Lines Matching refs:ce

842 X500 29			: id-ce
844 id-ce 9 : subjectDirectoryAttributes : X509v3 Subject Directory Attributes
846 id-ce 14 : subjectKeyIdentifier : X509v3 Subject Key Identifier
848 id-ce 15 : keyUsage : X509v3 Key Usage
850 id-ce 16 : privateKeyUsagePeriod : X509v3 Private Key Usage Period
852 id-ce 17 : subjectAltName : X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
854 id-ce 18 : issuerAltName : X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name
856 id-ce 19 : basicConstraints : X509v3 Basic Constraints
858 id-ce 20 : crlNumber : X509v3 CRL Number
860 id-ce 21 : CRLReason : X509v3 CRL Reason Code
862 id-ce 24 : invalidityDate : Invalidity Date
864 id-ce 27 : deltaCRL : X509v3 Delta CRL Indicator
866 id-ce 28 : issuingDistributionPoint : X509v3 Issuing Distribution Point
868 id-ce 29 : certificateIssuer : X509v3 Certificate Issuer
870 id-ce 30 : nameConstraints : X509v3 Name Constraints
872 id-ce 31 : crlDistributionPoints : X509v3 CRL Distribution Points
874 id-ce 32 : certificatePolicies : X509v3 Certificate Policies
878 id-ce 33 : policyMappings : X509v3 Policy Mappings
880 id-ce 35 : authorityKeyIdentifier : X509v3 Authority Key Identifier
882 id-ce 36 : policyConstraints : X509v3 Policy Constraints
884 id-ce 37 : extendedKeyUsage : X509v3 Extended Key Usage
886 id-ce 38 : authorityAttributeIdentifier : X509v3 Authority Attribute Identifier
888 id-ce 39 : roleSpecCertIdentifier : X509v3 Role Specification Certificate Identifier
890 id-ce 41 : basicAttConstraints : X509v3 Basic Attribute Certificate Constraints
892 id-ce 42 : delegatedNameConstraints : X509v3 Delegated Name Constraints
894 id-ce 43 : timeSpecification : X509v3 Time Specification
896 id-ce 46 : freshestCRL : X509v3 Freshest CRL
898 id-ce 48 : attributeDescriptor : X509v3 Attribute Descriptor
900 id-ce 49 : userNotice : X509v3 User Notice
902 id-ce 50 : sOAIdentifier : X509v3 Source of Authority Identifier
904 id-ce 52 : acceptableCertPolicies : X509v3 Acceptable Certification Policies
906 id-ce 54 : inhibitAnyPolicy : X509v3 Inhibit Any Policy
908 id-ce 55 : targetInformation : X509v3 AC Targeting
910 id-ce 56 : noRevAvail : X509v3 No Revocation Available
912 id-ce 57 : acceptablePrivPolicies : X509v3 Acceptable Privilege Policies
914 id-ce 61 : indirectIssuer : X509v3 Indirect Issuer
916 id-ce 62 : noAssertion : X509v3 No Assertion
918 id-ce 63 : aAissuingDistributionPoint : X509v3 Attribute Authority Issuing Distribution Point
920 id-ce 64 : issuedOnBehalfOf : X509v3 Issued On Behalf Of
922 id-ce 65 : singleUse : X509v3 Single Use
924 id-ce 66 : groupAC : X509v3 Group Attribute Certificate
926 id-ce 67 : allowedAttributeAssignments : X509v3 Allowed Attribute Assignments
928 id-ce 68 : attributeMappings : X509v3 Attribute Mappings
930 id-ce 69 : holderNameConstraints : X509v3 Holder Name Constraints
932 id-ce 70 : authorizationValidation : X509v3 Authorization Validation
934 id-ce 71 : protRestrict : X509v3 Protocol Restriction
936 id-ce 72 : subjectAltPublicKeyInfo : X509v3 Subject Alternative Public Key Info
938 id-ce 73 : altSignatureAlgorithm : X509v3 Alternative Signature Algorithm
940 id-ce 74 : altSignatureValue : X509v3 Alternative Signature Value
942 id-ce 75 : associatedInformation : X509v3 Associated Information
1127 id-ce 23 : holdInstructionCode : Hold Instruction Code
1880 tcg 6 : tcg-ce : Trusted Computing Group Certificate Extensions
1932 tcg-ce 2 : tcg-ce-relevantCredentials : Relevant Credentials
1933 tcg-ce 3 : tcg-ce-relevantManifests : Relevant Manifests
1934 tcg-ce 4 : tcg-ce-virtualPlatformAttestationService : Virtual Platform Attestation Service
1935 tcg-ce 5 : tcg-ce-migrationControllerAttestationService : Migration Controller Attestation Service
1936 tcg-ce 6 : tcg-ce-migrationControllerRegistrationService : Migration Controller Registration Service
1937 tcg-ce 7 : tcg-ce-virtualPlatformBackupService : Virtual Platform Backup Service