
55 0,bad serial for revocation, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,, -revreason,-1,BLANK,,, -ex…
56 0,rr without oldcert/csr/issuer/serial, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
57 0,rr with oldcert file nonexistent, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,idontexist,BLANK,
58 0,rr with empty oldcert file, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,empty.txt,BLANK,
59 0,rr where oldcert and key do not match, -section,, -cmd,rr,,BLANK,,,BLANK,,, -oldcert,trusted.crt,…
61 1,ir + infotype, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,, -infotype,signKeyPairTypes,,BLANK,,BLANK,
62 1,genm without -infotype, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
63 0,genm with missing infotype value, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
64 0,genm with invalid infotype value, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,asdf,,BLANK,,BLANK,
65 1,genm with infotype signKeyPairTypes, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,signKeyPairTypes,,B…
67 1,genm caCerts , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,_RESULT_DIR/test.cace…
68 0,genm caCerts missing cacertsout option , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK , …
69 0,genm caCerts missing cacertsout arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,BLANK …
72 0,genm caCerts extra cacertsout arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,_RESULT_DIR/test.cace…
74 1,genm rootCaCert with oldwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
75 1,genm rootCaCert without oldwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, B…
76 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
77 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold empty file , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
78 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold random file , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
79 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold nonexistent , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
80 1,genm rootCaCert oldwithold different , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
81 0,genm rootCaCert missing newwithnew , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
82 0,genm rootCaCert newwithnew missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
83 1,genm rootCaCert with oldwithnew , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
84 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithnew missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
85 1,genm rootCaCert newwithnew oldwithnew newwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,roo…
86 0,genm rootCaCert newwithold missig arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
87 1,genm rootCaCert newwithnew newwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
89 1,genm crlStatusList with crlcert , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
90 1,genm crlStatusList with old crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
91 1,genm crlStatusList with crlcert and old crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatus…
92 1,genm crlStatusList with latest crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
93 … file due to empty CRL response message in previous test case, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -in…
94 0,genm crlStatusList with -crlcert nonexistent, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatus…
95 0,genm crlStatusList with wrong issuer, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,, -…
96 0,genm crlStatusList missing -crlcert & -oldcrl, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatu…
97 0,genm crlStatusList with wrong cert and correct crl, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crl…
99 1,genm certReqTemplate, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.template.der, -keyspec,_R…
100 0,genm certReqTemplate missing template option, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,"""", -keyspec,_RE…
101 1,genm certReqTemplate without optional keyspec option, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DI…
102 0,genm certReqTemplate missing template arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,BLANK, -keyspec,_R…
103 0,genm certReqTemplate template extra arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.t…
104 0,genm certReqTemplate template arg non-ex dir, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,idontexist/idontex…
105 0,genm certReqTemplate keyspec arg non-ex dir, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.te…
107 1,profile, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt, -key,signer.p12, -keypass,pass:12345,BLANK,, -pro…
108 0,profile wrong value, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt, -key,signer.p12, -keypass,pass:12345,…
109 0,profile missing argument, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt, -key,signer.p12, -keypass,pass:1…
110 0,profile extra argument, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt, -key,signer.p12, -keypass,pass:123…
112 1,geninfo int, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
113 1,geninfo str, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
114 1,geninfo empty str, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
115 1,geninfo str and int, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
116 0,geninfo missing argument, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
117 0,geninfo bad OID num: leading '.', -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
118 0,geninfo invalid OID number string, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
119 1,geninfo unknown OID number string, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
120 0,geninfo bad OID name: trailing '_', -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
121 0,geninfo bad syntax: missing ':int', -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
122 0,geninfo bad type tag, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
123 0,geninfo bad syntax: missing ':', -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
124 0,geninfo bad int syntax: double ':', -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
125 0,geninfo bad int syntax: extra char, -section,, -cmd,cr,, -cert,signer.crt,, -key,signer.p12,, -ke…
127 1,reqout ir+certConf rspout ip+pkiConf, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqout,_RESULT_DIR/ir.der _RESULT_DIR/…
128 1,reqout cr rspout cp, -section,, -cmd,cr,,-reqout,_RESULT_DIR/cr.der,,-rspout,_RESULT_DIR/cp.der,,…
129 1,reqin old tid, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/ir.der _RESULT_DIR/certConf.der,,BLANK,,,BL…
130 1,reqin new tid, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/ir.der _RESULT_DIR/certConf.der,,BLANK,,,BL…
131 0,reqin wrong req, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/cr.der _RESULT_DIR/certConf.der,,BLANK,,,…
132 1,rspin, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,-rspin,_RESULT_DIR/ip.der _RESULT_DIR/pkiConf.der,,BLANK,,BLANK
133 0,rspin too few files - server must reject, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,-rspin,_RESULT_DIR/ip.der,,…
134 0,rspin too few files - no server, -section,, -cmd,ir,,BLANK,,,-rspin,_RESULT_DIR/ip.der,,BLANK,,BL…
135 1,reqout_only ir - no server, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqout_only,_RESULT_DIR/ir2.der,,BLANK,,BLANK, -…
136 0,reqout_only non-existing directory and file, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqout_only,idontexist/idontexi…
137 0,reqin ir - no newkey, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/ir2.der,,-newkey,"""",-newkey,"""",-…
138 1,reqin ir and rspout - no newkey but -popo -1, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/ir2.der,,-rs…
139 1,reqin ip and rspin - no newkey but -popo -1, -section,, -cmd,ir,,-reqin,_RESULT_DIR/ir2.der,,-rs…